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Everything posted by TranceEnergy
Trying to edit my posts: IPS driver error
TranceEnergy replied to TranceEnergy's topic in Site & Forum Issues
Okay thanks xper, i was starting to wondering if it was just my computer or something. Btw, is there anyway the thread can be locked so only i can edit the posts, and no comments to them? It would be nice for the time being, it is going to take some time for me to get it all together, seeing as i have about 200KB of text i need to rewrite to make it "readable". Thank you for your help in this matter! Dont know if this helps, but i was toying with new avatar in photoshop yesterday, and the darn thing wouldnt update properly. First my old avatar just simply got twice as large, and even reloading page and such didnt work, no re-uploading avatar. So i did a clean erase of my local browser cache, which fixed that issue instantly. I had that problem on around same time i had that problem with that post. -
IPS Driver Error There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here thats the error message. This is very annyoing =) I have been trying to change my posts at ,which needs to be renamed and edited etc. I have many things i want to write on those posts in that thread. Thanks.
Full Choice Of Any Partition As Target
TranceEnergy replied to g555's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Your "autopartition" setting there decides whether or not windows setup will auto format a partition for you. Unattended setting doesnt have anything to do with that. -
tried sfc /revert ?
Reservation 2 This is reserved for other update coming.... I'm going to post my entire install routine and create a complete scheme to install x64, to put it plainly, i plan to write everything i know on the subject in these posts. Because of a issue with hotfixshare links, i cant edit the posts with hotfix share links in them. Sorry about this. I hope to remove them all when i get chance next time. I am sorry about this and the current mess. I hope to get things cleaned up soon. updates till 12september 2008 need to add: WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB953663-x64-ENU which replaces KB951059 (5.2.3790.4339 vs 5.2.3790.4278) new addition : WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB932039-v2-x64-ENU (explorer exe 6.00.3790.4016, more vista updates wohoo- a testament to x64 sp2 stability that no newer updates to explorer until now) new addition :WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB952312-x64-ENU adprop.dll & dsprop.dll from sp2 version to 5.2.3790.4313. new addition: WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB956625-x64-ENU\SP2QFE msctf.dll from sp2 version to 5.2.3790.4352
Tools : Nlite 1.4.8 - WMP 11 Slipstreamer - Hive Tools for Editing Registry on Windows Source(!) Free Font Renamer Essential Installs : K-Lite Mega Codec Pack - K-Lite Codec Pack 64-bit Real Alternative - QuickTime Alternative - Default Browser - Nice tool which will allow you to completely bypass IE as browser in windows enviroment, partially also for WU. PortableApps website, hosts many portable freeware programs, which will inhere be used. Misc - Fonts : Vista RTM fonts - Alternative extras to that (i dont use these as they are, but modify them with consolas fonts): Registry Fix - Registry Reverse Vista fix Consolas Fonts - a very neat block type font, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THESE FOR NOTEPAD EDITING. Consolas Font Pack for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 Reference links : Gosh's part1 to reducing Windows Source (essential reading, which will be described for x64 usage) An A-Z Index of the Windows XP command line - WinntbbuED, Edit your Winnbbu.dll the easy way I got tired of having to have automatic updates service always on automatic, always on if you will, just to run WU to check for updates, so i wrote this: Manual Windows update rem This will set Automatic updates service to automatic and start it,then to manual and stop it after you have runned WU and done any updates or not. sc config wuauserv start= auto net start wuauserv "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" net stop wuauserv sc config wuauserv start= demand
Lol, i can't edit it, either in quick edit or full edit mode, i get an error message saying something about IPS error and database.. Later then. Still can't edit it, i have reported this as an issue to forum admin. / still can't edit it #2 28/8.. 3/9, i got around to editing first post and added 2 hotfixes, and saved the post, and then i get "IPS driver error" again when trying to edit it. Lol, wtf is this. Need to add WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950426-v2-x64-ENU.exe, Which does not replace files that i could see from other kb's. and WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB953323-x64-ENU.exe which replaces KB945272 completely (delete KB945272) and WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB955843-v2-x64-ENU.exe which replaces KB940046. Can't edit post #1 still.. I should move content from post #1 to #4 when i get a chance next time, will be better then i hope.
This is work in progress.. Preview function doesnt work so will have to post to see what happens, and use edit function later on. First : KB's (Hotfixes/security fixes or other) that doesnt integrate on xp x64 sp2 with nlite 1.4.8 HotFix-UnidrvPrinterDriver-KB948046.exe I currently install KB948046-v2, and have done so for last 2-3 weeks, right after running the euro font expansion pack, which i made into a winrar silent installer with fontinst.exe instead. And that works, so until nlite can install both it's the only way to fly. However the XPS printer drivers are updated in .net 3.5 with sp1, but there seems to be some of the files that are of later date, tho not drivers themselves, but still. Keeping until i have gotten around to re-checking all file versions. WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941602-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947186-x64-ENU.exe I found that if i re-insert these 2 kb's sorted after build number they will get integrated, that is nlite doesnt report them not being a problem to integrate. Haven't confirmed with any setuperr.log but it seems fine atm. List of KB's containing the latest versions of all files for xp x64 sp2 to totally update all components Note: Of course some KB's contain older versions of some files then in other KB's, however, when all hotfixes are combined, every file on your windows install will be of the latest/newest version. First I list some KB's that can be considered optional, tho everything really is optional isnt it. Internet Explorer 7.0 + hotfixes IE7-0.exe IE7-1_KB938127.exe IE7-2_KB953838.exe Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB943729)Windows-en-US-KB943729.exe Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) for Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB932716) Windows Installer 4.5 KB942288.exe msn4_7 hotfix (this is why i list this here-old and optional) WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946648-x64-ENU.exe ms_agent (this shouldnt be needed actually, might be removed) WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB932168-x64-ENU.exe MS_XML_4_0SP2 KB941833.exe old_flash player update WindowsXP-KB923789-x86-ENU.exe RemoteDesktopConnection(TSC6.0) KB925876.exe HotFix-32bitAppIn64bitDelay-KB948570.exe HotFix-ADsLDAPProvider(adsmsext.dll_4307)-KB953988.exe HotFix-AutoCheck4263-KB919241-.exe HotFix-DirectX(updatesDX-August2008too)-KB953028.exe HotFix-EventLoggingService4298-KB950323.exe HotFix-FastFAT4222-KB947848.exe HotFix-HomeNetworkingConfigurationManager-KB948656.exe HotFix-IPConfigurationUtil4052-KB934401.exe HotFix-IPSecDriver4192-KB945410.exe HotFix-LargeSignedFiles500MB-KB938759.exe HotFix-LocalSpooler-KB952206.exe HotFix-Multi-UserWin32Driver-KB952679.exe HotFix-NewKernel_HAL4316-KB944984.exe HotFix-NTFileSystem4319-KB953325.exe HotFix-PreviousVersions-KB925066.exe HotFix-RemoteProcedureCallRuntime-KB952145.exe HotFix-Schannel_Aes128+256bit-RC4-support-KB948963.exe HotFix-Shell32_4220-KB945272.exe HotFix-UsbDrivers-KB944704.exe HotFix-UsbDrivers_update-KB949483.exe HotFix-VirtualDiskService-KB952630.exe HotFix-WinCommandProcessor-KB940526.exe HotFix-WinMedia6-KB925398.exe HotFix-WinSecurityConfigurationEditor-KB954149.exe HotFix-WinServer2008ReadOnlyDomainControllerCompabilityPack-KB944043.exe HotFix-WinTimeService-KB951531.exe HotFix-WMI4080-KB933061.exe HotFix-WMIWin32Provider-KB952022.exe HotFix-Wow64ConsoleandWin32APILogging4231-KB946924.exe Security-ActiveServerPages4195-KB942830.exe Security-AddressBookDLL+MSInternetMessagingAPI-KB929123.exe Security-BluetoothBusDriver-KB951376.exe Security-COM+_-KB950974.exe Security-DirectShowRuntime-KB951698.exe Security-DNS_Files-KB945553.exe Security-GDIClientDLL(gdi32_dll4237)-KB948590.exe Security-MacrovisionSECURITYDriver(secdrv_sys4.3.86.0)-KB944653.exe Security-MS_ColorMatchingSystem(mscms_dll4320)-KB952954.exe Security-MS_InternetInformationServicesHelperLibrary(infocomm_dll42_15)-KB942831.exe Security-MS_InternetMessagingAPI(inetcomm_dll43_25)-KB951066.exe Security-MS_MFC-KB924667.exe Security-MS_XML3_0SP9-KB936021.exe Security-ProtectedStorage-KB955417.exe Security-ReliableMulticastTransport-KB950762.exe Security-SP_Messages-KB953839.exe Security-UpdateForDNS-KB951748.exe Security-UPnPDeviceHost(upnphost_dll40_19)-KB931261.exe Security-VulnerabilityInGDI-KB925902.exe Security-WinNTWebDavMinirdr(mrxdav_sys4221)-KB946026.exe Update-BackgroundIntelligentTransferService_v2-4089-KB923845.exe Update-MS_TimezoneChangeTool(tzchange_exe4324)-KB951072.exe Update-UpdateDriver(update_sys40_89)-KB936357.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB919117-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB924390-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB927435-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB929161-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB930045-v5-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB930499-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB932699-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB933653-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB934273-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB934794-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB936342-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB936970-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB937549-v3-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938380-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB939273-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB939383-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940046-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940458-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940569-v3-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940848-v3-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940925-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941084-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941140-v4-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941560-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941773-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB942088-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943459-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943509-v5-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944340-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944505-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944762-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944829-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944971-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945142-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945778-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945921-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946118-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946198-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946448-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946459-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946504-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946517-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946633-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946813-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947354-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947498-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947870-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948234-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948698-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948700-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948701-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948704-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948925-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948928-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948931-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949391-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949729-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950037-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950085-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950156-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950298-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950310-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950474-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950574-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950676-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951059-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951202-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951347-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951568-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951571-v2-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951851-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951859-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB952087-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB952813-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB953176-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB953546-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB953675-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB953876-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954057-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954091-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954429-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954896-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB955087-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB955410-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB955575-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB956048-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB931685_x64_ENU.exe</a> WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB943172_x64_ENU.exe</a> WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951410-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954193-x64-ENU.exe +++ List of outdated(KB's with older versions) hotfixes +++ WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB930178 Newer version in KB948928 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB932716 New version of same KB exists. WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB933906_x64_ENU Newer version in KB954429 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB935839 Newer version in KB944340 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB936775_x64_ENU Newer version in KB952679 and KB948590 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB938977_v3_x64_ENU Newer version in KB951072 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB939315_x64_ENU Newer version in KB946448 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB942528_x64_ENU Newer version in KB953325 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB945219 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB945219 Newer version in KB948698 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP_KB949310 Newer version in KB932716-v2 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB919241-x64-ENU Newer version in new version of same KB. WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB925027-v3-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944043 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB928942-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952679 and KB948590 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB931282-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952679 and KB948590 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB931689-x64-ENU Newer version in KB919241 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB931761-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB933397-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951571 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB935926-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB937455-x64-ENU Newer version in KB953325 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938134-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB950574 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938136-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944704 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938397-x64-ENU Newer version in KB950474 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938486-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938759-x64-ENU Newer version in newer version of same KB. WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB939573-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB946517 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB939820-v2-x64-ENU KB replaced by WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950156-x64-ENU : samsrv.dll new version .4263 vs old 4250 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940467-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB946448 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940742-x64-ENU Newer version in both KB944043 and KB951531 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941158-x64-ENU KB replaced by IE7-2_KB953838 : Newer version 17.0.6000.20861 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB941716-x64-ENU Newer version in KB949483 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB942004-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB942213-x64-ENU Newer version in KB940848-v3 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB942835-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 and KB953325 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB942841-x64-ENU Newer version in KB948963 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB942880-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952145 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943000-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951072 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943040-x64-ENU Newer version in KB948570 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943043-x64-ENU Newer version in KB947870 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943545-x64-ENU Newer version in KB946448 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943576-x64-ENU Newer version in KB941084-v2 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943809-x64-ENU This is strange, but file contains same versions as KB944971, tho this kb is older then kb944971 on dates, so its marked outdated instead. WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB943875-x64-ENU Newer version in KB953176 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944135-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944195-x64-ENU Newer version in KB948704 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944200-x64-ENU Newer version in KB950574 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944203-x64-ENU Newer version in KB948046 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944341-x64-ENU KB replaced by WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB940458-x64-ENU : rdpdr.sys new version .4222 vs old 4205 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944402-x64-ENU KB replaced by WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB955410-x64-ENU : kdcsvc.dll new version 5.2.3790.4332 vs old .4178 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944434-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944043 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB944916-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952679 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945119-x64-ENU Newer version in KB946448 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945344-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB950474 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945463-x64-ENU Newer version in KB950323 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945466-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB945532-x64-ENU Newer version in KB946565-v2 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946068-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952679 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946331-x64-ENU Newer version in KB954429 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB946565-v2-x64-ENU KB replaced by WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB952087-x64-ENU : Newer version 5.2.3790.4345 Various versions, dns.exe is file replacing old kb. SP2QFE\wow\wmswsock.dll afd.sys dns.exe mswsock.dll tcpip.sys tcpip6.sys WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947100-x64-ENU Newer version in KB953876 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947369-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947634-x64-ENU Newer version in KB948931 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947773-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947775-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947841-x64-ENU Newer version in KB946924 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB947861-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944043 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948046-x64-ENU Newer version in new version of KB948046 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB948703-x64-ENU Newer version in KB940848-v3 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949002-v2-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952630 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949123-x64-ENU Newer version in KB953325 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949234-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949316-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB949876-x64-ENU Newer version in KB941084-v2 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950092-x64-ENU Newer version in KB951748 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950094-x64-ENU Newer version in KB953675 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950136-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952145 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950681-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952022 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950772-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950928-x64-ENU KB replaced by WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951059-x64-ENU : Newer version 5.2.3790.4278 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951323-x64-ENU Newer version in KB941084-v2 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB951749-x64-ENU Newer version in KB952679 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB952177-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB952244-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954337-x64-ENU Newer version in KB944984 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB954543-v2-x64-ENU This is a IE6 update. WindowsServer2003_KB931300_x64_ENU Newer version in KB941773
That would depend on your operating system. Removing Windows Firewall on 64bit xp can/most likely will break your lan browsing capabilities, on 32bit it wont. Hopefully nlite can work around that someday, but that situation has been the same for some years now. I can say this tho, i run without any security now, and system runs perfectly through any security scans online. Because of the way it is configured. Alas, Windows Firewall as we know it from XP is outdated.
A Challenge... Script required....
TranceEnergy replied to ray1301's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Since you mention GUI and optional components, you should get down and dirty with WPI. I havent done that really yet, but if it fits your needs, it's the only way to go. -
If you are going to do this, you need to add your background information, and you need to SPECIFY what windows os you write comments for, on versions on everything. Using nlite on 32bit is not the same as 64bit the options are different, as an example.
Deleting ENTIRE values and copying ENTIRE values are not a problem. Unless i didnt understand something? Example of what i want to do (i copied and pasted the first best thing i saw, no relevance whatsoever otherwise): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desc] "wdmaud.drv"="ASUS Xonar D2X Audio Device" Let's say that i want "ASUS Xonar D2X Audio Device" to instead be "ASUS Xonar D2X Device" Just for kicks. The problem lies in that i need to be able to just specify in someway that the word "Audio" is removed. I also need to be able to delete ^P, i mean New line, same as if i was to edit that and hit enter and come to a new line. Look at the screenshot, see that Browser is there on a line of its own. I need to be able to specify that i want to delete Browser and the line it sits on, so there is no empty space/similar to the rest of the value, as you see in screenshot. edit : new screenshot: Imagine that line marked/selected with blue that it was never there, that is what i need to accomplish!
Here's a small gift to you, that i made with a lot of registry searching and fiddling about. This will completely eradicate Netmeeting settings on xp x64, and is totally usable in a single .bat file (batch file) If anyone has addendums to this, please *PM* me, thanks. Im working on a bunch of these files/tweaks. With this way, you do NOT need to have nlite remove component. The only thing this does not do is to delete C:\PF(x86)\NetMeeting. You can delete that or add this to batch file yourself. I have not added that yet, because i want to go through all of those files, to be sure that what is deleted, is truly not needed for anything else. Im doing this approach for anything MS installs as default on win xp x64 sp2 with 140+hotfixes (absolutely everything installed and latest version of absolutely everything) rem NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Last search in registry for meeting gave 0 results. RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msnetmtg.inf,NetMtg.Remove sc delete mnmsrvc reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\mnmsrvc" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\AppID\{5CE55CD8-5179-11D2-931D-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{068B0700-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{068B0800-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{06CE0C3A-8917-11D1-AA78-00C04FC9B202}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{07970B30-A4DA-11D2-B724-00104BC51339}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{085C06A0-3CAA-11d0-A00E-00A024A85A2C}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{3E9BAF2D-7A79-11d2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{507708CC-A74A-11d2-9351-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{8C3ADF99-CCFE-11d2-AD10-00C04F72DD47}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{8ED14CC0-7A1F-11d0-92F6-00A0C922E6B2}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\h323file" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\iiifile" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\Interface\{3E9BAF2C-7A79-11D2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\Interface\{5572984E-7A76-11D2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\NetMeeting.App" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\NetMeeting.App.1" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\T126_Whiteboard" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\TypeLib\{5CE55CD7-5179-11D2-931D-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\ulsfile" /f reg delete "HKCR\Wow6432Node\Whiteboard" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\AppID\{5CE55CD8-5179-11D2-931D-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{068B0700-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{068B0800-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{06CE0C3A-8917-11D1-AA78-00C04FC9B202}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{07970B30-A4DA-11D2-B724-00104BC51339}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{085C06A0-3CAA-11d0-A00E-00A024A85A2C}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{3E9BAF2D-7A79-11d2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{507708CC-A74A-11d2-9351-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{8C3ADF99-CCFE-11d2-AD10-00C04F72DD47}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{8ED14CC0-7A1F-11d0-92F6-00A0C922E6B2}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\h323file" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\iiifile" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\Interface\{3E9BAF2C-7A79-11D2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\Interface\{5572984E-7A76-11D2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\NetMeeting.App" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\NetMeeting.App.1" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\T126_Whiteboard" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\TypeLib\{5CE55CD7-5179-11D2-931D-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\ulsfile" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\Whiteboard" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Internet Call" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\AppID\{5CE55CD8-5179-11D2-931D-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{068B0700-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{068B0800-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{06CE0C3A-8917-11D1-AA78-00C04FC9B202}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{07970B30-A4DA-11D2-B724-00104BC51339}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{085C06A0-3CAA-11d0-A00E-00A024A85A2C}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{3E9BAF2D-7A79-11d2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{507708CC-A74A-11d2-9351-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{8C3ADF99-CCFE-11d2-AD10-00C04F72DD47}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{8ED14CC0-7A1F-11d0-92F6-00A0C922E6B2}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\h323file" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\iiifile" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\Interface\{3E9BAF2C-7A79-11D2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\Interface\{5572984E-7A76-11D2-9334-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\NetMeeting.App" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\NetMeeting.App.1" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\T126_Whiteboard" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\TypeLib\{5CE55CD7-5179-11D2-931D-0000F875AE17}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\ulsfile" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\Whiteboard" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Clients\Internet Call" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Conferencing" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CONF.EXE" /f reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NetMeeting" /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mnmdd" /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Video\{8B6D7859-A639-4A15-8790-7161976D057A}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Control\Video\{8B6D7859-A639-4A15-8790-7161976D057A}" /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\mnmdd" /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\mnmsrvc" /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{8B6D7859-A639-4A15-8790-7161976D057A}" /f reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Conf" /f reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-18\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Conf" /f reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-19\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Conf" /f reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Conf" /f Copy & Paste that into Kill_Netmeeting.bat and run it on whatever approach you like, from batch file or .inf etc. This is also neat for WPI integration.
How To Automate A Reboot At First Logon?
TranceEnergy replied to Stoner81's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
okay just give me some seconds... Click me for reference $Docs - Documents and Settings $Progs - Program Files $$ - Windows Folder $1 - Root of hard drive where Windows is installed to partition. Textmode - Mass storage drivers and HAL files required during the text-mode portion of Setup. drive_letter - Represents the root of a particular volume on the system (e.g., \$OEM$\C represents the C: drive) and contains any files that WinXP Setup should copy to this partition during installation. So use a path of $OEM$\$Docs\All users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ on your windows source folder on your harddrive ok which is what you of course burn as your windows install image. I think %allusersprofile%\start menu\programs\start up\shutdown.bat" is correct as i wrote previously but here's a heads up : some variables dont allow the " \ " directly after it, (slash symbol) %examplevariable%\test\example.exe and instead use it without so it becomes %examplevariable%test\example.exe (note the second \ is correct anyway(of course)) Please let me know what works for you, and copy&paste it back here, so others can also benefit. Thanks. -
How To Automate A Reboot At First Logon?
TranceEnergy replied to Stoner81's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
here's a kind of fail safe way Open notepad enter copy paste following text into it: Start ShutDown /R /F /T 120 del /F /q "%allusersprofile%\start menu\programs\start up\shutdown.bat" save it as shutdown.bat and copy it into your $oem$ folder and corresponding directory, cant remember path atm, but check msfn guide to unattended and find that $oem$ section, im sure somebody has it in their head. Please check it with something else then shutdown command so you are sure the file will auto delete itself. I use these kind of batch file approaches for a few things and works great. -
That is weird. Because it works for me, with those tweaks.
I've googled this to death, but didnt find anything that could help me. =( I need a way to remove any of this data from this screenshot, f.ex browser service there. The solution is going to be run from guirunonce during windows install, or pre login, but prefer to do it before, for various technical/optimal reasons. edit: I also need a way to take complete permission of registry without actually opening regedit and manually setting permissions from there. edit2: Look at picture, i need a way to remove any one of the lines marked in blue (example). Imagine that you remove one of them at the time. That is what i need to be able to do. If i find a way to do this, i can create a truly and complete automated process for "nliting" windows host system. Therefore it would enable me to not actually need to use nlite for removing anything at all. So needless to say then, the benefits of this would be huge, from my perspective.
Actually that is just a MS bug, it shouldnt show twice but it does, as for icon differences, that's also a bug, but a bug in the bug. This isnt a joke btw.
I'll bet if you had just done it to current user in the first place instead of to default user it would have worked regardless. Simply because Current user and Default user are totally separate things. What you apply to default user, only takes action once a new user account is created.
Good presentation, tho you kind of mixed question in it, therefore it gets confusing. Could you please rephrase question into a single, standalone sentence? to make the batch file run just call it from guirunonce section inside Nlite, f.ex cmd /R pathtofileyourbatchfile.bat in windows install cd folder that would translate to %source%\batchfiles\yourbatchfile.bat (example) (%source% nlite makes for you, if not using nlite read up on msfn's guide to unattended for other alternatives)
About Registry Tweaks: How to compare and export?
TranceEnergy replied to Happy-Dude's topic in nLite
Okay let's do it! edit: ill rewrite this when i have a moment and post pictures and some nice tips etc, im currently overclocking in a new build, and need to get that right first. Supertip: take newest version of nlite, select your windows source of choice with already sp slipped, and select in nlite to only apply registry tweaks , we do it this way to easier manage the result, and find nlite.inf (nlite.in_) on your windows source folder. This way you can merge those tweaks with your tweaks, and fix any errors of those nlite tweaks. Note dont remove the sfc patch tweak from nlite.inf or from your nlite presets, you will need that, if you do apply those patches/tweaks. NB1: Caution X-Setup plugins can fail when you select the tweak, click the apply button for it, or because of your windows doesnt support that tweak because of you have updated KB's that fixes that tweak, in terms of tweak not longer being supported, renamed in registry etc. NB2: Record mode in X-Setup is limited/weird. Some tweaks will apply to your host system too! so beware! NB3: Because of NB2, only apply few tweaks per recording and under here otherwise also described. Here's one possible scenario with X-Setup, i use the Portable version of X-Setup 9 which also allows updates to the x-setup plugins. So first start x-setup, run the updater within it then install all plugin updates... Now because of there are so many version of windows, there are also many plugins to x-setup and tweaks for various versions. So i am sorry to say that for safety reasons, you should click through all of x-setup plugins, and see if that plugin fails to load. If it fails to load, delete the plugin, or at least disable it. Why you should go through all plugins manually and checking them? Because, when you start record mode in x-setup, and if any plugin fails, that failure message will appear in the recordded Registry file you want to export. If you have other work around for it, please tell me, PM if u can, so im sure to know. Once you have done that, Start record mode, that is the BIG RED BUTTON ( lol). Start with first category appearances, Apply only tweaks you are sure you like. And count them! For example try to keep to 20 registry tweaks per file/per recording! This will make it MUCH easier to organize tweaks later on, you can always merge all registry files later! Also you should do this in case the x-setup plugin FAILS when you click the apply button for it! (it can fail when you select the plugin/tweak, OR when you hit that apply button) You stop recording by clicking that big red button one more time. This a lengthy process. It is, but fruits of labour are worth it. Apply tweaks with regedit /s myperformancetweaks.reg from guirunonce or from a runonceex.inf , whatever rocks your boat. Note1: Yes you export your tweaks to a .reg (registry file) afterwards. Note2: Open that .reg file you just recorded in notepad, you will see that X-Setup writes comments for some tweaks, this is neat! -
HOWTO create a fully up to date XP x64 DVD (EoL Feb 2016)
TranceEnergy replied to Kurt_Aust's topic in nLite
Aha, i see. Thanks. Any thought on WGA integration? A whole lot of information on that on DarkShadows thread. Just 2 things im thinking of: 1 make the WU update not needed when you access WU first time and 2 the Validate you windows, wga crap. Please note, DarkShadows doesnt have x64 nor can he get it, for some reason i dont know, doesnt matter either. It seems that these are the steps left to fully update, per your update scheme, to make it all done and done. BTW i can find the stand alone installer for WGA notification KB article for 32bit, but where's the x64 version? Would love to have that so i can do it myself anyway.