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Everything posted by schwups

  1. Supplement:The ImportPatcher generats this ini µTorren#3.0.0 26473.zip file of µTorrent 3.0 exe. It lists many missing functions, but in comparison to the generated file of version 2.0.4 (stable with KernelEX) there are only seven functions more. The difference: [ntdll.dll] NtStopProfile= RtlUnicodeToOemN= _chkstk= RtlAdjustPrivilege= NtSetIntervalProfile= NtStartProfile= NtSetInformationProcess= [Patches needed] PSAPI.DLL=Functions, Unbind This appears to be a debug build (_chkstk and profiling apis). Perhaps it's a beta??? µTorrent 3.0.0 build 26473 - According to Filehippo/horse is it no beta.
  2. "MSICheckPendingFileRenameOperations: RegOpenKeyEx() failed with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: 2, Error Code: 0" isn't the real problem. Now I also see this in my jusched.log: Wed Feb 20 11:25:47 2013 :: SetDllDirectory() failed. ErrorCode: 120 Wed Feb 20 11:26:37 2013 :: MSICheckPendingFileRenameOperations: RegOpenKeyEx() failed with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: 2, Error Code: 0 Did you verify "[Kernel32.dll] GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120" with KTree? The function isn't contained in the Kstub822 (Kext first post). You have to add it. "Error 26011. Unpacking rt failed" is a a widespread problem, not only for ME/98 users. Today 300MB free disk space is very little. Maybe Oracle enlarged the required space? link
  3. I've two versions of IPHlpApi.dll (4.90.3000 47KB and 4.90.3001 39KB), but the Dependency Walker lists for both the same 117 functions in the export list. I wasn't aware that Xeno86 set the KernelEX mode by default for the dll to disabled.
  4. Hi Den, I have 6u7 installed. I've also tried uninstalling this first, but it doesn't help. MsiX isn't doing too well for me, it extracts about 10 files, some only partially renamed to their final names. AFAIK, MsiX uses the API's of the installed MSI stuff on the system. When that's not working properly, neither does MsiX. At least that's what I've concluded just now. BTW, the MSI stuff on my system does work properly for other MSI files that I've previously installed, it's only this Java stuff that it has issues with. I wonder what version of 'msiexec.exe' others have, and what KernelEx settings it has? Mine is version 2.0.2600.2 (MD5 = 53223ff3012db1ac5a35cae4720bdd46). I get a different error message depending on what KernelEx compatibility settings I use, but it seems to bomb out at around the same point either way. Speaking of MD5 hashes, these are the hashes of the files I get after attempting to run the 6u39 installer : Data1.cab = 4ce133f19d40787a5548a6afcf15541e jre1.6.0_39.msi = 606aac2b60cf3e37baebd8a744cf300c Perhaps someone can confirm these are OK (else it would mean the installer extraction process is the problem). Hi schwups, I tried this just now (deleted 3 or 4 occurrences). Unfortunately, it didn't help. It's frustrating, but I don't seem to be the only one having problems with this Java stuff. Anyway, there's now a new version of this thing - that also won't install for me : 6u41. Joe. The version number of my msiexec is the same and MD5 (MD5Checker9x) is different. 6A20A72677196CC87E75681524E03773 msiexec.exe, Size 83,456; DATE Modified 26.Jan.2002 Java39: 606AAC2B60CF3E37BAEBD8A744CF300C jre1.6.0_39.msi; Size: 905,728; Date: 4.Feb.2013 Cab: 4CE133F19D40787A5548A6AFCF15541E Data1.cab; 13,211,806; I think you cleaned your registry, especially the JavaSoft Keys. Make sure that the updater and the Quickstarter is disabled. Your current KernelEX setting in the Core.ini is 0 (DCFG1)? What is listed in the Kstub822.log (stubs.log)? Version 41 just installed successfully, too.
  5. The exe installer works up to version See KernelEX Wiki. There are two possibilities for the later versions.
  6. Investigation of Opera 12.5 and 12.12 - perhaps useful I added all the mssing api's with a Question mark, listed of the ImportPatcher, to the Kstub822.ini to see which are called (prompted by Kext) first. Listed functions of the ImportPatcher - Opera version 12.12: First Opera calls "NTDLL.DLL:NtQuerySystemInformation=?". If "NtOpenKey=?" is commented out it calls "NTDLL.DLL:NtQueryKey=?" 1. The setup of version 12.12 1707 The setup exit silently. 2. Try to start 12.12 / 12.10 (runs in the backround only) 3. Attempt start and run 12.5 1546 (first version with the internal communications error) In all cases in the log file is listed "=Iphlpapi.dll:GetAdaptersAddresses=t5=", too. The snapshot 12.5 1538 is the latest that works of course without the pluginwrapper. The Explorer don't like "NtOpenKey=?"!
  7. RegOpenUserClassesRoot isn't called anymore.
  8. I don't have these keys. I think a problem similar to it I get for example with a Diskeeper light installation (without modifying the msi). Normally the setup makes a rollback, but I can abort it with "alt-strg-del" to use it. Then it's impossible to install Java. I've to undo this installation. Possibly you have a reg entry PendingFileRenameOperations - . Did you try to delete it? I've no problem to install java 39. Try: Skip CheckPendingFileRenameOperations action with SuperOrca or Orca.
  9. I don't have these keys. I think a problem similar to it I get for example with a Diskeeper light installation (without modifying the msi). Normally the setup makes a rollback, but I can abort it with "alt-strg-del" to use it. Then it's impossible to install Java. I've to undo this installation. Possibly you have a reg entry PendingFileRenameOperations - . Did you try to delete it? I've no problem to install java 39.
  10. Improvement with SuperAntiSpyware: I made it to install the latest version 5.6.1014. Kext already supports [secur32.dll] GetUserNameExW=z3e and [Netapi32.dll] NetUseEnum=o7. To run the setup I added [Advapi32.dll] RegOpenUserClassesRoot=o4e0 - (4 is # of WINAPI parameters, e0 is error success). It works, but I'm not sure with the value codes. "o" by hit or miss. SAS (SASCore.exe) doesn't start after the installation. First I have to set 2K or XP mode! This versions starts very fast. Problem with XP mode: Ugly or missing icons and missing fonts on the buttons. It looks good with 2k mode. The updater works, but the window seem to be a little incomplete. Error on start scanning, but it primarily runs by ignoring the message. Abort scanning isn't possible. I successfully scanned Memory, Registry and Cookies. When trying to scan longer and files it seems to hang during scan. And don't click the help button in preferences. The system crashes immediately! All in all, it is not yet stable or really usable.
  11. Installing Kext is a little off topic. But yes, GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120 must added to the .ini file. 1. Paste the downloaded Kstubxxx.ini and Kstubxxx.dll in your KernelEX folder. It doesn't matter which version you use 626, 730 or 822 it should work. 2. Add GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120 to the ini file under [Kernel32.dll]. 3. Add Kstubxxx to the core.ini in the kernelEX folder: contents=Kstub626,std,kexbases,kexbasen 4. reboot => msi or silent and check out the vulnerability on 98 Hmmm ... I've tried installing recent versions of Java 1.6, following the Wiki instructions (mostly the MSI method, but also the silent method) but without success. I have KexStubs installed with the "GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120" setting, etc. However, I can't even get 6u30 to install, let alone 6u39. Here's a typical attempt : 1. Run 'jre-6u30-windows-i586.exe', let it crash and die. 2. Navigate to the "%windir%\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_30" directory. 3. Start 'jre1.6.0_30.msi' ... 4. Installation proceeds to about 75% then fails and does a "roll back". 5. The end. Running the 6u39 installer version is similar, except that the MSI gives an Error 26011 (Unpacking rt failed), whereas 6u30 gives no explanation. According to the Sun/Oracle information, this means I don't have enough free disk space and to allow for at least 100M - rubbish, I have about 300M free on drive C: (which should not be relevant) and about 2G free on drive E: (which in my case is the installation drive, also where temporary files live and die). Running the installation executable with the "silent" option is, well, just a more "silent" version of failure. Anyone have some idea on this? Does the newer Java stuff need a P4+ processor with SSE2 or some such (I'm running a P3)? Joe. The error should be logged in your temp folder.
  12. OK, I changed the core.ini: [NOAC] inherit=DCFG1 desc=Base enhancements, no ActCtx (for MSVCRT 8+) [NOAC.names] KERNEL32.ActivateActCtx=none KERNEL32.CreateActCtxA=none KERNEL32.CreateActCtxW=none KERNEL32.DeactivateActCtx=none KERNEL32.FindActCtxSectionStringA=none KERNEL32.FindActCtxSectionStringW=none KERNEL32.ReleaseActCtx=none After I've set the Explorer to the new mode, Windows seems to run fine. OpenOffice starts, too. Reboot required.
  13. OpenOffice can't run with Win2K mode! It starts with default (KernelEX is enabled) mode only.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New test of method four on the first machine with corected entries: [WIN95.names] ComDlg32.PrintDlgExA=Kstub822.0 ComDlg32.PrintDlgExW=Kstub822.0 The specfic compatibility modes stick. Explorer set to "Win2000 SP4, no ActCtx (for MSVCRT 8+)" Unfortunately the test led to new problems. First some things have failed on Win startup (ClamTray.exe, NVCPL.dll, AVM IGD Service...). When opening a new window the Explorer caused a not further explained error in Kernel32.dll, but afterwards the window has opened. Sometimes I've got the runtime error by moving the mouse over the start menu. Explorer set to mode "disabled" solves these errors, but it seems not a good idea. For example OpenOffice reports "The ...swriter.exe file expects a newer version of windows". I think this applies to some KernelEX dependant apps. A mode "default (KernelEX is enabled) or base Base enhancements, no ActCtx (for MSVCRT 8+)" could work as compromise solution.
  14. [DCFG1] contents=Kstub822,std,kexbases,kexbasen desc=Base enhancements [WIN95.names] ComDlg32.PrintDlgExA=Kexstubs.0 ComDlg32.PrintDlgExW=Kexstubs.0 KERNEL32.GetVersion=kexbases.0 KERNEL32.GetVersionExA=kexbases.1 KERNEL32.GetVersionExW=kexbases.1 I'll test method 4 on a second machine.
  15. Supplement:The ImportPatcher generats this ini µTorren#3.0.0 26473.zip file of µTorrent 3.0 exe. It lists many missing functions, but in comparison to the generated file of version 2.0.4 (stable with KernelEX) there are only seven functions more. The difference: [ntdll.dll] NtStopProfile= RtlUnicodeToOemN= _chkstk= RtlAdjustPrivilege= NtSetIntervalProfile= NtStartProfile= NtSetInformationProcess= [Patches needed] PSAPI.DLL=Functions, Unbind
  16. Running µTorrent 3.0: Main Problem: The downloads aren't saved - The download folder remains empty. Kstub822.log: NTdll.dll:NTAllocateVirtualMemory=t6= Configuration: stable Kstub822 - *ActCtx* functions commented out
  17. All the attempts don't work. All the specfic compatibility modes don't stick! It's possible to disable KernelEX. Also for the Explorer, but that doesn't solve the problem, it only makes the explorer usable again. Ktree lists the stubs for the KERNEL32:*ActCtx* functions.
  18. OK,method 4 my cofigurations now: Core.ini: [ApiConfigurations] default=0 0=DCFG1 | | 9=NOHEAP 10=NOFACSS [DCFG1] contents=Kstub822,std,kexbases,kexbasen desc=Base enhancements | ...... | [NOFACSS] inherit=NT2K desc=Win2000 SP4 (for OpenOffice) [NOFACSS.names] KERNEL32.FindActCtxSectionStringW=none Kstub822.ini: The seven ActCtx api's in Kstub822.ini Kstub822 and stable stubs.ini now in the KernelEX folder Result: Now Ktree lists the stubs for the KERNEL32:*ActCtx* functions. The Explorer is unusable: => Runtime Error.... Program: C:....Explorer => later a message "Explorer caused an error in WEBVW.dll" Can't run OpenOffice: default mode KernelEX enabled => Runtime Error.... Program: C:....swriter.exe ... R6034...and then "Error starting program - The msvcr90.dll file cannot start" Mode Win 2000 SP4 (for OpenOffice) => doesn't persist => changes to base enhancements => Runtime Error.... Program: C:....swriter.exe and then "Error starting program - The the msvcr90.dll file cannot start" Kstub822.log: = Kernel32.dll:CreateActCtxW=t1e =
  19. Ktree doesn't list stubs for the KERNEL32:*ActCtx* functions. So Kexstubs hasn't created them. I will rename the files back to Kexstub822.
  20. Post 144 - method 4: My confiurations: Core.ini [ApiConfigurations] default=0 Renamed both files ini and dll to Kexstubs Kexstubs.ini: [iphlpapi.dll] GetAdaptersAdresses=t5 (no wrapper) Result: µTorrent and OpenOffice runs and for the moment I can't see a problem. New setting "Win2000 SP4, no ACTCTX doesn't persist. The setting jumps to base enhancements. BTW Fresh Diagnose works up to the latest version 8.66. With October 7, 2010 - Release of Fresh Diagnose 8.46 a new windows user rights module was introduced. Kext supports NetApi32.dll:NetApiBufferFree
  21. I checked this. The MSVCP90.DLL is required for version 2.8.6. Make sure that you have MSVCP90.DLL version 9.0.21022.8! Or install MS Visual C++ red 2008 (VC_R_9x.EXE)! MSVCP90.DLL is part of it. I add it on the wiki.
  22. Hallo LostInSpace2012, I had added Abiword on the wiki. Abiword 2.8.6 runs on all my systems. The Vista mode is the default for Abiword. Your system must be missing something to run 2.8.6.
  23. Yes it works, but I can't print. The app doesn't find the printer.
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