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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Programmer's Notepad (both v2.3 and v2.4) crashes at 382 files when trying to load 4,072 tiny files (average right around 20 bytes per file). Maybe this old bloatless Notepad++ v6.8.8 dated 12/10/2015 is still the best for this type of workload. Giving X-SciTE a try next (trying/comparing versions 4.2.1 (x86 and x64), 3.7.5 r15, 3.3.7 r13, and 3.2.5 r12.
  2. I do appreciate everybody's willingness to try various builds. I'm going to revisit my 2206 build and clean it up a bit more - I found some hidden Chinese and Russian when rebuilding 1054 and will carry those over to 2206. I'm in no hurry for these changes though. The 2206 v2 seems to be our best base going forward.
  3. With that as your YouTube functionality, I would say skip on testing in Webex and I think I'll abandon this build also. 2206 really seems to be the route to take for most of our needs.
  4. Speaking of software suggestions -- does anybody have a good lightweight alternative to Notepad++ ??? As an example, the en-US.pak file contains thousands of tiny files and you kinda "have to" have at least the numbered-without-file-extension files open in tabs and be able to search all for various text. It takes my Notepad++ close to 20 minutes to open them all then another 15 minutes to close them all once edits are completed. My Notepad++ is version 6.8.8 but I opted for that version a while back because of "bloat" in never versions. I guess I should check to see if a never version takes so long to open a couple thousand tiny files, but if there are alternatives I'd be interested in trying them out.
  5. Me too. The 1054 was more of an experiment for the "YouTube Crowd" because people were frowning upon me for not considering YouTube as a tell-tale on 360Chrome's capabilities, performance, stability, reliability, etc. I own three different Roku devices and a SmartTV with Roku built-in -- the YouTube channel will crash all of my Roku's also! Granted, those Roku devices are all roughly 2 to 4 years old -- but YouTube shenanigans isn't about to force me to go out and buy new hardware or Smart TVs. YouTube doesn't crash my 2206 so everything past that was my attempt to assist the "YouTube Crowd". At this point, I think I've done everything possible aside from visiting China and befriending the folks that compile 360Chrome and thumping them over the head that YouTube crashes on XP x86 SP2
  6. Typo - meant to say en-US.pak. Based on the 2206 build, there are 130 files that need modified out of a total 4,290 files contained within en-US.pak - all to fix typos and grammatical errors for 2206. The 1054 en-US.pak contains 4,184 files and if they contain the same exact file names as 2206 then this part should go fairly quickly. edit - only three files in and the file names are already different... oh well, shouldn't take too long...
  7. The CPU resources are to be expected. I'll forego the very long-winded argument on that. Weak machines really just can't handle the modern web and we have to resort to a "balancing act". Aside from crackle and video jerks in 720, is the test-release of Build 1054 at least STABLE and doesn't crash like the newer versions you folks were reporting?
  8. Here's a test version of Build 1054. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0nqo7onxktw9lo/MSFN-share%20-%20%20360Chrome%2013.0.1054%20-%20unran.zip Like all other Chromium/Chrome forks out there, it will do a gstatic connection on first run and first run only - this is still on the to-do list. None of the resources.pak modifications have been done yet - so you will have a lot of English errors still present because these are the original Chinese/Russian translations into "broken English". Took three days to get this far and the resources.pak file is formatted differently than newer builds so those modifications are back-burnered until after we do some trial-run tests. I'm especially interested in Cisco Webex feedback, YouTube feedback, Instagram feedback, and XP x86 SP2 feedback. Those seem to be the most problematic but if you have known problem sites from your own experience, let's throw those at it also. I was able to run three YouTube tabs on XP x86 SP2 with 2GB RAM so I'm a bit optimistic this go around. Keep me posted...
  9. I assure you that I hate that as much as you do What is one to do -- "Mongo only pawn in game of life."
  10. Build 1054 Note: file 13581 for 2206/2250 = file 13579 for 1054 This is the Incognito "background" - I have opted to remove it completely but the file is just a compressed .gz if other users want to keep this "background". I leave these Russian/Chinese translations for those that opt to keep the "background".
  11. I'm hoping to have a rebuild of Build 1054 posted sometime over the next couple of days. I would be interested on Cisco Webex feedback once the rebuild is ready.
  12. follow-up note: IPs not in chrome.dll... this connection is Chromium/Chrome and not 360Chrome, not sure if I can break this but still digging...
  13. Just found some more un-translated Chinese. If you have a file downloading in the background, a Chinese dialog will popup if you attempt to exit before download is complete.
  14. Here You Go! THREE YouTube tabs on XP x86 SP2 VM with 2 GB RAM! Audio was a bit choppy (but come on, who listens to THREE videos simultaneously!) And that comes from a guy that DOES watch TWO televisions simultaneously! No crashes for a good five minutes of this "unrealistic scenario" - but I didn't let it run for 3hrs either. Did the test twice because the first screencap I forgot to have the v13 build version dialog open as proof.
  15. I agree. Though SP2 by itself is misleading. My fully-updated x64 does not have an SP3, only an SP2 and several post-SP2 updates. My fully-updated non-hacked (no POSReady 'hacks' because they broke some of my apps) x86 is SP3 and several post-SP3 "legit" (no POS) updates. Truth be told, I wouldn't even bother trying to hunt down a 360Chrome for x86 SP2 and the "niche user" thereof. I have ZERO issues on YouTube with Build 2206 and if the aforementioned YouTube issues are only with x86 SP2, then I would be inclined to "move along, there's nothing to see here". I even quite literally threw my hands in the air when I discovered that the YouTube issues folks were posted were on SP2, "Are you kidding me?!", but maybe SP2 was mentioned previously and I just read past it. Seeking out a modern web browser for a fully-updated EOL OS [2014] is one thing, seeking out a modern web browser for x86 SP2 [a full DECADE older, 2004] seems very much a "niche market" in my humble opinion. But having said that, I have had an occassional crash using Build 2206 when accessing Dropbox (which, ironically, would never even be used if I didn't need a way to share rebuilds or post screencaps here at MSFN). So my vested interested in Build 1054 (or maybe 1032) has more to do with Dropbox as far as on my end - if it happens to solve the YouTube issues for x86 SP2, then that is really just more of a "bonus".
  16. Has anyone figured out just what the "System DPI" setting is supposed to do? I'm showing builds 1032 and 1054 to not crash XP x86 XP2. 1032 did not have the System DPI setting, it was introduced in 1054. 1054's version notes cite performance optimization so i'm inclined to use 1054 as my next rebuild. But 1032 seems to also be a good candidate because that DPI "feature" is not part of 1032.
  17. Okay, I've installed an XP x86 SP2 VM with 2GB RAM and I can repeat crashes on v13 builds 1106, 1088, 1006, 1002, and 1000 - EVERY attempt to launch results in the VM crashing, so it's not even an intermittent issue, it's an always-issue. But there is good news - I can get v13 builds 1054 and 1032 to fully load without any crashes. The original release date between the two builds is only 7 days so I'll focus on the newer of the two and will post a Rebuild Build 1054 in the next day or two. I don't really want to spend a lot of time figuring out why the XP x86 SP2 VM has no internet connection in VirtualBox and nor on how to actually activate it, but it gives me a way to verify crashes at least.
  18. Okay, abandoning build 1106. Let me do some digging on this end and see if I can come up with something else.
  19. Okay, it would be helpful to know if it is the LOADER (X-360cse.exe) so I kinda need one of you two to either load directly (360chrome.exe in Chrome\Application) or try to use the loader from newer builds to rule out the loader in older builds.
  20. @we3fan -- On second thought, let's see if it is the "loader". Instead of using X-360cse.exe, open the Chrome\Application folder and see if you can launch 360chrome.exe instead. Alternatively, you could make a copy of the build 2206 then replace the Chrome folder in it with the Chrome folder from 1106, thereby using a newer loader that you know already works in x86 XP2.
  21. @IXOYE -- Please try version 1106 a couple posts up. @we3fan -- I'm afraid you might be on your own with regards to x86 XP2 as I think you are the ONLY person on the entire forum running x86 SP2.
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