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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Here it is (please note that I always start with the Russian Repack [agree or disagree, but I find it easier and it's the end-result that I'm most concerned with, not the actual steps that got us there] --
  2. I ran across at least two dialogs in "official" and "repack" Build 2206 that the dialog will have two or three buttons - two of the three were capitalized, one of the three was not. I know the lowercase button was the word "open" but that lowercase button sat right next to two Capitalized Buttons. Dialog Buttons should always be capitalized, IMO. open should be Open OK should be Ok (I don't think the entire word should be capitalized, I know I also changed an OFF to Off)
  3. I'm unable to replicate the Switzerland - Media Lite SA connection. Can you see if this is only happening in Vista and just simply does not happen in XP? I use the MVPS HOSTS file (December-15-2020) and that IP is not being blocked by my HOSTS but I'm not seeing that connection being made by Build 2206. I have a Vista VM around here somewhere, could take some time to track down. Also, I will be doing a Build 1006 of v13 but it will likely be a couple of weeks before I can get to it.
  4. Please try the 2206 version and report what you see with it. The 2250 was abandoned almost as quickly as it was picked up. The 2206 version has (unran) in the title.
  5. I admit that it's a bit discouraging that there's only THREE (?) people even providing feedback at all to the two of us now uploading public rebuilds. But "it is what it is", as the saying goes - I'd be doing the rebuild for my own personal use anyway, the only thing that changed is that I documented each-and-every change. But the user-base does not warrant me adding that amount of time to my personal-use rebuild, so now I'm making the changes without the needless documentation. Those interested can still review the .xls for 2250 and the .xls for 2206 and still get a feel for WHICH files need modified. It all boils down to this -- until YouTube drops Polymer v1, 360Chrome will not gain a broader user-base. Again, that day is coming. But I can just as easily see MOST followers of the XP forum (there's really only a small handful of us!) just throwing their hands in the air and sighing, "It was fun while it lasted, I have to upgrade my OS now because I can't YouTube anymore." We already have one that has publicly announced his laptop is dead and he will no longer be using XP, more will follow. And we will have YouTube to blame.
  6. I'm not. I originally started posting public rebuilds of Build 2250 but it was problematic on YouTube and therefore the public rebuild dropped to Build 2206. I am attempting a good "balance". But at the same time we need to be "realistic" also. And where the line is between the two is a bit fuzzy.
  7. My uploads are not "as is". The Russian and Chinese telemetry is removed. I do have a few HOSTS file entries but the telemetry is supposed to be "broken" and should be at a very reasonable trustworthiness compared to the "original" (Chinese) and the "repack" (Russian).
  8. This may have been covered already -- but how do we know if we are being served Polymer v1 or Polymer v2?
  9. Despite my ramblings regarding YouTube, I want a 360Chrome that we can get MORE than just a small handful of us MSFN-ers to use. But I also don't doubt that 360Chrome won't really gain in popularity until YouTube (and Facebook) crashes or outright no longer works on other browsers. 360Chrome will only gain in popularity when YouTube crashes Iron, MyPal, Pale Moon, New Moon, Basilisk, BNavigator, you-name-it, at a "higher crash-rate" then 360Chrome. I do think that day is coming... Maybe even sooner that most of us care to admit... Does YouTube already crash other browsers? Or are extensions required to "tame" YouTube in order to prevent those crashes?
  10. Just tested. Google Voice does NOT work in Firefox 52-based. So it's either ditch XP (not interested!) or use 360Chrome v13 and "live with" it crashing once every sixteen days (I don't really get that many crashes, but you follow the logic). There IS going to be a day where I will "have to" ditch XP, but the further out I can delay that the better
  11. One of these days I will have to give Firefox 52-based a try. If it can't make calls from Google Voice then I'm afraid it doesn't fit my needs. I honestly do not disagree on the popularity of YouTube. My point is more along the lines that if YouTube only causes my 360Chrome to crash once every sixteen days, then I can live with that because what else can do as much while remaing on XP ??? I kind of parallel it to Windows in general. I can remember the days where Windows would crash at least once a week - but it's been several years since my XP has crashed. You may recall the days where "Three-Finger Salute" was common everyday vernacular. How much of that is due to XP being "mature", how much is due to XP "ain't broke so don't fix it" (ie, no more Windows Updates), how much is due to those of us still running XP have learned how to tweak/optimize it - your guess is as good as mine
  12. I personally perceive YouTube (and Facebook) to be a "niche market". YouTube does NOT crash my Build 2206 on any of my hardware (including a 14yr old Core 2 Duo with only 2 GB RAM). But at the same time when I do run YouTube on that 14yr old laptap, I do NOT have twenty tabs running and throw an unrealistic workload upon that laptop! There really is only "so much" that we should "expect" from some of our "older" hardware. Despite the "Lemmings Following" of YouTube and Facebook, my goal really is not for a version of 360Chrome that "never" crashes on YouTube and Facebook. My goal is for 99.999999% of the websites that I visit on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to "work" (including my own "niche" website [Google Voice]). Getting 3 crashes in 2 days on Build 2250 is not acceptible to me. But getting 1 crash in 16 days on Build 2206, I can live with that! Even if we discover that Build 1006 only gets 1 crash in 24 days, I'd likely still stick with Build 2206 because the file structure and telemetry/update features of Build 1006 is far more "intrusive" then Build 2206. IF I visited YouTube as much as you guys seem to, I would have one browser for 99.999999% of my websites and a different browser for YouTube. In fact, that's exactly what I used to do - MyPal / Pale Moon v27 for 99.999999% of my websites and a Win7 VM with ungoogled Chromium for my "niche" Google Voice. But I know, we all have our own way of doing things, lol. Oh, and sometimes, it isn't our browser that is crashing, it is the extensions that we add to that browser that causes our crashes. I could show you a way that a Stylem/Stylish/Stylus style can crash any browser every time its own home page is loaded (at least, I know for a fact it used to be possible).
  13. Too funny! I read half of your post then did a Google for Trigger's Broom. "This old broom has had 17 new heads and 14 new handles." "How the hell is it the same bloody broom then?" To return and see that the bottom half of your post explains the reference.
  14. My theory on why desktops have fallen out of fashion is because we live in a "mobile society". Everybody above the age of 12 is carrying around a cell phone and that indoctrinates them into thinking that the computer needs to be carryied around also. If you really want to be creative, there are some very small form-factors available that run WinXP that don't even require a cooling fan because they run that cool.
  15. I have three desktop PCs, three laptops, and one netbook. Only one of the laptops is ever "moved around" in the sense of being "portable". But only because it's out in the garage and has to move from the workbench to the passenger seat of a car when I tune turbo engines as a hobby. But that laptop is also 16yrs old and can't be used without being plugged in, so hardly a true "laptop" as far as being "portable". Sure, I could buy the parts to fix it and make it "portable" again - but WHY? It's 16yrs old and doesn't get moved from one room to the next, it sits on a workbench and only needs to move to a passenger seat. The plugin cord is long enough for it to make that journey.
  16. It's not really tracking down grammatical errors that is taking some time. If you look at the menu listings in MyPal, Pale Moon, and BNavigator (as examples), you will notice that all words in the menu listings are capitalized, except for words like a, an, and, as, in, on, or, and with. Same goes for Office programs like Kingsoft Office and Microsoft Office - all words in menu listings are capitalized except for words like or, and, to, and from. Several file manager programs do the same - all words in menu listings are capitalized. Same goes for Notepad++ and Microsoft Notepad - all words in menu listings are capitalized. Chromium builds only capitalize the first word in each menu entry (but so also does most [but not all] menu entries in an email program I use called POP Peeper). Since I'm opening 4,290 entries one-by-one looking for grammatical errors, I'm making the menus capitalize words in the same manner as most other programs for a more consistent look-and-feel.
  17. I agree with @Mr.Scienceman2000 My mom "had to" have a LAPTOP about 8yrs or so ago and none of us could talk her out of it at the time She spent close to $2,400 when a comparable desktop was only around $600. Not only does IT NEVER LEAVE THE DESK, but we had to get her a larger monitor because the laptop's display was too small, a keyboard because the laptop keyboard didn't have a number pad, and a mouse because she didn't like the fingerpad. ALL OF WHICH we told her from DAY ONE that she wouldn't be happy with and that a desktop would be the way to go.
  18. Side note: there are 4,291 files in Build 2206's en-US.pak (but one is just the index.ini) in order to track down grammatical errors. I'm only 1,065 files in and that has taken me 8+ hours so this will take a few days.
  19. Good to know! I pefer to delete indexed databases. I do have one or two extensions that the indexed database can not be deleted but for the most part I am able to delete them via the loader .ini.
  20. Thanks, that's what I tend to see here also. I'm going to stick with Build 2206 for all of my rebuilds (I may revisit Build 1006 in the future). I plan to have some more grammatical errors fixed and a new upload later today.
  21. I went the route of a 42" for the PC for a while but then moved it to the Bedroom. Then opted for FIVE 21" widescreen monitors for the PC with keyboard shortcuts to "send" Windows to different screens. A 3D model of my Living Room / Office --
  22. None of the 360Chrome versions have a menu bar that I am aware of - ALTHOUGH several of the .xml files DO contain the words Menu Bar, so maybe there is some skin setting, I'll attempt to dig up in free time. Never used a Boss Key, but if I understand it correctly, it's just a keyboard shortcut that minimizes the browser so that when you are stealing company time and browsing at work, you can hide the browser by hitting the keyboard shortcut when the boss walks by. The Avatar is easy to change, I prefer not to use it at all so I didn't bother changing it thus far.
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