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Everything posted by nitroshift

  1. Unfortunately, your phone is running on a custom platform based on Java and chances for you to export anything to Gmail are pretty much non-existent.
  2. Tell us please the exact model of the phone.
  3. What platform is your phone running on? Windows Mobile (what version?) or Android?
  4. Games usually use own versions of DirectX files. I would suggest you run the DirectX setup on the Splinter Cell disc.
  5. I can't help you with an application, but this is what I use to check the availability of my sites: http://www.downornot.com/
  6. MAC address is embedded, no way to change it.
  7. Unlike Directx, .net flavours are required separately by installed applications, therefore having .net frameowrk 4 doesn't mean an application that requires .net framework 2 will work.
  8. Metallica - Fade to black I'm going back to the music I grew up with....
  9. You really ahve 2 options: 1. log back into domain 2. remove the computer from the domain (you will still need to connect to the domain first though).
  10. When you attempt to log into the domain, the server is questioned for username and password. There are 10 days of offline availability when you can use the locally cached profile for logon, but after this time, the domain controller MUST be contacted for username and password validation.
  11. Google is your friend.
  12. Thanks allen2, will have to look around and see if that particular controller is available here.
  13. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, la la la la la... Have one on me, Punto
  14. @PuntoMX The reason I chose the Asus mobo is the PCI-E port that fits the RAID-controller card. Gigabyte doesn't have it
  15. LinkS? What linkS? There's only one... PS. I've edited the post after noticing that IE9 was loading the pages from cache and didn't link to the original pages in the first place... Oh well, something new to report to the IE team over at Microsoft
  16. Note taken on the PSU, thanks. As for the CPU, that Phenom II can be unlocked to 4 cores And the 5770 will be watercooled too. @SpoiledBrat Links work just fine here, both on IE9 Beta and Firefox 3.6.10.
  17. Happy Birthday, Trip!!!!
  18. Hey guys! I'm after parts for my new pc, so far I chose these: CPU: AMD Phenom II x2 550 87.99 USD Mobo: Asus M4A89TD PRO 179.99USD PCI-E: Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB 144.99 USD RAM: Mushkin Silverline 2x2GB DDR3 76.99 USD PSU: Thermaltake Toughpower 650W 169.99 USD As for the HDD, I have a pair of 73.4 GB @15k rpm SAS drives that I'm planning to use in a RAID 0 array using this card: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16816117158 (129.99 USD) only for the OS (data will be kept on a separate drive that I already have). Please chime in and let me know what you think (CoffeFiend's and PuntoMX's thoughts will prevail ) nitroshift PS. I have kept the water-cooling system and I will be using it in the new rig.Prices are taken off newegg.com, although I will be buying the parts from local shops.
  19. I don't want to start a flame war, but what's wrong with Microsoft's Security Essentials?
  20. I've got a Linksys 160N that runs DD-WRT in mixed mode and I get N-speed for one of my laptops (that has a N card) and G-speed for the other two laptops.
  21. In BIOS, under hard-drive boot priority, make sure the Win7 drive is on top position.
  22. Windows 7 Professional x86 (untouched) runs perfectly on a laptop with Intel Celeron @ 1.73GHz, 2GB DDR2 and a Sis Mirage 3D graphics card. Not suitable for gaming for sure, but for browsing the internet, office work, movies and music is more than OK. nitropuppy
  23. If this is on a newly installed system, I found that it won't install until reboot. I had the same error when updating windows with a bunch of updates, including windows live. EDIT: Also moved to the software section, where this belongs.
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