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POSReady 2009 updates ported to Windows XP SP3 ENU

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On 11/28/2018 at 8:09 PM, heinoganda said:

Update to enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 as secure protocols in WinHTTP.
Info KB4467770
Download KB4467770



Looking at that MS article, it references Winhttp.dll and Updspapi.dll.
The former is now the correct version on my system (5.1.2600.7587) but the latter, although there are many old instances of it in previous update folders, does not exist in my \system32 folder.
Is that correct? I always thought Updspapi.dll was a file which was just part of the update mechanism, but searches about it seem to often say that there should be a copy of it in \system32.

1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

Is that correct? I always thought Updspapi.dll was a file which was just part of the update mechanism, but searches about it seem to often say that there should be a copy of it in \system32

It is part of the update mechanism. I don't think it's needed in \system32, although a copy of it may find its way there by mistake. None of my 6 current XP installations has it \system32, although all have many old instances of it in previous update folders, many of them of the same v., despite being different compilations (= having different dates).


Hi, anybody knows if there is a hotfix for the file volsnap.sys?, (mine is dated 2008-14-4 and version 5.1.2600.5512)

This is the problem I have: On Windows 7 I use Previous versions, and every time I plug my USB hard drive on my Windows XP and after that I plug it on my Windows 7 I loose all the snapshots of this drive, with this error: volsnap event ID 29: The shadow copies of volume F: were aborted during detection.

I found this explanation: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/the-shadow-copies-of-volume-i-were-aborted-during/e85c39ef-6264-4fed-a219-8e41087e6ba0?tab=AllReplies#tabs

but no solution.


Hi, thanks a lot for your answer.

I think there is no solution for my case, cause the solution they offer is to disable the volume in Windows XP so it can not delete the shadow copies.

In my case I want to access my USB drive from Windows 7 and Windows XP. That's why I hoped there were some hotfix for this issue and a new version of volsnap.sys.

I tried to disable the driver volsnap.sys but I get a BSOD.

Anyway I don't know why they didn't fix this with an update for volsnap.sys for Windows XP when Vista came out in 2006, cause this could lead to an important data loss.

1 hour ago, liamZ said:

Anyway I don't know why they didn't fix this with an update for volsnap.sys for Windows XP when Vista came out in 2006, cause this could lead to an important data loss.

Because they couldn't care less for multibooters then, than they care now. A multibooter, by nature, does not use just their latest and greatest OS, and that makes her/him an unperson.

On 12/6/2018 at 8:01 AM, liamZ said:

Hi, anybody knows if there is a hotfix for the file volsnap.sys?, (mine is dated 2008-14-4 and version 5.1.2600.5512)

This is the problem I have: On Windows 7 I use Previous versions, and every time I plug my USB hard drive on my Windows XP and after that I plug it on my Windows 7 I loose all the snapshots of this drive, with this error: volsnap event ID 29: The shadow copies of volume F: were aborted during detection.

That original version is the only one I know of.

FWIW, dencorso's linked KB article is still available from MS at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926185

On 12/6/2018 at 2:59 PM, liamZ said:

I think there is no solution for my case, cause the solution they offer is to disable the volume in Windows XP so it can not delete the shadow copies.

In my case I want to access my USB drive from Windows 7 and Windows XP. That's why I hoped there were some hotfix for this issue and a new version of volsnap.sys.

That USB drive, are you using it for backups from a backup type program, or is it something you use to make manual copies with? Do you write to it from both W7 and XP, or only from W7 and just do reads from XP?

If XP usage is going to be read-only, you could try setting the volume mount for the USB drive in XP to be read-only rather than the default read-write mount. IIRC there was a regedit or something to make this change, I don't have it handy right now but maybe someone else remembers it? That might keep XP from destroying the W7 shadow copies there.

You might want to change the settings for System Restore in both XP and W7 to not monitor that USB drive, maybe even delete the restore points stored on it (if any), at least that should avoid creating new ones that would corrupt the shadow copies.

Another possibility is to tell W7 to store the shadow copies for the USB drive elsewhere, like maybe on the W7 system drive (hopefully XP will not have access to that so can't delete them). See https://ccm.net/faq/2679-how-to-turn-off-volume-shadow-copy#how-to-edit-the-disk-space-allocated-to-shadow-copy for instructions.

Do you also use Previous Versions on XP? I think it did not come by default (at least on Home) but have seen some people claim it can be installed there, from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=16220. While XP does have a copy of vssadmin.exe, it is older than the W7 version and I'm not clear if it is able to do the same thing and move its snapshots of the USB drive to the XP system drive (where hopefully W7 will not delete them), but if it is able you could try that too.

I don't know whether installing the volume shadow service SDK on XP would help or not, but it is available at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=23490 if you want to check that out.

On 12/6/2018 at 2:59 PM, liamZ said:

I tried to disable the driver volsnap.sys but I get a BSOD. 

You probably don't want to disable the driver for volsnap.sys since it would be needed by the shadow copy service that runs by default. If you want to stop the service itself there are also instructions for that a bit earlier in the above ccm.net link, this should be the same for both XP and W7. In that case you might also want to turn off the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service, similar method but different name. Both of these services can be typically called by backup programs including MS Backup and also System Restore so if you use those this might not be a good idea. More info about these services is at http://www.blackviper.com/windows-services/volume-shadow-copy/ and http://www.blackviper.com/windows-services/microsoft-software-shadow-copy-provider/ .

On 12/6/2018 at 2:59 PM, liamZ said:

Anyway I don't know why they didn't fix this with an update for volsnap.sys for Windows XP when Vista came out in 2006, cause this could lead to an important data loss.

Back in 2006 https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/filecab/2006/07/14/how-restore-points-and-other-recovery-features-in-windows-vista-are-affected-when-you-dual-boot-with-windows-xp said:

Why this fix is not trivial for Windows XP: Backporting volsnap.sys to Windows XP would require significant development and testing time. The entire Volume Shadowcopy Service (VSS) subsystem in Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server “Longhorn” would need to be backported to Windows XP and would likely break a number of third-party backup applications that rely on the current version of volsnap.sys in Windows XP.

for whatever THAT may be worth.


Hi w2k4eva, thanks for your answer. I want to read and write the drive from XP and 7. I don't use system restore on XP, I use it on 7. I disabled system restore and VSS service on XP but it is the XP driver volsnap.sys that removes restore points and previous versions from Vista and later, and it cannot be disabled.

So the only "solution" is never use a drive with Vista or later shadow copies on Windows XP.

I think the only trivial fix they could have done was to modify volsnap.sys to recognyze Vista shadow copies an NEVER, EVER touch them. Cause is inadmissible that an O.S. removes anything from an external drive.

I wonder how many times back in 2006, somebody plugged a Vista user USB drive into Windows XP and removed all previous versions in the drive. Or somebody took a Vista system drive with a virus and plugged into an XP machine to remove it, and every restore point vanished...


I agree there should be a fix for volsnap.sys to ignore shadow copies from later versions. But I guess there's not.

Since you do want to write to the USB drive from XP, but don't use system restore on XP, it sounds to me like the best solution @w2k4eva had was this:

On 12/8/2018 at 9:55 PM, w2k4eva said:

... tell W7 to store the shadow copies for the USB drive elsewhere, like maybe on the W7 system drive (hopefully XP will not have access to that so can't delete them). See https://ccm.net/faq/2679-how-to-turn-off-volume-shadow-copy#how-to-edit-the-disk-space-allocated-to-shadow-copy for instructions.

On W7, it appears you'd use the command "vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On = C: (assuming C: is your W7 system drive) /For = D: (assuming D: is your USB drive) /maxsize = 3GB (or whatever)". Which, if I understood the article correctly, would place the shadow copies of D: on your C: drive. Then there's nothing left on D: for XP to mess up.


A semi-random thought, but maybe one could try actually disable the volume in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices\Offline and then mount the volume "indirectly" (and with another drive letter) via IMDISK, that does have a "direct extent access" feature:


It has to be seen if volsnap.sys actually hooks also this IMDISK volume (that appears not in disk manager, etc. as it is basically a "superfloppy").


23 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

I agree there should be a fix for volsnap.sys to ignore shadow copies from later versions. But I guess there's not.

Since you do want to write to the USB drive from XP, but don't use system restore on XP, it sounds to me like the best solution @w2k4eva had was this:

On W7, it appears you'd use the command "vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On = C: (assuming C: is your W7 system drive) /For = D: (assuming D: is your USB drive) /maxsize = 3GB (or whatever)". Which, if I understood the article correctly, would place the shadow copies of D: on your C: drive. Then there's nothing left on D: for XP to mess up.

Hi Mathwiz, yes, a solution could be that one, but in my case I don't want to store the shadow copies in another drive. So for me the solution for now is to use another drive.

Hi jaclaz, I have to look at your possible solution, thanks.

Posted (edited)

Patch Tuesday!

(Download links only in English!)

Internet Explorer 8:

KB4470199 <DOWNLOAD>  

POSReady 2009:




.NET Framework 4.0:

KB4470490 <DOWNLOAD>

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1:


Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack Service Pack 3:


Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007:



Edited by someguy25

Direct links for December 2018 updates: WES09/POSReady 2009 (3 updates, English only), IE8 cumulative security update (English), .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 4.0 updates (international), Office 2007 compatibility pack SP3 updates (international)





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