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Everything posted by un4given1

  1. Make sure you are setting the policy under USER and not COMPUTER
  2. [quote]I don't give a s*** what anyone else picks, unless they choose it for reasons that can't be justifiable.[/quote] I understand the forum "beeps" out a lot... but be a little more careful in your word choice. You say you don't care and it's everyone's preference... yet when I posted a simple 1 line post about it you woulnd't let that be my choice. Everything I said was true... IE opens almost instantly, and Firefox takes 3-5 seconds. You coudln't accept that as my "preference" and had to chime in with the normal arrogance that usually follows you "I hate MS" kids. My preference is IE, end of story. You may gladly voice what you would like to tell me to try to make me switch, but don't be so tactless.
  3. Are you using the same folder for this new build as another build? If that's the case, have you checked to see if the corresponding SIF file is in the proper location? Also, there is a tag that should be at the bottom of the SIF. If that's not there it won't put it in the list. If you are unsure what I am talking about take a look at the bottom of one of your working SIF files. Also, those lists are dynamic. It scans for usable images on every time you run the CIW.
  4. I don't have any spyware and I use IE. Yes, that extra couple seconds is important to me... I like my computer to be rocket fast, and having to wait for even a couple seconds is just frustrating. If I had to wait that long for a site to come up I would click another instead. I'm not on dialup, I'm on 4Mb cable and a T1. I administer 20 PCs at our office and have yet to get spyware on any of them either. Stay off the porn sites and you will find you will get almost no spyware EVER.
  5. @echo off :START CLS SET /P var1=Would you like to enable something? SET var1=%var1:~0,1% IF /I %var1%==y (goto YES) IF /I %var1%==n (goto NO) GOTO START :YES echo YES GOTO END :NO echo NO GOTO END That should do it...
  6. I'm sorry.. when I want to surf I don't want to wait the extra 5 seconds it takes for Firefox to load. IE is instant.
  7. I'm going to start from scratch... On the PC with the drive you wish to share... right click on the item you wish to share and set it to be a shared drive/folder. On the PC that does not have the drive you wish to share you would need to use the NET USE command. You can also open a RUN box and type in \\COMPUTERNAME\SHARENAME and see if it's accessable that way. If it is not please let me know... be as detailed as possible.
  8. RIS is beautiful. If you have a Windows server you already have RIS. You simply need to make sure you have more than one logical drive in the system, Install the system component and then run RISetup.exe. It will create a base image that can be used to install on any PC. I used to use one RIS image to install on a good 30-40 different model PCs and laptops. It does use PXE to connect. You simply boot the client, tell it to boot to the network (F12 usually, but dependant on your MB) You get a Client Installation Wizard which you can completely customize. You spend about 1 minute selecting some things and then walk away. It will install the OS for you and any drivers you need. Then you can use any of the methods you wish that are listed on this site to do post installation, but I always used batch scripts. You can check this out for more info... http://forum.osnn.net/showthread.php?t=36648 (I really need to move that post over to this site) Good luck. Let me know if you have any more questions about RIS
  9. First... Welcome! How's the weather up there in Canada? Anyways, to the issue. Are you using fast user switching? If so it's possible she still has the software running. You would simply need to return to the welcome screen, login as her and close out the software, return to the welcome screen again and login as yourself and run the software. Please let me know if this isn't the situation.
  10. Please read the Forum Rules specifically rule #1. Thank you.
  11. I actually have an old laptop with that on it!
  12. Oh... it was a 800 number... then they ask you for a credit card. Some issues are free... other's are not.
  13. What part is it failing at? You need to be a little more detailed with your description. Thanks.
  14. IMO I would format and reinstall just so you are working with something fresh. You never know... he might have let his kids use it and there might be 85,000 spyware proggies on there and a whole slew of problems. If you install over top of it that leaves most of the software in tact. Just wipe it.
  15. BEFORE THEY DECIDED TO REINSTALL INTRANET me: "Do I need to back anything up or will our data be OK?" m$: "No, your data will be fine. You will not lose anything" AFTER m$: "OK, now you can import your backup." me: "Backup? You told me an hour ago that I didn't need to back it up." m$: "Oh... Do you have a backup?" me: "From over the weekend... but that's not the point. You told me I wouldn't lose any data" m$: (this is actually what he said...) "Oh, well your data is lost." <about a minute of dead air> m$: "So, do you have a backup?" me: "No, because you told me I wouldn't need to back it up." m$: "I see..." <another minute of dead air> m$: "I did a shadow copy of it before we started" me: "OK, you can restore that" me: "Wait... that's only one of the database files... where are the rest?" m$: "I don't know" <ANOTHER minute of dead air> me: "You said there wouldn't be a problem... I'm just going to assume you know what you are doing.. and I'm just going to let you FIND our database files, and get them imported" m$: "OK" So, the best he could do is he found a shadowcopy of the files from last night... meaning we lost everything we did today. I can live with that... but it sucks. The CEO is gonna kick my a**. Oh well. Still waiting for them to fix the other issue.
  16. OK, so here I am sitting on the phone... have been for over 2 hours now. I had to call in the big guns. MICROSOFT I have 2 issues that I needed their help with and they charge $245 for each issue. So, here I am on the most expensive call of my life. I'm learning something though. That's the nice part about it. They are using TS to get into the PC and I am able to watch the session. So, this issue will never come up again. What were the issues? Microsoft Fax services would no longer route faxes to the online document library. This was because the intranet component (SharePoint Services) was having issues. Also, our Exchange server has ceased to work any longer. I had a crash a couple weeks back and I have been working and working to get this resolved and decided I finally needed to call MS to take care of some of the issues that I just couldn't. Just thought I would share my experience, and waste some time. Later
  17. Killer phone.. but you can get it on e-bay for about $800
  18. I love my MPx220. The MPx300 is about $800-$1000 so it's a bit pricey.
  19. For just a couple bucks more you can buy XP. Heck, for $450 you can pick up a new PC with Windows XP already installed. I convince my friends of the extra benefits of Windows XP and they purchase it. I don't even do work for friends anymore, I charge them as I would anyone else. I tell them, "I will come over and help you paint your house for free... but this is what I do for a living and I get paid every time I do it."
  20. "unlimited bandwidth" is a myth... You can purchase a domain from anywhere... and I guess I have to wonder what one needs "unlimited bandwidth" for a page that's one meg...
  21. ACTUALLY... the EULA for Windows XP does allow you to install it on one PC and one laptop, if you are the primary user of both. In order to complete the install on the laptop you would have to call in your activation and speak to a rep. They will verify some information and then give you a key to use for the laptop. If you review the EULA you will find this clause in there.
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