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Everything posted by MAVERICKS CHOICE

  1. @Prath Pretty sure Sig is working on it but the Integrator is not compatible with Vista atm? Not working for me here either.
  2. Gotta agree with Kel best way is VLite. If your installing from the dvd & not upgrading much of the sources dir contents can be deleted to save space.
  3. Yes any wise man would use Vista cautiously. I have too experienced the same luckily only on a test box. No I won't be adopting Vista until at least sp1 which is due any day now.
  4. @All I have carried out further testing using both methods of update integration eg. pkgmgr & peimg either method results in the same error as experienced before. Leaves me to suggest its certainly a hotfix superceeding an earlier one & causing the wsim to error out. Trouble is I have approx 35 hotfixes integrated will be a task to single out the offenders? Please find my integrate.xml attached. This also leads me to think either method of integration is ok.
  5. Martin I'm using peimg to integrate hotfixes, had no probs prior though?
  6. I do see double entrys now in the wsim earlier & later vers numbers. Finding it diificult to edit the old answer files manually to remove the earlier versions. Do I need to remake the answer file from within the wsim & use only the latter to overcome this error?
  7. Re the dotnet 3 latest update Windows6.0-KB932471-v2-x86.cab, 28kb. only available through wu how do I integrate this cab file? All sorted had the wrong file.
  8. @spOOf not quite with ya? are you saying double entries appear inside the wsim?
  9. Martin, I have been using my original source with only hotfix integration. Only appears to be a problem using the wsim? I make mine running XP sp2 fully up to date.
  10. I also used your xml T & got the error whilst saving... gotta be something else causin this ?? maybe a hotfix??
  11. Yes, I tried many things to correct this uninstalled the waik & reinstalled no avail. The weird thing was my installs worked perfectly. Could still modify inside the wsim but would error on saving. Anyway after a remake of the xml all good.
  12. Yes I experienced a similar error recently although the wsim would not save & gave me that error. One thing I can suggest is to backup or delete, rename your ultimate catalogue file located in the Sources dir usually a .cfg extension & let the wsim create a new one then point back to your existing xml ans file. The above however did not work for me & had to rebuild my entire xml from scratch for the wsim to accept it..I forgot how much time I spent creating it the first time lol. I don't know if this error is caused by text editors cause I started modifying with metapad & validating within the wsim then a month ago changed to Notepad2 & that problem appeared?? Maybe a coincidence?
  13. &welcome Powercycle Have a look in the Vista unattended section of this board. Even a simple search above or in Google will take you to the relevant section.
  14. Try removing the following from your xml If you want to choose etc.
  15. Hey guys been using VPC 2007 for many months & working pretty fine. I have one small prob though. When trying to connect inside Vista to the net it fails to connect. I however can gain local network access, share folders etc. Strange though If I start an xp in another saved machine connects straight away no worries? I have tried uninstalling the network & repairing etc. Still no go with the net?? Googled around for similar problems but not as specific as mine. Thanks guys.
  16. This is mine taken directly from a working xml. Have you removed something in VLite maybe? All good.
  17. Your saying other codecs are installed or same codec package? Are you installing this unattendly or testing this silently live in windows?
  18. Excellent script, worked flawlessly as advertised.
  19. T,do you have winrar or 7zip? If so check out the search function & look for Keytotime's excellent guide. Since you are using the setupcomplete.cmd you could first pack Sharks codecs into a sfx & run with wpi. Hope that helps? btw nice scripting in your setupcomplete.cmd
  20. T, explain to us how you are installing what cmd are you running? What method do you use for your install?eg batch, runonce, wpi. You could use what I posted above to silently install.
  21. Did you use nLite to delete any drivers? That caused/fixed it for me. Don't delete any drivers and VPC works perfectly. Yes I do though always use the same preset.ini?...So why now this problem & not at all during the last six months since I downloaded & installed VPC2007??
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