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Everything posted by schwups

  1. The new control panel "FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl" was introduced with version 10.3. It fails to launch on my ME systems, too. It is a known issue.
  2. Alteration of the sequence in the core.ini from "contends=std,kexbases,kexbasen,Kstub730" to "contents=Kstub730,std,kexbases,kexbasen" solves the problem.
  3. what combinations of responses have or haven't worked for you? All combinations work to open a folder, but no combination work to open the control panel. Does your system that is not having a problem happen to be SE, or not have all the same SP's/upgrades? I corrected the post #50. The IE script error occurred on all three Win ME test systems. The SP1 isn't installed. Installed: 1. IE6 SP1 2. DirectX9c 3. NetFramework 1.1 and 2.0 4. unicows.dll (1.1.3790.0) 5. VisualBasic 6.0 SP6 (vbrun60sp6.exe) 6. MDAC 2.81 SP1 7. VisualC++ red 2005 (SP) and 2008 8. MS Win ME Update User / GDI 9. GDIPLUS (WinXP)
  4. The next thing would be to try the older definitions with Kstub730.dll. You can do this by removing Kstub730.ini--Kstub730 will use Kexstubs.ini if it doesn't find Kstub30.ini. (Kstub626.dll also has this feature. Do you mean Kexstubs.ini = stubs.ini of version 626 and I have to paste it in the KernelEx folder? If so, then I always get questions of Kexstub730 before opening a new Explorer window: Shlwapi.dll:SHRegisterValidateTemplate=t2? SetLastError (1/0) [Yes/No] more options [Cancel] and Shlwapi.dll:SHRegisterValidateTemplate=t2? return -1/0 [Yes/no] more options [Cancel]
  5. Kstub730.log file: = Shlwapi.dll:SHRegisterValidateTemplate=t2 ? = = Kernel32.dll:GetUserGeoID=t1 =
  6. After updating to 730 an IE script error occured in windows\web\controlp.htt, if I tried open the control panel. This happened on two of three machines. Run => regsvr32 webvw.dll doesn't work. Downgrading to 626 fixed the error.
  7. Kstub730.ini: [ComDlg32.dll] PrintDlgExA=>ComDlgKs.dll:PrintDlgExA PrintDlgExW=>ComDlgKs:PrintDlgExW I think it should be PrintDlgExW=>ComDlgKs.dll:PrintDlgExW !?
  8. The pluginwrapper often causes a high cpu and ram usage link on supported and recent systems. Considering these facts maybe it doesn't make any sense to start the wrapper on ten years old and older systems, assuming that we manage to fix the problem possibly with Kexstubs. I am convinced, that this tool has high potential and offers many possibilities. I had begun to search the missing api's, but it seem to be a lot. Comparative easy was to find the four missing API's to start Opera 12.5 alpha. The new Tool Ktree is very helpful. How jumper said we need a DependencyWalker-like tool that is Kex-aware. To find and drop the already supported functions would be no longer required.
  9. Maybe three years ago I had read the topic and so I'm not familiar with the ServicePack. I had to read the whole topic once more. Usually I don't install it. What I immediately install is: 1. IE6 SP1 (I use OutlookExpress) 2. DirectX9c (directx8.1) 3. NetFramework 1.1 and 2.0 4. unicows.dll (1.1.3790.0) 5. Adaptec Aspi 4.71.2 ( version 4.6 included in the Pack) 6. VisualBasic 6.0 SP6 (vbrun60sp6.exe) 7. USB 2.0 ME driver 8. MDAC 2.81 SP1 9. VisualC++ red 2005 (SP) and 2008 10. 48bit LBA driver (included in the Pack) 11. KernelEX 4.5.2 12. RevolutionsPack 9.7.2 13. SafeModePatch 14. in the future MSXML4 SP2 15. NTFS for Win98 if needed 16. Tihiy's Network activity indicator 17. MS ProcessExplorer, chipset driver, graphics driver, ..... The numbering isn't the chronology.
  10. Ok, just so I'm clear on this - does "Universal Extractor" run on win98/Kex? I'm finding that it seems to hang while giving the message "Testing 7-Zip installer" when I try to process the flash-player-install exe file. It also doesn't seem to process the msi file without throwing up some sort of error that I can't figure out. If the Universal Extractor method is not the method that you were indicating in post 76, then the (only?) alternative is to watch for someone to post a file-locker link to the flash DLL file. I've no experience with the Universal Extractor. I also just tried to extract the exe with that tool on ME and XP without success. But why should indicate the link on post 76 to the Universal Extractor? Quote: "Download NPSWF32.zip (size 4.22 MB, version 11.3.300.268), unzip NPSWF32.dll and place it inside program\plugins inside Opera installation directory." => unzip NPSWF32.dll with 7Zip or another unpacker. Extracting the dll file from the exe doesn't solve your problem. You already have the file.
  11. It works fine. This new .268 DLL is exactly the same file-size as the previous .265 file, but file-compare shows more than 10 byte-differences. Is there any way to get the 10mb MSI file (flashplayer11_3r300_268_win.msi) other than by downloading the "archived" 100mb developer file (fp_11.3.300.268_archive.zip) ? Does Adobe give a direct link to the MSI file? I run the MSI file, get two errors which I dismiss, then go to the \SYSTEM\MACROMED\FLASH directory and rename the new DLL file (remove the version info from the file name) and that's all. Is running the MSI file necessary at all? Can you just obtain the new DLL file and copy it over the old one? I've unpacked the MSI file with 7-zip, and then unpacked the single .cab file inside it, and then used 7-zip to unpack the single .exe file inside the cab file, but after all that I still can't end up with the DLL file. Where is it? We've different possibilities to run it. Downloads: 1. msi => post 63 2. dll file => post 76
  12. My default mode: KernelEx is enabled. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KernelEx "DisableExtensions"=dword:0x00000000 (0). Thanks for corrections and explanations.
  13. How to install Opera 12.5 alpha for testing. I added these API's to [secur32.dll]: Please jumper correct them, I'm not sure. LsaEnumerateLogonSessions=z2e LsaFreeReturnBuffer=z1e LsaGetLogonSessionData=z2e InitSecurityInterfaceW= It doesn't work stable and of course the plugins don't run and I can't add buttons to the toolbars. The comp. mode must be Win2000SP4 for installation and running (the default mode isn't possible anymore). [NTDLL.DLL] vsprintf=z3e for latest Sumatra PDF
  14. same version - same checksums
  15. Only for Flash Player versions 10.0.xx you had to fake the OS. ... why was it necessary in this case? Think it's a difference of the installer version check. It isn't nessessary for all other versions (comp. mode default)! AFAIK it's always recommended to change back the Version and VersionNumber (98SE: 4.10.2222 or 4.10.2222A). HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion: Default (value not set). And nothing else.
  16. Why do you have these registry entries? Generally there is no need. In individual cases it can be necessary to fake the OS version for a setup. It's recommended to delete the string "CurrentVersion 5.1" afterwards. CurrentVersion=5.1 is to fake windows XP.
  17. Yes I can confirm FindActCtxSectionStringW is a culprit. OO starts successfully and runs fine. But I have a problem with the Foxit Reader 5.x. It refused to start, if I try to start it from the desktop shortcut. Error starting program The IPHLPAPI.dll file canot start. Check the file to determine the problem. It starts from the start menu shortcut or from foxit.exe in the program folder.
  18. I don't know if the file NPSWF32_11_3_300_265.dll was there (it's not here now - but I might have renamed it when I first saw it). I uninstalled version 11.3 and re-installed 11.1. I don't care about Opera. I want to know if install_flash_player_11_plugin.msi works with FF version On one win-98 system I did get 11.3.300.262 working just by copying the DLL, but that method didn't work on another system (see post #77). Hallo Nomen, I downloaded for testing FF portable, installed it and I have done the NPSWF32_11_3_300_265.dll file in the plugin folder of the port. app (C:............\FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins). Then I renamed this file to NPSWF32.dll. It works here! Also works for me to start FF 2 with comp. mode XP ( C:\............\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\firefox exe ). Condition is that NPSWF32_11_3_300_265.dll is still in the system/.../flash folder.
  19. Where (in what post) was this method described? I downloaded this: http://download.macr...r_11_plugin.msi And ran it. I got a pop-up box saying "A required DLL file, WINHTTP.DLL, was not found". I have this file as part of a kb patch I downloaded (kb890830-v2.8) but I don't know why I have the patch file (I never deployed it). In spite of that "dll not found" message, the above flash-player installshield wizard ran to completion and said that it has "successfully installed adobe flash player 11 plugin". I restarted the system and ran the Flash Player app in control panel. It crashed, saying "plashplayerapp caused an invalid page fault in module unicows.dll". I went to this page: http://www.codegeek....ash-version.php and it said "Javascript is enabled in your browser. You have Flash player 11.3.300 installed." This page: http://www.playerversion.com/ said the same thing. However, no movie is visible when I to go this page: http://helpx.adobe.c...ash-player.html and basically I can't get any flash videos to display on any page. What's odd is that in my \SYSTEM\MACROMED\FLASH, there is no NPSWF32.dll file (!). I tried replacing it with several different versions but nothing worked. I had to go to add-remove programs and un-install Flash Player 11 and then run install_flash_player_11_plugin_32bit_11.1.102.63.exe to get flash functionality back. Hallo Nomen, the msi version 11.3 for other browsers should paste NPSWF32_11_3_300_265.dll in the SYSTEM\MACROMED\FLASH folder and not NPSWF32.dll. All Opera versions 10.1+ (10.1/ 10.63/ 11.64 testet) have to run with comp. mode Win2000, otherwise the player fails to work. I've tested it here on some computers. As soon the error message appears check the flash folder (F5) for the NPSWF32_11_3_300_265.dll. I added the Winhttp.dll (XP version) for the Foxit Reader 5.x to the system folder. Up to now I can't see any problems with this file.
  20. I doesn't found a clear culprit yet. I will keep looking. Either Foxit Reader 5.x doesn't start or OpenOffice doesn't (runtime error R6034) or both or I get an error with the explorer (runtime error R6034).
  21. 5. I've successfully installed GoogleEarth (03.23.11) with comp. mode Win2000 and it has started (comp. mode Win2000) fine, but only in directX mode. Testet only a short time. Streetview works,too. GE doesn't run with openGL mode. Driver Nvidia 82.69 mdgx. I believe it will run with the driver 82.16 for OpenGL. I guess the same behaviour as for version 5.2. Graphics card here Nvidia 5900XT. Latest versions I'll try the next days.
  22. "[Kernel32.dll] GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z3e" works for Java 6 updates 32/33/34 installation, but Foxit Reader 5.x crashed on start.
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