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Everything posted by un4given1

  1. Take a second to check out this MSN news story about the stuff they have going on in Japan... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6448213/did/7032033/?GT1=6210 OK... now I'm a BIG technology freak. I love everything computerized. The idea of the Digital Wallet is to be able to program all of your bank cards, video cards, ID and just about everything else into your phone and be able to use your phone when you have the need for these cards. In Japan some of the venders have readers, you just simply select the card from your phone and wave your phone in front of the reader and it accepts it as form of payment. Now, I am all for this kind of technology. I think it's so cool. Just wanted to know what everyone else though... OK, so assuming they were able to make it secure... Would you use one?
  2. Doesn't stop them from taking your drivers license just because you bougth a new car... Companies have guidelines. They don't have to offer you access. You pay for that access but on their terms. They are giving you 3 strikes... If you get one then just be smarter about your limits. If you get 2 then you might want to stop being stupid. If you get 3 then you deserve to lose your service. I don't think that's unfair.
  3. Oh come on... the only people who are going to hate this are the real warez junkies. Heck, even if you are into warez it would be easy to stay below that cap unless you are running a server. Of course, that's just speculation on my part
  4. most fratinization is discouraged in the workplace (atleast her in the states) I have to deal with this all day long. I have to constantly remind one of the supervisors below me that our company is not his personal dating service. It does nothing but create hatred between employees and undermines the professionalism of that supervisor.
  5. diesel: here's an idea for you. This IMO is nothing special... but if you expand upon it by making a site that allows you to enter an SMS message for any of the providers and then set a time for it then you have got something. Link it to a personal calendar that you can view and set up online. This of course wouldn't do me any good, as my phone automatically syncs to my Outlook calendar, but I think that would be a great idea.
  6. What's overpriced? Let's say you pay $50 for a game. That game keeps you entertained for 20 hours. That means you paid $2.50 an hour for entertainment. You can't even go bowling for that cheap. You can't play pool. You can't go see a movie for that. There is almost NOTHING you can do for $2.50 an hour. So, lets say you buy a CD. It's got an hour of audio on it. You pay $15.00 for it. If you listen to it for a total of 6 10 hours you paid only $1.50 an hour for the entertainment of that. If you buy Windows XP for your PC and you pay $200 for it. It runs your PC for 3 years. That's about $67 a year for the entertainment your PC provides. You need to keep in mind that when you buy a CD or DVD you aren't simply paying for the cost to put that movie or song on it's media. We certainly know that's not all that goes into it. You pay the salary of the publishing people who worked to port that movie to DVD. You pay for advertising (don't argue this one... if companies didn't advertise you may never know a movie existed). You pay for the cost of the store keeping hundreds of copies of that product on hand so you can walk in and buy it at any time. You pay for the cost of having it shipped all around the world. Now, I understand that some people will download something and if they like it they buy it. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but they are certainly more honorable than the others. But, don't for a moment think that it's legal for you to do that. If you have not paid for a product you have stolen it. If you are looking at a 2005 Mustang and decide one night you are going to take it for a spin without permission. Do you think the cop is going to buy "Oh, I was just testing it out, I'm going to buy one tomorrow" Not quite.
  7. I have to agree that the iPod isn't that great. My cell phone (Motorola MPx220) does everything your iPod does, except my cell phone even has a built in speaker as well as the ability to broadcast through Bluetooth. I am not a big apple fan but I would say that Quicktime is one thing they have going for them. Now, before anyone argues this one let me explain. File sizes are generally smaller with very decent quality. The only problem I have with Quicktime is that by default it wants to take over my system. I have never used Mac OS so I can't really argue or stick up for anyone on that aspect. I think Mac is too concerned about looks and less about functionality. Price certainly isn't going for them.
  8. Acronis True Image is a pretty killer app that will do exactly what you would like it to. You can even create a bootable CD that will allow you to launch the backup program should your drive crash. Of course you won't want to keep your backup on the same drive that you are backing up. If you are using multiple drives or even an external drive it will be perfect for you. You can setup schedules for backup too.
  9. Just change the search option of RESULT TYPE to "Show results as posts"
  10. Outlook and Outlook Express are two separate programs. They do not affect eachother.
  11. soulin: I was really disappointed by Fable. They pushed that it was an "online" game and that got me really excited. I almost bought an XBox because of that. But when it came down to it Fable was only "Online aware" meaning that it downloaded stuff from the net but it was not an online game at all. I feel they lied to market Fable. I'm a big Final Fantasy XI fan, but I played that on my PC.
  12. You are a web server administrator's worst nightmare...
  13. I really think you are better off using some type of dynamic image. RIS is my preference
  14. Playstation 2 gets my vote. Sure, the graphics on the XBox may be better but keep in mind it has a whole year of extra technology in it. I am a BIG RPG fan, and te XBox just doesn't have enough to make me go out and waste my money on it.
  15. Maybe we just need more people who say "Here's a link... Also, take a second to read the forum guidelines about searching. Good Luck" Everyone is so quick to say "Your an id***! Do a search!"
  16. You know what. There is a device like this that lets you send just text messages. There are pagers that flip open and have full keyboards on them and you can send messages that way.
  17. If open source is safer then tell me why the patch times for open source are twice that on average of most M$ patch times? The proof of this is the published study last week showing that Windows Server 2003 is more secure than Linux. (this put a bunch in a lot of Linux guys "panties") Anyways... I know there are a lot of problems with IE... It seems like very recently M$ has been making some strides in trying to get some of these issues more under control. I just want until the first big vulnerability in FF is found that causes some major issues. My philosophy... If someone built it, someone can take it apart. It's just a matter of time.
  18. The Razr is just a thin version of any other Motorola phone. It doesn't have anything special. It's junk.
  19. I have a question for you. What will you be using it for? Did you know the Clie has it's own proprietary software on it? I truely recommend you get a Pocket Windows based device. The Dell Axims are sharp. Personally I love my Motorola MPx220 which is a smartphone, but it's not for everyone.
  20. take a look at the FC and COMP commands. You can find out more by typing this at the command prompt FC /? COMP /?
  21. Knowing script isn't always about knowing all of the commands. It's about knowing what all commands can do and how to use them together to get your desired result. The command I used wasn't just a FOR command. It was a DIR and a FIND and a SET command all used together to get the desired result. Just keep practicing and always use the help files with a command to see what it can do. You would be amazed what all you can do with command scripts. I was once told that it was impossible to create a timer using batch script. Did it. If something can't be done using the built in commands in Windows XP you can always bet there will be an application out there that will help.
  22. He is going to use a network drive to capture video/audio? He is going to lose a lot of frames doing that. Give me a few and I will look over the rest of your post and respond.
  23. Rock on! Glad I could help. Let me know if you need any help expanding upon that.
  24. OK. here. Ignore all else. I made a mistake. it's /v not /n set checkpath=C:\recorded tvs\ for /f "tokens=3 delims=) " %%i IN ('dir %checkpath% ^| find "bytes" ^| find /v "free"') DO SET usedspace=%%i for /f "tokens=1-5" %%i IN ('echo %usedspace%') DO set usedspace=%%i%%j%%k%%l%%m I also changed the tokens back to 3, not 4... if you don't make that change you will get "bytes" back
  25. No... it should be returning the space used. make sure you have the /n on the second find string.
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