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Everything posted by schwups

  1. It works, if you disable JavaScript. Also I tried older versions. Versions 3.5 and 3.7 give a message: "The scipt on this page appears to have a problem. Do you want to stop the script?" Version 3.2 seem to work fine. I didn't try every version. Hallo halohalo, What issues you have found? Do you have the JavaScript problem with versions 3.3 up to 3.7, too? Are you able to print?
  2. Two posts about Pale Moon: link 1 link 2 But I haven't tried Pale Moon on a VM. Pale Moon 4 + requires a processor with SSE2 support. PaleMoon 3.x should work with SSE support. Currently there is no workaround to run Pale Moon 12 and higher!
  3. It works, if you disable JavaScript. Also I tried older versions. Versions 3.5 and 3.7 give a message: "The scipt on this page appears to have a problem. Do you want to stop the script?" Version 3.2 seem to work fine. I didn't try every version.
  4. It will be a good option, if it works. Be aware, that this board isn't testet. I havn't found anything related to Win98 in this forum and elsewhere. In any case I look forward to your results. Manual
  5. I've found the manual. The Abit IP35V has four SATA ports and one IDE port. If your HDD is a SATA drive, disable the IDE controller. If it is a IDE drive, disable the SATA controller in the BIOS. Otherwise Win98 will probably not boot or the HDD could run in slow DOS compatibility mode. Or purchase RLoew's SATA patch. There's no driver for onboard sound. For the Marvell Gigabit Lan could be a driver. I don't find the model. But the board has three PCI slots. That should be enough.
  6. I'm inspecting Mozilla Thunderbird versions 3.1.20, 9.0.1 and 10.0.12esr. On two test systems Thunderbird crashes immediately in order to print and when opening the print preview. Apart from that Thunderbird runs fine. On a third machine printing and the preview work. Only the images of the prints are very small. I use the same Kstub.ini on each test machine. Any ideas? I checked a lot of XP files in my system folder. Any missing dll or update? However, I can't figure out whether I can print on one and not on the others. I'll keep looking. The DependencyWalker and the ImportPatcher don't show any errors for the Thunderbird.exe 9.0.1 and 10.0.12 and no dependencies with comdlg32.dll. Only "GetProcessIoCounters" (DW), but this is supported by KernelEX. I added Thunderbird to the Wiki.
  7. Hallo FlippX, I prefer Opera. I use it 99 percent. Mostly version 10.63. But it happens more and more often that some contents of pages are missing. So that I have to run 11.64 or 12.02 to see the whole contents. Firefox runs stable on my systems up to version 9.0.1, of course without bookmark function and history. The Add-on HyperBK offers both. Some members reported that FF 10 runs stable on their machines with some changed settings (see Wiki / Google search or Wiki "Main Page" => "Special pages" => "Popular pages" => "Mozilla Firefox" / Problem with the page "compatible applications" these days). FF 3.6.28 is the latest with bookmark function and history. To print I often try different browsers Opera, Firefox, K-Meleon 1.54, Internet Explorer 6 for the best results. Diskmon.exe is not meant for Win9x. System Internals Utilities on Win9x link
  8. Hallo nostaglic98, probably you can install Win98SE or ME on this ASUS P5KPL, but there is no warranty. You have the possibility to set the "ATA/IDE Configuration" in the BIOS to Compatible ( 98 and ME support only four devices) and perhaps you have to disable HT to boot. Install this chipset driver. But there are no drivers for onboard sound and AFAIK onboard Lan (Atheros). You need supported PCI cards. And you need a PCI-E graphics card ATI up to X800 or X850 (driver 6.2) or a NVIDIA PCI-E up to NV7900 (driver 82.69 mdgx or ZacMcKracken or 82.16 with your card added to the inf file). Note the shutdown issue, if you use a NVIDIA card. To avoid the issue with a NVIDIA card use a NV6xxx with the older driver 77.72. I already installed ME and for testing 98SE successfully on the P5KPL EPU with a NV7800GT (and 7600GT), a Creative SB PCI 128 card and a Realtek 8169 PCI card. I shutdown via the "first screen" of Express Gate. Maybe 3-4 sec. longer than a normal shutdown. There is no Express Gate for the P5KPL. The Plop boot manager has the possibility to shutdown. Fortunately it never happened to me destroying a board or a graphics card by an BIOS update. Read the instructions accurate and prepare everything carefully. Nevertheless remains a small risk, e.g. power failure.
  9. Hello Jumper, you added some links of recommended updates in the first post. The exe installer of the msxml4 SP2 fix KB973688 doesn't run on my system. I opened it with 7Zip and extracted "msxml.msi" and "sfx manifest". The msi has worked. Thanks.
  10. I don't know if VLC 2.0.6 works on a P2 machine. I can't check this. Maybe it also requires SSE. First try to install the last but one version 2.0.5 (requires KernelEX / no need to rename MSVCR70 or MSVCR71). Otherwise install version 0.8.6i (14.August.2008 / KernelEX not required / disable KernelEX if installed for vlc.exe). Links: Wiki ; FTP archive of VLC ; VideoLan Forum
  11. Now I've successfully installed Foxit Reader 6.0.2 0413 and with an additional entry. [WINSPOOL.DRV] XcvDataW=z8e Also Required: [KERNEL32.dll] ActivateActCtx=o2e0 CreateActCtxW=p1e0 DeactivateActCtx=o2e0 ReleaseActCtx=z1 winhttp.dll msxml4 SP2
  12. Hello Inspiron7000, here in the 9x/ME subforums are a lot of topics about to install the Flash Player 10 and higher (Google search / MSFN Forums search). Your CPU (Pentium2) doesn't support the instructions sets SSE (P3) and SSE2 (P4)! Some links: FineSSE ; Why do some versions of Flash Player 9 work on YouTube while other ver FP versus FP link ; KernelEX Wiki
  13. Sumatra PDF 2.3.1 released: Reverted back to SSE support for old computers. SSE2 support was required and introduced with previous version 2.3 to make Sumatra faster.
  14. Does Java next generation work for you, too? Sumatra PDF 2.3 released: [DBGHELP.dll] SymFromAddr=z4 is required to run it. BTW: I can't access the page "compatible applications" on the Wiki these days, if I'm not logged in. Also the page Popular Pages offers an overview.
  15. I found out, that these problems are related to the ME GDI Q289635 GER (GDI.exe & GDI32.dll update and ME user Q280800 GER (USER.exe & USER32.dll update. Obviously there is a incompatibility. Test system now: ME, KernelEX build Leyok 04.April.13, without RevolutionsPack.
  16. I few month ago I successfully installed 98SE on a 2GB SD Card in a card reader according to these instructions . If I remember correctly the SD Card worked in DOS comp. mode, anyway windows was very slow. Then I tried to install 98SE on a 8GB Stick. The setup slowed down and seemed to hang. Maybe after two or three hours I cancelled it.
  17. I had this error with this board, too. But the graphics card NV 7900 worked. There was a problem with the PCI-E 1x ports. Is there a setting "PCI-E/PCI/Internal" to initialise the PCI-E first.
  18. Maybe your BIOS looks like this: "On-Chip ATA Devices: Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu and the following screen appears: On-Chip IDE Controller: The chipset contains a PCI IDE interface with support for one IDE channel. This item allows you to enable or disable the IDE controller. On-Chip SATA Controller: Set this option to define the SATA device mode." In this case you have to disable one controller. But not that with your HDD.
  19. First of all you should install manual xrayer's chipset driver (windows98.xf.cz). Then you can install the graphics driver NV 82.69. The Bearwindows VBEMP is a very simple driver without any kind of 3d support and slow scrolling... You will be much more happy with the NV82.69. Which msi bord is it? Check some BIOS settings: The IDE configuration should be set to compatible mode (four devices ; 98/ME supports only four devices ), if possible. On some boards you have to disable Hyperthreading. And check out your possible ACPI settings. Disable the onboard graphics. RAM: This is a ideal value. It never works for me. My highest possible values differ about between 60000 and 72000 (1,4 up to 1,8 GB) dependent on the board and the graphics card. If you try the NV82.69 driver again, make sure, that you deleted the VBEMP driver in your system folder.
  20. There is no problem with Kstub here. It's just telling you should update/replace your msvcrt by msvcr70 or msvcr71. This substitution has been discussed quite a bit in this thread if I am not mistaken. If you don't want to do this systemwide, you can do it on a per application basis but this requires deleting the msvcrt entry in the registry's knowndlls key. VLC 2.06 will run fine after that and so will quite a few other recent apps which rely or have dlls relying on functions non-existing in vanilla 9x msvcrt such as the latest KMPlayer. Thanks. Particularly it was discussed in the topic "ImportPatcher". I confirm that version 2.0.6 works, if I paste "msvcr71.dll" renamed to "msvcrt.dll" in the systemfolder (replacing). So that I have the msvcr71.dll with different names twice. Also flv and mp4 works.
  21. Kstub822 is incompatible with VLC Player 2.0.6 released yesterday. Obviously new API's are called. The Kext prompt appears during installation: Msvctr.dll:___lc_codepage_func=; Update DLL! The setup finished successfully if I cancel the prompt . The prompt appears again on start, but no possibility of the prompt works. The Player starts, if Kext isn't installed. Problem: flv doesn't work anymore and mp4 => only audio.
  22. schwups

    Missing dll

    Java Fixer Do you have [Kernel32.dll] GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120 in your Kstub822.ini?
  23. @Drugwash: I tried your latest release build of the 07.April on Win ME without SP, but with RevolutionsPack. The first error message says "Mprexe error in kernel32.dll" after the restart. Your Kexbases.dll is in error state for me, too (checked with Ktree). @ Leyok and @coolman: I'm not clear with your builds on my systems. I think, I get plenty of problems. Good: KernelEX verifies successfully. But I can't get access to the the systray, the QuickLaunch and the Startmenu. If I hover over them I see the hourglass. If I click on a Desktop shortcut I get the message, that the explorer caused an error in unicows.dll. Many apps don't start or have odd glitches. For example I'm not able to start a browser, if KernelEX is enabled for it: Firefox => Kernel32.dll; Opera => SHLWAPI.dll. If I've more time I'll report more and details. BTW: The compression of the 7z build of Leyok isn't supported by 7Zip 4.65. The newer version 9.20 unpacks it.
  24. Latest Flash Player 11.7.700.169 works for me, if I add [Gdi32.dll] GdiAlphaBlend=z11 to the Kstub822.ini. Probably it isn't the best stub. Thanks loblo!
  25. Well, it seems Google isn't as good as it used to be... It's not on Foxit's own website as of now anyway so it probably means they are still adjusting things for that version. I saved myself lots of time and headaches unpacking the installer with Inno Unpacker btw. It's running fine in Win2k compat mode here without a need for KexStub but I don't think I'll be using this version if they keep the atrocious interface they've adopted here, at first I thought the UI was buggy but then I realized it was just a Windows 8 style interface... You can change the interface back to the classic appearance. Version 6 is slower than version 4 and 5 for me.
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