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Everything posted by nitroshift

  1. I'm using the free tool from here: http://www.paessler.com/prtg/download, called Network Monitor.
  2. It was a loooooooong list My nickname was in that list too, punto, although my real birthday is April the 7th...
  3. Please do not open multiple threads on same subject. I've answered to your question here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=901502, which applies to any NTFS OS. Topic closed.
  4. Maybe this will help you: http://www.ntfs.com/ntfs-permissions.htm
  5. If I remember correctly, Winamp does have a tag editor (not sure though, haven't used it in a very long time).
  6. I thought you already scanned your machine for viruses / malware... Do so FIRST OF ALL and come back with the results.
  7. OK... What does your BIOS say about the time? What happens if you set it in the BIOS? Also, in Windows, have you checked the option to synchronise the time with any time servers?
  8. No problems here on 7 x86 and x64...
  9. We will NOT help anyone with warez. Please take some time to read our rules before posting. Topic closed.
  10. Do you have the time problem on all operating systems or just on Windows 7? We need to know this in order to narrow the source of your issue.
  11. Welcome to THE forums! Please take some time to read our rules and enjoy your stay
  12. Just an idea: check the time zone in control panel...
  13. A quick Google search: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...667(WS.10).aspx
  14. DNS issues, but msfn.org was not the only one affected. Different other sites have been down too, such as channel9.msdn.com, amazon.com, etc..
  15. Hello and welcome to THE forums! Please take some time to read our rules, spell properly and stop calling us dudes. As for your problem, you can always install older versions of those programs, although I haven't come across any program *specifically* written for Vista or 7. What kind of programs are you trying to install? Also, you posted in the wrong section, so I'm going to move your post to a more appropriate section.
  16. Geoffchapell was banned for a reason. And because similar topics in the past have stirred quite a few spirits, I am going to close this one too before it gets too late.
  17. Windows Vista SP2 and Windows 7 32 bit can see all 4GB of RAM out of the box, the problem is that due to the 32-bit architecture they can NOT use that amount. The method used to calculate the amount of RAM that a specific architecture can use is 232 for 32-bit operating systems and 264 for 64-bit operating systems. Further reading here : http://www.msfn.org/board/32bit-windows-no...am-t130000.html.
  18. The file that stores informations about your library is located in the install folder of iTunes, most likely under Program Files. Modifying the security options of that folder might help. Just a hint
  19. Hello and welcome to THE forums Please take some time to read our rules, in particular rule 2c that states: Topic closed.
  20. My mother-in-law has introduced me to a brand new to me kind of games : Mystery Files from Bigfishgames... Lotsa fun at work, especially now during the holidays when there's nothing to do.
  21. Just convince yourself that your external hard disk is inside the PC, and treat it exactly as you would an internal one. The good ol' way is always having one primary and one Extended with 1 or more Logical volumes in it. But since you are going to encrypt a partition, I would create two primaries + the extended, this way you can easily make the second Primary bootable if needed. I would personally suggest to make a greater number of partitions/logical volumes in the extended, a 995 Gb partition is biggish and any operation you may later need to do on it (defragging/imaging/data recovery , etc.) will take AGES on an external (I presume USB) bus. jaclaz Could you explain the difference between all the partition types. If I do two primaries and one extended which one would be best to use as my encrypted partition? I did discover that having a massive partition is a bad idea. Truecrypt crashed when I playing with it cause the HD is so big. It has USB and ESATA. I specifically got this one cause I know ESATA is way faster than USB. Best way to do this is to use disk management gui inside windows. Start > Run > diskmgmt.msc If your HDD already has a single large partition (i.e. store bought USB drive) you will need to first delete all partitions on the drive. (back up any data first) Right click the blank HDD, create a new 5 GB partition (NTFS should be default selection), then repeat the process to create your second partition. That's it. Pretty simple huh. What partition types do recommend I use? Yep it is . Read here, first result.
  22. That is exactly the erros seen when using media burnt at high speeds. As previously suggested, try burning the media at 1x - 4x and you'll see the issue will be gone. Good luck!
  23. The line between an ethical hacker and a kacker with bad intentions is very thin and ultimately it depends on YOU as a person where you want to stand. A hacker is first of all a good network administrator, with sound knowledge of networking, protocols and firewalls. In order to stop a hacking attack, one MUST know the mechanisms used by the person who is conducting the attack, therefore is a "hacker" himself. For me, a hacker is nothing more than a kiddie with some knowledge in scripting and networking, REAL hackers very rarely call themselves as such... They conduct their practices mostly unknown, even to close friends / family.
  24. Hello and welcome to THE forums I am going to move this topic in the Office section where it belongs and may get better viewing.
  25. Hello and welcome to THE forums! As for your problem, uncheck IPv6 from your LAN connection protocols and see if the issue is gone. Good luck!
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