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  2. @Dietmar On ASRock motherboard is UEFI Variables Protection: https://github.com/ab3lkaizen/SCEHUB#ASRock Try one more time in UEFI Shell: AmiSetupWriter 0xCB3 0x0 then CSM Enable: AmiSetupWriter 0xCBE 0x1
  3. I frequent AVSForum.com, and they made a change today that's resulting in insanity on St 55. See attachment. (There's also a link you can use for testing at the bottom of the image.) That used to be a tiny icon in each post. Now it's giant sized and overlays the post text, making it unreadable. (I already tried a clean profile. No difference.) I've seen this on a few other sites and assume it's some newly-popular CSS Googlism. Anyone know of a workaround, other than "switch to the latest Chrome version?"
  4. The only reason I knew about it is that it came up a few months ago when St started doing it in single-process as well as multiprocess mode, and someone came up with that setting as a workaround and posted it in this thread. I guess St was fixed later on, but the fix only works in single-process mode? Edit: It was actually in the previous "generation" of this thread: https://msfn.org/board/topic/184051-my-browser-builds-part-4/?do=findComment&comment=1228833
  5. @sonyu Grub.efi, AmiSetupWriter.efi, SceEfi64.efi, RU.efi, dmpstore - these are different tools that are used for the same - to change CMOS and EFI VARIABLES e.g. BIOS Lock in my AMI UEFI BIOS: using IFR Extractor (best from UBU) make file setup_extr.txt from bios file search BIOS Lock variable - offset is 0xB52 VarStore is 0x1 and this ID is Setup EFI VARIABLE: 0x4F0D0 One Of: BIOS Lock, VarStoreInfo (VarOffset/VarName): 0xB52, VarStore: 0x1, QuestionId: 0xC42, Size: 1, Min: 0x0, Max 0x1, Step: 0x0 {05 91 9A 0A 9B 0A 42 0C 01 00 52 0B 10 10 00 01 00} search VarStoreId 0x1 - Name: Setup: 0x2BDF5 VarStore: VarStoreId: 0x1 [EC87D643-EBA4-4BB5-A1E5-3F3E36B20DA9], Size: 0x1331, Name: Setup {24 1C 43 D6 87 EC A4 EB B5 4B A1 E5 3F 3E 36 B2 0D A9 01 00 31 13 53 65 74 75 70 00} Now if we know where the BIOS Lock setting is to change them by using various tools - AmiSetupWriter.efi is very simple - we only need to know offset: AmiSetupWriter 0xB52 0x0 In RU.efi we need to know EFI VARIABLE and Offset: But these tools will not help if EFI VARIABLES are write protected.
  6. woa, that actually worked. yea it's acting normal now when i tested again after doing that. Well.. i would never had a clue about that. :| Thank you.
  7. There's a fix for that. Set dom.keyboardevent.keypress.dispatch_non_printable_in_content to true in about:config.
  8. Yes, I'm indeed using Webrender, I may have possibly set it at one point because scrolling exhibited tearing otherwise. At least that was the case in the old days where it was just hardware acceleration on/off the in the regular options. But it's been so long that I don't know for sure. I'm aware that the browser disables certain functions on Win7, specifically WEBRENDER_DCOMP_PRESENT/WEBRENDER_COMPOSITOR (FEATURE_FAILURE_DCOMP_NOT_WIN10). Also ACCELERATED_CANVAS2D shows as "Disabled by default" due to "FEATURE_FAILURE_DISABLED", not sure if that stems from the aforementioned one. And WebGPU is also blocked ("WebGPU cannot be enabled in release or beta", WEBGPU_DISABLE_RELEASE_OR_BETA). In any case, of the flags you mentioned only gfx.webrender.compositor was actually true, but it's blocked anyway as I just said. I did try to set it to false anyway which expectedly changed nothing for the video issue. The flag that enables Webrender in my case is probably one of these: gfx.webrender.software.d3d11=true gfx.webrender.enabled-no-gpu-process-with-angle-win=true
  9. About your comment, it's crazy. I always am forced to fully close and reopen serpent usually once every day on average just because it cant ever handle more than a few youtube videos... a few image generations on pixai.art website.. or 1 or 2 twitch page loads. It's ridiculous. I have 4 GB RAM (3.2 max for win xp or whatever) so it's "not" that being an issue or anything.. and 2nd gen Core i5 CPU 2.6 GHZ... and SSD, so again it's not that. it's just that this browser i guess becomes so overloaded just from only a couple things, until the point that it freezes up dead until i force exit it in Task Manager. like closing tabs doesnt do anything at all to un-freeze the browser, or release the RAM or that it's only a very small amount. i have no idea whatsoever. I tried the "multi process" thing yesterday.. and that seems to be effective...but it for some reason makes the backspace key no longer function.. then when i turn off the multiprocess.. then it's workinig like normal, so thats why i cant commit to using multiprocess. i tried to post about this in that thread there.
  10. Google brought me to that page even before you did, but I swear I tried disabling everything that the article said "safe mode" disabled, and I still couldn't get it to work! BTW there's a contradiction between the St 52 dialog box and the Mozillazine article: The dialog box says custom settings are disabled, the Mozillazine article says they are not. My experience tells me the Mozillazine article is correct, at least for St 55. (Don't know if MCP changed that in UXP.) At any rate, I just gave up. I copied my St 55 profile from work to my home PC with the help of a thumb drive. That fixed several of my problems; e.g., M$'s Windows Update Catalog works again. Chase.com is very cantankerous, but can be made to work with enough patience (although TBH, I usually just go to Edge for that site now). I'll probably never figure out the core issue. I can only tell you it isn't multiprocess mode, nor is it most of my add-ons.
  11. Yesterday
  12. That‘s a good start and tbh I don‘t see any reason why the LTSC version should have the same system requirements after all, as LTSC is already stripped down. Back in the days of Windows 7, there was a version called „Windows Thin PC“ which received updates till 10/2021. The purpose of that version was to have a stripped W7 version for companies using older hardware. It‘s basically the predecessor of what‘s now called LTSC. In general, these versions should always have lower reqs. What I was talking about was lowering the specs for Home users OR introducing a „Basic“ „Lite“ „Starter“.. version
  13. Fixed that one, but there are still 39 unresolved externals I have no clue how to fix.
  14. Well, I cannot say that I wasn‘t surprised. Microsoft apparently opened the Beta channel again for Windows 10 22H2 users. I really don‘t get this company anymore. They promote full-screen pop-ups for upgrading to Windows 11, even on non-supported devices and state that EOL for W10 will be October 2025, without any (free) extension. Nonetheless, they constantly add new features to Windows 10 and afterwards wonder why people don‘t move to Windows 11. Personally, I‘m glad that Windows 10 is still being kept alive as I prioritize it over Windows 11 but I won‘t pay ESU for it. They should extend support for another 3 years for free or lower the specs for W11 Source: blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2024/06/04/opening-the-beta-channel-for-windows-insiders-on-windows-10/
  15. nsprpub from RetroZilla is incompatible is incompatible with Mozilla/Gecko 1.8.0, so I just pulled the code manually. I also needed to add various NSS files to security/manager/ssl/src. Presently, I have 40 unresolved externals, one of which is NS_ConsumeStream(nsIInputStream *aSource, PRUint32 aMaxCount, nsACString &a buffer); in xpcom/io, and is referenced by security/manager/SSL/src/nsStreamCipher.cpp.
  16. I read about it in 1982, they said it would've happened in 1990. And no, I'm not a climate change denier.
  17. Yep! The new Reddit is the hell. 100% RAM usage on my system, and nothing works anymore. That's why I use the old Reddit via userscript there.
  18. Memory usage of UXP based browser really explodes on certain websites, eg. new Reddit. The base memory usage of other browsers doesn't increase as much. Difference between 150 - 300 MB and a whooping gigabyte or more is not so negligible. I'm wondering what's a technical explanation for such difference.
  19. I don't know what to think about the future, all I read/hear about are wars and microplastics everywhere. Not that long ago I watched the documentary, didn't pick on title or just forgot, but it basically said something along the lines that sources of drinking water are being depleted at alarming rate, faster than they can be replenished. And we're just going about our daily lives like automatons. Tomorrow's just another work day. It's all so absurd.
  20. https://www.motor1.com/features/186543/1980s-cars-digital-dashboards/
  21. And that's why it makes no sense at all. Using ProxHTTPSProxy does it definitely better. Or a more recent Chromium version as, for example, Thorium.
  22. @reboot12 @Dietmar not sure if can be helpful here but you can try with "setup_var" which can be used to change hidden UEFI values by using a modded Grub EFI shell (rename it as bootia32.efi / bootx64.efi) Well, it's used to boot legacy mode, on systems that do not have exit to EFI shell on BIOS exit page example here https://www.bios-mods.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12774&pid=59489#pid59489 and about CFG Lock, you can try... https://github.com/QuanTrieuPCYT/Dell-Latitude-5480_Hackintosh/blob/main/Disable_CFG_Lock.md anyway, sure you both know more than me about this and, perhaps, AmiSetupWriter.efi can do the same. [...] what `setup_var` does is access an EFI variable called "Setup". The variable contains a binary blob, and the command sets a particular binary value at a given offset inside that blob. What IFRextract calls "VarStore" is mapped onto an EFI variable, via the GUID and "name" field that IFRextract reports for each varstore. You can use the `dmpstore` command builtin to UEFI Shell to inspect EFI vars, including the "Setup" var. See [2] for an EFI application which provides similar functionality to the `setup_var` command. To use it, save the `setup_var.efi` EFI application on any file system accessible by UEFI Shell, then boot into UEFI Shell and run `setup_var.efi` to do what you need. I've also seen references that imply `setup_var` is UEFI shell builtin command, but that doesn't seem to be the case. from what I can tell that command was (at least once) available via patches to either UEFI shell, or grub. But never in upstream "UEFI shell" [1] https://github.com/datasone/setup_var.efi [2] https://github.com/LongSoft/Universal-IFR-Extractor credits: user JamesKen @ archlinux org
  23. trying to import NSS 3.42 Beta in this, it builds but CORS seems to be broken and it refuses to load many https sites like ddg.
  24. I guess my definition differs slightly. All of my Dell computers (desktops and laptops) didn't come with physical media. HATE THAT! I want a disc! (Or a Rufus USB created from that disc.) They do come with a STICKER with my "license code" (or whatever it's technically called). Legal downloads are readily available (you cannot install without typing in the "license code"). I create my own physical media stemming from that sticker plus that download (where my installation is completely unattended). But I guess I still refer to that physical media as "RTM". Semantics. It's not "OEM" because I didn't download from DELL.
  25. Like this one? "Windows Vista Ultimate RTM Unboxing/Installation 2019" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4eC9NwwoQk
  26. While my solution to the update issue is different, since I am using a network segment, the same can be applied to a single system. I block all Microsoft domains and IPs, and thus the systems cannot update. Then I can use any OS I want. RTM = Release to Manufacturing and to be clear, the RTM versions were only made available in the OEM channel as either a download or physical media, and I've never once seen an RTM disc for sale in the secondary market. The closest you can legally get to using RTM would be to use a System Builder Kit. And RTM should not be used to mean "no service pack" because Windows 7 SP1 has an RTM version also.
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