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  3. Hi, it works great with Windows 11 version 26100.560 24H2
  4. Eureka!!! It took a "reinstall" after the initial install using 'patchmem /M', followed by a restart due to a temporary bsod involving winsock, and before I knew it I was on Firefox Nightly browsing away. I suppose it really was just that first low 16MB of RAM that the chipset required, which may have been crowded out by something - causing the VFAT error. What an oddly specific, ludicrously difficult problem to diagnose. I'm just happy I didn't have to reinstall Windows with all the work I put into it. I thank the late RLoew, and I thank you guys for your help. It's much appreciated.
  5. Interesting. Unfortunately I don't see a specific answer to who owned the x.com domain, which (I assume) wasn't a big thing before Musk decided to rebrand Twitter as X (leading me to refer to the two domains collectively as Xitter.com).
  6. https://metro.co.uk/2022/10/28/who-owned-twitter-before-elon-musk-timeline-of-ownership-17655892/
  7. The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view this forum.
  8. Look through RLOEW's patches for the VFAT fix... It occurs when you have is memory patch installed and then install a network card.
  9. yep. is that what that does ok, unticked that. do i now have to reboot for that to take effect
  10. Do you have dynamic transparency on?
  11. Fixed! "If using --ungoogled Chrome Store cannot be used" https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/593
  12. PSO is still compatible with 360EE (latest v2.5.21 is still on MV2) and has full support for local PAC script files: Just enter its Settings and create a new "Profile"; when prompted, select the "PAC profile" option and give this new profile an appropriate name (here: "Local PAC"); the screenshot is self-explanatory ...
  13. In standard (not internal developer coding) names it's either VC1 ot AVC (without the "1"). Or it's simple to confuse with AV1, then. What Are HEVC and AVC? H.265 and H.264 Video Codecs Explained HEVC = H.265 AVC = H.264 Details: https://www.tomshardware.com/reference/h264-h265-hevc-codec-definition
  14. ... If you don't want to use a dedicated extension (and I simply find you're just being obstinate without a reason), I'll point you again to: https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40574814#comment23 For a PAC script like the one below: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (shExpMatch(host, "example.com")) { return "PROXY localhost:8079"; } } go to an online base64 encoder and the result you'll get is the string: ZnVuY3Rpb24gRmluZFByb3h5Rm9yVVJMKHVybCwgaG9zdCkgewogaWYgKHNoRXhwTWF0Y2goaG9zdCwgImV4YW1wbGUuY29tIikpIHsKIHJldHVybiAiUFJPWFkgbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwNzkiOwogfQp9 Then, you should add to whatever 360 Loader/launcher you're using below cmdline parameter: --proxy-pac-url="data:application/x-javascript-config;base64,"ZnVuY3Rpb24gRmluZFByb3h5Rm9yVVJMKHVybCwgaG9zdCkgewogaWYgKHNoRXhwTWF0Y2goaG9zdCwgImV4YW1wbGUuY29tIikpIHsKIHJldHVybiAiUFJPWFkgbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwNzkiOwogfQp9 WFM: Caveats: You'll have to re-encode the PAC script and re-modify the switch whenever you add new domains; once the length of the cmdline switch gets too big for Windows Command Shell, this method will quit working... IOW: Use an extension! Addendum: I have verified myself the fact the Chinese have done something wrong with their 360EE browser ; when you correctly configure IE (9 in my case) to use a locally hosted PAC file: and then instruct 360EE to "Use IE proxy", this configuration isn't applied ; OTOH, if you configure IE to use ProxyMII (FrontServer): and then instruct 360EE to "Use IE proxy", this configuration is applied (360EE uses ProxyMII - of course, for ALL secure URLs) ; in this latter case, you can avoid IE completely from acting as a MITM by configuring 360EE to use directly ProxyMII's FrontServer: and selecting this option from its Proxy Context Menu:
  15. Yeah. But your last official release is good on my set up. One issue, though: linkedin now spits a lot of "undefined" tags where the text of posts used to stand. Cheers!
  16. Yesterday
  17. Hey, I apologize for getting back so much later. Device ID: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013 As it has worked before, I am confident that installing after a fresh slate would work - however, I do have many registered programs, settings, and games on this install and would like to avoid reinstalling if possible (easy, but it's time-consuming for me). If by chance there was some type of backup program for 9x that could preserve my registered configurations, I would be more than willing to go this route. I tried Odyssey Client today, but it did not seem to make a difference in my situation. I tried those Atheros drivers, which did specifically list 0013 as a supported ID, but they had the same result as the D-Link drivers I have tried. If I may ask, what do you mean by renaming ESDI_506? I have seen some documentation online regarding this file, but I'm afraid I don't know too much about it.
  18. Off-topic: I wonder who owned x.com before Musk bought it? Surely someone did - I bet they made a bundle.
  19. no idea, could be chipset problem or driver problem. BTW neowin reported this as well. lol. https://www.neowin.net/news/intels-legendary-i486-cpu-gets-unofficial-windows-xp-support-iso-too/
  20. Even if we got HEVC pass-thru working (on PCs with hardware HEVC decoding) it wouldn't help. You'd need the newest Widevine version to watch DRM-protected streams. No realistic chance of that happening on a browser targeting older OSes.
  21. You have to log in to view that forum. Could you summarize for those of us unwilling to do that? But even without reading the above, my theory is, Tobin trained them to hate us - how dare we presume to do anything differently than them - don't we understand they're perfect and all their decisions, including refusing to support XP/Vista, are correct? And that feeling lingers, even with Tobin out of the picture.
  22. Wow! The Pale Moon team has to be so nasty (especially Moonbat) towards New Moon users. https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=31168
  23. Yep! I noticed that too during my tests. I will correct my post accordingly. Here is my working script for passing only example.com to the local proxy: function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (shExpMatch(host, "example.com")) { return "PROXY"; } else { return "DIRECT"; } } This script can be enhanced to pass more than only one URL to the local proxy, of course. So, your question has to be answered with yes. It's me.
  24. ... Apologies are in order, it appears to be a "mea culpa" case; I have edited my original post accordingly :
  25. New release: Supermium 122.0.6261.152 (R6) - SECURITY PATCH https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/releases/tag/v122-r6
  26. OK, now things have gotten beyond ridiculous. Chase.com is one thing, but now I can't even open the Micro$oft Update Catalog in Serpent 55! It starts, but gets stuck in the "loading" state; never finishes (not even with a blank screen). User agent overrides appear to have no effect, although I obviously haven't tried every possibility. Thing is, I can open M$ Update Catalog even in 360EE, so it doesn't require a particularly new browser to load it. Edit: Never mind. M$ update catalog loads just fine in a clean profile. (FWIW, Chase.com works more reliably in a clean profile too, although "fill login" is still broken in Serpent. I don't even need my StructuredClone polyfill any more!) Obviously one of my add-ons or about:config tweaks is interfering. Someday I'll learn to check with a clean profile before posting an issue.
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