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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, Hoody Taylor. What a nice Vietnamese name! This whole forum is interesting. Tell us what you tend to use more, which OS, device.
  3. Check here ASAP! https://msfn.org/board/topic/185045-supermium/?do=findComment&comment=1267134
  4. Looks like what people wrote about viruses in Supermium/Thorium might be true. As soon as @66cats reported a Trojan in Supermium, the only official page with Supermium gone 404! https://msfn.org/board/topic/186133-thorium/?do=findComment&comment=1267118
  5. Four minutes is nothing! If we are to assume what they claim about "collecting, harvesting user data" is true. You need to accumulate some valuable info in your profile. Bank credentials (use fake ones).
  6. When you download a file, the browser with the parallel downloading feature enabled will divide the file into small packets and download those small packets simultaneously. Because of this, the download speed will increase. network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server The default value is (in my opinion) insufficient when compared to the downloading speed of a Chromium-based browser.
  7. Thanks, but no one here uses installers, esp. the user named @NotHereToPlayGames. I too can give a rats arse to those installers. Could you be so kind to test the actual files and post in Spuermium's topic? /Thanks/
  8. After accessin https://vk.com crashes palemoon 28 64bit browser. palemon.exe process is killed.
  9. Hello everyone My name is Hoody Taylor. I do not have technical skills and knowledge, so I take part in the forum to learn something new in this field. Where is the first step for me to begin with? Thank you
  10. Windows 11 has severe identity crisis. I don't mind non-tweaked Win10 as much, but Win11 is seriously annoying. The context menus, the crippled taskbar...
  11. My NVIDIA 6200 AGP grahics card seems to support H.264. Here is an official comparison table from NVIDIA: https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nvidia.de/docs/CP/11086/PureVideo_Product_Comparison.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj6rumapr-GAxVVxgIHHZtzAEgQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2zrsCZQLeFLmZ-PNCGP7Eu
  12. Today
  13. I've not seen any browser on XP able to do it. Probably the last time it worked was with Flash Player. Not sure your card even does H.264, the writeup on Wikipedia suggests model 6600 is the minimum and hints at only partial decoding of H.264, judging by the text about 2nd generation PureVideo HD. Maybe official specs can still be found somewhere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_PureVideo
  14. I did a test between uBlock Origin Lite vs uBlock Origin to see which of the two extensions makes the browser faster. I used the lists of filters I prefer in each extension. Considering that uBlock Origin works better in Firefox: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox I considered the filter list specific to CNAME-uncloaking. Effectively uBlock Origin Lite speeds up browser response compared to uBlock Origin. @K4sum1 I would like to recommend increasing the parallel downloading of the browser. I am trying 14.
  15. Thanks for the tip! I will have a look at this preference once again when I am back at my machine.
  16. Yesterday, I did further testing of the hardware acceleration in New Moon 28, Serpent 52, Mypal 68 and Thorium. This feature now works in all of them but video hardware acceleration seems to be a problem. YouTube videos run best in New Moon 28 and worst in Thorium under my modest hardware conditions. Although video hardware acceleration has been enabled and confirmed in Thorium's chrome://gpu-internals page, it is more of a joke. At least, on my weak hardware. It does not accelerate anything and CPU utilisation is nearly 100%, regardless of the resolution.
  17. Hmmmmm........ MV2 extensions were allowed to create background pages. These pages allow running JavaScript code and keep state like variables for the whole browser session. Migration to stateless or non-persistent background pages is needed for MV3. Not counting service workers. The operation of an MV2 extension differs from an MV3 extension. P.S. However, switching or modifying (I understand although in my opinion it will be unnecessary) extensions from MV2 to MV3 is not the purpose of this thread.
  18. Try resetting the "disabled" one. I suspect it will disappear. Edit: tried the linked NM build, it definitely should disappear.
  19. Mileage will vary. But I have had some MV2 extensions migrate to MV3 and have EASILY downgraded back to MV2 just by overwriting my local MV2 with files from the newer MV3 and keeping the MV2 manifest format. But you do have to have your MV2 archived locally. MV2 or MV3, I myself *never* install directly from the Chrome Web Store.
  20. Yes, of course. Both preferences do exist in my New Moon 28 installation and profiles. I also use the most recent but standard (for SSE2 and up) version https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240525-d849524bd-uxp-f8f3b3ee43-xpmod.7z
  21. The only question here is whether MSFN members are able to verify whether their extensions are already at MV3 or are always at MV2. Those who can verify it as I did,the better for them. The switch that will allow a disabled MV2 extension to be rehabilitated will be short-lived. If an MV3 extension is not chosen that will be offered as a replacement. Of course I personally do not care about all of the above.
  22. Pale Moon only has layers.acceleration.enabled AFAIK, which is a master switch for webpage compositing to use GPU and is also exposed as a checkbox in browser's settings. I assumed roytam1's version could be different, so I didn't say anything as his releases tend to deviate from upstream in random ways. Mozilla still uses layers.acceleration.disabled, so works the other way around, though newer versions have a bunch of related or not so related (depends on how you look at it) WebRender prefs, the traditional layers acceleration in considered legacy. The *prefer* prefs, these always made automatic selection of D3D9 on XP in UXP browsers in my experience, although I remember when I was messing with Mypal68 last time, you had to explicitly enable the D3D9 one. layers.acceleration.force can be used in addition to layers.acceleration.enabled to try force-enable it for unsupported configurations.
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