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  1. It has passed its objectives after months of development and testing, so it is now released, with the objective of the enhanced compatibility and driver support.
    4 points
  2. The compilation is made 1 year ago. I had it saved, pending publication. I've tried a few links and found they work, sorry if some don't work anymore. I use Avast 6 with March 2020 definitions. I don't want to use more current versions, since they consume a lot of resources and try to protect me in matters that I don't need. I prefer to work without antivirus, my computer is much faster. Most of the programs that I need, I have downloaded them before 2020 or I do not need versions after 2020 generally. The antivirus only works for me to scan for viruses, not to run in the background. But above all what works is experience and thinking with your head. I am still alive since 2008 without any new virus in my system. I live hahaha without antivirus.
    2 points
  3. I just reviewed all changes: -Windows 7/8 functions added to kernel32 to support Firefox 106+, a couple of games, and Blender -DXGI extension added to run newer WxWidget x64 version of PCSX2 and others asking for CreateDXGIFactory2 -ole and user32 extensions to run many Qt 6 applications -Extension to bcrypt: add support for PBKDF2 hashing algorithm -PowerShell Core up to at least version 7.0.1 working -Several applications such as x64dbg and Telegram will now run if spoofed to Windows 7 (the fault of the VC++ 2012/13 runtime) -NTOSKRNL extension added, compatible with NVIDIA drivers 378 (adds support for all Pascal except GT 1030) in full, and 398 on some systems (supports all Pascal plus OpenGL 4.6). A modified version of 378 (and 398, which may not work properly on some systems) will be made available through the extended kernel website.
    2 points
  4. The three things users need to know before installing old versions of Windows 10 on NUC 10: 1. DSDT does not exist, so I can not install 32-bit Windows on NUC10i3FNH. 2. If I enable Thunderbolt in BIOS, Windows 10 x64 1607 or earlier gets stuck on black screen (UEFI) or messed up screen (LEGACY) when booting. 3. The error message "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed." appears if I install Windows 10 x64 1703 or earlier on a GPT partitioned drive by UEFI booting with modern standby enabled. And I found another error message "Failed to create a new system store. Status = [c0000001]" in setupact.log. To solve the second and third problem, I contacted Intel Support. Intel released BIOS FN0042 to change Thunderbolt boot default. And I found a workaround to the third problem. I solved the third problem by installing Windows 10 x64 1703 or earlier on an MBR partitioned drive by legacy booting with S3 standby enabled. Then I converted MBR to GPT by using MBR2GPT. Finally, I could use Windows 10 x64 1607 in UEFI mode with modern standby enabled. After a lot of trial and error, I learned that 1709 will become the minimum required version if someday Intel removes CSM support. I downloaded these drivers from Intel's website. INF or XML modification is required during installation of Intel Graphics, Wi-Fi, and HDA drivers. BIOS Update [FNCML357] (FN0042, withdrawn) Intel RST driver (, withdrawn) Chipset INF Utility (10.1.18383.8213) Intel Graphics DCH drivers ( Intel Network Adapter driver for Windows 10 (25.0) Intel Wireless Bluetooth driver for Windows 10 (21.90.2) Windows 10 Wi-Fi drivers for Intel Wireless Adapters (21.90.3) Intel Serial IO driver for NUC (30.100.1947.3) ITE Tech CIR driver for Windows 10 64-bit for NUC 10 Kit ( USB Type C Power Delivery Controller for Windows 10 64-bit for NUC ( Genesys Chipset Device Software for Windows 10 64-bit for NUC 10 Kit ( Realtek HDA driver for Windows 10 64-bit for NUC Kit (6.0.8791.1) I don't know how to install ISST driver in 1607, but I installed Display Audio driver 10.27 manually. Besides, I also found the control panel utility for SF314-58G from Acer's website. I want to play UHD Blu-ray disc on NUC10i3FNH, so I didn't install Intel ME consumer driver for Windows 10 64-bit for NUC Kit (1931.14.0.1323) because it only supports HDCP 2.2 and Advance Protected Audio/Video path. Intel Management Engine Interface driver (1937.14.0.1350, for DELL Vostro 3590) Intel SGX driver for Windows ( The ME driver from Intel contains MEI drivers. But the MEI driver from DELL contains MEI drivers, applications, and iCLS. Honestly speaking, similar names are confusing. The DCH version of MEI requires Windows 10 version 1709 or later, and it is hard to find CML compatible traditional MEI drivers. Most mini PC manufacturers provide MEI driver 1919.14.0.1269 for CML, so I installed x86/x64 MEI driver for ASUS PN62 before I found compatible x64 MEI from DELL. The device ID of IMEI on NUC10i3FNH is 02E0. (Unlike CML, CML-V requires version 1809 or later) Old Intel SGX 1.x drivers are not compatible with NUC 10. Therefore I tried different SGX 2.x drivers because the online SGX test in CyberLink Ultra HD Blu-ray Advisor 2.0.3231 always failed with error code 394260080. I tried modifying INF files to install latest MEI and DCH version of SGX driver, but INF modification didn't work at all! I almost gave up until I found Corel Ultra HD Blu-ray check tool, which was released in May 2019. All offline tests were passed, including SGX test. Apparently the only way to find the answer was playing UHD Blu-ray disc. archgon MD-8102-U3-UHD-K (Pioneer BDR-UD04) CyberLink PowerDVD 20 Ultra Anyway, PowerDVD 20 Ultra plays UHD Blu-ray disc on NUC10i3FNH without major problem. The program activates HDR and 2160p@24Hz on LG 27GL850-B. Compared with Intel UHD 630, the integrated UHD Graphics in Core i3-10110U provides poor gaming performance, just like HD 610 Graphics in Pentium G4560. FurMark test result of https://gpuscore.top/furmark/show.php?id=102343
    1 point
  5. Here is a screenshot of the website https://sourceforge.net/ opened in 360ChromePortable 13.0.2206 rebuild 9 (ArcticFoxie). Although there is a certificate problem, however the website is displayed correctly. BTW, I do not use these browsers generally, only if necessary or for comparison.
    1 point
  6. ... I won't miss it myself, it is/was sending most user data to Chinese servers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UC_Browser Works here, but only links for the mobile version are to be found in it:
    1 point
  7. It seems that UC Browser is discontinued. The latest version for Windows PC is 2018 and the latest Android version is 2021. The website does not work: https://www.ucweb.com
    1 point
  8. I'm trying to boot WinXP SP2 64-bit in Legacy mode: ntldr - Error loading operating system winload.exe + BCD from Longhorn Server 2008 - Error A5 Probably caused by: ACPI.sys (I checked it with WinDbg over Serial at betaarchive.com ) @Dietmar I remember that there were once some modified acpi.sys WinXP 64-bit files on Winraid. Do you have these files? EDITED ===== OK, I found them: ACPI2.0_v4_x86+x64_5.1+5.2.7z With this acpi.sys (5.2.3790.7777.4) WinXP SP2 64-bit boots without error using winload.exe. Under pure UEFI also start. I wonder if this modified acpi.sys file is stable and will not cause the system's incorrect operation?
    1 point
  9. Thanks, I will try but for now I used Acronis True Image 2021 because older versions do not see NVMe disk. In WinXP SP2 64-bit launched from the SATA disk I added UEFI files and fix paths in BCD file Using Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5 I made a system image for a TIB file Using Acronis True Image 2021 I restored the system from the TIB image to the NVMe disk In the bios I disabled SATA and CSM and reboot WinXP SP2 64-bit without any problems boots with the NVMe disk in pure UEFI mode What is needed: Disk NVMe divided into partitions using diskpart from Win10 installer so that the first partition starts with the 2048 sector UefiSeven loader and EFI Files KB932755 update NVMe 1.3 driver from Schtrom Turn off Indexing Service on all NTFS partitions disable pagefile (have 8GB RAM) disable System Restore disable prefetch: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters] "EnablePrefetcher"=dword:00000000 If we want to use the Internet, set the browser cache in RAM The NVMe disk has 250GB but I left a 30GB unallocated at the end:
    1 point
  10. man, please, don't spam this in every possible post if someone needs to mod the os to run something i think he/she has more than 2 braincells which he/she can use to find this original thread of the extended kernel
    1 point
  11. Ok, I will answer to myself. 1. Download chocolatey latest version from Chocolatey.org https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/package/chocolatey/ 2. Rename file extension to .zip (not necesary, you can extract with 7z or similar tool) 3. Extract the file 4. Open PowerShell 5. Open elevated PowerShell calling: Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs 6. Go to the tools folder in the location where you extracted Chocolatey 7. Call: & .\chocolateyInstall.ps1 to allow Chocolatey to install 8. Add a path to the choco location to system environment PATH: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin 9. Restart your consoles, and VS Code (if you use one)
    1 point
  12. For use under XP, JFYI,Tiny Hexer is an useful hex editor that has templates/structure viewers: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/tiny-hexer.shtml some structure viewers for it (shameless plug): http://reboot.pro/topic/8734-tiny-hexer-scripts/ jaclaz
    1 point
  13. Ofcourse you know youtube.com isnt really accessible with IE11 anymore, sinche Microsoft said that IE11 is deprecated. So if you try to access youtube from IE11 you wont have luck because you get "referred" to https://www.youtube.com/supported_browsers But if you have a video and you use IE11 and you need to quickly open it in IE11 (for whatever reason) there is a workaround. You need the infamous w3c tryit page from https://www.w3schools.com/tryit/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_hello There you can paste an embed code like this: <iframe width="1289" height="561" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YOUTUBEVID" title="TITLE OF VIDEO" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> But instead of the YOUTUBEVID you enter the video-id you wont. E.g. FjIr4PdHm1c for the Video-ID of the video "Internet Explorer 11: Getting started with Internet Explorer 11". Ofcourse you could also write that in a plain html file but I really like to use w3schools.com it has alot of hidden features that I cant really describe now atleast I can say that about youtube related embeding. Aslong as nothing critical happens to the embedding coding this should also work on Internet Explorer 11. However I dont recommend you to use Internet Explorer 11 besides for compability reasons for old pages or apps (prior to the official support ending). This is because even msfn.org wont be displayed correctly in IE11. And if that happens it sure is a sign that a browser is loosing alot of its compability to modern web standards. Even thought some pages may still be IE11-friendly. But that cannot be guaranteed for the future.
    1 point
  14. 1 - Why such blind trust in Russians ? Chinese telemetry removed , russian added , why not ? xD . You may as well install Antivirus software from KGB officer Kaspersky , just search for "Kaspersky , KGB" , you'll get plenty of results ... Have you ever checked the file yourself ? I've just opened it and I see they have LEFT a ton of Chinese telemetry , and it is NOT enough just to patch the chrome.dll . The executable and child are needed to be patched too ! Offsets may differ , due to the various versions . This one is from 12 , but 13 has them too (even "patched" by the russians) AT OFFSET chrome.dll 2B934B5 DNS resolver (chinese IP ) AT OFFSET chrome_child.dll 3C0280D DNS resolver (chinese IP ) 2 - Regarding RAM , just use this flag --process-per-site . It will reduce the usage of RAM and each site will run in one process. P.S. It's kind of one the first rules of internet , do not trust anyone.
    1 point
  15. While chrome://net-export/ is indeed a feature of Chromium 69 on which 360EEv11 builds, the Chinese makers of it have not unlocked it in their v11 fork However, that Chromium flag is available in 360EEv12 (Chromium 78 fork) and 360EEv13 (Chromium 86 fork) The bulk of the Chinese telemetry is being removed when the official chrome.dll file is treated with what is known as Patch_by_El_Sanchez, and this process is being done by the Russian RePackers prior to releasing their modified versions of 360EE... From what you have reported in your previous messages, you had what appears to be a major profile (User Data) corruption, so the browser had to revert to a new fresh state... My educated quess is that this process doesn't involve core browser binaries, just profile data... Just some friendly advices: Chromium-type browsers are notorius for being RAM-gobblers, what with having each tab in a separate process... Since you appear to be running 360EEv11 in a low-resourced hardware, with limited RAM/CPU, you'd better avoid opening concurrently a great number of tabs... In chrome://settings/browser make sure you select "Continue where I left off" to have your session remembered when you relaunch; don't install a big number of extensions, as these also consume additional RAM... Go to chrome://flags/#enable-javascript-harmony and set ENABLED, then restart browser; your v11 will then be able to handle more adequately recent webpages... The last version of uBlock Origin that is fully compatible with 360EEv11 is 1.26.2; later ones have serious GUI issues... Take frequent back-ups of your profile (User Data directory); important files there are: Bookmarks Cookies Current Session Current Tabs Last Tabs History Login Data Preferences Secure Preferences Top Sites Web Data (= search engines) For the record, I'm using a 2008 era Vista SP2 32-bit laptop with 3GB of RAM and have never suffered the kind of browser crash you described; with no more than 6 (session) tabs, it takes less than a minute for a "cold" browser start - not using any kind of session manager either, just the built-in one... Using a slightly customised portable repack... Kind regards
    1 point
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