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StartAllBack for Windows 11


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[Suggestion] Can you add a "High Legibility" option (similar to macOS System Font High-Legibility Alternates) that will activate original Segoe UI font's "ss01" feature to render more distinguishable glyphs?


P.S. This glyph construction was by default in the first builds of new "Segoe UI Variable" font (it can be seen in Windows 11 teaser), but this was abandoned in the current versions.

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На 22000.651 (а может даже и раньше) не получается настроить панель задач, чтоб она была черного цвета и при этом в трее были читаемые часы и другие значки.

В винде на рабочем столе я выбрал простой сплошной черный фон, но если в startallback настраиваю панель прозрачной, то она все равно остается серой --> ups...  the panel becomes transparent, but icons and text become invisible in the tray

Можно ли это как-то исправить или теперь с этим ничего нельзя будет сделать? (в более ранних билдах 11 панель задач нормально настраивалась, чтоб была, как в 10)

Edited by day7
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At 22000.651 (or maybe even earlier) it is not possible to configure the taskbar, so that it is black and at the same time there are readable hours and other icons in the tria.

In Windows on the desktop, I chose a simple continuous black background, but if I am a transparent panel in Startallback, then it still remains gray.

Is it possible to somehow fix it or now nothing will be done with this? (In earlier builds, the 11 Panel of Tasks was normally configured, so that it was, as in 10)

Thank you for your understanding, and welcome to MSFN!
Спасибо за понимание и добро пожаловать в MSFN!

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Hello everyone, i'm not sure i am posting in the right place, i'm facing an issue in startallback that annoy me : i am using a three monitors rig, and need to move the taskbar on a non main monitor

I discovered that startallback allow this, and am very gratefull for this feature ! But for some reasons, it sometimes "bug" after having played a fullscreen game for example :

i have 3 monitors, AB & C, the main is B (for videogames  and so on), the taskbar is on A. Atfer a while i have a kind of "invisible" taskbar that appears on B and any window

i want to expand in fullscreen won't be able to, and i have a blank bar in place of this "ghost" taskbar (see screen capture, the orange is my desktop under the task manager)

On the A monitor, where the taskbar is, on the contrary a window expanded to full screen goes under the taskbar, as if it doesn't exist here at all ...

The only bypass i have found is to restart manually startallback, but doing this loose some personalisations previously made on the taskbar.


Any help would be very much appreciated !! 




Capture d’écran 2022-04-29 112036.jpg

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On 4/29/2022 at 1:22 PM, zeropluszero said:

But for some reasons, it sometimes "bug" after having played a fullscreen game

There are some reports on this, but no proper reproduction, so it's not going to be fixed. If you can arrange remote access to system with proper reproduction, please write to startisback@gmail.com


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StartAllBack 3.3.9b



- New: Windows 11 Restyled File Explorer Ribbon!

> Rounded sharp corners

> Improved animations

> Office-like styling

> Mono/accented+colored icons

- Weather widget is displayed on the left

- Windows Terminal in Win-X fallbacks to Powershell/CMD

- Taskbar toolbars are preserved on upgrade

- Dark mode for scrolling tooltip

- Fixed clipped Win11 flyouts in vertically uneven multi-mon configuration 


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1 hour ago, Tihiy said:

Hi, I just installed this new version. I'm currently on Windows 11 Build 22610.1. I did notice that if I enable 'Dynamic transparency' everything in the system tray (date, time, network icon and speaker icon) disappears. All the spaces for the given items are marked out, just nothing in them. Apart from that, not seen any problems so far.


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11 hours ago, mfarmilo said:

I did notice that if I enable 'Dynamic transparency' everything in the system tray (date, time, network icon and speaker icon) disappears. All the spaces for the given items are marked out, just nothing in them

That does not make sense. Screenshot? Other graphic artefacts?

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16 hours ago, mfarmilo said:

if I enable 'Dynamic transparency' everything in the system tray (date, time, network icon and speaker icon) disappears.

The same behavior is seen on 22000.651 when set to solid black as the desktop background.
Both the icons and the text in the tray become invisible due to the fact that they are black (black icons on a black background).

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29 minutes ago, Tihiy said:

Set Windows to dark style then, stop retarding

Sorry, you mean me? I prefer the light theme, thanks. Any idea why the system tray details disappear though? I notice if I enable the 'segments' option they return again.


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Installed StartAllBack 3.3.9b the other day but find I cannot use SEARCH or even the SEARCH option in the new Win 11 Start Menu, it simply does not let me type in the boxes and just selects the programs icons, am I also retarded?

I assume moving the weather to the left may have broken this.

Edited by helmutcheese
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7 hours ago, mfarmilo said:

Any idea why the system tray details disappear though?

No idea. Can't distinguish what's going on on your screenshot.

28 minutes ago, helmutcheese said:

am I also retarded?

Maybe you have disabled search if there is no search.

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