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Everything posted by TranceEnergy

  1. Well it's kind of outdated now unless you are on w9x system, perhaps 2k. There are very few tweaks that matters to raising bandwidth speed or lowering latencies. I wouldn't use that program unless i was on xp sp1 f.ex, which i aint. And if i was, i'd uninstall xD
  2. Sure he can, lol im a bit suprised you guys say no. There are several solutions to this. In one of my previous jobs we did this all the time. We were using ghost and other things to accomplish this, tho ghost will be enough for your needs i guess. Long time since i've done it, but ghost is very self explaining imho.
  3. Really? That's fantastic! I love universal solutions! But i kind of don't get it, aren't shutdown/timeout included in all windows version, sort of anyway?
  4. Making mental note of stuff 2 do. I will go over this once i have time, that might take a while tho.
  5. Kurt what if there exists no tcp-ip internet connection or no tcp installed, will it still be usable as a time counter? And why not just use shutdown, or timeout.
  6. You only do annual posts Alien42? (join date 2005) lol. Way to respond to outdated issues. .net2 f.ex is installed with 3.5 etc, the wga issue was an error on my part (install broken) However much thanks for the pdf viewer, i downloaded the portable one, will see how it compares to foxit pdf reader when i get time(also portable). One can safely remove IE and use other browsers for Win updates, like Green Browser. edit: Right off the bat i opened a 15mb pdf, and Pdf xchange viewer used 40mb+ and firefox it used less then 20mb -memory. Perhaps better if i find x64 version with portable version of it.
  7. %source% is a bit special it doesnt need the "\" right after it. So f.ex in nlite set it to run as an example in your preset/last session change this to [GuiRunOnce] TimeOut /T 30 CMD /R %Source%XP.bat Rem One File 2 Rule Them All xD rem Example (rem means comment or whatever, can use echo if you like instead) cmd /R %source%setup\tweak\init_tweaks-before_the_storm.bat --- example content of before the storm batch file Copy /Y %Source%setup\WinUp.lnk "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Windows Update.lnk" taskkill /IM ctfmon.exe cmd /R %Source%setup\Tweak\Tweak-000-customize_bootini.bat cmd /R %source%setup\Tweak\Tweak-001-MakeInstallDirs.bat regedit /s %source%setup\Tweak\Tweak-001-SetInstallDirs.reg regedit /s %source%setup\Tweak\Tweak-010-Settings-NoMouseAccel.reg regedit /s %source%setup\Tweak\Tweak-011-Settings-MouseCursors.reg etc.... hm i need to 2 some renaming... Hope this helps? btw %source% is a path created with nlite, which you dont have to worry about, %source% translates to D:\ f.ex if that is the current drive letter for you cd/dvd drive.
  8. Getting the tweaked settings isnt a problem. Find them in registry and export. Run wmp11 installer from guirunonce or whatever, and also any wmp hotfixes if you like.Import registry settings with reged /s yourfile.reg after installers have been run.
  9. Download X-Setup portable version, update it when u have internet available, and when done updating close program and simply copy the x-setup portable folder to your usb-stick or whatever. Sorry but i've been busy with other things. I will get back to this kind of thing later on. You dont need to break up the process if you dont feel like it, i was just trying to come up with suggestions in order to make the process as safe as possible. Another good way of tweaking is to take your installed windows of choice and goto regedit and find control panel and export your keyboard settings/mouse settings/desktop settings/sound settings/theme settings etc etc, both for your user/default user etc. F.ex i did that and it was the *ONLY* way i could get a perfect "No Sounds" sound scheme on the installed os.Eliminating the " " no name sound scheme , annoyance, and of course other sound themes. Gimme some time and i'll write a huge how-to guide with everything readily available, hopefully within a few weeks.
  10. The only way to get it done, is to start, or obviously there's not a chance in hell of ever being able to do anything ;D At least that's one of the thoughts i have, i'll note down problems and somewhere down the road i might find solutions, and i'm pretty confident in that regard. As far as registry issues, well, reverse engineering will go a long way xD Most likely some issues in general can only be "fixed" by patching various files. Also another good reason i like is to find files that nlite doesnt remove, which is just pure joy. I'm hoping to upload the s*** in a few weeks when i'm confident that things more or less work. edit: while these lasts posts i originally thought was off topic, they kind of isn't. Alternative solutions forever =p On a sidenote/more on topic: It would probably, for majority of files i *think* be doable to have batch files to upx compress and upx decompress files. Then in my head/theory it wouldnt be a problem with windows updating etc. However most likely one would need to run with wfp/sfc disabled and or/patched. It wouldn't take much time either to make it, tho i haven't read up on upx command line usage lately. What would be needed in order to do that? 1 : Well, a complete listing of all files on the windows installed operating system. There's little point in trying to exclude files at start. 2 : Duplicate file list, for compression and decompression. 3 : integrate upx packer in windows with possibly using $OEM to copy files to system32 f.ex. 4 : Testing. If things first dont work, try to exclude files 1 by 1 needed in order to just simply boot. Then try WU files. OR alternatively there might exist software already that will do on the fly upx compression of files. I remember some years ago it was popular with software that would zip archive any files, made things a total mess imho =D
  11. click on Desktop / properties / Desktop / Customize Desktop.
  12. Okay now that i'm blessed with Epic Win, i reckon i'm screwed, lol.
  13. Doesnt ".\WinLite.iso .\Source" part ,- mean that it is pointing to parent directory on winlite.iso and parent dir\source dir? You might want to check if paths are correct then.
  14. GrofLuigi: Not if i have moved/deleted the files! xD Whole point is to take charge of what files are kept in the system.
  15. John Doe - The man! Awesome addon!
  16. One possibility: Yes, there's a thing called keyboard substitutes. I dont know if thats exists on win2000 tho. goto current user in registry and find keyboard layout\substitutes on my current x64 sp2 test install in vmware, 409=414
  17. Anyone sane person, tho i consider myself crazy, would never consider buying text files. How ridiculous is that. lol. I just hope to fill a hole in what nlite can't do, such as removing bloat that is installed from applications. F.ex adobe cs3 installs like eula and different language files for xx different languages. So the plan basically is to build a set of such batches that will remove everything but english, as an example. I'm not sure how much i remove yet, but i think the file count is like 400+ atm. I'm quite sure many of you like this idea of having that capability. It's kind of sad when you have made a nlite iso that works really great for you, and every application you install, comes with all these files that you will never, ever need. Tho if you might, you could put them back in, if you didnt delete files.
  18. jmbattle: This is more hands on. Here we know it is a php filetype, so should be doable quickly, wo much thought. I'd recommend getting DefaultBrowser program, you're going to love it, and use that to properly set your internet browser of choice. Once you have done that, you could look into the php filetype, if any issues still persists.
  19. Please dont compare me to a guy who sells batch files, thanks. xD
  20. 5eraph, i already said i created it myself, i know how to do it, lol
  21. I have started to write some batch files that will effectively move files out of windows folders, to a backup folder mirroring the location of the original file. If you have suggestions for what files to move im open for suggestions. I'm going to write this in some posts i have in a thread under windows 64bit (but would work for 32bit xp too im sure), but currently, last time i checked, i could not edit my own first post there, so im not adding things to it until that situation has been resolved. The whole idea i have is that, windows install can be nlited after windows install, and still be able to revert any changes to it. F.ex Windows Error reporting, some like it some not, i dont really need it, but i found that it had like 20 dll files that were language files, so i added that i would move those files, so they can be deleted if user wants to. Or one could back them up,archive them, whatever one wants. Currently i can do small things like disable system restore, remove the system restore tab from my computer, stuff like that.
  22. I didnt react to anything in that preset of what you have removed or so. I think it was a very harmless nlite preset. Except that 16.million half-open tcp-ip connections per second is a little extreme. You will NEVER need that. If that could cause the problem you are experiencing, i dont know, i think not. But still its the only think i thought was out of the ordinary.
  23. That activex situation you describe i dont recognize, i think nlite already has tweak for that. And i think nlite has the other one too, tho names of what you describe them are not the same as names of that in nlite.
  24. No that wouldn't do, but i created the path variable myself. I was sure %profiles% was a system path set by windows as default? At least google kind of confirms my suspicions on that. I've never really needed the variable up until now. If i were to use profile path as you suggest, that would lead me to all users or current user profile, which wouldnt help me at all.
  25. Kurt, i noticed that .net 3.5sp1 also contains XPS printer drivers, which is of newer version then those i previously had in Euro font expansion pack v2 update, and maybe some other KB too. Just saying that if one chooses to install 3.5sp1 one also get those latest drivers, which *seems* to be of Vista version, kinda neat.
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