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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. windows 7 (client) has smooth anims so should its server counterpart you either have bad graphic drivers or you didn't enabled all required services for UX
  2. well thats universal rule if you use garbage, you end up in garbage
  3. AFAIK telemetry started with XP and Office 2003 had it even more integrated without user knowing it, as they recieved nice data what was clicked on and what was used
  4. its not just development activation servers are killed too which is another stomp
  5. not if its abandoned by developer AFAIK XP was ditched in 2014 (WEPoS doesn't count, as they release it under diff name and "SKU"/licence)
  6. lulz telemetry was hardcoded in NT since XP
  7. sjeez what a BS video like 8.1 is only one that has Embedded SKU btw you can tweak your NTOS more via tools than using Embedded
  8. its in .msstyle you need resource hacker or simmiliar tool to replace resource image
  9. but OS needs some IE components you can see which ones are protected if you go delete them manually
  10. yeah their love for money and spyware
  11. both as some tabs will run in *32 mode system32 is no longer tied to IE as it used to with vista and xp but OS itself does use IE folders (since OS still uses its elements)
  12. so basically titlebar text is white colored as your window frames these things were usually controled within skin itself (.msstyle) dunno if winblows 10 has any decoys
  13. guess "security" suits from av companies will again shine new blockers will have to be made, ... kinda history repeats itself but, if i live enough, win7 will be my last, as much as i hate it but linux is next logic step winblows in its current way will kill itself
  14. mmm nice article, thanks for link well i'm on android 4.3, butreading that article, i'm doing good haha ad-away + afwall + greenify and removed few services from os base install makes things good even on web they have my wrong location, as they can't pin point me BUT let me ask another question, again security wise having Flash installed on winblows is a medium security risk but what about rooted Android phone ? I have Flash 11.1 (it was last one to be made) installed, naturally blocked by firewall but do android "files" can exploit it via flash like on win32 or not ?
  15. yep, i'm not asking for warez, nor serials nor cracks but just installer or ISO as it were of NSW 2003 or preferably 2004 i searched every corner on net i could think of and... there was nothing not even archived
  16. lol wait wait does that screenshot show how a pinned icon now acts like ex-notification bar ? and even worse spams adverts on its own ?
  17. dont get too happy it says business wont get updates but consumers will and even if miracle happens and winblows 10 stops with all you'd get just another "windows" name, as next version
  18. non NT are more-so safe until you put java on it and/or use IE too bad there's no x64 version of them
  19. avira gets my vote tho its UI is bit crappy but free version is fully functional (tho with annoying ads, which can be modified to be blocked) as far as program goes, it never let me down
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