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Everything posted by UCyborg

  1. I figured it reads group policy settings from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge, while Chrome reads them from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome. I haven't found policy definition files for Edge specifically, they might be released in the future, but I can confirm the registry settings for forcing/denying Incognito/InPrivate Mode and the ones for allowing/blocking Flash Player on certain sites do work. I'm not aware of any ability to tweak such parameters, AFAIK there's only the stuff that you can turn on or off on edge://flags page. This would probably require the UI to be implemented differently than it is in order to have the ability to change that. It's possible in Vivaldi with CSS tweaks.
  2. The old Edge still has better video playback performance, smoother scrolling and lower CPU usage.
  3. @VistaLover True, but there are always some extra details involved and one might see inconsistencies from one time to another due to certain usage patterns. It's possible to run the Thunderbird's installer with limited rights, in which case the program will be installed for the current account only and won't be registered.
  4. Games from newer Windows except some API functions not present on XP. There are alternatives online. I suppose messing with XP games would be more of an academic thing.
  5. To revive these games, someone would have to reverse engineer their communication protocol and implement their own server that would behave like the one that used to run at freegames.zone.com.
  6. Great! I was just looking into it. It's like this; you don't normally need admin rights to choose a default email client for your own account, but a prerequisite is that the email client has been registered on the system (which does require admin rights). Usually, that's the installer's job. After that, anyone can pick their favorite. So in your case, the client had to register itself on the system first (which failed due to lack of permissions) since the installer wasn't involved to do it.
  7. No, having Thunderbird installed and registered shouldn't prevent MailNews from successfully registering itself. Something else must be off.
  8. No, only Outlook Express. I'll try again with a clean state (have it in VM) and register Thunderbird first and MailNews second.
  9. @andy_h Yes, pinning it there creates a separate shortcut in some other place, so you have to setup that shortcut properly as well.
  10. I tried Roy's MailNews fork on my XP SP3 install and registered it as default by checking all checkboxes in its System Integration dialog and it did appear under E-mail in Start Menu afterwards.
  11. Apparently my assumptions were incorrect, and so is this thread's title. I searched through Chromium's commit history and found out only the option in chrome://flags was removed, the functionality is still intact and can be invoked using a command line parameter, see here. So one must add --disable-features=Windows10CustomTitlebar parameter to Chrome's shortcut properties, at the end of the Target field on the Shortcut tab. This method doesn't have any undesired side effects like running in compatibility mode has.
  12. The workaround relies on the codepaths still in place for Windows 7/8.x. When the support for those systems is dropped, they'll probably dump that code as well...
  13. Yours lack the processor architecture bits, so it's actually: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0
  14. Figured that's impossible; I found the following code at widget/windows/nsWindow.cpp: // Glass hit testing w/custom transparent margins LRESULT dwmHitResult; if (mCustomNonClient && nsUXThemeData::CheckForCompositor() && /* We don't do this for win10 glass with a custom titlebar, * in order to avoid the caption buttons breaking. */ !(IsWin10OrLater() && HasGlass()) && WinUtils::dwmDwmDefWindowProcPtr(mWnd, msg, wParam, lParam, &dwmHitResult)) { *aRetValue = dwmHitResult; return true; } Stock caption buttons are effectively disabled on Windows 10. The behavior is hardcoded in xul.dll. If one searches for Windows version checks, there are some other parts of the code that will behave differently depending on the detected Windows version.
  15. It's identical to the one that Firefox 60 ESR uses since version 56.2.8.
  16. I did try all possible IRQ values, it always sounds the same. Again, changing it is only possible on Windows 95, on Windows 98 I'm stuck with 11. I don't know how to tell whether IRQ is exclusive or not. I also tried HDAICOUT.HDA that comes with the driver, nothing changed. I tried Mpxplay, but only got silence.
  17. Haven't heard about that problem before. I get very obvious visual anomalies on my end, something to do with lack of certain optimizations that only later versions of Aero Glass have. The problem is more profound when ran on virtual machine due to worse graphics performance. Maybe there's something interesting in C:\AeroGlass\debug.log and in Event Viewer. You should be able to reboot to Safe Mode and access those things from there.
  18. That wasn't directed at you specifically, but those that keep creating new threads even though they could post in the old existing threads. I've no clue what the problem on your end is because the transparency part has always worked on my end. Actually, with my custom theme in Windows, I get some transparency even without using userChrome.css (no idea why that works in the first place): The frame goes solid black after turning on dark mode: Creating the userChrome.css with the following content... #main-window { background-color: transparent !important; -moz-appearance: -moz-win-glass !important; } .titlebar-button { opacity: 0 !important; } ...gives this: Built-in CSS sets display property of .titlebar-button to none on Windows 7, but that doesn't help on Windows 10 due to some hardcoded behavior; it just completely disables the ability to use those buttons. If you turn off critical CSS files in Style Editor such as browser.css (there are 2 files called browser.css), you can still minimize/maximize/close Firefox window with the caption buttons on Windows 7/8.x, but not on Windows 10. So yeah, not all behavior can be changed with CSS alone. It would require some modifications to Firefox's source code.
  19. People keep creating new threads for the same old problems over and over again because searching is too much of the effort for the average Joe.
  20. @djmagnifique You're not using userChrome.css alone, you obviously also set browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar to false. I would prefer to be able to keep tabs in the title bar, but that way, there are issues with caption buttons. Also, I remember Semtex already tried these kinds of CSS tricks, but still encountered some problems.
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