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Future of Chrome on Windows 7


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41 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

What I meant is, it doesn't work out of the box, it's still blocked, despite what that page shows you, and what you write is still hacks, not everyone will bother themselves to to do that.

D3DCompiler_47 is some outdated crap for D3D9, from 15 years ago , it isn't even used when decoding. Maybe it's needed for some primitive online games , I dunno, I always delete it.


Ok, I deleted part of the text since I don't know if it's allowed.


This seems interesting:


Choose what video codec YouTube should play for you

enhanced-h264ify is a fork of well-known h264ify extension for Firefox/Chrome which blocks VP8/VP9 codecs on YouTube, so that you can use H264 only. This may be useful because there are lots of devices on the market which support H264 hardware decoding and do not support VP8/VP9. This extension has new features such as manual blocking of H264, VP8, VP9, AV1 codecs and 60fps video. By default it blocks everything but H264 and 60fps video. It works only on YouTube. GitHub: https://github.com/alextrv/enhanced-h264ify

but it's only for YT and for old hardware I guess.

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1 hour ago, D.Draker said:

Simple to explain, those who were still hanging onto Windows 7 is now moved on 'cause the browser support died off.

So the OS is simply dead 'cause no gaming drivers and no hardware since 2015. I have a Kabylake (2016) and win 7 can't even 

proprely utilise the C sates on the CPU ! So no modern gaming , no browsing, no chrome on win 7 , etc.

Funny thing as of now, even Vista is able to use more modern chrome (with hacks , of course).

And windows 7 doesn't even have any usable form of ex-kernel.

so, are we going to a world full of gui lag and telemetry without brakes?

well in 2-3 years this thread won't matter as much as it does now. the reason? modern cpus will be capable of running 10 and 11 at least as fast as 7 & 8 runs on  NT6 & wddm capable hardware

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3 hours ago, sonyu said:

Ok, I deleted part of the text since I don't know if it's allowed.


This seems interesting:


Choose what video codec YouTube should play for you

enhanced-h264ify is a fork of well-known h264ify extension for Firefox/Chrome which blocks VP8/VP9 codecs on YouTube, so that you can use H264 only. This may be useful because there are lots of devices on the market which support H264 hardware decoding and do not support VP8/VP9. This extension has new features such as manual blocking of H264, VP8, VP9, AV1 codecs and 60fps video. By default it blocks everything but H264 and 60fps video. It works only on YouTube. GitHub: https://github.com/alextrv/enhanced-h264ify

but it's only for YT and for old hardware I guess.

There's a dedicated topic with that extesion and I already wrote about it quite some time ago. I think it needs to be moved there since it's largely offtopic here @Dave-H, what say you ?


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4 hours ago, sonyu said:


Interesting, I compared  chrome://gpu of these browsers & versions all running on windows 8:

IRON 104: Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled

CHROMIUM 112 (bp): Video Decode: Hardware accelerated

GOOGLE CHROME 107: Video Decode: Hardware accelerated

1440p60 it's smoother on chromium 112


I have also found these extensions when I tried to get hardware acceleration on IRON 104 first:




Ok, I made some more tests after I read about how to enable Chrome hardware acceleration [DELETED] (I don't know if I can post this)

Long story short, I enabled acceleration on Iron playing with [DELETED]

Anyway, I not discovered the wheel (the wheel was discovered by blackwingcat <_<), so comparing this to chrome on w10, I want to have the best video playback experience on w8, at least as smooth as in VLC, so I'll continue investigating...

I knows this -maybe- doesn't bring anything new to the table, It's more like a personal appreciation about how accelerated video playback works these days on different chrome versions and windows oses... but I remember an old HP laptop from 2009 in which I installed 10 1511 10586 (wddm 2.0) and youtube on iron worked better than in Windows 8. This is what always kept me curious trying to understand...


Also about the same extnison I already wrote about , think needs to be moved.

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3 hours ago, sonyu said:


so, are we going to a world full of gui lag and telemetry without brakes?

well in 2-3 years this thread won't matter as much as it does now. the reason? modern cpus will be capable of running 10 and 11 at least as fast as 7 & 8 runs on  NT6 & wddm capable hardware



Everyone will choose for themselves, I'll be on Vista, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make myself a ported chrome fork (be it Vista or 7).

Stock up on the hardware, that's my advice. It's plenty of cheap goodies from those who moved to 11.

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4 hours ago, sonyu said:



Here's a definitive answer for you and everyone who usually love to whine about how D.Draker deletes "too many" "needed" files. No, you didn't whine, I mean the others who did.

That file is an extremely bugged piece of garbage, that has millions of different versions so the developers themselves put curses on it. I'd also add Vulkan, "Swift" Shader and OpenGL to that list.

"..it uses the UCRT (universal CRT) which means that by default it does not run on all Windows 7 machines."


Disable all that crap in chrome with flags, delete the files and you get a really fast browser !

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11 hours ago, D.Draker said:

They removed any form of accelerated videos on all OSes below win 10, thanks for yet another confirmation.

This is also not true. Because 1080p 60fps is accelerated on gpu, netflix is accelerated on gpu. 1440p and up is not accelerated. At least on 8.1

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3 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

This is also not true. Because 1080p 60fps is accelerated on gpu, netflix is accelerated on gpu. 1440p and up is not accelerated. At least on 8.1

"also" ? what else is "not true" ?

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7 hours ago, D.Draker said:

No, you didn't whine, I mean the others who did.

I wouldn't go that far.  Or are you just trying to poke ribs of "others who did"?

I actually delete/prevent-creation of almost all files discussed in the past.

But that setup is also *NOT* a "one size fits all" and that's where the problem was in the past.

What works for you and I will not work for "others who did".

And vice versa.

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34 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

"also" ? what else is "not true" ?

I won't argue with you, I was actually in middle of czech conversation and I was responding to this in english so i pronounced myself wrongly, I meant that this statement you wrote is not correct, cause videos are being accelerated on chromium browsers on platforms such as disney+, netflix, youtube. For some reason 1440p and up on youtube at least is just not working under 8.1. So yeah, I wrote it misleadingly and you didn't bother to respond to anything relating to gpu acceleration.  

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18 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Ewe wihl fined thatt misspelleeng theengs wihl getz muche fasstir reeplize.


waka waka waka

I don't think his English is that bad, maybe you overexaggerated a bit. He just used it to drag himself off the hook, when I refused to simply swallow his baseless accusations, he accused me of something I didn't do, and then tried to blame it on his poor English. And yes, I'll not provide that person with any technical answer, someone who just insulted me *right out of the blue* (I don't even know who that is!). A recent case, where our wise moderator @Tommy asked me to just ignore such cases and move on, and I respect it. So I'm answering for everyone, except that moody member. And I shall not engage in a stupid bickering that he tries to drag me into again. First he said - not working, now he says "not true". But here we need to look and check the specs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_NVDEC , despite being budget, the card RTX2060 fully supports all 1080p/1440p/2160p hardware decoding formats, so how one could explain the fact it decodes on win 10, but not on win 8 ? 

Maybe chrome limits it, don't you think ? That's precisely the case. Besides, he didn't provide us with any kind of proof that he says he still can decode low resolutions like 1080p.

And then again, I'm still not sure why he zealously continues to talk about windows 8.1 here, this topic is win 7 exclusively , and I talk about chrome and windows 7 !

EDIT : he zealously talks in all topics about win 8.1, despite being 100% off-topic


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