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Everything posted by TranceEnergy

  1. Obviously you dont, because what i mean is that you could just disable the entire WFP thing, this you do by patching sfc_os.dll and enable a registry tweak. Nlite can do this. So just forget that.. My bad, sorry. Download JV16 from macecraft.com 30days trial is more then enough. It has nice registry tools, so you can search and it will list all its findings. I have nlite my current install, so i cant find any paths for what you need sorry. Here's a link to how to disable sfc, manually with hex editor Other links that may help you Link1 Link2 From link 2 it says: Example: SFCDllCacheDir = "C:\Winnt\System32\dllcache" Whichi is correct, but of course it has nothing to do with windows cd-rom. Now since i dont have WFP at all, i dont have that registry setting on my current install, so i cant tell if there's other registry keys there, that gives you what you need. I would defintively start regedit and search for SFCDllCacheDir on your computer and see if you can find the setting you need. I have never really used wfp/sfc, always disable/removed it, so dont know much about using it, it's always annoyed me too much.
  2. Downloading, i hope. This works for 64bit?
  3. Nice one! Tho old software? What systems would this work on? Can it replace Regedit.exe? And if so, in what windows versions, of course. I'm sure there must be some newer/better utils like this, but i really like that feature in screenshot!
  4. More way to patch & tweak a system = always welcome! Did you make this? Any download/web links would be nice! Thanks!
  5. Lol i am not trying to hide anything, and i have already said why i want to be able to do what i have said. Not that i should have to explain myself WHY i want to be able to do something, i've always kind of disagreed with that kind of thought. It does not matter, if somebody wants to be able to do something just try to help. Generally speaking on forum issues arising. I have currently written some batch files, that may or may not be used in conjunction with nlite and or such programs, that will take windows components, unregister them and move them out of their location. So f.ex i move a file out of windir\system32\ and place it on systemroot\bakup\system32\. That part i got down without problems. However, if i want, and i do, to be able to sort of say "accept changes" to system, then i would need ways to properly delete things. I have already given several examples of what i want to do, i don't know how much better i would be able to explain by writing any more examples. dont forget: The specific reason behind this thread was that i need a way to be able to delete parts of a value and not its entire value. For the time being i will just continue to write batches that will move components the safe way, and focus on deletion afterwards. I think the tool Martin H mentioned might be just the thing, i've downloaded all the 2003 resource kit, which i more or less assume could work, or have links to their 2003/xp-64bit parts. Ability to search for a specific data within value in registry and modify/copy/delete it will do whatever i need to i think, so sounds good.
  6. DarkShadows: I tried finding Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications - KB905474 for XP 64bit sp2, but no luck. Now im sure one could possibly find out what kb that is for x64 with just looking under windir folder and finding the uninstall for it, if it creates a uninstall folder. I'm just saying that it would be neat if one could have all the x64 links to downloads also. I'm going to check the list and see what other i can find/can't find. Obviously MSI installer 4.5 exists in download link for x64 as well as Windows update agent.
  7. Expecting it to work or not, does not matter. I need a way to do it. It's that simple. I can't know if the windows source has already been modified, therefore i cannot know for sure what keys are already there. I do however think that if i could just copy the contents of the key, then say add the variable to be removed or added to that reg copy, it would work.If thats possible.Which im sure it is. I just got out of bed and haven't had coffee yet. =)
  8. Thanks martin i will look at that reskit tools set. However your reg command wouldnt help me, because i can't rely on that i know what the contents of the registry already is. In order for the command to work 100% reliably i would NEED to NOT rely on that i know the contents of it. I hope that makes sense. I'm making batches that will do practically what Nlite does, only i can revert every change there is, at least that's the plan. However i also want to be able to do both, either completely remove (nlite mode), or backup/restorable mode. So for now i will just have to use reg copy command i guess, and work on that scheme.
  9. That's a first i've heard. Are you playing an .avi file locally from your harddrive and if so your computer restarts? I can't see how a codec update could do that. I could however imagine that the scripting enabled in wmp could. Perhaps if you disable that.
  10. I wouldnt know, i run with pathed sfc always. So that has never happened
  11. Have you enabled command extensions? I have no idea about this, but i think they need to be enabled for IF to work properly? This is just a guess. I do however think you need to include the ELSE command, or ELSE it will fail anyway ?!
  12. Nice one, tho i seem to vaguely recall that one could patch the driver via command line with a single command, i think nlite does that somehow. However that half open program, seems to be able to create updated security catalog files for patched file. Which i dont know if nlite does, tho one would not need it anyway, the security cat file i mean.
  13. You need to do less work =)
  14. I'm trying to cd %profiles% on system where standard path for documents and settings have been changed. And %profiles% isnt recognized.
  15. Congrats with coming out of the closet, lol The only eula options specified i can see for winnt.sif are [Data] EulaComplete="1" and [unattended] OemSkipEula=Yes I think however you are referring to the Welcome to windows setup/install instead, which is the one part in the setup GUI, and not the EULA in bluescreem/txtmode part. [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome=1 How to modify and that, i dont know as i never have done/needed to do that (as u can see i just disable it), but possibly you could enable that , change "1" to"0" and write your own Eula there instead. If thats what u want to do.
  16. You need to run fixmbr, because the mfat partition table and boot image in vista isnt compatible with pre-vista ones. Luckily you could do that while inside vista, then reboot with xp cd inserted, and do your thing.
  17. No im not saying that, i am saying that ******************* IF!********** you were to install windows on a harddrive that had those partitions already there, and you were to install windows on the empty **space** as a new partition, your ntldr and other boot files would go to the partition 3. IF you install windows onto a empty harddrive, that would never happen. If you install windows into a partition (not empty space) that is primary it would never happen. But please just forget this, you will most likely not need to know all this, if you are doing installs on systems where windows already is deployed/used. Still, good to be cautious if one uses autopartition option on systems with several harddrives, or partitions on single drive even.
  18. lol jaclaz !!!! =) Fergyz : Try editing post using that codebox option, tho you might as well delete it, its going to take a lot of time to try and troubleshoot that. Like needle in a haystack, almost. Glad you fixed it tho =)
  19. What player are you using then?
  20. Can you write some examples of usage for this? I don't see how or why i should need this program. Thanks!
  21. Some Kb's require some extra work. How to slipstream hotfixes that replace pre-existing driver files Nlite does this currently btw.
  22. I have a better solution. Just use nlite's own nlitehelper app. Works perfect.
  23. I'm voting that this thread be linked to in a FAQ for How-To-Not-Write-Your-First-Post!
  24. A word of caution: Please be aware, i have ONLY used that autopartition = 1 in vmware installs which only has had 1 partition. I dont know for sure 100% what happens if you have multiple partitions or harddrives. I would NEVER use autopartition on a multiple harddrives system, unless i knew for sure 100% that windows would detect the harddrives in same way as bios does, and cabling internally in pc. Some bios detects harddrive startup priority differently. This is especially true for some years older computer where SATA drives are used. Tip: If windows setup detects you have harddrive with "partition1:empty space (no actual partition), partition 2: logical partition, partition 3: primary partition, it would copy boot files to partition 3, and your windows to your partition 1 which you create with windows setup.
  25. Do you run with patched sfc? If you have Pro version you might check up on group policies.
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