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  2. I prefer the GUI in 122. But it's still "not right" on my systems. Unsure why nobody else is seeing the left edge of GUI fonts being cut off. 122 is also faster, but not by enough that typical browsing would likely even notice.
  3. @roytam1 I should admit the reason why I want an Arctic-Fox fork to work with Windows 2000 is because your builds work with Windows XP SP2 and later. That means users will request a browser that works on "Windows XP". Since I don't like the idea of restricting service pack compatibility, if someone wants a browser that works on Windows XP, and they get it from me, they'll get something that works on the original version of Windows XP. Since Windows 2000 and XP require the same versions of Visual C++ to be used (2008 or earlier), I just as well try Windows 2000 support too. If for some reason you are no longer able to publish your browser builds, it would be nice to offer this community something newer than a fork of Pale Moon 26.5.0. Also, Firefox 31+ and Arctic Fox is much faster at compilation than Pale/New Moon 26.5.0, and UXP browsers (for now).
  4. Does Firefox 52.9 run on your system? Newmoon has the requirements of 52.9, too. And make sure, that you have set KernelEx compatibility mode XPSP3 or Win7 on palemoon.exe.
  5. Well it will be rolled into next update as you're rare casualty.
  6. The first thing I thought of when I read CMOVcc was i686 compatible, lacking that will probably mean i586 CPU support, and if I need an OS target for an i586 CPU, I'll go for Windows 95...
  7. It's not that I'm very clear on how to differentiate one from the other, but 360 Extreme Explorer uses Webkit2 engine.
  8. Sorry, I confused the terms. I meant a VL-VOL-VLK copy. These do not have a repair console or the option to install with repair.
  9. is this an ongoing project or will the 108 not be upgraded anymore ? how does it perform in comparison to Supermium 122 ?
  10. CMOVcc requires Pentium Pro and later (i.e. i686) not Pentium MMX(it has no support to CMOVcc). In i586 world, only Cyrix 6x86MX/MII supports it.
  11. As I understand it, CMOVcc is a conditional move instruction set supported on Pentium MMX and newer CPUs with some exceptions. Why do you not want CMOVcc? I don't personally care either way, so I'm just curious why you don't want it.
  12. Yeah, I have used LTSC since ver 2019-1809 (stuck with 7 till then) and I'm, so proud to say that 10 "so called" home or Pro has never touched any of my bare metal.
  13. i will now try a similar feat. i hope this works for me, after 2 weeks of trying that would be nice. only difference is that i am doing it in utm on an ipad (witch is based on qemu) and that i can access the internet in my normal browsers to connect to the old web. just the dos browsers wont connect. (i was using micro web) later i will install dillo and the other recommendations to see if i can make it work with them.
  14. After that I get an error "Couldn't load XPCOM."
  15. Thank you, Rob, very much appreciate your insight. Hmmm ... "dark passenger" ... Interesting perspective on this disease when 'help' seems out of reach, good to lift the spirit I think. I always took offense when people would casually say to "cheer up" - rather perk up or lift the spirit is needed and sounds better to the soul. Wishing you well also I hope you will always keep this strength to guide you as nobody would chose such misery upon ourselves. My friend ... we have already pulled off the seemingly impossible and are here to tell about it, others have fallen victim to the daemons and left us <- Not meaning daemons as in religion. You get me though! Thank you again. That being said: I will be taking a very long break from the internet to recover. Must save all energy to focus on self preservation during the next several months and pull life together. MSFN has become a large part of my life but sometime we need breaks - healthy breaks from family as I consider people have like family. When I do return I'll likely have moved to Linux by then so we'll see, I guess. Be well everyone Sincerely Yours Salvatore
  16. Yeah, we have 24H2 Iot Ent LTSC 26100.268 on 3 workstations for testing and I agree that it's the only thing fit to use. Same was true on Win 10 and LTSC on it. We still run Open Shell Classic Explorer, but only for the network share icon. Maybe someday SAB will have that option in the Explorer section. Hint - hint. Jim
  17. A little research later - I get the same colors also, with a few findings. I get the same colors if I turn off Custom Start Menu Coloring. I had it on. I get different colors if Custom Start Menu Coloring is on and set to 100% opacity and either Clear or Blur is selected. 100% opacity and Acrylic seems to work fine. Jim
  18. I agree, SAB does so much more for 11 than Open Shell. I am using SAB on a leaked version of 11 LTSC, which are the only versions of Windows now fit to use. I have installed SAB 3.7.9 but it still says that it is 3.7.8. Also I have an issue that when I right click file(s) in File Explorer, the whole Windows shell crashes. Has anyone else had this?
  19. Supermium is the same as usual Chrome, but with tweaks to make it work on old OS. GDI rendering instead of Dwrite for XP, rewritten memory functioning. Supermium understands Chrome flags. Some flags added, some removed. All of the usual connections to Google servers are present.
  20. https://www.patreon.com/win32/about
  21. BTW I can't make VC2012 to stop spitting out CMOVcc even if -arch:IA32 is specified, maybe I really need to use VC2010.
  22. Update....I was exploring the problem last night when I heard a voice in my headphones nearby. When I checked it out, the voice was something related to Ease of Access kind of thing for people who are challenged for sight, hearing, etc. The voice was indicating which key was hit on the keyboard. So, it seems XP has reached the desktop and I just don't have video. If I try to go into Safe Mode, it stop loading after AGP440.sys, a sure sign the video driver is the problem. However, when I boot W10 on the same system, there is no problem. I guess the problem is the Nvidia GT1030 card but it used to tun in SVGA mode with the same card and it suddenly turned on the other night with XP.
  23. Sorry for my ignorance, Supermium rendering uses Blink engine or Webkit2 engine?
  24. Yesterday
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