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Last versions of software for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008


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On 5/6/2022 at 5:19 AM, UCyborg said:

Anyone installed IrfanView 4.60 recently on Vista? Installer fails to create desktop / start menu shortcuts here, only empty folder is made in start menu.

On 5/17/2022 at 11:06 PM, docR said:

I too have noticed this. I had to create the shortcuts myself. The program works as expected otherwise, though.

That's really strange! It always create the shortcuts to me. Here are some pictures for proof:



This was tested on a Vista SP2 64-bit VM, completely vanilla (yes, not even the Platform Update is installed). IrfanView 64-bit also creates the shortcuts.

Edited by mina7601
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2 hours ago, mina7601 said:

This was tested on a Vista SP2 64-bit VM, completely vanilla

Mine's updated to April 2017 EOS updates I think. Might be the cause, might be something else, who knows.

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Well, it looks like Microsoft have managed to kill Vista's native antispyware, Windows Defender (not to be confused with Microsoft Defender Antivirus for Windows 8.1+) for good :realmad: , either inadvertently or deliberately... :dubbio:

I won't be discussing the "merits" (or lack of...) of WD as a proper ASW solution, but I still have its real protection ON, along with my third party Security Suite, and have it scheduled to perform a "Quick Scan" every night at 23:00 (in my timezone). 
For those not following this, MS have, since long ago, stopped issuing WD definition updates via Windows Update, those were used to be called
"Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus (!) - KB915597"
and the last one on this machine (v1.297.531.0) was received and installed on July 6th 2019:


A few days later in that July, Vista SP2 was severed from the WU servers :realmad:, due to the SHA-2 implementation in those endpoints... It is unknown to me when exactly MS stopped altogether the production and distribution of the KB915597 updates (they're no longer to be found in the MUC either, unlike the KB2310138 ones, which are definition updates for Microsoft Security Essentials, still offered via MU on supported platforms - namely Win7 SP1).
But MS continued to offer these definition updates (for Win7 SP1 & WinVista SP2) as standalone mpas-fe.exe files, accessible from their "Microsoft Security Intelligence" portal - it used to be called otherwise in the past, but the old name eludes me now... 
For the x86 architecture, the DL link is:


An alternative, more "user-friendly", link is:


Running the downloaded "mpas-fe.exe" file would update WD's definitions/signatures in a matter of ca. 20s (YMMV).
In mid-October 2019, the file, as well as its internal constituents, ceased being dual-signed and was henceforth only SHA-2 signed; in order to make the "updated" files install on Vista SP2, updates from WS2008SP2 were necessary, that backported SHA-2 file signature verification to Vista itself...

Since that time, Microsoft goofed-up on several occasions, by issuing
1. a "mpas-fe.exe" file with SubSystem version 6.1, that wouldn't run under Vista/WS2008 (6.0) :angry:
2. internal components of said file (e.g. mpengine.dll, MpSigStub.exe) also with subsys version = 6.1, or 
3. internal engine file (mpengine.dll) compiled to target Win7 SP1 as minimum OS, calling functions missing in Vista's kernel :realmad: .
HexEditing the infringing file(s) would invalidate their SHA-2 file signatures, making them not verify and not install... :(

These "hiccups" were, one way or the other, reported to MS, especially by WS2008SP2 ESU paying customers, and they were eventually mitigated (within several hours or, more commonly, days).

FWIW, I have the following batch file I run daily, to update my WD defs:

@echo off
start /min /wait cscript "create_restore_point.vbs"
start /min /wait wget -S -N --unlink --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 "https://definitionupdates.microsoft.com/download/DefinitionUpdates/x86/mpas-fe.exe"
if exist mpas-fe.exe start /min /wait mpas-fe.exe

The .vbs script (not posting it here, unless asked) creates a restore point prior to the update, while wget only downloads the file if it's newer (on the server) from the one previously fetched on disk...

Come Tuesday May 24th, 2022 - file "mpas-fe.exe" is now at versions 1.367.3xx.0, engine is at version 1.1.19200.6, all looked fine, including version 1.367.386.0 (signed on 24/05/2022):


BTW, that direct link will expire soon (in a day, two at most...); with that version installed, WD is "happy",



... I even performed a "Quick Scan" to completion:


But 1.367.386.0 was to be the last of the "3xx" series, then came the "4xx" ones:

1.367.413.0, 1.367.415.0, 1.367.423.0, 1.367.432.0 (latest at the time of writing), which did keep, however, the same engine version, 1.1.19200.6.

Each one of these will cleanly install on top of 1.367.386.0, but won't install in the normal fashion on top of one of the previous "4xx" ones (e.g. 1.367.423.0 updating 1.367.413.0, etc.); in fact, installing any of these "4xx" ones on top of "386" will go fine initially, but after 20-30s WD will "crash", due to the WD service having stopped: 


If you try to perform a "Quick Scan" before WD crashes, you'll get a similar breakage:



So, there's something inside files "mpasdlta.vdm" (the actual defs file) of the "4xx" series that makes the WD service crash under Windows Vista SP2 :( ... The release of that "1.367.4xx.0" series signals the death nail of WD under Vista, because it becomes unusable/non-updatable anymore... :(
Mind you, returning WD to a working state, with 1.367.386.0 installed, wasn't an easy thing either :angry: (but I did it), as running file mpas-fe.exe (of that version) doesn't cut it... But I probably shouldn't go into specifics, because, in reality, it's a moot point: in 2-3 days' time, WD will nag me about "out-of-date signatures", however, if things haven't been changed by MS (I don't expect them to be :realmad:...), the route to update those signatures won't be "enforceable"... :angry:

Thanks Microsoft, once more :realmad: ... In all honesty though, I'd have expected them to end WD support in Jan 2023, same time the Win7 SP1+WS2008 SP2 ESU plans end, so am not fully convinced they had a mind to prematurely kill it on Vista... The amount of WD users on WS2008SP2 is probably zero now, so news of this will likely never reach MS staff... To quote "The Doors":


This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Edited by VistaLover
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12 hours ago, VistaLover said:

BTW, that direct link will expire soon (in a day, two at most...); with that version installed, WD is "happy",

What is the link for x64 version? (is is not https://definitionupdates.microsoft.com/download/DefinitionUpdates/VersionedSignatures/AM/1.367.386.0/1.1.19200.6/x64/mpas-fe.exe nor https://definitionupdates.microsoft.com/download/DefinitionUpdates/VersionedSignatures/AM/1.367.386.0/1.1.19200.6/x64/mpas-fex64.exe) 

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29 minutes ago, TSNH said:

What is the link for x64 version?

WD x64 definitions, version 1.367.386.0 (engine version 1.1.19200.6):


WD x64 definitions, latest version:


BTW, I need some feedback from Windows Vista SP2 users (x86 and/or x64) running the nag-free version (4.4.304.0) of Microsoft Security Essentials: Are you able to update MSE's defs past v1.367.386.0 without MSE's Windows service crashing? 

Manual download links:


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Just now, VistaLover said:

Thank you! I got confused because https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=121721&clcid=0x409&arch=x64&eng=

needs "x64", while the version-specific link needs "amd64" :whistle:

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On 5/25/2022 at 7:15 PM, VistaLover said:

... issue persists with latest v1.367.457.0:

Finally, some good news! :cheerleader:
After a faulty 1.367.4xx.0 series of WD definitions, which included buggy mpasdlta.vdm files of versions

1.367.413.0, 1.367.415.0, 1.367.423.0, 1.367.432.0, 1.367.435.0, 1.367.447.0, 1.367.457.0, 1.367.472.0, 1.367.487.0, 1.367.491.0,

WD defs of v1.367.494.0 and higher are, once again, "OK", i.e. they no longer cause WD's Windows service to crash under Vista SP2 :thumbup ; series "5xx" is already "out", I successfully ran a "Quick Scan" with v1.367.502.0 :


... I won't go as far as saying that MS staff monitor this thread (:sneaky:), but either via internal testing or via some other party reporting it to them, the issue has been identified and mitigated... Until the next c*ck up :P and until Jan 2023 (when I expect WD+MSE standalone defs to be retired by MS) ...

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Good to hear that MS fixed your issue @VistaLover. :) I googled around but found no similar reports. One thing to note: Server 2008 only has Windows Defender if Desktop Experience is installed. Otherwise, System Center Endpoint Protection would be the MS security solution for enterprise customers running 2008 SP2, and it looks like MS will end support for the old SCEP version on July 12, 2022:


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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, hinata06 said:

what’s the latest version of Python that can run on Vista?

The CPython 3.7.x branch is the LAST that can launch under Vista SP2 fully updated (until Vista's EoS; that is "vanilla" Vista, i.e. no ExtKernel ;)). The 3.7 branch is currently under "security-fix" maintenance ONLY by the PSF (Python Software Foundation), as such they have ceased releasing themselves Windows binaries at version 3.7.9:


The current 3.7 source-only release is v3.7.13


A third-party (i.e. not the PSF) are providing Windows binaries for that version at:


Python 3.7.x will become EoL in ca. a year (23-07-2023) but, sadly, many Python projects are already considering dumping support for it :realmad: , also due to the small number of actual Vista users... PSF have also dropped support for Win7SP1 (and Win8.0) in Python 3.9.x; with Win8.1's "demise" come next Jan 23rd, CPython will move to supporting only Win10+... :realmad:

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  • 1 month later...

SanBrowser is a Chinese product, that's one thing for sure...
The installer for latest version v1.0.2.30 (from one year ago) has been digitally signed on July 25th 2021, the certificate issued by "Shenzhen SanShangYun Technology Co., Ltd".

The downloaded setup is of a custom format that can't be unpacked with any of the known tools in my possession :angry: ; that surely made it impossible for me to inspect internal .EXE and .DLL files with Dependency Walker, to check for Vista SP2 compatibility :( ... And when I read their "Privacy" disclaimer:


, it became a "no go" for me to even attempt running that Chinese-made installer :no: ... So, I'll pass the baton on to someone else more adventurous, I guess ;) ...


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20 hours ago, FantasyAcquiesce said:

If this works, it should be Chrome 90+ on Windows Vista.

Well, it definitely DOESN'T work under Vista SP2 (32-bit); in the main "bin" folder,


both call functions not present in Vista's kernel32.dll :no: ; things are much worse inside the "92.0.4482.0" subdir:



... ALL call (from 1 to as many as 30) missing kernel functions under Vista SP2... E.g. below are DW results for chrome.dll:


(14 missing functions in total in kernel32, 5 in user32.dll, 1 in advapi32.dll, 5 in mfplat.dll, 1 in shell32.dll, 1 in cfgmgr32.dll, 1 in powrprof.dll and 2 in mf.dll), and chrome_elf.dll:


Edited by VistaLover
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  • 1 month later...

Additional Microsoft software/utilities:
Microsoft Remote Desktop assistant (FREE, UNS) (Download)
Movie Maker 2.6 for Windows Vista (FREE, CS) (Download (Wayback Machine))
NetMeeting 3.0.2 for Windows Vista (FREE, CS) (For x86 versions of Windows Vista only) (Download (The Hotfix Share))
Windows Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool 1.9.0027.0 (FREE, CS) (Download (Wayback Machine))
WMI Diagnosis Utility 2.2 (FREE, CS) (Download (Wayback Machine))
Xbox 360 Accessories 1.2 (FREE, CS)

AntiVirus & Security Software:
Avira PC Cleaner (FREE, CS)
Avira Removal Tool (FREE, CS)

Desktop Enhancement software:
Bartels Media Macro Recorder 2.0.69 ($$$, CS, UNS) (Renewable 30-minute trial available)
Bartels Media PhraseExpress ($$$, CS, UNS) (Renewable 30-minute trial available)

Data & File Management/Sharing:
Confidential ($$$, CS)
Duplicate File Detective 6.3 ($$$, CS) (15-day trial available) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
ExifTool (FREE, OS, ONG)
ExplorerMax ($$$, CS, ONG) (30-day trial available) (Multiple payment options available)
FolderSizes 9.0.253 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
GeoSetter (FREE, CS, ONG)
LiquidFOLDERS ($$$, CS, ONG) (30-day trial available)
OfficeStatus ($$$, CS, ONG) (30-day trial available)
Permissions Reporter Basic (FREE, CS)
Permissions Reporter ($$$, CS)
SQL Backup Master (FREE, CS, ONG)
SQL Backup Master Pro ($$$, CS, ONG)
Xplorer² ($$$, CS, ONG) (21-day trial available)
XYplorer ($$$, CS, ONG) (30-day trial available)
WinZip 24 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes) (21-day trial available)
WinZip 24 Pro ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)

DVR/PVR software:
DVRMSToolbox (FREE, CS) (Skips commercials from television shows recorded in Windows Media Center)
Lifextender Beta (FREE, CS) (Removes commercials from television shows recorded in Windows Media Center)

Last official release to run on Vista (sequels/updates do not support or work with Vista):

Microsoft Flight Simulator X ($$$, CS)

Game Distribution:
Games for Windows Marketplace (formerly Games for Windows Live) (FREE, CS)

Hard Drive Utilities:
Avira UnErase 1.4 (FREE, CS)
DAEMON Tools Ultra v4.0 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Macrium Reflect Free 7.3.555.0 (FREE, CS, ONG) (Not for use in a commercial environment) (Last version available as per vendor release notes)
MiniTool Partition Wizard Free (FREE, CS, UNS)
MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro ($$$, CS, UNS)
MiniTool Power Data Recovery Free ($$$, CS, UNS)
MiniTool Power Data Recovery Pro ($$$, CS, UNS)
MiniTool ShadowMaker Free ($$$, CS, UNS)
MiniTool ShadowMaker Pro ($$$, CS, UNS)
PhotoRec (FREE, OS, ONG)
TestDisk (FREE, OS, ONG)

Instant Messaging/Internet Communication Software:
MetroTwit 11.0.51106.1 (FREE, CS) (No longer supported or updated)

Invoicing, Finance, and Business Management software:
Microsoft Money Plus Sunset Deluxe (FREE, CS) (Download (Internet Archive Wayback Machine))
Microsoft Money Plus Sunset Home and Business (FREE, CS) (Download (Internet Archive Wayback Machine))

Microsoft Office Add-ins & Tools:
Microsoft Mouse Mischief for PowerPoint 2007, PowerPoint 2010 (FREE, CS) (Download (Wayback Machine))
Microsoft Office 2003/Office XP Add-in: Remove Hidden Data (FREE, CS) (Download (Softpedia))
Microsoft Office 2003/Office XP Add-in: Office Sounds (FREE, CS) (Download (CNET))
Microsoft Outlook 2003 Add-in: Outlook Calendar Views (FREE, CS) (Download (CNET))
Microsoft Outlook 2003 Add-in: Video Email (FREE, CS) (Download (Softpedia))
Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in (MOSA) (FREE, CS) (Download (Wayback Machine))
Microsoft Outlook Social Connector for Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 (FREE, CS) (Download from Microsoft (Wayback Machine))

Phone Integration and Management software:
Microsoft Phone Data Manager Beta (FREE, CS) (Download (Softpedia)) (For x86 versions of Windows Vista only) (List of the only phones that are supported)
Sony PC Companion 2.10.303 (FREE, CS)
Vista Caller-ID 1.0.8 (FREE, CS) (Download from Softpedia)
Vista Caller-ID for Windows Media Center 1.1.0 Beta (FREE, CS) (Download from Softpedia)

Software/Game Development:
JitBit Macro Recorder ($$$, CS, ONG) (40-day trial available)

Remote Access:
Bartels Media ShareMouse ($$$, CS, UNS) (Free for non-power-use and non-professional use)

Screenshot Software:
AeroShot 1.3.2 (FREE, CS) (Download (Internet Archive Wayback Machine))

System Management, Cleanup, and Analysis:
Avira System Speedup ($$$, CS)
Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT) (FREE, CS, UNS) (Download (Bleeping Computer))
MiTeC Network Meter ($$$, CS, ONG) (Free to use for private, educational, and non-commercial purposes)
MiTeC Network Scanner ($$$, CS, ONG) (Free to use for private, educational, and non-commercial purposes)
MiTeC Structured Storage Viewer ($$$, CS, ONG) (Free to use for private, educational, and non-commercial purposes)
MiTeC System Information X ($$$, CS, ONG) (Free to use for private, educational, and non-commercial purposes)
MiTeC Task Manager DeLuxe ($$$, CS, ONG) (Free to use for private, educational, and non-commercial purposes)
MiTeC Windows File Analyzer ($$$, CS, ONG) (Free to use for private, educational, and non-commercial purposes)
Overseer Network Monitor ($$$, CS, ONG) (30-day trial available)

Video & Photo Editing Software:  
Corel AfterShot 2 ($$$, CS) (Last version as indicated in the vendor release notes for the Pro edition)
Corel AfterShot Pro 2 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
CorelDRAW X6 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Corel Painter 12 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Corel Painter Essentials 4 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Corel PhotoImpact X3 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Corel Pinnacle Studio 17 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Corel VideoStudio Pro X7 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X7 ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)
Global 360 Imaging for Windows ($$$, CS) (Formerly Kodak Imaging for Windows) (14-day trial available)
Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 2.0.123 (201B23A) ($$$, CS) (Last version as per vendor release notes)

Web Browser Plug-ins:
Microsoft Defender Browser Protection (FREE, CS, ONG)
Internet Explorer:
Adblock Plus 1.6 (FREE, CS) (Download (Internet Archive Wayback Machine)) (Terms of use for this version)

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