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Everything posted by schwups
Install Error?? I don't have this massege. Do you run the setup once more? Try only to copy back after restart the 23 (unpacked) files to the SUPERAntiSpyware folder and start one of these .exe files in XP comp. mode: RUNSAS.EXE or SUPERAntiSpyware.exe The setup only runs up to version 4.37 in comp. mode XP. I didn't really tested Version 5.
Make a new folder in the program files and name it SUPERAntiSpyware (C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware).
AVG 7.5 Since two weeks the update (offline) of the AVG Virus Definitions is faulty. The definitions file incavi.avm remains in the install.1 folder (C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Application Data\Grisoft\Avg7Data\avg7upd\install.1). I must copy it in the AVG program folder. Restart required
One more issue: The additional Repair Tool doesn't work. I suppose that the SASREPAIRS.STG file isn't loaded. Which version of SuperAntiSpyware for Windows 98 using KernelEx? All versions higher 4,24 or 4.27 need KernelEX to run. Now a new Version 5.0 is released.
Experimental Firefox 7 build for Windows 98
schwups replied to felicitas's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
I confirm, that bookmarks can't be stored and imported. Of course after the installation, the other Firefox versions lose their bookmarks. All versions use the same "profiles" folder. Fortunately Firefox have backups of the Bookmarks. -
I easy have made my own setup SAS 4.56 with InnoSetup.
How to install SuperAntispyware latest version KernelEX 4.5.1 WinME I deleted all my SAS program files in my Win ME SAS folder (C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware) and after that I copied the new SAS 4.56 files of a Win XP installation to my Win ME SAS folder. Now change the comp. mode of SUPERAntiSpyware.exe to XP. It seems to work fine with the known issues that folderselection for custom scan doesn't work and that SAS can dependent to the system take a few seconds or several minutes to load. It needs 140MB RAM to load and after a definitions update more than 400 MB. BTW it scans and detects Firefox cookies. If you don't have a XP installation, you can install version 4.43. 1. Run the setup till the error message appears (Install Error: File copy error, aborting installation.) 2. Before you click OK , you must copy the new SAS progam files (C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware) and save them to another folder. 3. Restart 4. Copy the files back into the empty SAS folder. 5. Change the comp. mode of SUPERAntiSpyware.exe to XP (start can take several minutes) The setup of version 4.37 runs in comp. mode 2K or XP without error.
KernelEx Apps Compatibility List (New)
schwups replied to xrayer's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
I second that. What is wrong with the current wiki? The main problem I see, is that KernelEx Wiki has no help. The help page is empty. Especially there is no help to create new pages or to modify existing pages. This makes the approach more difficult. IMHO KEXWiki is fundamental very good! -
Experimental Firefox 7 build for Windows 98
schwups replied to felicitas's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
The first look is very good and the menu fonts doesn't be strange, but I can't import any bookmarks from other browsers. System: WinME, KernelEX 4.5.1, RP 9.72, MS VC++ 2005/2008 red -
Put Foxit in Win2K compatibility mode and you'll have readable bookmarks. Thanks - The bookmarks are readable.
The installation isn't a problem for me. There are no error messages. Foxit 4.3.1: default mode Foxit 5.0.1: comp mode WinXP
I've tested several versions of the PDF Foxit Reader. Latest version installs without an error (compatible mode WinXP SP2), but doesn't run. I get following error messages: Error starting program:The Foxit Reader.exe file is linked to missing export secur32.dll:Get User Name ExW. A device attached to the system is not functioning Has anyone managed Foxit 5 to work? Foxit skipped Win2000 support. The last but one version works stable for me. The main issue I have, is that the bookmarks in the navigation panel on the left are not readable. Instead of words I see squares or little boxes. This problem appears since version (november 2009). It's OK in the version before Some versions of 3.0 and 3.1 suck a little to much resources so that a crash is possible. The last version of 2 (2.3.4015) works stable. It already opens PDF version 1.7. files. MySystem: Win ME, KernelEX 4.5.1; RP 9.72 BTW I also added it on the KernelEX Wiki page - (Foxit Reader/Discussion)
No, I'm not sure, but I never have read about a driver or compatible driver for your Realtek ALC883. I use old Creative Sound Blaster PCI cards (Ensonic ES1371/1373).
Your Board has two PCI slots. Buy a PCI sound card (ebay) with a 9x driver. And disable the Realtek onboard sound in the device manager.
I'm running Win ME with a G31chipset motherboard, but it's very recommendable to read those topics: 1. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/97588-modern-motherboards-which-are-working-with-windows-98/ 2. You can download the chipset driver on: http://windows98.ic.cz/ ( http://windows98.ic.cz/chipset/intelinf.zip) There is no driver for the onboard grafik and sound, but you can test the universal "Bearwindows" driver (http://bearwindows.boot-land.net/vbe9x.htm) for the onboard grafik. Maybe it works. It is a very simple driver and it does not provide 3D hardware acceleration like DirectX or OpenGL.
KernelEx App Compatibility Database
schwups replied to Th3_uN1Qu3's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Maybe this can help: http://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/STDU_Viewer -
How did you install this flash version: With KernelEx disabled, or default mode? What is the compatibility setting for firefox.exe? Does flash also work, if you disable KernelEx for firefox.exe and/or the NPSWF32.dll? But I see that you have WinME and not Win98SE. Maybe WinME is "more flash-compatible" than Win98SE. You can't install the Flash Player with KernelEX disabled. I do check default. Firefox doesn't need KernelEX. I don't think that WinME is more flash-compatible than Win98SE.
Firefox works fine with Adobe Flash Player for me (youtube & german NBA page). The testsystem: Chip i865G, CPU Intel P4 Northwood 2,6, 1824MB, NV5900XT; Win ME, KernelEX 4.5.1, RP 9.72 FlashPlayer comp. mode: default BTW: Flash Player is now available.
I was able to install Java 6.26 on a third machine in silent mode, but it also doesn't work. I think it's the same error. Maybe it's related to Win ME. Perhaps some ME users could test it.
Which KernelEX Version you have? I'd tried the msi installation on two machines with the same result. Did you tested Java26 with the pluginchecker? If i try to start Java in the control panel a following error message appears: Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.ControlPanel. Program will exit. The silent installation stops after my firewall asks to allow the internet connection. (shows the MS ProcessExplorer) My System: ME, KernelEX 4.5.1, RP9.72
Has somebody already installed Java 6 Update 26? The msi install with an error: Javaw has caused an error in JVM.DLL. Javaw will now close. It seems that the silent install of Java 26 doesn't run for me no more. Simply changing the two files (Javaw and JVM.DLL) to version 25 doesn't help.
Hallo Sfor, did you unchecked following things: 1.In Firefox - menu / Tools / Options / advanced / Update: automatically check for updates to "Installed Add-ons"? 2.In the control panel: Java / advanced / Java plug-in - next generation. Because the "Java next generation plug-in" does not work with 9x/ME!!!!! Further I've set the autom. JRE-download to never. And you must rename the "new_plugin" folder in the Java folder: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\new_plugin. Example: "old_plugin". Firefox 3.5.xx should work with the Java "classic" plugin.
Why don't you try the msi installer. The failing setup copied it to windows\application data\sun\java\jre1.6.0_25. KernelEx 4.5.1, FF3.5.x, Opera 10.1, Java1.6.0 25 I had to forbid the phonehome during the installation.
I installed the new version 2.0.3-beta1 with KernelEX 4.5.1 comp. mode WinXP SP2. But there are already some errors during the installation.If I run the setup with default/2000SP4/disabled mode an error message appears (programm requires WinNT version 5.1.2600 or later). The Startcenter (main window) opens and FileScan, ShredFiles, SystemRepair seems to work OK. Scan for Rootkits, ManageAutostart, Antispyware & Antivirus protection, Internet protection don't. The On-Access protection cause the very high CPU usage approximate 100%. It's known from the older versions like 1.60 or 1.62 concerned to the Teatimer. I had read somewhere that some XP users had the same problem (100% cpu usage). The teatimer on my XP systems runs fine. It is possible to update the definitions: 12.05.2011 Database size: 173390 The uninstall doesn't work.
I've tried to install "NERO LITE MICRO EDITION V9.4.13.2.rar" without success. The setup requires minimal WindowsInstaller 3.1. I downloaded it from mediafire.com. It seems the version you have is different. Which version of the "nero clean tool" do you have? All versions I tested fails to work. (missing Export-NETAPI32.dll:NetUserDel) WinME / KernelEX / Net Fr. 2.0 / Visual C++2005red