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Posted (edited)
i find it amusing how adobe flash installer trying to beat KEX each time win9x user (with KEX help of course) able to install previous version of flash10.

Certainly looks like this is what is hapenning. :yes:

Btw, the non IE versions of Flash and Beta 2 both install and seem to run fine here.

Edited by loblo

i find it amusing how adobe flash installer trying to beat KEX each time win9x user (with KEX help of course) able to install previous version of flash10.

Certainly looks like this is what is hapenning. :yes:

Btw, the non IE versions of Flash and Beta 2 both install and seem to run fine here.

Not sure: previously when they wanted to beat off the 'Old Os' users, there were a clear message that the OS is not supported and the exe was rejecting to install.

At least for me, Flash Player seems to install correctly but no file is copied.

Btw, I tried both ActiveX (IE) and plugin (Non IE) with various registry changes, and wasn't able to get anyone of them installed in version

(Didn't tried the 11.2 beta's).


Does VLC need any specific compatibility mode? When I don't set any compatibility mode it shows me an "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"...

... When I enable Win2K or WinXP compatibility for it, all letters become black squares.

Have you got Revolutions Pack installed?

Read in post #734: VLC 1.1 (with KernelEx) works only without RP9.

As I said here, last version of VLC to give me good results (with RP9) is 1.0.3.

Posted (edited)

Hello, new KernelEx user here. Please forgive me any transgressions. I installed KEX for the specific purpose of running one application that would not otherwise work under Win98SE. It works now, but has a serious UI display issue. Then I remembered another program that I could not get to work at all some months previously, installed it, and now it runs but can not fully access any drives (leaving it still useless).


Details for Harmony Programming Tool:

Download Harmony Programming Tool software and (if needed) FT232R USB>Serial Port Driver:




Note: You do not need an actual Harmony Cartridge to see the error, which appears regardless of whether the cartridge is connected to the system.

1. Operating system version: Windows 98SE, 4.10.2222 A. I have some Windows ME upgrades installed. OS is set to display fonts at 150% of original size under Display Properties > Settings tab > Advanced button > General tab.

2. KernelEx version: 4.5 RC4 (core 4.5.14). I have also tried 4.0 Final 2 (from KernelEx-4.0-Final2.exe) with the same results.

3a. Vendor: AtariAge/Fred X. Quimby/Stephen Anthony

3b. Program Name: HarmonyCart.exe, Harmony Programming Tool

3c. Program Version: 1.1

4. Problem Description: Tabs and buttons show no text labels. Program otherwise functions properly, and by stepping through the manual instructions and reading the popup tooltips can be used in the "Bios Update" tab mode. Manual lacks details for the "Development" tab mode and tooltips are insufficient to easily decipher what to do.

5. Exact steps required to reproduce the problem: Simply launch the HarmonyCart.exe application.

6a. Did the program work prior to installing KernelEx?: No, program would not run. See screenshot below of two error dialogs that pop up simultaneously.

6b. Does disabling KernelEx in compatibility tab fix the problem?: No, disabling KernelEx compatibilty returns program behaviour to same as before KernelEx was installed.

Screenshot from the .pdf manual showing what the HPT should look like under another OS:

post-306643-088385400 1286923153_thumb.g

Screenshot from my system, with KernelEx:

post-306643-051113200 1286923125_thumb.g

Screenshot from my system, without Kernelex (I moved the window with the focus down to show both, originally it was directly on top of the larger one):

post-306643-082038200 1286923136_thumb.g

Both of the second and third screenshots above represent what appears regardless of whether the Harmony Cartridge is connected, with the exception that the status bar message in the second screenshot will be similar to the message shown in the manual if the cartridge is present, and the red dot in the lower right corner will be green instead.

I have also tried setting the fonts to display at the normal "Small Fonts" setting instead of 150%, with no change to the behavior.


Details for DriveSort:

Homepage: http://www.anerty.net/software/file/DriveSort/

(user instructions are on the page, download link is at bottom of page)

1. Operating system version: Windows 98SE, 4.10.2222 A. I have some Windows ME upgrades installed.

2. KernelEx version: 4.5 RC4 (core 4.5.14). I have also tried 4.0 Final 2 (from KernelEx-4.0-Final2.exe) with the same results.

3a. Vendor: Anerty

3b. Program Name: DriveSort.exe, DriveSort

3c. Program Version: 1.223

4. Problem Description: Program is unable to fully read any drive installed in or attached to the computer.

5. Exact steps required to reproduce the problem: Start the application. Click the far left drive icon in the toolbar, or select Disk then Open from the menu. After the program finishes scanning for drives (which will take a few seconds if the system has a floppy drive), double-click a listed drive; or highlight a drive in the list and click the OK button at bottom of the window.

6a. Did the program work prior to installing KernelEx?: No.

6b. Does disabling KernelEx in compatibility tab fix the problem?: No.

Screenshot of error dialog resulting when selecting a drive:

post-306643-067497700 1286923187_thumb.g


Thank you Xeno86 and Tihiy for your work and continuing support on this project!

Edited by ajFranzman

VLC shouldn't be affected by RP9. I always use both.

DriveSort won't work since it uses physical drive access.

Will look into Harmony Cartridge.

Also there is some progress in making major apps run. Stay tuned.

Posted (edited)

Xeno/Tihiy, could you look at latest builds of ffdshow (clsid)?

It's possible to install them but they don't work - I'm using revision 3556 (from September 2).

Edited by rainyd
Posted (edited)

VLC shouldn't be affected by RP9. I always use both.


what version of VLC are you using? :huh:

I can't run any after 1.0.3.

And what is your OS: 98 SE, Me, 98SE2ME, ... ?

Xeno86 says in KernelEx v4.5 RC 2 changelog that VLC 1.1.2 works only without RP9.

Edited by CharlesF
Xeno86 says in KernelEx v4.5 RC 2 changelog that VLC 1.1.2 works only without RP9.
Nope, it works even without RP9. Before RC2 it worked only with RP9. Ensure it's clearly RP related (and happens in minimal RP installation?). Also wipe Vlc folder in Application Data. Post drwatson log then. :>
Posted (edited)

it would be nice if Xeno86 would add Seamonkey support into KernelEx 4.5.

After I installed KernelEx 4.5 RC4 onto my WinME system, the Seamonkey 2.0.8 browser suite setup program didn't continue saying it needed Win2000 or better. I had to right-click on the "SeaMonkey Setup 2.0.8.exe" file, choose Properties and on the Compatibility tab, I had to set it to run in XP SP2 compatibility mode and save changes. Ran the SM 2.08 setup program again and installation continued as expected. But when I launched its seamonkey.exe file, the program was missing most of its icons and menu bar labels in the Seamonkey 2.08 browser window.

However, when I had to manually set the seamonkey.exe file to run in either Win2000 or XP SP2 compatibility mode, Seamonkey now works perfectly with all the icons and menu bar labels displayed.

Please add (or even set) either Win2000 compatibility or WinXP SP2 compatibility automatically into the seamonkey.exe file and its executable setup program in KernelEx so I don't have to set them manually.

Edited by erpdude8
Nope, it works even without RP9. Before RC2 it worked only with RP9. Ensure it's clearly RP related (and happens in minimal RP installation?).

Also wipe Vlc folder in Application Data.

Post drwatson log then. :>

I had supposed it was RP-linked only because of my misunderstanding of Xeno86 changelog.

  • Test of VLC 1.1.2: Zip file, no installer, C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\vlc (of previous version) deleted first
    * launching OK
    * play mp3 & wma, but:
    - react very slowly (in comparison with 1.0.3)
    - the cursor to show progression & to go further is not working,
    - the graphic scale to raise volume is very slow to react,
    - in Graphic Equalizer the cursors are not moving but working,
    - I have to double-click to change of tab (instead of simple-click), ...
    * doesn't play wav, mid, mp4, wmv, ...
    * when I close it (after opening at least 1 file), it stays "frozen" in TaskManager (Ctrl+Alt+Del). I have to kill it manually.
    Dr.Watson snapshot:
  • Test of VLC 1.1.4: no installer, C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\vlc (of previous version) deleted first
    -> same behaviour, and
    - if I click the Stop button, I can't restart the music using the Start button.

Posted (edited)
Not sure but you may try Windows 2000 compatibility mode.

If that reply was for me, thank you, but I have tried all KEX compatibility modes with both programs that I reported without any differences in behavior. I should have mentioned that in my previous post.

For the list of programs that KEX actively supports or has been found to work with (if there is one; where is it?) you can add the following CD games and demo if not already included:

Family Feud, 2008 release by 2K Play/Take-Two Interactive/Global Star/Atomic Planet/Fremantle Media -- works perfectly except for "online play" mode. Not sure if this is a KEX limitation, or the publisher has stopped maintaining their server.

Deal or No Deal, 2008 release by 2K Play/Take-Two Interactive/Bink Video/Cat Daddy Games/Endemol International -- works perfectly, except for "online play" as above.

Note that both of the above games (which were low-value prizes in a fast food giveaway game) are essentially minor updates adding an online option to the 2006 versions, so the 2006 versions should also work.

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, 2003 PCCD Game Demo by EA Games/Kellogg's/AOL/New Line Cinema -- works but too slow and jerky on my system to be playable, even at minimum detail settings (I guess I won't be buying the full game to play on this system!)

All of the above list Windows 2000/XP as the minimum OS requirement. I did not try Family Feud or Deal or No Deal before installing KEX. The LOTR demo would not install before I installed KEX.

Edited by ajFranzman

Hi :) The main problem faced by W98 users is that newer hardware is b*u*t*t load of pain (when it comes to drivers) so, By any chance, CAN kernelEx or anything else can allow WinXP drivers to work on 98???



I've edited the word that triggered the <!> approval/report warning.

Pls refrain from using any inappropriate terms, the forum scripts has them banned.





To my knowledge KEX works by adding core, kernel + API functions for older non-NTx apps, has nothing to do with the hardware-to-software translation layer, i.e. drivers.

To create a tool like KEX to deal specifically with drivers, opens a whole new can of worms, and probably needs huge amounts of time + programming code, and maybe even kernel/core rewrites.

IMHO, I don't see this as a feasible solution.

But there are plenty of Windows 2000 + XP drivers out there [trial-and-error in some cases, depending on your specific hardware device +/- driver] which work out-of-the-box with 98/ME, or some need to be extracted from their NTx-only installer/archive and then run separately [eventually by hand by running the 9x OS Hardware Wizard and detect your specific device], or may just need minor INF tweaking to install properly. Which means the actual driver code is ok, just needs to be recognized by the 9x OS thru appropriate INF functions.

Same goes for Vista/7 drivers that can be used [some with minor tweaking] with 2000 + XP.



I compiled Arora 0.11.0 (with Qt 4.7.0) by Visual C++ 2005 express edition and MinGW, and it seems that latest Arora can't work on Win98se. I also tried 0.10.2 compiled by other user but got same result.

Dependency Walker shows the following message before Arora stops.

SingleApplication: Unable to listen: "QLocalServerPrivate::addListener: \b Win32 C" 

Old official 0.10.0-1 (with Qt 4.5.3) works and passes Peacekeeper benchmark without problem.

Besides, the demo browser 0.1 in Qt also works.


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