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Everything posted by schwups

  1. OK, I changed the core.ini: [NOAC] inherit=DCFG1 desc=Base enhancements, no ActCtx (for MSVCRT 8+) [NOAC.names] KERNEL32.ActivateActCtx=none KERNEL32.CreateActCtxA=none KERNEL32.CreateActCtxW=none KERNEL32.DeactivateActCtx=none KERNEL32.FindActCtxSectionStringA=none KERNEL32.FindActCtxSectionStringW=none KERNEL32.ReleaseActCtx=none After I've set the Explorer to the new mode, Windows seems to run fine. OpenOffice starts, too. Reboot required.
  2. OpenOffice can't run with Win2K mode! It starts with default (KernelEX is enabled) mode only.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New test of method four on the first machine with corected entries: [WIN95.names] ComDlg32.PrintDlgExA=Kstub822.0 ComDlg32.PrintDlgExW=Kstub822.0 The specfic compatibility modes stick. Explorer set to "Win2000 SP4, no ActCtx (for MSVCRT 8+)" Unfortunately the test led to new problems. First some things have failed on Win startup (ClamTray.exe, NVCPL.dll, AVM IGD Service...). When opening a new window the Explorer caused a not further explained error in Kernel32.dll, but afterwards the window has opened. Sometimes I've got the runtime error by moving the mouse over the start menu. Explorer set to mode "disabled" solves these errors, but it seems not a good idea. For example OpenOffice reports "The ...swriter.exe file expects a newer version of windows". I think this applies to some KernelEX dependant apps. A mode "default (KernelEX is enabled) or base Base enhancements, no ActCtx (for MSVCRT 8+)" could work as compromise solution.
  3. [DCFG1] contents=Kstub822,std,kexbases,kexbasen desc=Base enhancements [WIN95.names] ComDlg32.PrintDlgExA=Kexstubs.0 ComDlg32.PrintDlgExW=Kexstubs.0 KERNEL32.GetVersion=kexbases.0 KERNEL32.GetVersionExA=kexbases.1 KERNEL32.GetVersionExW=kexbases.1 I'll test method 4 on a second machine.
  4. Supplement:The ImportPatcher generats this ini µTorren#3.0.0 26473.zip file of µTorrent 3.0 exe. It lists many missing functions, but in comparison to the generated file of version 2.0.4 (stable with KernelEX) there are only seven functions more. The difference: [ntdll.dll] NtStopProfile= RtlUnicodeToOemN= _chkstk= RtlAdjustPrivilege= NtSetIntervalProfile= NtStartProfile= NtSetInformationProcess= [Patches needed] PSAPI.DLL=Functions, Unbind
  5. Running µTorrent 3.0: Main Problem: The downloads aren't saved - The download folder remains empty. Kstub822.log: NTdll.dll:NTAllocateVirtualMemory=t6= Configuration: stable Kstub822 - *ActCtx* functions commented out
  6. All the attempts don't work. All the specfic compatibility modes don't stick! It's possible to disable KernelEX. Also for the Explorer, but that doesn't solve the problem, it only makes the explorer usable again. Ktree lists the stubs for the KERNEL32:*ActCtx* functions.
  7. Of course, always I do rebooting.
  8. OK,method 4 my cofigurations now: Core.ini: [ApiConfigurations] default=0 0=DCFG1 | | 9=NOHEAP 10=NOFACSS [DCFG1] contents=Kstub822,std,kexbases,kexbasen desc=Base enhancements | ...... | [NOFACSS] inherit=NT2K desc=Win2000 SP4 (for OpenOffice) [NOFACSS.names] KERNEL32.FindActCtxSectionStringW=none Kstub822.ini: The seven ActCtx api's in Kstub822.ini Kstub822 and stable stubs.ini now in the KernelEX folder Result: Now Ktree lists the stubs for the KERNEL32:*ActCtx* functions. The Explorer is unusable: => Runtime Error.... Program: C:....Explorer => later a message "Explorer caused an error in WEBVW.dll" Can't run OpenOffice: default mode KernelEX enabled => Runtime Error.... Program: C:....swriter.exe ... R6034...and then "Error starting program - The msvcr90.dll file cannot start" Mode Win 2000 SP4 (for OpenOffice) => doesn't persist => changes to base enhancements => Runtime Error.... Program: C:....swriter.exe and then "Error starting program - The the msvcr90.dll file cannot start" Kstub822.log: = Kernel32.dll:CreateActCtxW=t1e =
  9. Ktree doesn't list stubs for the KERNEL32:*ActCtx* functions. So Kexstubs hasn't created them. I will rename the files back to Kexstub822.
  10. Post 144 - method 4: My confiurations: Core.ini [ApiConfigurations] default=0 Renamed both files ini and dll to Kexstubs Kexstubs.ini: [iphlpapi.dll] GetAdaptersAdresses=t5 (no wrapper) Result: µTorrent and OpenOffice runs and for the moment I can't see a problem. New setting "Win2000 SP4, no ACTCTX doesn't persist. The setting jumps to base enhancements. BTW Fresh Diagnose works up to the latest version 8.66. With October 7, 2010 - Release of Fresh Diagnose 8.46 a new windows user rights module was introduced. Kext supports NetApi32.dll:NetApiBufferFree
  11. I checked this. The MSVCP90.DLL is required for version 2.8.6. Make sure that you have MSVCP90.DLL version 9.0.21022.8! Or install MS Visual C++ red 2008 (VC_R_9x.EXE)! MSVCP90.DLL is part of it. I add it on the wiki.
  12. Hallo LostInSpace2012, I had added Abiword on the wiki. Abiword 2.8.6 runs on all my systems. The Vista mode is the default for Abiword. Your system must be missing something to run 2.8.6.
  13. Yes it works, but I can't print. The app doesn't find the printer.
  14. The new stub definitions of secur32.dll seem to be OK so far. There are no new log entries. [secur32.dll] AcquireCredentialsHandleW=t9 DecryptMessage=t4 EncryptMessage=t4 GetComputerObjectNameW=z3e120 InitializeSecurityContextW=t12 QueryContextAttributesW=t3 But I don't know which apps need them.
  15. Please give us more details! I don't understand what happened. What exactly have you done? Which directions are wrong, which ini file do you mean has changed? Reinstall KernelEX if you run into problems. the directions say to do this modify contents= line in Core.ini to read: contents=std,kexbases,kexbasen,Kstub730 but the version I downloaded was version 822 so I had to change kstub730 to kstub822 Of course you must must write Kstub822, if you installed version 822! My sequence: contents=Kstub822,std,kexbases,kexbasen. The sequence can have an effect on your system. Read topic - posts 65 and 66.
  16. Please give us more details! I don't understand what happened. What exactly have you done? Which directions are wrong, which ini file do you mean has changed? Reinstall KernelEX if you run into problems.
  17. Do you mean "Launch folder windows in a separate process"? I can check this on Win ME.
  18. Look into the Kstub Spoiler on the first page. Or here (Api GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120 for Java 6 updates 32 and higher).
  19. You run into open doors!
  20. I'm able to install Java 7 with the msi. Thanks to Kext. Also InterlockedPOPEntrySList is now supported. Of course it doesn't work. I think the main problem is VC++2010 - msvcr100 as with Gecko based browsers like Firefox 13 and higher. At the end of the setup a message says "Error loading jvm.dll" (...\bin\client). If I wait a while the message disappears and the setup finished successfully. The Java Control Panel doesn't open. It also says Error loading jvm.dll. Pluginchecker on Firefox 3.5.19 gives the same message. The ImportPatcher generates this ini file for jvm.dll: jvm.zip After uninstalling remain some entries of Java 1.7 in the registry - HKLM ... Software/JavaSoft. I had to delete them manually!
  21. Confirmed: The method of the Kext topic post 58 fails for the new versions 2.2 and 2.2.1. The other method of (topic) Printing with KernelEX - post 27 is still working for me (tested for single app).
  22. Java 7 Update 11 released - Bug Fixes Release Notes CVE-2013-0422 and see link of submix8c (post 5) revised: 14 Jan 2013
  23. Hello jumper, you added winhttp.dll with four api's in the Kstub822 update (post 116) to experiment. I've good experience with this dll of XP in my system folder. It already supports WinHttpCloseHandle, WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser, WinHttpGetProxyForUrl and WinHttpOpen. It makes no problems so far. The Foxit Reader updater of latest versions (5.3 and 5.4) needs it, the msi of the Flash Player versions 11.3 - 11.5 and Google Earth 6.0 to start, too.
  24. Installing Kext is a little off topic. But yes, GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120 must added to the .ini file. 1. Paste the downloaded Kstubxxx.ini and Kstubxxx.dll in your KernelEX folder. It doesn't matter which version you use 626, 730 or 822 it should work. 2. Add GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z2e120 to the ini file under [Kernel32.dll]. 3. Add Kstubxxx to the core.ini in the kernelEX folder: contents=Kstub626,std,kexbases,kexbasen 4. reboot => msi or silent and check out the vulnerability on 98
  25. You must install KernelEX and Kext. Read the Wiki and the Kext: DIY KernelEx extensions topic.
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