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Everything posted by dirtwarrior

  1. This is cool.... OK a properly nlited 2k and xp OS with the appropiate services turned off which 1 uses less ram?
  2. Is there going to be a version where net framework doesnt have to be installed? This would be cool.
  3. Im wondering if it is an upgrade cd.
  4. gdogg this is a very cool project. I have been following along since the start. I found and used your 2k3 memory controler with good results and also shared it with people who also had good results. Thanks and good luck on this project
  5. Please someone help me or at least point me in the right direction. This is not an aimless request because I want to modernize windows 2000. I plan on nliting 2k use gurgelmeyer USP 5.1 incorporate major gui changes use firefox and other changes as they come up so please help. I googled it and only came up with things for xp
  6. I have a samsung HD as far as quality, durability, performance how does it rate
  7. Is it possible to use setup billboards, logongui,progress bar screen, and logoff(buttons) from xp on 2k. If so could somone tell me how ?
  8. I found a place to D/L these games the are about 140 meg D/L. Does anyone think they will work on xp or 2k?
  9. just makes it open faster it doesnt look for as much stuff. the results are not as dramatic as when xp winlogon is patched but it does make 2k faster as well
  10. disable uneeded services disable prefetch and patch winlogon
  11. This issue is not a BTS issue but I posted here because it is a driver issue, and many knowledgable people here about that... I hope I dont offend others though.... When I install drivers I get an error message "drivers entry point not found" OK I know there are 5 entry points open read write close execute which part of windows dll's exe..etc controls these entry points? and yes this is an old nt based OS I would love any help or pointers on this
  12. Jeremy does your version also install NVE?
  13. Yes it does and other files BTW why would you want to do this?
  14. http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Wind...load-26425.html
  15. Nlite is indeed a great program. Come in and look around you will find a lot of useful info here
  16. Did you floss after Actually this sounds like a good tip Thanks
  17. I did a google on this and found some people with same message but no solution. Here is what I did I edited the driver cab and now I get this message. I cant finish my project until I resolve this issue. Is there something I took out of the driver cab or inf to get this message? s there something I can add to driver cab or inf to resolve this? Add to I386 folder? Thanks
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