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Everything posted by NotHereToPlayGames

  1. Posting a DNS log while running 360Chrome is more tell-tale than posting code that may or may not even reside in a called subroutine.
  2. And dance around on stage like they are having some kind of seizure and throw rocks at a vehicle claiming the windows won't break but then the window breaks in front of a live audience trying to learn the dance moves of the seizure they just witnessed.
  3. Thanks. It was fun making also, I've never liked software that "targets XP" but doesn't even use Luna buttons. It was also my first use of "alpha blending" to get the tabs to overlay.
  4. The Liebao portable link seems to be dead. Also, there is a browser called "MiniBrowser" that works in XP - it was mentioned in the 360Chrome thread, if I recall, not positive.
  5. I'm late to the thread so apologies if you have already tried this -- go into your router's wi-fi config and verify you have it in the correct mode (a, b, g, n, b/g only, mixed).
  6. When you browse the theme/skin page, the .srx will be downloaded to root dir -> Chrome -> User Data -> skin When you select a different theme/skin, the first .srx will be deleted and the new .srx will go into that folder. So once you have the .srx that you want, copy it from that folder and you'll never need to visit that .cn page ever again. Here is my XP skin files -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/83mdky3jup73l59/WinXPskin.zip?dl=0 There are three files inside the .zip. en_skin.srx and skin.srx goes into root dir -> Chrome -> Application -> 13.0.2206.0 (ie, build number) -> skin geekkoedlankmgbjiogodoaibieloiep.srx goes into root dir -> Chrome -> User Data -> skin If these files are in-place before you ever load 360Chrome, they will load by default. Otherwise you'd have to make a change in the registry.
  7. Yes, but you have to either have the .srx already downloaded from that .cn page or have created your own .srx. The .srx of most skins (not all, some only have registry changes that effect a different .srx [one of 8 that reside in root dir -> Chrome -> Application -> build # -> skin]) resides at root dir -> Chrome -> User Data -> skin But you also have to modify root dir -> Chrome -> User Data -> Registry -> 360chrome_1.reg to point to that .srx via the "skinpath" under [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\360chrome\default\ui_persist_value]
  8. My XP x64 has two ".NET Runtime Optimization Service" services listed in Computer Management -> Services. I have them BOTH DISABLED.
  9. If you can isolate to mscorsvw, here is a good read as to what it is doing -- https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/wondering-why-mscorsvw-exe-has-high-cpu-usage-you-can-speed-it-up/
  10. Not in my experience. There's SEVERAL services that run in the background that are "required" but only show up in Task Manager as "svchost". You may have more services running than you need.
  11. After a few reads on mscorsvw, your configuration has the operating system "optimizing your machine to launch apps faster". I would seek out that configuration setting and disable it. "Optimizations" going on behind your back is never a good thing, IMO. I'll add that once it took me three days to figure out why an online radio station would have choppy audio. The culprit there turned out to be the disk drive "defragmenting" itself behind my back - I no longer allow disk drives to "defragment" behind my back.
  12. Next time you see it at 100%, see if mscorsvw is running - if so, you have a .net process updating or even "optimizing itself", axe it and see if svchost's percentage drops. As a rule of thumb, I axe anything called "updater".
  13. I'd also look at what "services" you have running. I seem to recall that a small handful of services show up as "svchost.exe".
  14. That is generally a required process. But you could have something "piggybacking" that process (I don't recall the correct term). Show a screencap of your Task Manager's "Processes" tab and I bet there is something else running that looks "suspicious".
  15. I never was able to fully restore Luna. I created an XP skin from screencaps of Luna buttons and then embedded those into a 360Chrome skin .srx file (which is nothing more than a .zip file).
  16. I could ask the same of you and the answer would be the same. 1) would take a great deal of time 2) are there enough users interested to warrant that time From what I see (so far), there are only about 6 of us that use 360Chrome as their default and all 6 of us have been able to tweak our own editions into a variation we ourselves are satisfied with. I don't know software distribution rules, I never read the so-called must-read "license" info - I'm not a lawyer and reading "legal-ease" (if that's a word) piques zero interest. But it would be interesting to know if it is "legal" to create an "MSFN Version" of 360Chrome and distribute that to forum-users ??? And then the "6 of us" with that vested interest of this being our default can collaborate as a team and first agree on which build number to use as our base and then create that "MSFN Version".
  17. It's been 9 months or so since I started using 360Chrome as my default browser - I have lost track of the NUMEROUS changes I have made along the way to get it to a stage where I trust it. I do think that there are enough of us here that we should be able to create a version that other users can trust as their default as well. I use XP as my default OS and this is the only browser I have run across that can run in XP while being able to do pretty much everything the "modern web" throws at it. I'm sure we can find exceptions for what it cannot do but those exceptions would also likely not coincide with my "normal usage" so I don't see the need to prove what it can't do. Like I say, it's my default, I have a vested interested in being able to trust it and that's why I monitor this thread.
  18. I do recall that one of my fixes was a replace-all and converted all "360.cn" with "broken" (same number of characters). But I cannot remember how many different files (plural) that I made the 360.cn -> broken change in. Maybe we need a "definitive" guide instead of several of us doing changes on our own and we are all doing bits-and-pieces here-and-there? I've monitored connections on my own version and I'm satisfied with my own results - but I did not document all of the changes along the 9 months or so it took me to get here.
  19. ENOUGH !!! We all know your view on this, we are all attempting to create a version for ourselves with all of the telemetry removed. Let us all strive for that end-in-mind and cease with "added commentary" PLEASE !!! NONE of us have denied that telemetry exists, be it Chinese or Russian. Onward and upward, my friend
  20. In options.zip, I have made changes to five files inside of it -- appstore.js options.html options.js options_page.css privacy_security.js
  21. I wonder if that connection is skin-related? Here is the list of files that I have changed, I could reverse-engineer my changes but it would take time -- root folder -> Chrome -> 360Loader.ini -- should have no effect as far as telemetry goes root folder -> Chrome -> Application -> 360chrome.exe -- no effect, removed Chinese from file -> properties root folder -> Chrome -> Application -> 13.0.2206.0 -> chrome.dll and options.zip and resources.pak root folder -> Chrome -> Application -> 13.0.2206.0 -> Locales -> en-US.pak root folder -> Chrome -> Application -> 13.0.2206.0 -> skin -> en_skin.srx and skin.srx root folder -> Chrome -> User Data -> Default -> Bookmarks and Favicons and Preferences and Web Data -- these just revert to a default state when profile is rebuilt and to prevent fetching of favicons when default bookmarks are restored root folder -> Chrome -> User Data -> skin -> geekkoedlankmgbjiogodoaibieloiep.srx -- this is just my default WIN-XP skin and by copying this to new profile I don't have to visit skin-select page then do my WIN-XP changes over again
  22. That's not one of my hosts file entries and build 2206's bookmark manager is not connecting to that IP/address. I don't know for certain if one of my other tweaks/customizations disabled that connection or if build 2206 just doesn't attempt that connection. I would kind of have to rebuild my tweaks/customizations from the ground up to isolate. Seems I should have taken better notes along the way but at that time this thread was kinda dead and too many users abandoned 360Chrome too hastily.
  23. I stopped updating at build 2206. I've spent a lot of time with how there are "lookup strings" as far as how the language "locales" (ie, "en-US.pak") work and several of these "lookup strings" stopped working after build 2206 (unless 2250 fixed them, I have not checked). I'd have to review my modifications to recall where they are at and how they were fixed, there were several typos that once you see them, you can't not see them. I know one of them was in the Speedup / Optimize Memory tool info dialog boxes. There are also several typos like uplaod instead of upload but I don't recall when those show up. Once those "lookup strings" did not function as they did in previous releases, I stopped updating. It is on my to-do list to benchmark/compare build 2206 with the beta versions that @Dixel uses but I have not done that as of yet. edit -- for purposes of my archive, was there any version 13 builds between build 2220 and build 2250?
  24. Did you remove the Russian Language setting in the Preferences file? <excerpt> C) Changes made to the file "Preferences" (in Chrome/User Data/Default) - I searched for the "accept_languages" entry and then modified the line "accept_languages": "ru-RU,ru,en-US,en" and replaced by "accept_languages": "en-US,en". This action allows to display websites in English and not in Russian. </excerpt>
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