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Everything posted by dirtwarrior

  1. I read somewhere that vista when released will be modular, and can be adapted to the user. Is this true or is this "Smoke on the Water"
  2. very nice Will you release a full dowloadable version?
  3. elf sounds like some compression like rar or zip. if unsure right click on file and choose let internet choose how to open and make mental note of what program will open it
  4. techniquefreak I checked out this software SWEET I may contribute and get pro version. I didnt see where it would compress video files enough to put it on a single layer dvd though. I did see where it would take out errounous material. I think this is very cool plus it has links and downloads for other stuff needed for dvd's. thanks for the link
  5. Thanks guys OK is there an all in one. copy, authoring, editing.shrinking,and burning all in one easy to use package?
  6. Thanks has anyone used DVD Squeeze?
  7. I have been burning dvd's for some time now, mostly avi files. I am familar with "any dvd" which is a great piece of software. Nero is good for copying or making dvd's(good not great) The new dvd's are larger than my media I have so my question is What is the easiest to use and gives the best quality playable compression utility for squeezing the larger video files onto a single layer media. Any and all comments are valued. Positive and negative comments also about software.
  8. Will using this help to repair an old beta OS somehow?
  9. I am in the process of repairing an old beta OS and someone suggested I use Dependency Walker. I have never heard of this before so I have many questions about it. Can it work on an image or an installed OS? Individual files or whole folders? Does it automatically debeg? Or make suggestions about the same files from another OS? Any insite or anything else will be great.
  10. fdv this is a good idea. Nlite all 3 bench mark and do a comparo. Maybe even how small all 3 can be also. I just have xp so this leaves me out.
  11. like jeremy was saying a properly nlited xp home is sufficient for most needs
  12. Let me let me------ I dont have a life Ill do it Ill do it My girlfriend hates me, my dog bit me. Im on a small farm bout 40 miles south of Louisville,KY Got a full time security job at night
  13. just giving insite on stubborn virus
  14. Maybe boot with an old boot floppy 1 fdisk 2 delete partitions 3 remake partition 4 reboot 5 format If this will not work I may suggest a LLF. Some resident virus will also hide in the memory when threatened and then come out when they have the oppertunity. In this case more drastic things will be needed. Repeat the above steps then immediatly after format shut the computer down completly. Remove memory for at least 15 seconds. Then reinstall memory
  15. it seems like a nice piece of software tried xp burner it would install but not open
  16. the winlogon from embedded is 420kb and is expanded
  17. not 100% sure but I think it is the raid drivers. I had same problem testing in vm ware
  18. You want me to send you the winlogon from my embedded cd? Have you a chance to mess with the 1 from starter edition?
  19. Just curious My embedded cd has winlogon as well as minlogon. The winlogon included in xp embedded would it have the same effect as using minlogon/ faster boot times . lower comitt etc
  20. try trillion it will host mamy messengers and it is easier on using resources
  21. can you provide more info about your computer please
  22. you guys are welcome to come here http://www.astromike.com/neptune/index.php and have a subforum if you want
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