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Everything posted by un4given1

  1. OK, so I am buying the MPx220 this weekend... but have you seen the MPx300? OMG, it's insane! I wish I could justify the $1000 price tag. If I could verify it would work with my provider I think I would probably get it. I am hoping I buy the other phone before I find out though because I don't want to talk myself into buying such an expensive phone. Anyone out there have the 220? What are your thoughts on it. I have heard nothing but good about it from almost everyone I have talked to about it. I am not a big fan of the V3 Razr... My sister and her fiance both have one and I just don't like them.
  2. Give me the name of one product that can do what Preimere does... Preimere is one of the best for what it does. I don't have problems with it in XP. It's Windows 98 that I had the problems with it. Windows 98 runs everything in the same memory space, so when one thing crashes everything crashes. Windows XP runs everything in seperate protected memory spaces, so when one thing crashes, only that one thing crashes, not the whole system.
  3. Here's a link that doesn't require you to go through the new "Genuine Windows" crap... http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...10/default.aspx I happen to be a fan of Windows Media Player. I don't like a whole lot of 3rd party software. I know... Anyways, I use IE too, just because it's built in. I used to use another MP3 player... DJ2000. It hasn't been upgraded in so long though that I gave it up. They kept talking about an upgrade but it never came.
  4. RIS allows you to do this, but it uploads the information to a server before rebooting after copying files. If you did not have a server to load the data onto where would it sit at during reboot?
  5. That's really the only way. If it's a member of a domain keep in mind you will need to remove it from the domain, restart, change the name, restart, rejoin to the domain, restart. Good luck
  6. I did not say Adobe Photoshop. I did not say Acrobat. I said Premiere. Do you know what Premiere is? It's linear video editing software. It's one of the best you will find. Then you just aren't installing it correctly... sounds to me like you are stuck in the 90s... I haven't run on a dialup modem in 8 years! You are probably justified in not running a firewall of some kind. I agree. You couldn't be more wrong... And when Windows XP comes out, Windows 98 will be obsolete... Oh wait.. already happened! Does that mean you should never upgrade your computer because it's going to be obsolete tomorrow? Better not buy that new Athlon64... it will be obsolete tomorrow!
  7. I was able to setup custom OSC files and prompt for installation of certain programs and versions of programs. I was able to even go to the extent of allowing one to select a employee position and it install specific software for that user. RIS is completely configurable using the methods I detailed. I hope this helps you.
  8. Well, after posting that, I figured I would probably get the question.. "How!?" So, here... You need to understand a little about how RIS works. During the CIW all variables collected are passed to the SIF file. Your SIF file, with the variables filled in, is then uploaded to the server to a temporary location. The PC will begin copying files over and then reboot. During setup, the PC will recontact the server and download the updated SIF file that it copied there earlier... So, how do you pass variables that you can't put anywhere? Simple. You use the registry. By simply placing the following... REG ADD HKLM\Software\Unattend /v Key_Name /t REG_SZ /d %variablename% in your [GuiRunOnce] Later you can use REG QUERY to pull your values. There you go.
  9. Or... you could just go into Active Directory, browse to your RIS server and turn on the method of naming PCs to prompt you. Sure, configuring the OSC screens will do the same thing, but it was already available to you. Configuring OSC screens will allow you to do more than you could imagine. You can pass variables from the OSC screens all the way to the registry. I was told by Microsoft, after sitting on the phone with them for hours, that this was impossible, but I figured out how...
  10. I can live with that... But take a second and watch those videos. You may find XP has some features that may look good, or you just may not need them.
  11. OK, so what it says is Windows 98 can support up to 2GB, but that there are problems that arise with more than 512MB... Just one more thing to crash Windows 98... If you have 1GB of RAM I am going to assume that you have a system that will run Windows XP. With that much RAM (more than 98 would ever need) why would you waste it on Windows 98? Couldn't you assume that with 1GB Windows XP will run pretty fast? Did you look into the videos I posted? Or the page full of differences between 98 and XP? Now, lets see if we can put this conversation back on track discussing why people use Windows 98 instead of XP...
  12. bart of borq: I was thinking the same exact thing, but I was too lazy to even type that at the time. HAHA. Get a text file of it all and maybe I'll help ya a little.
  13. What I meant is surely you didn't read the article I posted. Take a minute and actually read it... That will explain why your system appears to be using your full RAM, when in fact it isn't.
  14. START / RUN / gpedit.msc / User Configuration/Start Menu and Taskbar / Remove and prevent access to the Shut Down command Of course, this only works with Windows XP pro because Group Policies can not be set in XP home. There is a regkey that controls it too, just not sure off hand.
  15. that's awesome.... Good one.
  16. I see quite a few mistakes. I did want to comment on one thing... the audio loop is annoying. It shouldn't play over and over and over...
  17. What OS is he using? Is there a server involved? Is there one logon, or a seperate logon for each PC? Do you create logons for each user? A little more information might make it easier to help.
  18. Why not add a batch script to your logon script that writes a time to a file, and a batch script to your logoff script that writes another time?
  19. What are you talking about? Can't you read? What part of my statement don't you understand?
  20. I'm not wrong. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=333688 took me about 2 years to learn all of that. Just read every manual you can.. You'll get there.
  21. Sorry Drewdatrip... Anyways, I quoted that a few posts back... (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=37402&st=100#) I was told...
  22. un4given1

    Funny Goat

    I don't want to turn this into a battle between Windows and Linux... but I completely agree with what he says.... That's all I am going to say.
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