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  1. Past hour
  2. Yes, Windows 10 2015 version already uses a 128 MB partition.
  3. Today
  4. In AMIBCP you can edit Setup Configuration but tool not open your bios for editing. You need manually edit body extracted AMITSE Setup data: AMIBCP error but manually edit i HEX editor My PC AMI BIOS OK in AMIBCP:
  5. @reboot12 I cant have the menu in Bios for CSM on the board ASRock N100DC-ITX, for to switch between enabled and disabled. But the Asrock N100M has this menu. And I dont know, if it is easy to restore this menu also Dietmar
  6. I do not know what you mean? UEFI VARIABLES are in three places because one for Optimized Defaults, two for FailSafe Defaults and third for current settings?
  7. Where is the nearest brick wall? I'd like to argue with the brick wall instead.
  8. for NM27, upstream's(i.e. AF) changes are already filtered, many of them doesn't land to NM27's master branch.
  9. I'm using Windows 11 LTSC 24H2 build 26100.712. This is a retail update through Windows Update. My PC is not enrolled in the dev channel or Insider Preview. On older Windows 11 LTSC 24H2 builds (26100.1 & 26100.560) StartAllBack worked fine with the widgets button on the enhanced classic taskbar but now it doesn't work unless I disable the classic taskbar. When clicking on the widgets button now, nothing happens even though the weather information is still updating in the taskbar icon for the widgets button. Is this a known issue? I've tried StartAllBack 3.7.8 & the latest 3.7.10 and they have the same issue.
  10. Please remember to create a separate branch for your NM27 changes (Arctic-Fox commits?) just in case you add more UniquePtr references to the codebase. I should add the beauty of creating a fork is that you don't need to take all the changes the upstream developers made to their project. In my case, I'm in the process of adding code from Mozilla bug 258080 to my Gecko 1.8.0 fork.
  11. navy seal copypasta And yet, it magically reappears. Not sure why facts and reality misalign with your 38 years of DOS registry experience. And here ya are, and it's a beautiful day. Well. I just don't understand it.
  12. Well, that really is news. BTW, did I mention that I have over 38 years of DOS and over 32 years of Windows experience? The registry is so to speak my home. And where do you live?
  13. I noticed that the recently updated StartAllBack's NotifyIconOverflowWindow removes the border color, how does this work? Normally if you use DWMWCP_ROUND, the window will have a gray border, how does StartAllBack do it with rounded corners and no border color? Does it use undocumented windows flags?
  14. from what i remember there once was a virus called CIH this virus deleted up the bios it was often claimed that the BIOS is a non programmable ROM but it was NOT - it was EEPROM aka a programmable "ROM" (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) therefore a decision was made if the EEPROM bios where deleted then it used a backup what actually then was a real non programmble ROM that backup then was put into the EEPROM again that is actually programmable i do not know if that helps
  15. You can assume whatever comes to your mind. I couldn't care less. I have had negative experiences, and that was not so long ago (only a month). Therefore, there cannot and will not be any anecdotes here.
  16. Yesterday
  17. sure. http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox38-tls13-xprtm-vc10hack.7z BTW next is backport NM27 changes to this, as vanilla 38esr doesn't that capable to view modern web.
  18. I give you a risk-free way to verify my claim [export the key before deleting it, import it if it doesn't reappear]. You respond with a quaint anecdote about your past Thorium woes. Can only assume you're trolling.
  19. I know that these settings are not just there for fun. I lost nearly all my installed extensions at the beginning of my tests with Thorium due to these registry settings. I'm not going to play around with it again. I have installed 14 extensions. Not all are enabled, of course. Some of them are permanently enabled and some only on demand.
  20. If you honestly think the two versions treat the registry differently, [back up and] delete the keys from your registry to confirm they don't. Disregard if just trolling.
  21. I know this was asked and answered on @roytam1's thread but it makes sense to post that problem and the workaround in this thread too, since others may have the same question and his thread is cluttered with so many unrelated things. So, here's the backspace key fix:
  22. You are using a different version of Thorium than mine. Yours is an SSE4 release, mine is the SSE2 variant. And why do you have two icons with uBlock Origin in your browser? Strictly according to the motto twice is better?
  23. Oh look! P.S. If not obvious, these exist in USER_DATA folder & are written to registry when Thorium opens. Delete yours (from the registry), see them magically restored next time you open your browser; be amazed
  24. Yea, i've had already the suspicion - Kepler forever . Currently i'm looking for an active cooled Zotac GT 730 GDDR5: passive GT-7x0's get too hot and the GTX 7xx are exaggerated for my purposes.
  25. To rebel against trends, against what seems to be imposed. Not bad at all. Sometimes I look at the guys who spend months making their Linux distro, I admire them. Sometimes I draw a parallel between what they do and what we do here. I don't feel we're that far apart. Sometimes I even fantasise about us releasing a new XP, completely free, fresh and modern for not so new machines. Bring your laptop back to life!
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