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Everything posted by UCyborg

  1. Updated from 17763.615 to 17763.832 and after booting into it I noticed several security settings were changed: Password must meet complexity requirements: Disabled -> Enabled Administrator and Guest accounts have been enabled Devices: Prevent users from installing printer drivers when connecting to shared printers: Disabled -> Enabled Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL: Not Defined -> Disabled Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on (this one might have been changed too, not sure) Users group has lost the following rights: Change the time zone Remove computer from docking station Shut down the system Guest used to be present in the following rights assignments: Allow log on locally Deny log on locally (these two are conflicting, so I suppose the result is the same in the end after change) Deny access to this computer from the network This list is from my memory. Should cover at least 75% changes, I didn't note them down. All settings can be found by launching secpol.msc and navigating to Account Policies and Local Policies. I removed the old updates in from recovery environment with DISM in reverse order in which they were installed, including SSU update (have to modify some *.mum files to get it removed) and then installed the current ones. Did I do something wrong or do recent updates always change these things even if you do it the usual way? Nobody is talking about those as far as I'm aware of.
  2. I forgot I messed with SecureUxTheme...I set it to load in Explorer and since it's loaded through a feature intended for debugging, the memory usage was high because of that.
  3. I wonder if LineageOS has the option for good 'ol USB Mass Storage mode. For Sony Xperia E3 at least with stock OS based on Android 4.4.4, it's not an issue because it has the option in settings. It's still a fairly modern device, only 5 years old. I never used unrooted phone for long though, just find it too restricting. Banking apps often refuse to work on rooted phones and even some stuff in entertainment category... Sure you can unroot and certain modifications for which you needed root permissions stay, obvious exception being the apps that need root access to operate normally, but it's just an extra stupid barrier for the people who know what they're doing.
  4. MS Edge Dev, based on Chromium 79, still accepts -disable-windows10-custom-titlebar command-line switch.
  5. Yes. They're accessed via Media Transfer Protocol.
  6. Just adding a note; you can actually run those from recovery environment. At least from my limited experience, running it from there and pointing it to a good installation as repair source (mounted WIM image) that has the same updates as problematic installation seems to be the most reliable way to achieve some actual results.
  7. Not really. Ran them all, they all have issues. A perfectly good OS doesn't exist, not in objective sense at least.
  8. One way is using RDP Wrapper. It won't work out-of-the-box on updated Windows builds since the author doesn't update it anymore so you'll have to search through the issues page or elsewhere to get the information about what to add to rdpwrap.ini, located at C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper after installation. When modifying rdpwrap.ini, make sure to leave an empty line at the end to avoid unexpected crashes. rdpwrap.ini contains instructions on how to work with particular version of termsrv.dll, which is what makes accepting Remote Desktop connections possible. Remote Desktop Services service has to be restarted for changes to take effect, but if the process that hosts it also hosts other services, then they all have to be stopped (and restarted in the end) before restarting Remote Desktop Services service. There's also a thread on MDL forums discussing patching of termserv.dll file directly on disk, as well as RDP Wrapper method. The former method is clunkier, as it involves getting yourself permission over termserv.dll at C:\Windows\System32, then using the hex editor to search and replace several bytes. If you use that method, changing the name of the original file then making a copy with correct name and making modifications to it will leave the original copy in the component store (though I haven't tested whether this actually stops DISM from complaining about corrupted file if you run a scan - maybe it still complains about unlinked file unless that is SFC's job - about which I'm positive would react to the change if ran). I'd go with the wrapper unless you find a special reason to mess with termserv.dll directly.
  9. It was fine just a week ago, but today, my PC hit 100 days of uptime and I noticed explorer.exe launches with 200 MB of RAM consumption just showing an empty desktop and a taskbar. Then it goes up with time, I got to about 440 MB yesterday. My usage patterns haven't changed, I just updated GPU drivers, but that was on 5th of October. Just wondering if anyone encountered this and if the reboot solved it and if not, what was done to fix it? Looking at the changelog of newer updates, the build I'm on now has quite some (unrelated, hopefully) issues, but I'm not feeling confident about updating immediately as there's always something. They never tell you what they broke, they just say they fixed something which at some point was actually working properly. I'll wait until the next patch Tuesday at least. Anyway. two more things that might be related or might not be; sometime after 70 days of uptime, I had to disable AppX Deployment Service because it was making my computer unusable, it ran at logon and got stuck in some messed up state that it wasn't even able to accept stop command while grinding the disk non-stop. If left unattended, Process Hacker would count several gigabytes of read data. After terminating its process, it stayed quiet. The second thing, Process Hacker shows 1,14 GB of crap in the page file while Task Manager reads 1,4 GB of paged pool usage. I remember this was much worse with Windows 8.1, the numbers were rising about 3x times faster. Some background system process leaking memory? I don't know if it would happen with previous Windows versions with my setup because I almost never ran them for more than a day.
  10. I just realized this thread has over million views!
  11. GZDoom 4.1.2b is the last XP compatible version (archive page). The XP support was dropped at the same time when the developer switched to Visual Studio 2019 (announcement thread).
  12. A word of caution to anyone running Vista on a VMware virtual machine - VMware Tools version 11.0.0 comes with an user mode OpenGL driver that expects K32EnumProcessModulesEx in kernel32.dll, which only exists on Windows 7+, thus one may unexpectedly get an error about the missing function when trying to run an OpenGL application, then application reporting it was unable to find an accelerated OpenGL driver or failing in some other way. The last compatible VMware Tools version is 10.3.10. This should be reported as it seems like an oversight rather than intentional breakage, plus the function is actually supported on Vista, just resides in a different DLL, so it would be trivial to fix.
  13. You're probably trying to download it with Internet Explorer or Edge, which are sensitive to incorrectly set MIME type on the server where the file is hosted. Try using another browser.
  14. That auto-colorization thingy appeared in Windows 8, so it's not exactly new, more like 7 years old! Knowing MS, they might fix it in the next 6 years and break something else at the same time. Are you sure it's not just aerohost.exe shutting down because its dwm.exe crash counter reached certain threshold? At least that's probably the case assuming that problem with DWM crashing with Aero Glass loaded when user session ends still exists in 1903. I've added another trigger for Aero Glass task in Task Scheduler that runs aerohost.exe on every login if it's not running yet. I haven't got to a desktop without glassy window frames since, though I see that aerohost.exe hasn't been running for as long as Windows has.
  15. I don't know, but I'm guessing the tools ISO goes to a hidden .vmware folder in your home folder. That box takes the path to an ISO file. There is some logic in VMware that automatically ejects VMware Tools ISO after installation. If you pick the option to reinstall VMware Tools from menu, that box'll refill and you'll be able to see where it's stored. You setup the folders you'd like to share in virtual machine settings on the Options tab in the Shared Folders section. From Windows 7, you can access those folders by opening Network in Explorer, where a computer named vmware-host appears. You'll find shared folders in there. Windows might prompt you to enable network discovery when you open Network if it's disabled to be able to see anything in there.
  16. Sure, I've been using NoScript extension for several years. The place I work at develops time attendance and access control software. 99% of interactions with it are done via web interface, which is completely and utterly useless with JavaScript disabled. It doesn't even work with stock browser on Android 4.x due to missing JavaScript functionality. Can't login, can't view anything, can't set anything; you just get a broken site without a warning that JavaScript is required, so in practice, the experience is the same as with those sites that just show whiteness if JavaScript is disabled.
  17. That's not a PDB Downloader, that's some script written by someone else that expects Debugging Tools.
  18. Log says VMware Tools aren't actually installed (article with install instructions). Relevant log entry: 2019-10-12T09:27:37.136-05:00| vmx| I125: VMXVmdb_SetToolsVersionStatus: status value set to 'notAvailable', 'noTools', install impossible Are you sure you've triggered installation procedure? When you pick that option, installation ISO should be downloaded and mounted on the virtual CD drive and, provided you haven't disabled autoplay in Windows, you'll get a dialog with an option to run the setup program (otherwise, navigate to the setup program manually in Explorer). Then, it's just clicking next and rebooting at the end. Afterwards, the Display tab in dxdiag should look something like this:
  19. https://tonsky.me/blog/disenchantment/
  20. Seeing the screenshot of Summary page of OpenGL Extensions Viewer running inside virtual Windows 7 machine would be helpful, along with VMware's log file (vmware.log - should be inside the folder where virtual machine was created).
  21. With current version of Aero Glass, you'll always get a warning about unsupported Windows version because that build is not on the supported builds list. After you cancel it, it'll work as usual (including symbol downloads).
  22. FUEL in Destroy the Web extension specifically is used only for managing its preferences and there's a specific call made to figure out if extension has been run for the first time. I don't know if there's a better way, but some other extensions I have just add a preference that say if extension has already been launched for the first time. Those things are easily done without FUEL. Though some issues not related to FUEL still remain (errors coming from animation code). I'll try to figure it out. The description of FailObsoleteShellAPIs shim that can be read using Compatibility Administartor (32-bit) says: Devs are not supposed to use APIs that are meant only for internal use by the OS or the accompanying applications. So Windows XP's image viewer is a bit special, because Microsoft, but normal applications shouldn't rely on those. Although there are at least some exceptions; there are entries in compatibility database that tell the OS to apply FailObsoleteShellAPIs to said exceptions. There could be more though that need it to run on newer systems.
  23. The ID appears in the popup window that displays after you login, which presents an option to copy it to the clipboard. It's also written to the log file (C:\AeroGlass\debug.log).
  24. Using classic theme means you're explicitly disabling usage of visual styles. Also application in question must have directive in its manifest to use version 6.0 of ComCtl32.dll library, see this (already taken care of in μTorrent). It's not related to visual styles as it looks OK in Windows 7 with classic theme and also doesn't look correct with XP's default Luna theme. There's something off about combination of overriding user-set color for selected item and Windows XP I guess.
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