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Everything posted by un4given1

  1. If you use only the search string of "bytes" it will return 2 lines and run the FOR statement on each line. That's why I added the second find string to remove the line including "free"
  2. notice the edition in red. That should do the trick
  3. set checkpath=C:\recorded tvs\ for /f "tokens=3 delims=) " %%i IN ('dir %checkpath% ^| find "bytes free"') DO SET freespace=%%i for /f "tokens=1-5" %%i IN ('echo %freespace%') DO set freespace=%%i%%j%%k%%l%%m That should do the trick for you
  4. HAHA... try switching that around. I typed it wrong. dir c:\ (or use place the driver letter you want) for /f "tokens=3 delims=) " %%i IN ('dir c:\ ^| find "bytes free"') DO SET freespace=%%i for /f "tokens=1-5" %%i IN ('echo %freespace%') DO set freespace=%%i%%j%%k%%l%%m
  5. I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for this one.. but I like using WMP. It already built in. It does the job. I used to use DJ2000 but they haven't updated it in forever, so I just use WMP.
  6. There is a handheld AOL messenger. http://www.itismylife.com/etcetera/index.php?itemid=552 It works up to 150 feet away... but other than that, you would have to have access to some kind of cell network.
  7. Or better yet... for /f "tokens=3 delims=) " %%i IN ('c:\ dir ^| find "bytes free"') DO SET freespace=%%i for /f "tokens=1-5" %%i IN ('echo %freespace%') DO set freespace=%%i%%j%%k%%l%%m Then just call the variable %freespace% and it will be the number of bytes without commas
  8. how about giving this a try... for /f "tokens=3 delims=) " %i IN ('dir ^| find "bytes free"') DO ECHO %i Remember, if you are using it in a batch file you will need to change the %i to %%i Do you need the commas removed?
  9. Here's one... http://www.ipipi.com/help/sms_outlook.htm
  10. Did you know there's an Outlook plugin available that allows you to just type in a cell number in the "TO" field and send a SMS message? I forget what it's called.
  11. Why every time I post my experience does someone pop out with that line? I believe when someone is posting something they should post something to back it up. A website, a study, their experience. It says "Hey, I'm not just some fool posting my opinion... here's the proof." Everyone certainly is entitled to their opinion... but when your opinion goes against proof then that's when I have a problem.
  12. It wasn't a question of whether someone might have a reason to use it or not. I was simply reposnding to his statement, which I quoted above. If you read my post again you will see that the "'1337' 15 year old" I was speaking of was not directed at you. It was simply part of my explanation of "respected member." If you must know, I know you aren't a 15 year old. I happened to look into your website and your birthday posted in your profile. I know you are 25, unless you lied about your age, which I have no reason to believe.
  13. As long as you don't break the forum guidelines or ask for warez in any way.. I don't see a problem with that.
  14. I will claim exactly that! I will claim that as the Director of IT for a multi million dollar company that runs Windows Server 2003 as a server and all XP workstations. I will claim that having worked in other companies that ran everything from Linux, 2000, 2003, NT and every other flavor of server. I will claim that having worked in environments with thousands of PCs ranging from Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP. If you are having stability problems with XP then that's just an indication you didn't install it right or you are unaware of any issues your hardware may have working together. Your statement is ignorant. Any IT Professional will argue your statement. Every respected member of this site has already argued this statement in the preceeding posts. And when I say "respected" I mean the guys over the last 2 years who I have learned really know what they are talking about. I mean the ones who it's obvious that they do this for a living and aren't some "1337" 15 year old who is on the computer at 3am in a dark room with a bag of doritos by their side. I know you said you worked for Dell, but that doesn't really mean anything. For all I know you could have been an assembler, or a mail room guy, or worked in their cafeteria. Hell... I'm Dell Certified... know what that means? It means I was able to search their website to answer 10 questions for which all of the answers were on their website in 3 hours time.
  15. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=18408 Wouldn't that be classified as warez?
  16. The more people who block ads the more java ads you will start seeing... the ones that pop up in the window. No browser blocks those without making changes to your Java settings. What none of you realize is that ads are necessary for some places to exist. Those of you who block the ads here aren't supporting this forum. Don't get me wrong... I hate ads. I would gladly throw a couple bucks to any site I use frequently to lose ads, but I understand the need for them...
  17. I always try to help out everyone I can. It used to be more often because recently my home life and my work life just make it so much harder. One of the problems I have always had with this board is that although there are a lot of intelligent people here... I have just come to the realization that the intelligence here surrounds the PC OSes and there are just a few people around that have a true advanced knowledge of Windows Server OSes. I rarely ever have a problem I have to post here because I do much research before ever posting any questions that I have. What I have found is that 90% of the questions that I ask go unanswered. So, while I will still come here as much as possible, I am gonna have to start looking for a forum with some advanced server gurus. I love this place, but the idea of a forum is to be able to give and get help. Everyone knows I have given my share... I just never get the help I need...
  18. I do not believe so. You could try using "file:///c:/windows/system32/file.htm" but I am not sure if that will work..
  19. When you request an address your computer contacts a DNS server to find it's IP.... but before accessing a DNS server it checks it's entry in the HOSTS file. If there is an entry in the HOSTS file it automatically uses the IP address there. is the reserved IP address of your local PC. Haven't you ever seen the bumper sticker on some geeks car? "There's no place like" meaning there's no place like home Anyways, if you have a web server running on your PC and you use that address you will get your website instead of nothing...
  20. Maybe one of you guys out there with Windows Server 2003 and SharePoint Services can give me a hand. On monday our server crashed and I am slowly getting everything fixed. Everything mission critical was fixed already so that's not a problem. What I am having issues with now is I can not get the Fax software in Windows Server 2003 will not route to a document database as it did before. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and now the fax routing extension does not even exist. So, I need to know if any of you can export the key below and post it here. I would need this only if you have Windows Server 2003 and SharePoint Services installed (or even if you have the option to send to a document library.) You can see if you have the extension installed by launching "fxsadmin.msc" and browsing to the location in the picture. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fax\Routing Extensions\Microsoft Routing Extension\Routing Methods Thank you!
  21. Domino server is the server for Lotus e-mail as well as being a content management application.
  22. There is a key that you can find on the Microsoft website that you can use for this purpose. You will have to setup the OEM tools on the PC so that it walks the use through changing it and registering it though. Just do a search on their website... you will find it.
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