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Everything posted by MAVERICKS CHOICE

  1. I can read what it is. I visited the MUP thread before I posted here in this thread for the first time. Let me ask my question in a different way than I did in my last post. Why would I want to install 300 updates versus the 40 security updates? Thats why we have rollup updates & service packs....
  2. You should really post this stuff in device drivers sects of this board.
  3. I guess it comes down to what you need, a developer may need to do many installs & testing very frequently & with some work an unattended install is very fast. Ghosted images also are sound. None of this is meant to be simple for the "typical user" but gives the means if so desired.
  4. To our knowledge only the OEM can be backed up & reapplied. The rearming is all you can do atm. We are constantly doing fresh installs & are up against the same prob. Its no biggy though.
  5. Look here it may help: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=102095&view=findpost&p=678869 Thats right man OEM as we stated above...
  6. USB Rollup Update. KB941600 - Cumulative update rollup for USB core components in Windows Vista Oct. 2, 07 - 417kb Replaces many previous usb fixes.
  7. Yes it can be installed silently. Take a look on this board @ NLite addons rado has a made an addon pack for this already.
  8. Yep if thats the case you could setup a startup.cmd to run your tweaks & then delete itself after the first reboot. Or heck just use WPI & do the same.
  9. I agree get yourself a free copy of virtual PC 2007 learn how to use it & test from Vanilla right through adding update packs then NLiting & driverpacks etc. Saves coasters, btw I think it will take longer a week to fully master UA creations, so don't feel so bad. Just remember testing is your friend.
  10. Does your reg tweaks work as expected on a running desktop manually? If so post your firstlogon.cmd & reg tweak file.
  11. A basic search would have uncovered some interesting reading Here
  12. Looks like a reasonable tweaking tool although I haven't used it, however unless it can back up its settings or export a reg file its of little use in UA. If so post should be moved to the Vista OS section of this board.
  13. Yep retrieved the .cab from my windows installation following an update today. But thanks for the link be mighty handy for those who can't find theirs.
  14. Anyone done this to suppress the Network & wireless Lan icons? If so any pointers.
  15. When you say its not working, what part? or its not working unattended? Or not at all?. Where do you have the xml placed?
  16. This thread is fast filling up with Junk.
  17. @Shoguy...Quote:it's not about motherboards. It's about limitations of addressing memory with the memory space with 32bit. 64bit vista has no problems with adressing up to 128gb of memory. Settle down ...no need to be so anal on the subject.
  18. Mount the wim & place Here...ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\Default
  19. You would do better posting in the VLite section of this board with your ini file so Nuhi & the fellows can decipher where it maya went wrong.
  20. I find the waik /wsim reference to be very helpful. There a few tools you mention on this board for automating an xml.
  21. You would think Vista being the latest available windows os that it could keep up with the mobo's?
  22. FYI, Reg tweaks many of the existing ones used in XP work ok for x86 Vista. I reckon wpi is cool for Vista & has been for a while. Man you really need to do more surfin /searchin round here afore posting theres absolutely s*** loads of these Q's already answered.
  23. Found if you look in windows & locate program data/Windows Defender you should find recent or default update defs files, maybe located in a folder eg {82DC2955-985C-44FF-BC0E-9DDDA6A03C7F} or something like. Then you can save these files & mount your updated wim & paste the saved files straight in & commit & save your changes. This is especially useful if you update & reinstall your source frequently without the hassle of updating following a fresh install etc. Hope someone finds this useful.
  24. Metric is more accurate.distance travelled by light in absolute vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second the international inch is defined to be exactly 25.4 millimeters Read that 2nd link for what it was based on before metric knocked some sense into them. Something based on the speed of light is generally going to be more accurate, and make more logical sense, than something based on the average man's thumb width. Don't agree, imperial is as just as accurate.
  25. Basically I reintegrate updates each month theres plenty of examples on this board. I use the waik & tools. I don't integrate drivers. With some minor searching I have posted my xml quite a few times here already. Your best to create it yourself & keep testing.
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