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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Because I don't want to. It's not that it's hard, it's because I don't want too. It's my choice after all.
    2 points
  2. This thread is just too predestined to discuss politics and religion, which is however forbidden in this forum. Politics and religion are always the drivers of all evil. Whether it is poor education or war, everything can be traced back to politics and religion. But unfortunately, any deeper consideration would violate the forum rules.
    2 points
  3. Hi @mina7601! Hope you'll get well soon! Although my Covid infection has been weeks ago, I'm limp, coughing all the time, just tired and feel no energy in me. But, as always, hope dies last! And @XPerceniol, think of John Carpenter, and you'll realize "The Fog" also disappears again!
    2 points
  4. You're right, it does look horrible, I wanted to say it's miserable if you encounter such sites on regular basis...
    2 points
  5. I actually almost never need dev tools. Mainly because my Proxomitron config already "fixes" the gigantic issues on XP only with msfntor's https://www.popularmechanics.com/ web site. When I visit a web site like https://www.popularmechanics.com/ and if it doesn't work, I close that tab and move on to a different web site But for a frame of reference, THIS is what https://www.popularmechanics.com/ "looks like" in XP without any attempted "fixes". LARGE areas of EMPTY SPACE between all articles making the web page THREE MILES in "height". GIGANTIC images and a hidden horizontal scrollbar so that you cannot scroll to the right. The images are also "distorted" where all circles render as ovals. Et cetera. That page is something I would personally never visit on XP if it looked that way for me. But my Proxomitron does make the site usable - but Proxomitron is not really for the average MSFN Member.
    2 points
  6. Dell-AA-Mayweather, any millennial born in 1979 is welcome here.
    2 points
  7. Nah, listing the outline of your family, birth place, date of birth, and current residence is totally normal Internet behavior. Probably more common than using the same USER/PASS for everything you do online. I've personally been thinking about using my S.S.N. as a forum signature. On a more serious note, I'd pay more attention to the "AA". Could be coincidence, but that's a tag in active use. But I'm getting too old to keep up on all of that.
    2 points
  8. I will write more in the AM. Today was brain fog city and it exhausted me and I'm not all that functional today, but I am reading.
    2 points
  9. When I went to school during the monthly exams (which began on October 26, and ended on November 3). The weather is a bit cold for me here. Also, thanks for the wishes.
    2 points
  10. That web site is POORLY CODED. It's easy to "fix" using Dev Tools. But that doesn't mean that the "fix" can be 'taught' via a forum thread "KISS Principle" reply. WAY too much "work" to get that forum to "work" on XP. It's not "one" thing that needs done within Dev Tools, it's about a DOZEN things that need done within Dev Tools. POORLY CODED? Or the work of a GENIUS MASTERMIND? Guess it depends on your paradigm.
    2 points
  11. Here too, Windows take care of it natively. I wrote about my recipe in the other thread regarding the page file. You might save a bit of space if you size it right and prevent fragmentation that may be caused by auto-resizing. You might want to check after setting fixed size if it's still fragmented. Still, if I'm not mistaken, applications can still crash on low memory even with decently sized page file due to virtual address space fragmentation, at least 32-bit ones only have 2-3 GB to play with.
    2 points
  12. First rant: why are people SO stupid nowadays? I see it on social media and in real life, and I know there was a time (in the past, sadly) when people weren't that stupid. But I think the most stupidest people are the people in my age group (13-19), jesus this world is gonna go upside down if they somehow take office in politics or something... (but of course not all of them are stupid)
    1 point
  13. <EDIT> I LOVE my own company. That being said: @msfntor I'm so happy your have made this recovery knowing you were very sick and your faith and determination and getting out and about I do believe helped you. <EDIT>
    1 point
  14. New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release: https://o.rthost.win/kmeleon/KM76.4.7-Goanna-20221112.7z Changelog: In-tree changes: - bump version to 76.4.7 due to goanna engine API changes (as of NM27 rev f468c29a) (933e4b43) - MozUtils: update NotifyJSRunToCompletionStart() API (as of NM27 rev f468c29a) (5df6dc28) Out-of-tree changes: * update Goanna3 to git bfcecaee50..5499b4356b: - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - hState() in iframe fails when reloading with CTRL+F5, r=bz (2afcd259da) - Bug 1207137 - Add an error code for weak crypto override. r=bz (27b270707b) - Bug 1170488 - Add browser_multiple_pushState.js regression test. r=smaug (157672edb9) - Bug 1206879 - fire onlocationchange from pushState in frames when the URI changes, r=smaug (deb2b21372) - Bug 1200119 - Add a way to create usable markers from different threads, r=tromey (530f3a5eba) - fix include (4c9ffeff29) - Bug 1202657 - Add markers for workers' message passing and serialization/deserialization, r=smaug, jsantell, tromey, ejpbruel (4b911a9422) - Bug 1160307 - capture async stack frames on Javascript timeline markers. r=fitzgen, r=smaug r=Paolo (04a700e4d1) - fix linux toolbar icons (ffd49a4dff) - partial revert or Mac won't package (cbdaa8382d) - fix most icons on Mac except download (07c700aa76) - Bug 718637 - Notify that the document is loaded. r=MarcoZ (7b35f20bef) - Bug 1177640 - [Mac] Do not expose HTML table semantics for "layout" tables. r=surkov (8c898e78a3) - Bug 1210023 - Fix accessibilityAttributeValue for NSAccessibilityIndexAttribute. r=surkov (6aac88d16f) - Bug 1178272 - Move table semantics to a separate mozTableAccessible.mm file. r=surkov (0ee62ef8e8) - cleanup trailing spaces (9f53855fbd) - bug 1213402 - separate value change events into text value changes and numeric value changes r=davidb (c94cc113ad) - bug 1213402 - Fire numeric value change events for proxies r=davidb (cb58d2b126) - Bug 1213382 - proxy more accessible selection methods, r=tbsaunde (68f9f6ef57) - bug 1170049 - check if document tree is correct before cleaning it upr=lsocks (d92ae58a5c) - bug 1185550 - Make sure to correctly handle invalid RecvBindChildDoc and PDocAccessibleConstructor messages from the child process r=lsocks (f70e1b0d1a) - bug 1185726 - avoid killing the child process when it sends the parent events with bad IDs r=lsocks (9447b7c6d7) - bug 1185726 - follow up to deal with -Wunused warning r=me landing on a CLOSED TREE (3cd4bbb768) - bug 1188415 - add document tree consistancy checks to more message handlers r=davidb (1bc9c578ee) - bug 1194853 - pass the correct interfaces to Proxycreated when creating documents r=davidb (f1748d0892) - bug 1188415 - make CheckDocTree return if the document tree is in a sane state (9a2b452392) - bug 1221551 - unbind child documents before rebinding them r=davidb (06737cdb16) - bug 1204070 - add a little more checking to proxy subtree removal r=davidb (24aca334a6) - bug 1164976 - Make DocAccessibleParent::GetAccessible return itself when appropriate r=davidb (9e88a4fa99) - bug 1207862 - make it possible to traverse down the tree of proxied documents r=davidb (41a684a249) - bug 1209147 - make proxying of Accessible::TakeFocus() async r=davidb (96b8ba4f45) - bug 1186536 - make SerializeTree() use IsOuterDoc() to check if an accessible is an outer doc r=davidb (b661e115f3) - bug 1162543 - IDs not mapping to accessibles shouldn't cause ipc calls to fail r=davidb (7f9ba71016) - bug 1170595 - always use IdToAccessible to convert ids to accessibles r=lsocks (c21659779b) - Bug 1207311 - No need for \!nsAccUtils::MustPrune(acc) in DocAccessibleChild::RecvExtents, r=tbsaunde (69f7ebc23d) - Bug 1100602 - Kill child if accessibility ID is re-used (r=trevor) (9955223c4e) - bug 1213606 - assert that we don't destroy a document's proxy until we destroy all of its children r=davidb (f7ab023489) - bug 1191433 - use ProxyAccessible::AsDoc() in ProxyAccessible::Shutdown() r=lsocks (e6204e7847) - bug 1210447 - fix ProxyAccessible::EmbeddedChildAt() on proxies of outerDocs r=davidb (d5acdc0507) - Bug 1212904 P0 Do not abuse fetch response tainting to create opaqueredirect responses. r=ehsan (36f1f393b6) - Bug 1212904 P3 Make FetchDriver look for the channel Tainting value. r=ehsan (037227c5a8) - Bug 1212904 P4 Set channel tainting in FetchEvent.respondWith(). r=ehsan (8fcd1f64d6) - Bug 1212904 P5 Make XHR respect channel tainting. r=ehsan r=sicking (ea03564fde) - Bug 1204596 - Part 1: Avoid overriding the channel final URI when it gets intercepted; r=nsm,bkelly (da18cfd294) - Bug 1204596 - Part 2: Update the schema of the DOM Cache database to remove the response_redirected and response_redirected_url columns; r=bkelly (eabaae5330) - Bug 1204596 - Part 3: Store the responses with manual redirect in the tests added for bug 1164397; r=bkelly (8996f84c1c) - Bug 1204596 - Part 4: Disable test_fetch_cors.html on b2g; r=bkelly (eb0a61aae1) - Bug 1212904 P6 Check for CORS response type in fetch mochitests. r=sicking (157b516434) - Bug 1212904 P7 Verify xhr respects service worker CORS tainting. r=ehsan (e6f347d6d3) - Bug 1217501 P1 Expose Accept and Accept-Language to service worker FetchEvent.request. r=mcmanus (07722f151e) - Bug 1217501 P2 Send */* for fetch() default Accept header. r=ehsan (2bc362d107) - Bug 1130803 - Use non-blocking input for Fetch synthetization pipe, r=bkelly,ehsan (f926b74fed) (f468c29a62) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1203802 - Websocket Frame Listener API for devtool Network Inspector - part 1 - WindowID added into WebSocketChannel, r=michal (80cae04416) - Bug 1203802 - Websocket Frame Listener API for devtool Network Inspector - part 2 - WebSocketFrameService, r=michal (66e1935806) - Bug 1203802 - Websocket Frame Listener API for devtool Network Inspector - part 3 - timestamp, r=michal (1ee78cbab5) - Bug 1203802 - Websocket Frame Listener API for devtool Network Inspector - part 4 - IPC, r=michal (651d908780) - Bug 1215092 - WebSocketEventService and WebSocket discovering - part 1 - Renaming WebSocketFrameService, r=michal (c215f04303) - Bug 1215092 - WebSocketEventService and WebSocket discovering - part 2 - Unique Serial number for WebSocketChannel in IPC, r=michal (9a42b6b898) - Bug 1215092 - WebSocketEventService and WebSocket discovering - part 3 - Events, r=michal (3e22a9b8a9) - Bug 1215092 - WebSocketEventService and WebSocket discovering - part 4 - MessageAvailable event, r=michal (03606add66) - Bug 1185351 - Don't force inline style CSP checks on native anonymous content; r=ckerschb (51deea3648) - Bug 1212477 - Needs a way to access to <canvas>'s context (2d, webgl) from Anonymous Content API; r=roc;r=smaug (ed3335513d) - Bug 1119692 - Part 1: Get cached jar file fd if it exists instead of always openning it. r=smaug, r=jduell (399a3701dd) - Bug 1119692 - Part 2: Always use scheme jar:remoteopenfile: for out-of-process apps to ease sandboxing code. r=fabrice (d3783120a9) - Bug 1212244 - Same-process sendAsyncMessage can now throw instead of OOM. r=smaug (f22bbeb173) - Bug 1207752 - Increase how long we let incremental GC run before forcing it to finish. r=smaug (ef731501a0) - Bug 1213019. Get UnmapBuffer as part of MapBufferRanges features. r=jgilbert (0e1a1d7ffd) - Bug 941858 - Do not scale down elements passed to setDragImage. r=roc (7c1f18056e) - Bug 1212027 - part 1 - rename ipdl lowering helpers to reflect intent, not function; r=jld (f2c80853a7) - Bug 1212027 - part 2 - add a C++ AST type for 'auto'; r=jld (480120b163) - Bug 1212027 - part 3 - use class interfaces when cloning managees; r=jld (98d8aa9322) - Bug 1212027 - part 4 - use class interfaces when destroying managees; r=jld (2ed9d48242) - Add default initializers for primitive fields in IPDL structs. (bug 1154522, r=billm) (981f0e0d82) - Bug 1158905 - remove dead code from protocol Transition functions; r=bent (e4a43b880a) - Bug 1207921 - Call makeReply before dtorEpilogue so that we don't end up with a nullptr deref r=billm (f7d4530a72) - Bug 1212248 - Align the creation of cpow in ContentBridgeParent to ContentParent. r=khuey (ace596456a) - Bug 1212027 - part 5 - add LoneManagedOrNull for simplifying a lot of upcoming code; r=jld (6aec494580) - Bug 1212027 - part 6 - add an IsEmpty method to nsTHashtable; r=erahm (cabe26f3d6) - bug 1209615 - use TabParent::GetTopLevelDocAccessible() in OuterDocAccessible::RemoteChildDoc() r=davidb (0765f27bb5) - Bug 1214316 - Improve assertions on top level remote accessible doc handling, r=tbsaunde (257c6c8ef6) - Bug 1212027 - part 7 - modify IPDL codegen to store sub-protocols in a hashtable rather than an array; r=jld,nical,cpearce,billm (99dd4fa79c) - Bug 1212027 - followup - qualify PBrowserParent in GonkPermission.cpp; r=me (051e7e1bde) - Bug 1217250 - Fix some IPDL tests that were broken by bug 1212027; r=froydnj (d368b3aa02) - Bug 1202634 - Make sure TabParent LoadContext for pop-ups shares private browsing state of opener. r=billm (b347018487) - Bug 1191740 - Add originAttributes in TabContext. r=bholley (43ea8ca527) - Bug 1191740 - Factor out nsFrameLoader::GetNewTabContext. r=bholley (3311ab7287) - Bug 1180088 - Use origin-based permission check on parent side for signed packaged web app. r=kanru. (01659e2906) - Bug 1205399 - Backend for disabling of notifications for a site from the UI. r=nsm (6380757077) - Bug 1208295 - Dispatch notifications-open-settings upon receiving alertsettingscallback so UI can open notification settings. r=nsm (776ab25c91) - Bug 1212129 - e10s support for disabling site notifications. r=wchen (e896f87940) - Bug 1208622 - Separate API entry points. r=bz (a324f95322) (139dd41f0f) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1155371 - Include DOMMediaStream and MediaSource object URLs in memory reports. r=khuey (b62513f5c6) - Bug 1187782 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (aa14b536c4) - Bug 1187782 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (1645a9b910) - Bug 1187782 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (67a83f37d5) - Bug 1187782 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (bf1f7a8dfe) - Bug 1187782 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (b76f1f34c8) - Bug 1187782 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (f44312f3a9) - Bug 1187782 (part 7) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (33bb281955) - Bug 1187782 (part 8) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (52f7bc040e) - Bug 1187782 (part 9) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (7e797025a3) - Bug 1207355 (Part 1) - Stop requesting decodes in nsDocument. r=tn (b2e6eb49c0) - Bug 1202085 - Part 1: Remove imgICache::RemoveEntry(); r=seth (b5e4e2242f) - Bug 1202085 - Part 2: Add an optional document argument to imgICache::FindEntryProperties(); r=seth (3f3138e5ba) - Bug 1202085 - Part 3: Relax the assertion in ServiceWorkerManager::IsControlled to only happen when we think the document is controlled; r=jdm (6a829a6985) - Bug 1202085 - Part 4: Add an ID for controlled document to the image cache key; r=seth (525ca69231) - Bug 1202085 - Part 5: Add an automated test for the interaction of image cache with controlled documents; r=jdm (627e28d58d) - Bug 1202085 - Part 6: Clear the entries in the image cache belonging to a controlled document when it gets destroyed; r=seth (935b858eac) - Bug 1221279 Don't crash while clearing imgLoader cache when disconnected document is destroyed. r=smaug (040d3fa2be) - Bug 1207084 - keep sheet level on tokenstream for use in ruledata when resolving variables, to fix hcm issues with CSS variables, r=heycam (2d8f5af005) - Bug 1207084 - addendum: fix operator== for nsCSSValueTokenStream, implied-r=heycam (ee66d21638) - Bug 1209124 - Bail out of nsStyleSet::GatherRuleProcessors and PresShell::Observe if we're called during/after shutdown. r=dbaron (7043eb3ee7) - Bug 1216043 - Rename nsStyleSheet::sheetType and make it an enum class. r=dbaron (f03c5328e6) - Bug 1168158 - Make URLValue::mString a smart pointer. r=heycam (06e37619be) - Bug 1216038 - Deduce underlying integer type for MakeEnumeratedRange starting at 0. r=froydnj (883c74fb6b) - Bug 1216040 - Make ArrayLength support mozilla::EnumeratedArray. r=froydnj (d1fc4aa43c) - Bug 1216041 - Add ranged iterator support to mozilla::{Array,RangedArray,EnumerationArray}. r=froydnj (bf71f0ea1f) - Bug 1128787 part.1 Add test r=ehsan (97016bbd85) - Bug 1128787 part.2 nsHTMLDocument should clear focus before making itself editable when designMode is enabled and it makes the focused content non-focusable r=smaug+enndeakin (eccab99994) - Bug 1171342 - Store contenteditable.css and designmode.css in the style sheet cache. r=jwatt (7e6aa290d2) - Bug 1164279 - Disable font-variant-east-asian: ruby for <rt> on Windows. r=jfkthame (04117062d7) - Bug 1126230 part 9 - Remove fullscreen override and related test. r=dbaron (18818d67fa) - Bug 1126230 part 1 - Use delegated constructor to simplify constructor of nsFrameConstructorState. r=bz (5c1193f9f5) - Bug 1126230 part 2 - Refactor part of nsFrameConstructorState::AddChild. r=bz (3c02f9e8c2) - Bug 1126230 part 3 - Add :-moz-browser-frame pseudo class for HTML browser frame elements. r=dbaron (6a7b01f092) - Bug 1211040 - Restrict -moz-window-{dragging,shadow} to be chrome-only. r=dbaron (005f02f673) - Bug 1126230 part 4 - Add -moz-top-layer internal CSS property and set it for fullscreen elements. r=dbaron (02d841cab7) - Bug 1203405 - Ignore order of abs/fixed-pos frames in the frame list. r=roc (d67696d0ea) - Bug 1126230 part 5 - Give proper geometric parent for top layer frames. r=bz,dbaron (19504f223e) - Bug 1126230 part 6 - Add nsIDocument::GetFullscreenStack() method. r=smaug (d401d534d1) - Bug 1126230 part 7 - Add static method nsDisplayListBuilder::GetOutOfFlowData(). r=roc (3bdafef9b2) - Bug 1126230 part 8 - Implement painting part for the top layer. r=roc (8875115dc1) - Bug 1126230 part 10 - Add test for fullscreen top layer. r=dbaron (d095d85cd0) - Bug 1069192 part 1 - Force users of nsCSSProps::IsEnabled() to pass in the enabled state. r=dbaron (38e40ebf1d) - Bug 1195978 - set line number when re-parsing sheet. r=heycam (41cdf15319) - Bug 1202095 - re-use @imported style sheets from inIDOMUtils.parseStyleSheet. r=heycam (2f54fdacf0) - Bug 1099557 followup - Put the default setting for control-character visibility behind a runtime pref, and keep it off-by-default on release builds for now. r=dbaron (3ada076d9b) - Bug 1069192 part 2 - Add a flag for chrome-only properties and change semantics of enabling flags. r=dbaron (2e887397ac) - Bug 1220496 - Create PresHint/StyleAttr rule processors in nsStyleSet::Init and make DirtyRuleProcessors private. r=bzbarsky (0b538fe7cc) - No bug - Cleanup the layout/style mochitest manifest. (e26676496f) - Bug 1183461 part 1 - Move InitialAdvance to CSSAnimation; r=heycam (dac91a759a) - Bug 1183461 part 2 - Reorder the parameters to EventInfo constructors; r=heycam (29fc1b2096) - Bug 1183461 part 3 - Add Animation::AnimationTimeToTimeStamp; r=heycam (d3410ccc01) - Bug 1183461 part 4 - Add CSSAnimation::ElapsedTimeToTimeStamp; r=heycam (10bac42e8e) - Bug 1183461 part 5 - Store event TimeStamp along with event info; r=heycam (0250a63ee8) - Bug 1220599 - Fix erroneous nsHTMLDocument::Open comment to note that we reuse the document rather than creating a new one. r=baku (5d492865d3) - Bug 1220827 - Replace question comment in nsHTMLDocument::Open with an explanatory comment to explain why we create a new Window. r=smaug (69f16ef5dc) - missing bits of Bug 1170911 - Add pref for switching off execCommand("cut"/"copy"). r=ehsan (613644fa39) - Bug 1183461 part 6 - Store the generating animation on the event; r=heycam (c490af70cc) - Bug 1194037 part 4 - Remove ticking from FlushAnimations; r=dholbert (8df1f3eec4) - Bug 1200568 - Don't create animations for elements that are not part of the document tree; r=dbaron (3027949d8b) - Bug 1183461 part 7 - Add EventInfoComparator and sort events; r=heycam (550aad09bc) - Bug 1183461 part 8 - Add tests for event order dispatch; r=heycam (964ee5fe23) - Bug 978833 patch 1 - Add mochitest for bug 978833. r=heycam (4b4579d3f7) - Bug 1208951 - Part 1: Split half of KeyframeValueEntry into a base class. r=birtles (32d7cbd477) - Bug 1208951 - Part 2: Use a comparator object instead of operator< onKeyframeValueEntry. r=birtles (3b83723ef0) - Bug 1209603 patch 1 - Add comments to RuleNodeCacheConditions.h . r=heycam (444eabdddc) - Bug 1209603 patch 2 - Reduce calls to StyleVisibility() in WritingMode constructor. r=heycam (f079fb5765) - Bug 1209603 patch 3 - Don't call SetFontSizeDependency for 0em. r=heycam (7a87fe5229) - Bug 1209603 patch 4 - Add reftest for bug 1209603. r=heycam (1680144fc2) - Bug 1209603 patch 5 - Move inline method nsStyleContext::GetCachedStyleData into header file, and make it public. r=heycam (32c38f790e) - Bug 1209603 patch 6 - Prepare to use a different meaning of mBits when cached style data pointer is null. r=heycam (15e6471e58) - Bug 1209603 patch 7 - Add assertions that we don't ask the rule node for data when we have cached data on the style context. r=heycam (0f27687446) - Bug 1209603 patch 8 - Record in mBits when we have gotten a reset style struct that is cached on the rule node. r=heycam (b5e693a986) - Bug 1209603 patch 9 - Cache inherited style structs on the style context when we found already-cached data in the rule tree. r=heycam (bfa6a169cb) - Bug 1209603 patch 10 - Make PeekStyle* exact, i.e., guaranteed to return null if we haven't computed the data for this context. r=heycam (6ffdf7f0bf) - Bug 1209603 patch 11 - Assert that PeekStyle* results don't change during difference computation. r=heycam (a3d7336dce) - Bug 1193518 - Ensure that when we update a WritingMode after resolving dir=auto, we set the inline-dir bit appropriately as well as the inline-bidi bit. r=dholbert (072c062ddc) - Bug 1216431 patch 1 - Give WritingMode an nsStyleVisibility* constructor. r=heycam (b7efb1204c) - Bug 1216431 patch 2 - Pass nsStyleVisibility to nsStylePosition::CalcDifference to avoid computing new nsStyleVisibility during nsStyleContext::CalcStyleDifference. r=heycam (b842123d9b) - Bug 1216431 patch 3 - Cache structs that are stored with conditions on the rule node all the time, rather than only when freshly computed. r=heycam (d4ea9adc19) - Bug 1216431 patch 4 - Don't trigger computation of new structs via testing of conditions for conditionally-stored structs on the rule node. r=heycam (95cc7e8a52) - Bug 1216431 patch 5 - Back out half of bug 1209603 patch 10. r=heycam (5949a2e9d0) - Bug 1216431 patch 6 - Back out bug 1209603 patch 8. r=heycam (45a05ad60e) - Bug 1209603 patch 6b - Rename nsStyleContext::HasCachedInheritedStyleData to HasCachedDependentStyleData. r=heycam (c4f52f00d0) - Bug 1216431 patch 7 - Back out bug 1209603 patch 6. r=heycam (6eb8677af2) - Bug 1216431 patch 8 - Fix whitespace error I made when addressing review comments. (19abf29215) - Bug 1214958 - Add operators &=, |=, and ^= to mozilla::DebugOnly. r=froydnj (c76229e817) - Bug 1208951 - Part 3: Expose nsCSSValue -> nsTimingFunction computation function. r=birtles (f0124bbbf2) - Bug 1208951 - Part 4: Add an nsCSSParser entry point to parse a single longhand property and return an nsCSSValue. r=birtles (a317aa3255) - Bug 1208951 - Part 5: Add nsCSSProps method to look a property by its IDL name. r=bzbarsky (1d0b78374d) - Bug 1208951 - Part 6: Add method to compare nsCSSPropertySets for equality. r=birtles (9039197290) - Bug 1208951 - Part 7: Add a StyleAnimationValue::ComputeValues method to compute components of a shorthand. r=birtles (36149d8c82) - Bug 1208951 - Part 8: Don't warn if StyleAnimationValue::ComputeValue fails to parse a CSS property. r=birtles (12e06d0356) - Bug 1208385 part 1 - Store a pointer to the owning animation on each KeyframeEffect; r=heycam (8f48533047) - Bug 1208385 part 2 - Remove stored parent time from KeyframeEffectReadOnly and get the time directly from the owning animation; r=heycam (7bd25845be) - Bug 1208951 - Part 9: Implement KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor. r=bzbarsky r=birtles (49049edfac) - Bug 1208951 - Part 10: Make GetFrames aware of initial/final zero-length segments and discontinuities between segments. r=birtles (71066c4941) - Bug 1208951 - Part 11: Tests. r=birtles (308ad9ba9f) - Bug 1210575 part 1: Rename CSS parser function "ParseWebkitPrefixedGradient()" to be more specific, now that we'll have several ways of parsing these expressions. r=heycam (060a01b43a) - Bug 1210575 part 2: Refactor out the body of a long compound "if" expression into a helper function, IsFunctionTokenValidForBackgroundImage. r=heycam (ed784fb98d) - Bug 1210575 part 3: Refactor CSS gradient-parsing code to use a flags bitfield instead of multiple bool args for customizing behavior. r=heycam (5c9df6466c) - Bug 1210575 part 4: Prevent CSS parser from invoking CSSUnprefixingService if native webkit prefix support is enabled. r=heycam (d4c7997c94) - Bug 1210575 part 5: Allow CSS -webkit-{linear|radial}-gradient expressions (& 'repeating' variants) to make it to our gradient-parsing code, if webkit prefix support is preffed on. r=heycam (4113bb47c4) - Bug 1207002 - Use CSS property flag to restrict MathML-related internal properties. r=dbaron (9b021c7819) - Bug 1199610 - Correctly handle parsing failures inside CSS functions. r=dbaron (5255fe445d) - Bug 1210575 part 6: Implement -webkit-radial-gradient parse quirks with contain/cover keywords, sized shapes, "at" keyword, & angles. r=heycam (ba1002fbae) - Bug 1210575 part 7: Refactor linear-gradient parsing code slightly & add/extend comments. r=heycam (1bd144ff04) - Bug 1210575 part 8: Implement -webkit-linear-gradient parse quirks with "to", angles, and "center". r=heycam (97587d49ea) - Bug 1210575 part 9: Remove some obsolete XXXdholbert comments from property_database.js. (no review, comment-only so DONTBUILD) (961a2c43e9) - Bug 978833 patch 2 - Make css::Declaration reference-counted. r=heycam (4aab911856) (5499b4356b) * Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76
    1 point
  15. New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20221112-3219d2d-uxp-f9dc0e6d1-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20221112-3219d2d-uxp-f9dc0e6d1-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20221112-3219d2d-uxp-f9dc0e6d1-xpmod-ia32.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32 NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20221112-d849524bd-uxp-f9dc0e6d1-xpmod.7z Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20221112-d849524bd-uxp-f9dc0e6d1-xpmod-sse.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win64-git-20221112-d849524bd-uxp-f9dc0e6d1-xpmod.7z Official UXP changes picked since my last build: - Issue #2024 - Part 1: Add wildcard to Access-Control-Expose-Headers (211b7cf21) - Issue #2024 - Part 2: Add wildcard to Access-Control-Allow-{Method|Headers} (0a079c2b9) - Update timezone data to 2022e (bf19c2087) No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build. No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build. Update Notice: - You may delete file named icudt58l.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases. * Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.
    1 point
  16. So maybe you could download on your Windows 10 - these DCBrowser or 360Chrome versions?...
    1 point
  17. So you better stop.
    1 point
  18. And it's funny how (at least in my city, or country(?)) it's okay to be a socialist but it's not okay to be a fascist. I thought we were supposed to reject and condemn all of those...
    1 point
  19. lol yeah, even my parents (who were in a communist country) agree. Time for people to read history lol. I wonder what happened to classical liberalism?
    1 point
  20. Liberals these days are just plain ol' commies. They were different when I was a kid. I'd even say almost everyone on top are commies now. That includes businessmen and media owners.
    1 point
  21. EXACTLY! Because: 1. Some kids aren't educated because of their parents. 2. I can confirm that this is true because at school they have a very liberal bias (I thought any political bias in teaching was supposed to stay outside of school?), and I live in a VERY liberal city so this is expected lol. 3. Yep, society has changed a lot throughout the decades.
    1 point
  22. Aliens, I mean not aliens-aliens from another planets.
    1 point
  23. First: the parents bad educated.. Second: Public school with very bad ideologised (left-wing of course..) teachers.. Third: fragmentation of the society (cause demographic changes)..
    1 point
  24. Demographic changes. Drastic demographic changes.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. But understand, I don't profess to know the solution and I don't think there is an easy feasible answer to world problems. Just 'little old me' in this world; powerless.
    1 point
  28. Some of us aren't that open and tormented by our own anxieties or having mental blocks. I did give a bit of €€€ on few occasions to those in-need on the street, so there's that. Can relate. Met very few people in my life and if that isn't challenging as it is and meeting the right ones, then there's also keeping them around. I need a lot of time on my own, then the work life came and then the COVID, so with the latter ended up from meeting one or two times a year to 0 times. They say it's much more difficult to meet people when you're out of school. My mother keeps in touch with her aunt, who is 101 years old, she lost all the hearing in recent months, but her mind remained sharp well into her 100's. They were discussing that me and my brother would need to be in some shared interest group. I wonder how some other people manage to fit these things into their schedules. I come home from work and the rest is mandatory. Weekends fly-by as if it's nothing.
    1 point
  29. Thank you, you've always been kind and helpful to me.
    1 point
  30. Thank you! Where can I find the "journey-blocker" element in the Dev Tools, please?..
    1 point
  31. I hope so... because it makes sense that they were NOT accidental.
    1 point
  32. This example is very valid. The russian orthodox church is is completely overrun by the KGB/FSB agents. This makes me happy that you are of the same opinion as me...
    1 point
  33. Hi all! Hello JFX! I translated new functions and help into Russian version of the program 5.3 Beta 1. I'm posting a new DLL. A few JFX questions! 1) How can I force the dark theme to be enabled in the "WinNTSetup" program? 2) How can I force the dark theme to be enabled in the "BootICE" program? 3) Is it possible to add a folder to the root of the folder with the "WinNTSetup" program, the contents of which will be moved without changes to the root of the disk at the end of Windows installation automatically without user confirmation during installation. That is, move contained folders or files, ignoring the folder itself. What could be moved by the merge method to the desired directory, for example, programs? 4) Is it possible to create a folder that will move cmd, exe, reg files automatically without user confirmation during installation? 1049.dll
    1 point
  34. I only just noticed this from a notification, and the reasons I was gone was school and my laptop was playing up. But I am finally able to post again!
    1 point
  35. Hmmm. https://tim-batarsehs-characters.fandom.com/wiki/Mayweather_family https://tim-batarsehs-characters.fandom.com/wiki/Dell_Mayweather No comment: https://www.deviantart.com/timzuneeverse jaclaz
    1 point
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