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  2. The effort to install complex programmes that need to access data in different locations in Windows is probably too great and probably in certain cases not possible, either. I therefore have no problem with certain programmes having to be installed correctly.
  3. But that's exactly what i did. Or, rather, not exactly. I lied. Simply booted into another OS in the same computer (multiboot). Copying the folder to a flash drive (the folder is huge, ~ 3 gigs, USB 2.0 is slow), just to make sure. Will post from it in a few
  4. Can't talk about McAfee, it's never been my cup of tea, but Avast? I don't want to talk bad anyway, not even doing it with Thorium 'cause of this personal problem this experience brought me, on the contrary, I recognize and appreciate the effort. But the truth is I see installing programs as a thing of the past. Very occasionally, if there's no other way around and I really want to test some software, what I do is create a fake user account, that kinda creates a parallel space where later, if you have problems, you can delete the user and that's it. You avoid problems in the personal one. Which makes me think sometimes you get overconfident with portables.
  5. Good programme, but I'm still getting these logs, they accumulate to 8-9mb in about 4 hours after reboot, soon after reboot they're about 256kb.
  6. Sometimes I wonder what people that frequent this forum actually do on their computers besides running new browsers on ancient Windows versions or trying to run ancient Windows versions on even more ancient hardware or more modern hardware.
  7. It was more of a philosophical question concerning the crazy rate of changes to the code.
  8. I didn't refer to your browser session and bookmarks. Install some extensions and then use your "portable" folder on another computer! Then, you will see. A simple check of the registry is actually enough. The key is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Thorium as I already mentioned.
  9. Ever want to totally corrupt your computer - install Avast or McAfee then try to uninstall it. Be warned.
  10. In my book portable is a program that you can run without installing it. Many and I mean many times installed programs and then when installed or uninstalled ended up with corrupted files, crashes, other programs crashing, etc. Don't care so much about being able to continue where I was but knowing that I can run the program only when I need it without that meaning a bigger problem, like now, that I have to go back to a healthy system image because a program somehow damaged it.
  11. Today
  12. Personal preference. I run 50-some programs on my computer. Only TWO of them are allowed to write to the registry. I do that because Windows is NOTORIOUS for *mangled* registries. Uninstall a program, portions are still left in the registry, et cetera. 99 times out of 100, if your computer is "slow", it's because the registry is "mangled". Okay, call it 89 times out of 100, lol.
  13. I can take my PORTABLE browser anywhere and pick up EXACTLY where I left off. I can browse in XP at home and then take it to work and pick up EXACTLY where I left off in Win10. I do that via X-Chrome's "loader". I've never actually tried Thorium via the .bat (I use a "loader" for ALL my browsers, be it Chrome/Chromium-based or Mozilla-based).
  14. @reboot12 Can you take a look at all the nvram Variables, that can to be enabled in the Bios of the ASRock N100DC-ITX? I compare it with the 3 raw files of the Bios from the Asrock N100M and found 20 places where an 00 is a 01 or vice versa Dietmar EDIT: Sometimes it may be not easy to understand, if this feature should be enabled in Bios. Because a 01 for the Write Protection should be for sure not.
  15. and then again, what is the recommended size in general or for each and every single scenario?
  16. Check my Youtube Channel : Lipton Acer and the video : Firefox 125 sur Windows Vista Voici comment l'installer ! is in french but in the link i made a version in english of firefox. I'm potentially going to update Firefox but I don't have time to work on Vista, I use Windows 10 on a daily basis because of my studies.
  17. Just tested, and turns out i can (the browser opened to the same tabs). I think the USER_DATA folder (which is created inside the Thorium folder when you use THORIUM_PORTABLE.bat) is where all that is kept, not in the registry.
  18. @Damnation Hi, only when there is a CSM-Core in Bios, you have a chance to set it free. But now there are some boards without any CSM. I think, that it may be not too difficult, to write a generic csm.efi, that you can integrate into Bios as a normal driver. But the hardware around is different on each board, so such a generic csm driver could handle only the most basic things Dietmar
  19. If these registry entries weren't reverted and stored inside the Thorium folder, you can't expect to pick up where it was left off by using it on another computer.
  20. Because older Windows versions used a 128 MB MSR partition. The default unattend and diskpart scripts should work for all OS, but you are free to edit them or add your own.
  21. I think by "portable," most mean "lets me stick the folder on a flash drive, and pick up where i left off, on another computer." What's the drawback of registry writes (real question)?
  22. Thorium is not a truly portable application. If it were such one, it wouldn't change anything in Windows or revert all changes, which were done, immediately after closing the browser.
  23. ... or it could be "Modern Firefox" (as distinct from FF versions <= 56) ... or even "Molybdenum" (right below Chromium in the periodic table, so it's similar, but heavier) That's why I left off the z. For me, it has more associations that way. (I like yours too!)
  24. That .bat file does NOT make Thorium "portable" because registry-writes are stored on the host computer. That is a "simplistic" way of setting two "flags" for "encryption" and "machine-id", but a true PORTABLE browser requires more than that.
  25. What's THORIUM_PORTABLE.bat then? There's no way to save changes to it?
  26. /* Simply u can use it */ VOID WINAPI AcquireSRWLockExclusive(PSRWLOCK Lock) { /*:: is for scope assigment to retrive function call from within srwlockxp, add this your DLL def file, it will export it*/ srwlockxp::RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive((PRTL_SRWLOCK)Lock); } Get a Copy of Visual Studio 2017 , if u are on XP with VS2010, it might need Clang Mod or some changes with code.
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