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  2. Stay on topic please guys. FWIW, I use Thorium (and maintain an interest in Supermium too) simply because I want a reasonably up-to-date browser that works on XP. I would never use either of them on Windows 10 as I can use current mainstream browsers there. As far as I'm concerned, the main advantage of using Thorium (apart from the fact that it works on XP!) is that it supports Google Sync. That replaces what I lost when I had to abandon Firefox on XP, where I used to sync with Firefox on Windows 10 and my Android phone. I can now sync Thorium and Supermium with Google Chrome on Windows 10, and this has sadly made me abandon Firefox as my default browser on my desktop after many many years. The one fly in the ointment is that Google Chrome on Android does not allow extensions, so I can't have an ad blocker there. That makes it unusable as far as I'm concerned, so I've had to stick with Firefox (with uBlock) on my phone. (I know there are a couple of Chrome browsers for Android which do allow extensions, but none of them support Google Sync.)
  3. Today
  4. And we have ZERO interest of reading spammy, off-topic posts like this, here at MSFN.
  5. What trends? I think there are no real trends. Many here are quite volatile, rather wavering. Spoken for me only, I will continue to observe the development of Thorium. It runs quite well on my old box except for media playback. But New Moon 28 remains my main browser there and finally again Mypal 68 in version 68.14.2b, which runs really well now. And on the subject of dying, personally, I am a genuine Windows XP die-hard fan. I'll probably always be one, come what may.
  6. Google only finds DIXEL's comment which starts Page 28. So should Dixel be banned? Or the profile that was clearly created by a BOT?
  7. SEO = Search Engine Optimization ? If so, no real server resources are stolen. Server-side has ways to dictate just what pages can or can not be searched by search engines. We should be able to test this quite easily - Google and Bing both can use "site:msfn.org" prefixes on searches. We can search for something on those profile pages and see if Google and Bing finds them.
  8. No clue what "SEO" is. It's also a "server resource" if the server has to implement "logic" or "AI" or "algorithms" or whatever they are called, to make automated decisions that decide if a visitor on the become-a-member page is a "real person" or not. Or you could force new members to jump through "prove you are human" hurdles or force unpaid admins to an all but "full time" job of manually sifting through and "approving" all new "memberships" before the new member is even elevated to "new member".
  9. In the opinion of some of my former colleagues.....not too long. MV2 extensions would be disabled anyway. As is the case for any dangerous extensions. Of course, this is all to be proven.
  10. I'm still at 114. But like everything else, "who knows how long that will last".
  11. Same here! But you and I <insert classifier here that would only upset the XP Crowd> are both on Win10. ie, we have ZERO use for not only Supermium or Thorium, but also, technically, NONE of the other "offerings" here at MSFN. "To each their own."
  12. But in the end, death is the only just thing in this world. Every corrupt scum will eventually succumb to it. I just got rid of both Supermium and Thorium on my system. How's that for resisting trends?
  13. I'll cancel the internet subscription before they get me to use Chrome 127. I've gotten rid of both Supermium and Thorium, still too many Google's fingerprints all over the place, think I'll just use Firefox as a backup until that browser is ruined completely too.
  14. The KexSetup_Release_1_1_1_1375.exe installer is not working, if the Temp folder is on FAT32 disk D:. If i set the Temp to be on the system drive C:\Temp, installer works correctly. I do not know if the problem is related to type of file system FAT23 vs NTFS, or disk drive letter D: vs C:. Another problem, is the link property settings on 64bit Windows 7. I can set the VxKex properties of an application desktop link on 32bit Windows 7. But in case of the 64bit system it says the EXE file path should start with drive letter, and will not let to save the properties. On the other hand it is possible to set everything in the VxKex global configuration application.
  15. It's Microsoft that's why. Disable windows defender, system restore and smartscreen, install primocache on your system, problem solved.
  16. MilkChan I noticed that you released an updated version of YumeYao's WMP11 addon at My Digital Life and you list some corrections of errors in the original version 3.4.5. Could you clarify some points for me so that these corrections can be incorporated into my addon? In the registry the build date of KB973540 is shown as 14/07/2009, while the build date shown in the properties of wmpdxm.dll is shown as 13/07/2009. Is this the build date error you were referring to? What is the missing security catalog. There were no errors shown in setuperr.log. What is the fix for ptbusb.inf required for Windows 2003 wpd.inf is not included with WMP9 or WMP11. Why was it supplied as a dummy INF file with only the header? wmp11.cat appears in OnePiece's AIO update pack and the YumeYao WMP11 addon. Is this the .cat file conflict you were referring to? Is the resolution to rename wmp11.inf? mpg4ds32.ax_ and msadds32.ax_ would have the effect of removing these decoders from the system. Is there a reason for this? What are the files essential to the system that were deleted in YumeYao's WMP11 addon? What was the KB973540 string not working properly? What was the issue in version 3.4.1 that prevented mp3 files from playing?
  17. Chrome 127 stable will be released on July 23. Before this date I would like to advise all MSFN members to check for MV2 extensions installed in their Chromium-based browsers. That they should (if they want to survive) shortly upgrade to MV3. It is possible to carry out this control by 2 methods,the simplest one shown in the image below: All your extensions installed with Inspect views identical to the red arrow will be MV2. Extensions showing Inspect views like the blue arrow will be MV3. Those who want to follow a more "complicated" method can see the above using: chrome://extensions-internals MSFN members who want to check extensions in Firefox (but obviously this is less important) can use the debug extensions: Extensions installed with the blocked background script highlighted by the blue arrows will be MV3. The others highlighted by the red arrow MV2:
  18. They've also paused the 24H2 rollout in release preview. There's a lot that's broken or off in 26100 right now, it'll stabilize soon because the new Copilot+PCs are shipping soon and will be running 26100 out of the box. MS has a lot riding on these.
  19. Is it possible to edit a PST file without using Outlook? If so, what are some reliable methods or tools to do this
  20. Profile pages are public. This is SEO back linking that steals server resources with zero intention of contributing or even participating in the forum.
  21. Yesterday
  22. Sorry, it's very late here, in Holland, I'll re-check tomorrow. Night,
  23. On Windows 11 24H2 builds(26120.751 & 26120.770) StartAllBack worked fine with the widgets button on the enhanced classic taskbar but on builds(26120.670 & 26100.712) it doesn't work https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2024/05/31/announcing-windows-11-insider-preview-build-26120-751-dev-channel/ Fixes for everyone in the Dev Channel [Widgets] Fixed the issue causing the WIN + W keyboard shortcut to not work correctly and open the Widgets board.
  24. It was fixed 2 months ago, why aren't you running latest version?
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