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POSReady 2009 updates ported to Windows XP SP3 ENU


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Well none of them have ever caused me any problems, with the single exception of one that messed up the font rendering, which was quickly replaced by a fixed version. I would say go for it, but it might be better to do them in batches rather than all at once with that many.


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Wow!  What a fantastic site this is.  I'm super happy to have discovered it and extended the life of what was an excellent running PC.  Special thanks to  hmuellers for his easy to follow instructions for setting up and staying current with the patches!


I just finished running them all and it went amazingly smoothly!


The only issues I had were both from the 2 downloads from the WIndowsupdate domain. 







Each time I ran those two I'd get the following message from my browser no matter what OS I tried downloading from XP / Win 10 / or Linux


Any help to get those would be greatly appreciated and thanks again for such a fantastic resource!


Your connection is not private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from download.windowsupdate.com(for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).



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The message is telling you the truth: the connection is really non-secured (nor does it need to be secure).

The problem is you are using "https" instead of "http" !!!
If you see that message again, on trying the links below, is because your browser is adding the final "s" on the "http" address. Highlight just that "s", delete it and hit enter, and the file ought to download OK. :yes:


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Hi Dave,


Thanks for the advice. I installed all but the most recent ones -- the six updates that were released within the last three months. So far, so good. Now I guess I'll make an image backup of the OS and then go ahead and install the remaing six updates.





Well none of them have ever caused me any problems, with the single exception of one that messed up the font rendering, which was quickly replaced by a fixed version. I would say go for it, but it might be better to do them in batches rather than all at once with that many.



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I can't remember which one it was, but the discussion about it is in here somewhere!

IIRC someone patched it, but that eventually turned out to be un-necessary as MS released a fixed version themselves.

If you've installed all but the last few months worth I'm pretty sure that one would have been in there as it was quite some time ago now.

If your fonts are OK, i wouldn't worry!


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Thanks HMuellers!  I think that'll save some other people in the long run.


One other request I'd throw out there.  And I think some else has brought it up once too, but adding the dates to the files that manually need to be downloaded will go a long way to help keeping track of the files we've already installed as we move forward.


Anyway, thanks again guys. This is a terrific community of people united to keep XP going long and strong!  

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It's possible last month's missing .NET Framework 2.0 update will turn out to be in this month's collected updates .ISO (KB913086), just as it has happened in the recent past. And maybe this month's missing .NET Framework updates, in next month's collected updates .ISO, and so on.



... one can dream, can't one? :angel

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