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Everything posted by TranceEnergy

  1. I copied the following to a new batch file called test.bat at c:\ in vmware @Echo off (Set D_=c:\test) Du /q "%D_%"|Find "0 bytes">Nul 2>&1&&(Rd/s/q "%D_%") and then i have a empty folder called test now nada happens. I also tried with system path variable (%systemdrive%\ instead of c:\). I see you wrote Rd/s/q so i tried with a space there, Rd /s /q , which didnt change outcome, and welll. I've checked that find command exists and replies so hm... What am i doing wrong? and yes i had copied du.exe to vmware's system32. first. edit2:trying with -q instead... edit3: i tried all sorts of combinations, removing spaces and what not. it doesnt work.
  2. Lol! I read 1500 words per minute xD You can learn reading skills with a kick a** program called Eye-iQ i think it was, i spent a lot of time on it a couple of years back. It will make your brain go in high gear for sure! Also great for FPS mind training, you will be timing items like a swiss clock in no time! =D PS: i havent checked out what the entries in the vista rtm fonts pack was, will do a compare later on.
  3. jaclaz: I tried running that last script and the only output i got was " bytes", i added a pause to it and runned it as a batch file so i could see the output. It should be runnable as a batch file btw.. You see i run xp x64 and when renaming the program files folders with help of nlite or otherwise, the setup creates 2 empty folders named "program files (x86)" and "program files (x86)(x86)". Now they always are emtpy 0 bytes, but in the event i install a program that somehow manages to put files in them, it wouldnt be cool if they were just deleted, which i have usually always done automatically with RD command. So what now?
  4. And here i am thinking i was the off topic person.
  5. There seems to be little common knowledge about the fact that inside winnt.sif one can enable i think it was [textmode-something](cant remember name exactly) drivers, so you tell windows setup where to look for storage drivers that are installed when in "text mode", the blue screen part where you copy files from cd/dvd after formatting/choosing install partition. I can't remember exactly where i read about it, but it is possible. That way you can bypass any need for running any silent installer or integrating drivers. It is mentioned here http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/18/ that you can create Textmode folder, but im not sure if that was the same thing i read about, i think not. Sorry cant remember where it was atm. In any case you can try to just create textmode folder as it says there and copy your sata drivers or such to that folder, and you're done and done. Windows setup reads $OEM folders regardless, so you dont have to edit any other file or even in nlite, you dont have to use nlite at all, $oem folders are read anyway.
  6. Maybe he plans to install MAME and some old games taking up some space, who knows? Maybe he's crazy enough to run cs3 on it. Who cares? Point is he wanted a way to get more space on iso, and kind of want to keep components it seems. I agree though that ntfs compression seems like the easiest best way in general. Still upx is great on exe compression..and other files too of course. Perhaps get hold of PE bundle so he can stick dll files into exe files, saving some more space then, and upx the new exe file.
  7. Priceless! This should be sticked and emailed to both amd & intel!
  8. Imho it is necessary to provide information what filename version needs what other files.. I am currently removing over edit:2700+ files without using nlite, only batches, and let me tell you it is a b***h of a job to figure out what needs what. I understand nuhi dont have written so much comments, because everything sort of depends on everything in the end. 2 different services need each others files, f.examlpe DDE services and Network connections, Then network connections also share files with other services again, and Wireless configuration share files with network configuration. Then there are files that doesnt seem to be needed for anything at all, then you go ahead and delete them, and voila bluescreen of death on next reboot. It will require a tremendous amount of effort to document the entire thing, and it will require details details details details details! Just because one windows version has specific file dependencies doesnt necessarily automatically transfer over to another windows version.. And maybe some dependencies disappear with newer or older versions of the files. Therefore you need as i said, to *REALLY* detail the process. Nevertheless, its truly possible, it's just a total biatch2k to get done.
  9. Really? Okay trying from different angle. Need a script that checks if total size of a folder, with subfolders, is more then 0 bytes. If it is 0 bytes (meaning there can be files but size is 0 bytes nevertheless) then it deletes the folder. If it is 1 bytes or more it doesnt get deleted and just quits.
  10. Hello. I've seen some examples of this elsewhere but i thought i would ask for something that does exactly what i need. I would like to have a small IF script that deletes 2 folders, "program files (x86)" and "program files (x86)(x86)" If they have folders in them it should not matter, as long as the total size is 0 bytes, meaning there could be files in them, but again, the total size should be 0 bytes. I hope that was understandable. Thanks!
  11. Its not that, it was that if i had integrated ie7, then nlite could not remove IE. nuhi: Do you think it could be possible to add back in renaming of "common files" folders? As well as renaming what program files(x86) folder to any name one wants? I also wonder if it could be possible that nlite could detect theme under $oem folder, themes folder, and use theme from there?
  12. Yes its possible. Use search function on forum.
  13. I'm not sure if this is what i used, because i unpacked the fonts and made my own silent installer with fontinst.exe instead, and run it as a silent installer, because i dont like using nlite addons (i like using nlite only for integrating hotfixes, nothing else so i can use same windows on several systems). http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=615 Then there's the vista rtm fonts fix, but i would recommend you checkout what it really does. I have found that using Segui ui font for notepad really screws things up, http://chris.pirillo.com/2006/09/26/fix-wi...s-vistas-fonts/ Edit: longer down on same page i saw a guy had made a reverse back fix registry, i'd check if it was proper default settings in there, but i cant atm. http://www.techlifeweb.com/vista/2006/10/r...a-font-fix.html See here on this picture that the word "slow" takes more 'space' then "fast". Very annoying if working with files where you need to get quick overview. Now i am aware a lot of fonts and with certain words this issue will happen anyway probably, but i didnt ever notice that f.ex one with with 100 chars could be seen as "bigger" then a line with 110 chars. So be aware of using segui or any other font as a substitute for other fonts. It would be a good idea to have a backup of the registry entries that this vistafontfix.reg uses, i definitively want that, so maybe remember to make that from a vmware install.
  14. Look, if the disk is only 4gb it is only 4gb. Period. I'm quite sure he is aware it is possible to get larger drives. That is not what he asked for though.
  15. I'm suprised there isn't a wizard of some kind that will create a unattended/silent installation file for adobe cs3 package. Hopefully this can change with cs4. I'm going to try to get the whole cs3 package into my xp x64 installation dvd, but it seems like a project on its own. Also it would be interesting to get a way to install the cs3 package with all the updates for it, like updates for photoshop and so on, already installed in the various installations. Hope that makes sense.
  16. Yeah i've read that, but still.. Anyway, ill try using sc to re-create the services too then, that i delete. Found out i already had procmon,( Had renamed it to Process Monitor) it doesnt seem like the same deal imho xD. Close tho. I see VMware trying to access Distributed transaction coordinator registry values, even tho service is delete with nlite on my host install.
  17. try with disable kernel paging. I disable that and pagefile itself too, works great, been doing it since i was on 2gb ram, im now on 8gb. Never had that problem.
  18. A fast system doesnt need the prefetch crap. System reads these files and checks for them prefetch files that tells system howto load the program, right, that sounds like process will be faster. I have yet to read a single good reason for using prefetch versus having it totally disabled.
  19. can anyone read what that webpage says? It's all gibberish here.
  20. The answear to your question is yes. Google has details. http://flyakite.msfn.org/ A beginner's guide to multi-boot discs http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/56/
  21. Cleartype and similar was introduced many years ago as was xp x86, this isnt exactly news. You might try instead to download that vista rtm fonts package and then the vista rtm fonts fix registry, which sets the segui as standard font. So you can use vista fonts on xp.
  22. That's what unattended means dude! xD Still, going to need a way to insert media to install into computer.
  23. +10 for that foxit pdf reader runs as a portable program.. All you need to do is to import registry settings for the program as default reader for pdf files etc., on a fresh install of windows, being done unattended if u will, and it will act as it was part of the os, being set as default pdf reader already even before you start it.
  24. cluberti: concerning procmon, making note on desktop. Ill check it out. I've yet to see a tool like Snoopdos was on amiga for pc tho, that would be the killer. GL: Agree. I havent seen it do anything then what you say either. I am just merely curious if it really is all and if potentially some services are treated differently, but i guess not. Still, my point is that it would still just be a guess, i wouldnt know 100% safely that that was only what it did. But thanks , it's good to get somewhat confirmation on one's suspicions. I'm doing the whole batch file process of removing crap from windows, (including things nlite can't do), and in the process of doing so i thought it would be fun if it was possible to revert the process, to have backup, and it kind of turned into a monster i never planned on, but i guess thats the usual.
  25. Who so many keep files indeed. among others nvidia drivers? unless its a really old computer with nvidia card, i dont see the point, even not then either. Also it contains error on last line, just briefly looked over it.
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