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My Browser Builds (Part 4)

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1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

They also both deny access to anyone not "fingerprinted" by Cloudflare.

What if you change your fingerprint periodically: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/no-canvas-fingerprinting/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search

They can collect all the fingerprints they like, but they're quickly rendered useless.

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Yes, same idea.

The add-on I linked to only changes the fingerprint after a user-specified amount of time has elapsed. The idea is to guard against (say) Cloudflare gathering the fingerprint twice to see if it changes. With the add-on, it will most likely be the same, so Cloudflare won't block you - but tomorrow the fingerprint will be different, and Cloudflare will start from scratch, tracking what it thinks is a whole new browser.

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22 hours ago, lh2500 said:

Two websites which do not work correctly in recent NewMoon28 / Serpent releases:


Well, who would have thought? :P German sites/services not loading properly in "our" legacy browsers? ;)

21 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Reported on Pale Moon forum, they both use The New CSS Reset.

"Dirty" workaround in Serpent 52:

Pick only one (doesn't matter which) on the list of below four "about:config" prefs:


... and toggle its value; then the sites will render OK:



As I am unsure of the eventual effect on other sites, once you're finished with MM/Saturn, reset the pref you initially selected :P ...

Regards :)

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15 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Hello @WSC4! Of course, you have to make your own experiences. I would recommend starting with New Moon 28, based on Pale Moon, and Serpent 52, based on Basilisk. That's what I am using under Windows XP mainly.

Thank you for your information on this.

For a beginner, it is a bit confusing and guesswork needed to find "New Moon" builds at RT's Free Soft site. http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/ There is:

New New Moon 27 Build

NM28XP build.

I take it the acronym NM is New Moon.  Can it be typed as "New Moon 28 Build" please?

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23 minutes ago, WSC4 said:

Thank you for your information on this.

For a beginner, it is a bit confusing and guesswork needed to find "New Moon" builds at RT's Free Soft site.  There is:

New New Moon 27 Build

NM28XP build.

I take it the acronym NM is New Moon.  Can it be typed as "New Moon 28 Build" please?

A little bold text would probably help: "New New Moon 27 Build!" Otherwise it does look kind of silly.

For the beginner, I'd recommend starting with New Moon 28. If you find NM28 impossibly slow on your PC, try New Moon 27; it's less resource-intensive, but it's based on an older Firefox version so it won't work with as many Web sites.

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19 minutes ago, roytam1 said:

it "breaks" in newer NM28/SP52/SP55 just because `:where` keyword is implemented as MCP says: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?p=241734#p241734

So until MCP implements the "revert" CSS feature, the "best" workaround is far from ideal: toggling pref layout.css.is-where-pseudo.enabled to false, thus restoring the CSS behavior of previous UXP browser versions. Of course, by the time MCP does implement "revert," it's nearly certain Google will have come up with something else, and MCP will have to run even faster to stay in the same place.

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3 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

For the beginner, I'd recommend starting with New Moon 28. If you find NM28 impossibly slow on your PC, try New Moon 27; it's less resource-intensive, but it's based on an older Firefox version so it won't work with as many Web sites.

OK.  I have downloaded and have tried out the following versions:

BOC UXP BNavigator


New Moon 27 64-bit

New Moon 28 (NM28XP) 64-bit

Serpent UXP for XP 64-bit

HBL-UXP IceApe-UXP(suite)

I am having problems logging into a banking site.  None of the browsers above could login.  However, Firefox ESR 52.9.0 can login.  I think I will choose New Moon 28 and I would like to get it to work.   Any ideas please?

The bank website https://banking.westpac.com.au/wbc/banking/handler?TAM_OP=login&segment=personal&logout=false

When I hit enter after entering ID and password, the page just blinks and goes nowhere.  With Firefox, it will go to another page which is correct. 

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// ==UserScript==
// @name          mediamarkt.de | saturn.de quick fix
// @namespace     https://github.com/UCyborg
// @version       1.0
// @author        UCyborg
// @match         https://www.mediamarkt.de/*
// @match         https://www.saturn.de/*
// @grant         none
// ==/UserScript==

let a = document.getElementsByTagName('style')[0];
a.innerHTML = a.innerHTML.replace(`*:where(:not(iframe, canvas, img, svg, video):not(svg *, symbol *)) {
    all: unset;
    display: revert;
  }`, '');


6 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

Of course, by the time MCP does implement "revert," it's nearly certain Google will have come up with something else, and MCP will have to run even faster to stay in the same place.

It was implemented in Firefox first in 2019, that's 4 years ago, pre-COVID-19. So how can you say it will be Google that will come up with something else, it could be Mozilla.

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3 hours ago, WSC4 said:

OK.  I have downloaded and have tried out the following versions:

Serpent UXP for XP 64-bit

Did you try Serpent 52 or Serpent 55?


3 hours ago, WSC4 said:

I am having problems logging into a banking site.  None of the browsers above could login.  However, Firefox ESR 52.9.0 can login.

This is exactly where I was roughly 3 to 4 years ago.
I was using New Moon 27 and my Chase Credit Card would no longer work - I closed that account because I strongly disproved of a bank telling me what web browser to use!
But it didn't stop there.  Roughly 2 to 3 years ago, my Water Bill utility payment web site would no longer work - I was forced to change web browser because water and electric and gas are basically MONOPOLIES, I only have ONE company to pick from.
NONE of the web browsers in this thread would work - I was forced to drop Firefox-based browsers and use Chrome-based browsers instead.

3 hours ago, WSC4 said:

I think I will choose New Moon 28 and I would like to get it to work.   Any ideas please?

The bank website https://banking.westpac.com.au/wbc/banking/handler?TAM_OP=login&segment=personal&logout=false

When I hit enter after entering ID and password, the page just blinks and goes nowhere.  With Firefox, it will go to another page which is correct. 

It may be very likely that you simply cannot get NM28 to work and you may have to consider moving to Chrome-based, at least for that particular web site.


3 hours ago, WSC4 said:

However, Firefox ESR 52.9.0 can login.

On what Operating System?

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I wonder if WebGL was ever as performant as intended on XP. I know there's an old KM-Goanna build from 2020 that is faster when OpenGL is also used for layer compositing (layers.prefer-opengl = true), but what about when D3D9 is used for layer compositing - did that ever work? I pretty much dumped XP when Windows 7 was in beta, so don't really have experience how Firefox felt in that regard on XP. Though even back then, XP seemed like a rusty OS and an upgrade was inevitable if one wanted s*** to "just work".

Although it was pioneered by Mozilla, it seems Chromium developers brought it up to speed. I found out the Russians have put Counter Strike 1.6 in the web browser, originally a GoldSrc engine based game from the late nineties, a Half-Life mod, this runs on reverse-engineered re-implementation GoldSrc called Xash3D, also of Russian origin. Maybe the engine is clean, although the dependency on Half-Life SDK certainly makes it not and putting a whole Counter-Strike on the web, which was never released as libre software...well, since when did the Russians care about legality? And honestly, how many of you consistently remained consistent 100% law-abiding citizens? :dubbio:


Chromium-based browser is needed for smooth performance. Still works great on Edge 94 from 2021 on Windows 10.

BTW, the old WebGL aquarium, 30 FPS in ChrEdge with 15000 fish here, 8 FPS on Pale Moon, who wants to guess how much would UXP browser on XP would get? I haven't tried or if I did, I must have forgotten by now. Would it be FPS or more like seconds per frame?

Divide 1000 by FPS to get frame-time in milliseconds and the differences are radical.

I guess Flash Player remains the only performant option on XP as far as games in the web browser go, although this obviously delegates all the work to the plugin, so browser doesn't have to do much anyway.

Speaking of Flash, I heard Flash Player can actually decode videos (h.264) on GPU on XP. Is there any Flash-based video player online, at least as a test, that would put it to use? AFAIK, it must use specific API as there are two ways, and the other one is not accelerated. I forgot the names though...

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27 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

And honestly, how many of you consistently remained consistent 100% law-abiding citizens?

Well, don't tell the local enforcers...

My department's office "core hours" were always considered to be 8am to 4pm with most arriving between 7 and 8 and leaving between 4 and 5 depending on their lunch.

That was before the "pundemic" (no, I didn't mispell it, that's what I call "those years").

After the "pundemic", we have several departments working "hybrid" hours - ie, they still work remote from home despite the many negatives that this causes with project planning and only come into the office when "they deem necessary".

So now those that do not do any of our time "remotely" just make up our own hours, most never arrive to the office until 10am but also don't leave until 7pm.

Being the nonconformist that I am and "early to bed, early to rise", I'll start my day anywwhere between 3am and 5am then leave anywhere between 2pm and 4pm - and get three times the amount of work done without the daily "distractions".

But with that comes a very unique driving experience for that 3am to 5am morning commute - I'll stop, look both ways, see nothing but darkness, and coast right through that red light.

Shh...  Don't tell the local enforcers...

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Speaking of Flash, I heard Flash Player can actually decode videos (h.264) on GPU on XP. Is there any Flash-based video player online, at least as a test, that would put it to use? AFAIK, it must use specific API as there are two ways, and the other one is not accelerated. I forgot the names though...

VLC and WMP plugins


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