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3 hours ago, UCyborg said:

when you go to the actual content, eg.
where index is missing on the left, missing styling in the content in the main part etc.

Below screengrab is from a visit to linked article in my dirty St52 profile:


As I already wrote, M$ want you to use [Chr]Edge on their sites... :realmad:

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Should've said when you go to the actual content, eg. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-createwindowexa where index is missing on the left, missing styling in the content in the main part etc.


In 360Chrome 13 2250 M build I had half of docs.microsoft.com denied (one+ and one -), and after fully allowing this, the page is OK. So in this page all is here, if in uBlock: docs.microsoft.com you make fully allowed (green), so you see too (after first restarting this link only?..) wpcstatic.microsoft.com, allowed.

In 13 5 1030 r1 all is good on the page, yet I didn't change anything in uBlock, docs.microsoft.com has two + and one -. And wpcstatic.microsoft.com is allowed, in green.

But in 12 1247 r 8 build, in uBlock I've only one "+" under docs.microsoft.com, no wpcstatic.microsoft.com, and I'm not able to see correctly this page, like you... in Incognito window (= without any extensions) - this same...

In Serpent 55 MOEBIUS, New Moon 28.10, Centaury: "This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge blabla..."  - I could not improve the partial rendering of the page... This same in (chrome 49) Iron, Slimjet, Cent browsers of course.


Edited by msfntor
Posted (edited)
On 10/27/2021 at 10:13 PM, RainyShadow said:

Some change here breaks the "Ask to Activate" setting for plugins in this and the following builds.

I tested this with Adobe Flash Player v34.0.0.192 (set to "Ask to Activate") and the official test page:


While I can indeed confirm the findings reported by RainyShadow in latest NM27:


1. No Flash frame is displayed at all
2. The plugin permissions control icon is missing at the beginning of the URL bar

, I'm afraid the "Ask-to-Activate" feature has been partially broken even before BuildID=20210910040612 (package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210911-8d7b56d38-xpmod.7z"); e.g., with BuildID=20210903005445 (package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210904-d43e6f58e-xpmod.7z") I get this:


i.e. the "plugin" icon in the URL bar is still gone, and the grey Flash frame doesn't display the prompt to "Activate Adobe Flash"; for comparison, here's how latest St52 behaves:



Edited by VistaLover
On 10/27/2021 at 1:17 AM, VistaLover said:


defaults to


here :P , and the page does load in latest Serpent 52.9.0; for the rest of you not able to read Greek :), the equivalent English page is:


The SyntaxError reported is still there, but refering to a different "*.index-docs.js" script :angry: ;
what doesn't work is the searchbar on top of that page, because when you hit "Search", it redirects to


(or https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/search )

which is loaded blank :realmad:, except for a footer; again, responsible is a SyntaxError in a different "*.index-docs.js" script... :realmad:
Incidentally, I only recently mentioned the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/search "issue" in the 360EE thread, 


... 'T is the way Google Chrome devs want "things" to work now: ONLY in the latest version of THEIR browser (and forks of...);
WWW? Nah, WWD (=dictatorship)... But this discussion belongs elsewhere.... :whistle:


Forgive me I am using Firefox on a Linux OS, so I may be OT:




I have a vague memory of reading in the past, that Flash gets different treatment compared to other plugins. It may have been about Chromium based browsers though. 

So, i also tested with the PDF-XChange Viewer plugin by opening a random .pdf google result, and from the NM27 build i pointed onwards the plugin icon in the address bar stops showing up. 

2 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

Forgive me I am using Firefox on a Linux OS, so I may be OT:

Hi :) ; long time, no see (at least in this thread ;) ...); well, what is it to be startled by?
I, since long ago, consider Firefox Browser (as in post Firefox Quantum) to be a Chromium fork of sorts...
Sure, Firefox 93.0 can open docs.microsoft.com pages without issues... :sneaky:

1 hour ago, RainyShadow said:

I have a vague memory of reading in the past, that Flash gets different treatment compared to other plugins.

... Perhaps you're referring to the fact Adobe Flash Player had been the last NPAPI plugin for which Firefox support was removed (whereas support for other NPAPIs like PDF/Java/WMPlayer/etc. was axed quite earlier...) ?

2 hours ago, RainyShadow said:

the PDF-XChange Viewer plugin by opening a random .pdf google result, and from the NM27 build i pointed onwards the plugin icon in the address bar stops showing up.

... But, does it show up on package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210904-d43e6f58e-xpmod.7z" and earlier builds?
I think there are two related bugs here:
1. The "plugin icon" (what I called "plugin permissions control icon") not showing up in the left extremity of the URLbar (which, according to my test, precedes package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210911-8d7b56d38-xpmod.7z"), and
2. "Ask-to-Activate" as a whole not working at all, which, as you said, manifests itself starting with package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210911-8d7b56d38-xpmod.7z" ...

1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

Perhaps you're referring to the fact Adobe Flash Player had been the last NPAPI plugin for which Firefox support was removed (whereas support for other NPAPIs like PDF/Java/WMPlayer/etc. was axed quite earlier...) ?

It may have been this, i don't remember the details.


1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

But, does it show up on package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210904-d43e6f58e-xpmod.7z" and earlier builds?
I think there are two related bugs here:
1. The "plugin icon" (what I called "plugin permissions control icon") not showing up in the left extremity of the URLbar (which, according to my test, precedes package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210911-8d7b56d38-xpmod.7z"), and
2. "Ask-to-Activate" as a whole not working at all, which, as you said, manifests itself starting with package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210911-8d7b56d38-xpmod.7z"

I thought 1 is directly controlled by 2, just like the placeholder shown when plugins are not set to "Always Activate"... Which reminds me, i didn't see the placeholder either (i was checking just for the icon).


OK, tested again. The placeholder is missing too.










Posted (edited)

The plot mysteriously thickens... :dubbio:
Package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210904-d43e6f58e-xpmod"; Flash set to "Ask to Activate"; on
(my Flash test page), the plugin URLbar icon is "invisible":


whereas on
(your Flash test page) is there:


Edited by VistaLover
6 hours ago, VistaLover said:

2. "Ask-to-Activate" as a whole not working at all, which, as you said, manifests itself starting with package "palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210911-8d7b56d38-xpmod.7z" ...

reported to upstream: https://github.com/roytam1/Arctic-Fox/commit/03d83542dd247f992df7686d681ad4001b3c702d#commitcomment-58898769


4 hours ago, VistaLover said:

(my Flash test page), the plugin URLbar icon is "invisible":

ahh this is an old bug that I can't find when it was introduced (so do the content of ask-to-activate inline-frame).

Posted (edited)

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20211030-2087e70e1-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20211030-2087e70e1-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20211030-2087e70e1-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20211030-2087e70e1-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1167248: Test whether mysterious rand_s failures are due to LoadLibraryExW hooks. rs=terrence (4c38bf34b)
 - Bug 1176289 - Record proper optimization tracking outcome on failure of getPropTryConstant due to non-singleton value. r=shu (6a718490e)
 - Bug 1180013 - Fix irregexp on ARM64. r=efaust (88bb8599a)
 - Bug 1163891 - Read lines of input in xpcshell/jsshell while properly handling EINTR failures and retrying in response. r=glandium (c84415384)
 - Bug 1176890 - Start running jstests faster on windows; r=sfink (f878247e4)
 - No Bug - Fix test count generation when jit-flags is set; r=meow (9f90cbd6e)
 - Bug 1177801 - Remove NewObjectWithProto. r=bhackett (64a29265e)
 - Bug 1179315 - part 1 - make TypedArrayLayout's constructor inline and MOZ_CONSTEXPR; r=lth (e7da1ad42)
 - Bug 1179315 - part 2 - make it more obvious that typeIDs of typed arrays are constants; r=lth (796348a4d)
 - Bug 1197316 - Remove PR_snprintf calls in xpcom/. r=froydnj (1c775e4c0)
 - Bug 1210607 - Check for null compartment in PopulateReportBlame() r=terrence (4b19494a2)
 - Bug 1145636 - Update jsapi-tests/README. (The functional change is where it talks about the Makefile; that was stale.) r=Waldo. (b0cd84037)
 - Bug 1123875 - Add a test for strict assignment to a readonly WebIDL attribute. r=peterv. (1c8f5fae8)
 - Bug 1145218 - Require a new float manager if a block frame has a different writing-mode to its parent's. r=dbaron (7ebcd8fab)
 - Bug 1150151 - Set leak threshold for reftests (r=mccr8) (19cb1a82e)
 - Bug 1149781; Update Oculus runtime for new SDK 0.5; r=jrmuizel (aea8b2c31)
 - Bug 1149781; [webvr] Update Oculus API to use 0.5.x SDK; Mac startup crash fix; r=dbaron, a=startup-crash (ad874bd1b)
 - Bug 1145936 - Fix sizing of foreignObject with vertical writing mode. r=smontagu (059e46e95) (f0504b101)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1118272 - Hold a cpu wakelock for async call "AlarmsManager.add". r=fabrice (2e04b9b47)
 - Bug 1146754 - Reftest for selection highlighting of trailing space. r=mats (5b9083192)
 - Bug 1146754 - Fix reftests for selected shadowed text to avoid trailing-space issues. r=mats (727f06840)
 - Bug 1146754 - Show selection highlighting for trailing space. r=mats (16955b975)
 - Bug 1146754 followup - Add a little fuzz to the testcase for OS X 10.10. no_r=me (31efb0691)
 - Bug 1148376 - Only force-enable layers acceleration on Gonk. r=jmuizelaar (28bdfa602)
 - Bug 1149519 - Workaround for GDI's failure to return empty extents for blank glyphs. r=roc (0467912a9)
 - Bug 1174230 - Limit the complexity of regalloc bundles which can be merged together, r=sunfish. (929511dd4)
 - Bug 1029483 - Fix various 99ch style violations in Intl.cpp. r=sparky (9f5de7ea9)
 - Bug 1093421 - Add a test for support for currencyDisplay: 'name' or 'code' when formatting numbers. r=abargull (1107405c5)
 - Bug 946528 - Update the default number of digits of precision in numbers formatted as CLF currency (Chile's Unidad de Fomento) in the Intl API. r=abargull (268fbd219)
 - Bug 1177898 - Fix error checking in CloneFunctionObjectIfNotSingleton. (r=efaust) (e8509a49e)
 - Bug 866596 - Properly reject locales with duplicate singletons or variants as invalid within the Intl API. r=abargull (edc6917a8)
 - Bug 866596 - Properly reject locales with duplicate singletons or variants as invalid within the Intl API. r=abargull (0c0bfe280)
 - pointer style (c6953c513)
 - Bug 1178976: Add a post-write barrier to ObjectWeakMap::add. r=terrence (89b9a7b2f)
 - Bug 1177941 - Do not show warning about unreachable empty statement after return statement. r=Waldo (f661cf694)
 - spaces, pointer style (c22647ade)
 - Bug 1161351 - Fix unwound exit frame sizes in JitProfilingFrameIterator. (r=nbp) (d5f415602)
 - Bug 1172498 - Properly mark ion frame new.target values. (r=jandem) (a2fc125ec)
 - Bug 1163520: Make IsInternalFunctionObject take its argument by reference, as it must not be nullptr. r=shu (f02635f28)
 - Bug 1163520: Don't hand out internal function objects via Debugger.Environment.prototype.callee. r=shu (13ac48c56) (e39070aba)
- ported changes from mozilla upstream: Bug 1250589 - Remove the must-be-parenthesized requirement from yield expressions. r=waldo (4f327d0de)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1175347 - Add a JSAPI test for exposing availability of locales derived from the default locale. r=itsatest, rs=till over IRL (0bba85db1)
 - Bug 1175347 - Fix a test that assumes too much in compacting builds. r=intermittent-orange in a CLOSED TREE (b2992b31c)
 - Bug 1171180 - Remove trunc from jsmath; r=jorendorff (0e8913338)
 - Bug 1176864 - Truncate modulo operator for int32 r=h4writer, r=nbp (5de9c5340)
 - Bug 1166790 - Remove old Statistics formatting code; r=sfink (6abc54dab)
 - Bug 1171612 - Use C++11 features to make Statistics module nicer; r=sfink (d0cfef988)
 - Bug 1132208 - "Remove dead code from framerate actor now in GraphsWorker.js". r=jsantell (4bfaf2773)
 - Bug 1146237 - FramerateActor should use docShell.now() rather than performance.now so that page refreshes do not break it. r=vp (a0d3fbd28)
 - Bug 1134079 - Supply audio node definitions directly from the client if the webaudio actor server does not support it (like on older versions of FxOS). r=vp (95f728d47)
 - Bug 1172183 - Pull out the implementation of FramerateActor so that it can be consumed by other actors. r=vp (1c3f0d82a)
 - Bug 1172182 - Pull out memory utility logic out of the MemoryActor so other actors can consume it. r=vp (851d1cce3)
 - Bug 1172182 part 2: correctly link to the memory module via timeline actor. r=vp (3714663db)
 - Bug 1172184 - Pull out logic from TimelineActor into a standalone module that can be consumed by other actors. (031127dc0)
 - partial of Bug 1159506 - Make GC events use TimeStamp. r=terrence (99fa0378f)
 - Bug 1035973 - Add DebuggerObject.getOwnPropertySymbols; r=fitzgen (fd10482d5)
 - Bug 1174712 - Tolerate singleton objects with uncacheable prototypes in Ion caches, r=jandem. (7c3ce4fdc)
 - add limits for numeric_limits (67b09aa7f)
 - Bug 811911 - Use UTF-8 output for TwoByte chars in Error objects; r=jandem (2fd3cf6cd)
 - Fix the test for bug 1173787 to work even when the filename contains a ':' (e.g. on Windows) so we can reopen the CLOSED TREE (b42aa3b92)
 - Bug 1100498 - Report function names for addon exceptions. r=billm (dfa69d830)
 - Bug 1170840 - Add testbed allocator for new regalloc features, and use for a change to hot/cold code bundle splitting, r=sunfish. (95c484a37)
 - Bug 1174542 - Remove unnecessary AutoWritabeJitCode from initTraceLogger. r=luke (a427e979c)
 - Bug 1173529: IonMonkey - Also iterate phis when removing guards, r=nbp (055a5dcd7)
 - Bug 1114079 - Fix overrecursion check in nsGlobalWindow::SetNewDocument to not report a JS exception. r=bz (7c0ba0677)
 - Bug 1172513 part 1. Fix shell's Evaluate to actually throw when it detects save/load bytecode mismatches. r=waldo (5f5ccc094)
 - Bug 1172513 part 2. When XDR-encoding a function, don't incode temporary flags. r=waldo (404fa1939)
 - Bug 1171430 - Do not poison the nursery's chunk kind marker; r=terrence (248667fc9)
 - Bug 1171430 - Don't shift the poison value by non-byte values; r=jonco (320ba4ba0)
 - Bug 1173908 - Fix an MSVC warning about negating an unsigned integer; r=nbp (3244fd56c)
 - Bug 1172545 - Recover from OOM if Ion compilation is skipped due to not being able to allocate a 'this' object, r=jandem. (918025215) (00ce1ce6f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1125481 - Replace FunctionInfo macros by variadic templates. r=Waldo (83244859f)
 - Bug 1125481 - FunctionInfo: Remove useless inline keywords. r=Waldo (a13a186af)
 - Bug 1169769 - Stop pretending js/src is a top-level directory. r=gps (2ba218bbf)
 - Bug 1132189 - Rename "Analysis Helper" thread. r=bhackett (1a6b50af5)
 - Bug 1172824: Initialize a few more members in VerifyPreTracer (CID 1304706); r=terrence (9fb0f4b03)
 - Bug 1172824: Close dumpFile in case of error in DumpHeap (CID 1302587); r=jonco (e552f4320)
 - Bug 1172641 - Fix class tests to not fail on builds where classes are not enabled r=shu (56474b665)
 - Bug 1153244 - increase JS helper threads stack space when MOZ_TSAN is enabled; r=bhackett (cb5c9fc01)
 - Bug 1172895: Raise the stack size limit for JS helper threads; r=bhackett (750cc5e19)
 - Bug 1166101 - redirect aka os.file.redirect should not be available in fuzzing mode (09f574daa)
 - Bug 1139376: Ionmonkey - Make removing of guards aware of phis, r=nbp (fb7cb028b)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 1: Add gcreason to GCSliceCallback. r=fitzgen (a9e4ae93b)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 2: Add gcreason::XPCONNECT_SHUTDOWN. r=terrence (815cbd630)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 3: Specify gcreason::XPCONNECT_SHUTDOWN during xpconnect shutdown. r=mccr8 (5123cda83)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 4: Don't warn if DebuggerOnGCRunnable::Enqueue fails during shutdown. r=mccr8 (efc3b8aab)
 - Bug 1173513 - Point to SavedFrame.md docs from JSAPI comments; r=fitzgen (6c9bb84db)
 - No Bug - Remove an unneeded annotation DONTBUILD; r=sfink (05fe03101)
 - Bug 1171871 - Fix bytecode documentation comment for JSOP_NEWTARGET. r=efaust (bacbef1ce)
 - Bug 1169460 - Fix imprecise computation in BacktrackingAllocator::minimalUse, r=sunfish. (7ea535e67)
 - Bug 1170959 - Remove JS_GetPropertyDescriptor from a JSAPI test. r=efaust (8745b6d04) (e361c5511)
- ported dependency of "Bug 1174307 - Add some internal content policy types for the purpose of reflecting them on RequestContex", some part may already in the tree:
 - Bug 1175114 - Translate the content policy type obtained in CSPService::AsyncOnChannelRedirect to an external one before invoking the content policy implementation; r=smaug
 - Bug 1175122 - Add more assertions to the in-tree content policy implementations to ensure that they receive external content policy types; r=baku
 - Bug 1178339 - Account for service workers separately in WorkerDomainInfo; r=nsm (4e0540b82)
- ported follow-ups of "Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - scriptSecurityManager changes (r=sicking,bholley)":
 - Bug 1184387 - Bail out of file:// loads for all non-chrome:// URIs. r=Gijs
 - Bug 1224046 - Remove <base href> from directory listings. r=mcmanus (dbff70221)
- ported 2 commits from mozilla upstream to fix ask-to-activate plugin issue:
 - Bug 1232903 - Skip Security checks if triggeringPrincipal is SystemPrincipal (r=sicking)
 - Bug 1257650 - Skip Security checks if triggeringPrincipal is SystemPrincipal only for subresource loads. r=sicking (2087e70e1)

Edited by roytam1
Posted (edited)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 06f122f42...2087e70e1:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1167248: Test whether mysterious rand_s failures are due to LoadLibraryExW hooks. rs=terrence (4c38bf34b)
 - Bug 1176289 - Record proper optimization tracking outcome on failure of getPropTryConstant due to non-singleton value. r=shu (6a718490e)
 - Bug 1180013 - Fix irregexp on ARM64. r=efaust (88bb8599a)
 - Bug 1163891 - Read lines of input in xpcshell/jsshell while properly handling EINTR failures and retrying in response. r=glandium (c84415384)
 - Bug 1176890 - Start running jstests faster on windows; r=sfink (f878247e4)
 - No Bug - Fix test count generation when jit-flags is set; r=meow (9f90cbd6e)
 - Bug 1177801 - Remove NewObjectWithProto. r=bhackett (64a29265e)
 - Bug 1179315 - part 1 - make TypedArrayLayout's constructor inline and MOZ_CONSTEXPR; r=lth (e7da1ad42)
 - Bug 1179315 - part 2 - make it more obvious that typeIDs of typed arrays are constants; r=lth (796348a4d)
 - Bug 1197316 - Remove PR_snprintf calls in xpcom/. r=froydnj (1c775e4c0)
 - Bug 1210607 - Check for null compartment in PopulateReportBlame() r=terrence (4b19494a2)
 - Bug 1145636 - Update jsapi-tests/README. (The functional change is where it talks about the Makefile; that was stale.) r=Waldo. (b0cd84037)
 - Bug 1123875 - Add a test for strict assignment to a readonly WebIDL attribute. r=peterv. (1c8f5fae8)
 - Bug 1145218 - Require a new float manager if a block frame has a different writing-mode to its parent's. r=dbaron (7ebcd8fab)
 - Bug 1150151 - Set leak threshold for reftests (r=mccr8) (19cb1a82e)
 - Bug 1149781; Update Oculus runtime for new SDK 0.5; r=jrmuizel (aea8b2c31)
 - Bug 1149781; [webvr] Update Oculus API to use 0.5.x SDK; Mac startup crash fix; r=dbaron, a=startup-crash (ad874bd1b)
 - Bug 1145936 - Fix sizing of foreignObject with vertical writing mode. r=smontagu (059e46e95) (f0504b101)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1118272 - Hold a cpu wakelock for async call "AlarmsManager.add". r=fabrice (2e04b9b47)
 - Bug 1146754 - Reftest for selection highlighting of trailing space. r=mats (5b9083192)
 - Bug 1146754 - Fix reftests for selected shadowed text to avoid trailing-space issues. r=mats (727f06840)
 - Bug 1146754 - Show selection highlighting for trailing space. r=mats (16955b975)
 - Bug 1146754 followup - Add a little fuzz to the testcase for OS X 10.10. no_r=me (31efb0691)
 - Bug 1148376 - Only force-enable layers acceleration on Gonk. r=jmuizelaar (28bdfa602)
 - Bug 1149519 - Workaround for GDI's failure to return empty extents for blank glyphs. r=roc (0467912a9)
 - Bug 1174230 - Limit the complexity of regalloc bundles which can be merged together, r=sunfish. (929511dd4)
 - Bug 1029483 - Fix various 99ch style violations in Intl.cpp. r=sparky (9f5de7ea9)
 - Bug 1093421 - Add a test for support for currencyDisplay: 'name' or 'code' when formatting numbers. r=abargull (1107405c5)
 - Bug 946528 - Update the default number of digits of precision in numbers formatted as CLF currency (Chile's Unidad de Fomento) in the Intl API. r=abargull (268fbd219)
 - Bug 1177898 - Fix error checking in CloneFunctionObjectIfNotSingleton. (r=efaust) (e8509a49e)
 - Bug 866596 - Properly reject locales with duplicate singletons or variants as invalid within the Intl API. r=abargull (edc6917a8)
 - Bug 866596 - Properly reject locales with duplicate singletons or variants as invalid within the Intl API. r=abargull (0c0bfe280)
 - pointer style (c6953c513)
 - Bug 1178976: Add a post-write barrier to ObjectWeakMap::add. r=terrence (89b9a7b2f)
 - Bug 1177941 - Do not show warning about unreachable empty statement after return statement. r=Waldo (f661cf694)
 - spaces, pointer style (c22647ade)
 - Bug 1161351 - Fix unwound exit frame sizes in JitProfilingFrameIterator. (r=nbp) (d5f415602)
 - Bug 1172498 - Properly mark ion frame new.target values. (r=jandem) (a2fc125ec)
 - Bug 1163520: Make IsInternalFunctionObject take its argument by reference, as it must not be nullptr. r=shu (f02635f28)
 - Bug 1163520: Don't hand out internal function objects via Debugger.Environment.prototype.callee. r=shu (13ac48c56) (e39070aba)
- ported changes from mozilla upstream: Bug 1250589 - Remove the must-be-parenthesized requirement from yield expressions. r=waldo (4f327d0de)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1175347 - Add a JSAPI test for exposing availability of locales derived from the default locale. r=itsatest, rs=till over IRL (0bba85db1)
 - Bug 1175347 - Fix a test that assumes too much in compacting builds. r=intermittent-orange in a CLOSED TREE (b2992b31c)
 - Bug 1171180 - Remove trunc from jsmath; r=jorendorff (0e8913338)
 - Bug 1176864 - Truncate modulo operator for int32 r=h4writer, r=nbp (5de9c5340)
 - Bug 1166790 - Remove old Statistics formatting code; r=sfink (6abc54dab)
 - Bug 1171612 - Use C++11 features to make Statistics module nicer; r=sfink (d0cfef988)
 - Bug 1132208 - "Remove dead code from framerate actor now in GraphsWorker.js". r=jsantell (4bfaf2773)
 - Bug 1146237 - FramerateActor should use docShell.now() rather than performance.now so that page refreshes do not break it. r=vp (a0d3fbd28)
 - Bug 1134079 - Supply audio node definitions directly from the client if the webaudio actor server does not support it (like on older versions of FxOS). r=vp (95f728d47)
 - Bug 1172183 - Pull out the implementation of FramerateActor so that it can be consumed by other actors. r=vp (1c3f0d82a)
 - Bug 1172182 - Pull out memory utility logic out of the MemoryActor so other actors can consume it. r=vp (851d1cce3)
 - Bug 1172182 part 2: correctly link to the memory module via timeline actor. r=vp (3714663db)
 - Bug 1172184 - Pull out logic from TimelineActor into a standalone module that can be consumed by other actors. (031127dc0)
 - partial of Bug 1159506 - Make GC events use TimeStamp. r=terrence (99fa0378f)
 - Bug 1035973 - Add DebuggerObject.getOwnPropertySymbols; r=fitzgen (fd10482d5)
 - Bug 1174712 - Tolerate singleton objects with uncacheable prototypes in Ion caches, r=jandem. (7c3ce4fdc)
 - add limits for numeric_limits (67b09aa7f)
 - Bug 811911 - Use UTF-8 output for TwoByte chars in Error objects; r=jandem (2fd3cf6cd)
 - Fix the test for bug 1173787 to work even when the filename contains a ':' (e.g. on Windows) so we can reopen the CLOSED TREE (b42aa3b92)
 - Bug 1100498 - Report function names for addon exceptions. r=billm (dfa69d830)
 - Bug 1170840 - Add testbed allocator for new regalloc features, and use for a change to hot/cold code bundle splitting, r=sunfish. (95c484a37)
 - Bug 1174542 - Remove unnecessary AutoWritabeJitCode from initTraceLogger. r=luke (a427e979c)
 - Bug 1173529: IonMonkey - Also iterate phis when removing guards, r=nbp (055a5dcd7)
 - Bug 1114079 - Fix overrecursion check in nsGlobalWindow::SetNewDocument to not report a JS exception. r=bz (7c0ba0677)
 - Bug 1172513 part 1. Fix shell's Evaluate to actually throw when it detects save/load bytecode mismatches. r=waldo (5f5ccc094)
 - Bug 1172513 part 2. When XDR-encoding a function, don't incode temporary flags. r=waldo (404fa1939)
 - Bug 1171430 - Do not poison the nursery's chunk kind marker; r=terrence (248667fc9)
 - Bug 1171430 - Don't shift the poison value by non-byte values; r=jonco (320ba4ba0)
 - Bug 1173908 - Fix an MSVC warning about negating an unsigned integer; r=nbp (3244fd56c)
 - Bug 1172545 - Recover from OOM if Ion compilation is skipped due to not being able to allocate a 'this' object, r=jandem. (918025215) (00ce1ce6f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1125481 - Replace FunctionInfo macros by variadic templates. r=Waldo (83244859f)
 - Bug 1125481 - FunctionInfo: Remove useless inline keywords. r=Waldo (a13a186af)
 - Bug 1169769 - Stop pretending js/src is a top-level directory. r=gps (2ba218bbf)
 - Bug 1132189 - Rename "Analysis Helper" thread. r=bhackett (1a6b50af5)
 - Bug 1172824: Initialize a few more members in VerifyPreTracer (CID 1304706); r=terrence (9fb0f4b03)
 - Bug 1172824: Close dumpFile in case of error in DumpHeap (CID 1302587); r=jonco (e552f4320)
 - Bug 1172641 - Fix class tests to not fail on builds where classes are not enabled r=shu (56474b665)
 - Bug 1153244 - increase JS helper threads stack space when MOZ_TSAN is enabled; r=bhackett (cb5c9fc01)
 - Bug 1172895: Raise the stack size limit for JS helper threads; r=bhackett (750cc5e19)
 - Bug 1166101 - redirect aka os.file.redirect should not be available in fuzzing mode (09f574daa)
 - Bug 1139376: Ionmonkey - Make removing of guards aware of phis, r=nbp (fb7cb028b)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 1: Add gcreason to GCSliceCallback. r=fitzgen (a9e4ae93b)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 2: Add gcreason::XPCONNECT_SHUTDOWN. r=terrence (815cbd630)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 3: Specify gcreason::XPCONNECT_SHUTDOWN during xpconnect shutdown. r=mccr8 (5123cda83)
 - Bug 1171722 - Part 4: Don't warn if DebuggerOnGCRunnable::Enqueue fails during shutdown. r=mccr8 (efc3b8aab)
 - Bug 1173513 - Point to SavedFrame.md docs from JSAPI comments; r=fitzgen (6c9bb84db)
 - No Bug - Remove an unneeded annotation DONTBUILD; r=sfink (05fe03101)
 - Bug 1171871 - Fix bytecode documentation comment for JSOP_NEWTARGET. r=efaust (bacbef1ce)
 - Bug 1169460 - Fix imprecise computation in BacktrackingAllocator::minimalUse, r=sunfish. (7ea535e67)
 - Bug 1170959 - Remove JS_GetPropertyDescriptor from a JSAPI test. r=efaust (8745b6d04) (e361c5511)
- ported dependency of "Bug 1174307 - Add some internal content policy types for the purpose of reflecting them on RequestContex", some part may already in the tree:
 - Bug 1175114 - Translate the content policy type obtained in CSPService::AsyncOnChannelRedirect to an external one before invoking the content policy implementation; r=smaug
 - Bug 1175122 - Add more assertions to the in-tree content policy implementations to ensure that they receive external content policy types; r=baku
 - Bug 1178339 - Account for service workers separately in WorkerDomainInfo; r=nsm (4e0540b82)
- ported follow-ups of "Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - scriptSecurityManager changes (r=sicking,bholley)":
 - Bug 1184387 - Bail out of file:// loads for all non-chrome:// URIs. r=Gijs
 - Bug 1224046 - Remove <base href> from directory listings. r=mcmanus (dbff70221)
- ported 2 commits from mozilla upstream to fix ask-to-activate plugin issue:
 - Bug 1232903 - Skip Security checks if triggeringPrincipal is SystemPrincipal (r=sicking)
 - Bug 1257650 - Skip Security checks if triggeringPrincipal is SystemPrincipal only for subresource loads. r=sicking (2087e70e1)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

Edited by roytam1
Posted (edited)

Well, after several weeks of reading, I finally reached the (current) end of "My Browser Builds (Part 3)!" No thanks to the forum software, which reset my "last visited" page to back to page 1 when the thread was moved this week (need an emoji for "mildly irritated" here - "angry" doesn't quite fit).

Still rocking Serpent 55 as my main browser, even though it's showing its age. Using New Moon 28 + JustOff's add-ons for GitHub/GitLab (I'd use Serpent 52, but I can't run 52 and 55 at once).

Of course very disappointed with some of what I read: MCP bullying @feodor2 into axing MyPal/Centuary and taking the UXP source repo private (now releasing source only with release builds; probably the bare minimum they can get away with under MPL). It does show that all MAT's bluster about "proper branding" was nothing more than an excuse to harass @roytam1, since MyPal followed all his branding rules and still got targeted! (Although if I were to suggest a new name for New Moon at this point, I'd probably go with Uranus, for reasons that should be obvious ;)) Even though I don't expect to use it much, I grabbed and installed the last MyPal build (thanks, Wayback Machine) out of spite.

Also disappointed, but not surprised, with Google playing "Monopoly" and forcing their "Web Components," or whatever their nonsense is called, down all our throats. Why use simple HTML when you can make the Web so complicated it'll bring a quad-core CPU to its knees instead? Main reason Serpent is looking so old these days. Reminds me of Micro$oft's reindeer games from a quarter century or so ago! Haven't started reading the 360EE threads yet, but that'll probably have to be my next task. (Now angry fits :realmad:)

OTOH, very pleased that @mixit spent so much time finally tracking down and fixing that nettlesome 23-minute (or thereabouts, depending on audio sampling rate, of all things) video playback bug! Even got the fix into the Mozilla code base, even though it's a moot point nowadays.

On 8/29/2021 at 6:06 PM, cmccaff1 said:

If I'm not mistaken (and anyone who has more knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong), 55.0a1 is the last Gecko codebase with a possibility of being forked for XP, as it came very shortly before the Rust requirement was introduced.... 55.0a1 ... should be a little bit more compatible with the modern web.

I like that idea - sort of an XP version of Waterfox (yes, I know Waterfox was forked from FF 56) - but I rather doubt it'd help much with the modern Web. I also vaguely recall this being discussed once before, and I think it was said that FF 53 is pretty much the end of the line for XP, which basically gives you Serpent 55. If it could be done, though, it would be compatible with more WebEx add-ons, which is something, at least.

Edited by Mathwiz
On 10/19/2021 at 9:30 PM, ArcticFoxie said:

I suggest using a PORTABLE LOADER even with all of Roytam releases (similar to how my 360Chrome releases use a portable loader).

For all of Roytam releases, use the official portable version from here  --  http://archive.palemoon.org/palemoon/28.x/28.2.2/

I personally use only the 32bit version even on my 64bit systems.

Do not "exectute" the file after you download it (the file name is Palemoon-Portable-28.2.2.win32.exe).

Do not download the "latest and greatest" (it will not work on XP, if I recall, unsure).

Extract the file into its own folder using 7zip or similar.

Delete all of the files in the Bin folder and replace with your Roytam files for whichever browser you wish to run as portable.

If it's a Basilisk or BNav browser, just rename the executable to palemoon.exe or dig through the .ini and edit accordingly.

You'll have to learn a new portable loader .ini format but well worth it - I always run all of my browsers using a loader and .ini.

You can copy your existing profile into the portable loader file structure, the default profile for a NM/PM is in User -> PaleMoon -> Profiles -> Default.

I also do this for added security, my OS doesn't have a "default browser" and the OS can't open what it thinks is the "default browser" because the executable file no longer exists.


I used this and works! 

Though I did have a few minor issues.  The portable version leaves an empty directory "AppData\Local\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon" or "Local Settings\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon" for XP where I need to manually delete it after I close the browser.

Does anyone see any residual files or directories anywhere else that should be manually deleted?

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