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HFSLIP - Test releases

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np tp! :) i seldom use ie8 anyways (but just for complete ms update's sake i have it slipstreamed too ... and when you pull it up, sooner or later it offers installation of silverlight) just wondering, would the trick by M2GD (as posted above) for his 2k work with xp? ... i always have firefox handy :) thanks!

btw, would a .7z file (in my case, XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.7z as output from running Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20091105 ... i've already asked strel in another thread & just waiting for confirmation if i had it right) be processed correctly if placed in HFSVCPACK folder? thanks again.

Posted (edited)

kiki - I'm sure m2gd's fix will work fine. If it works on 2k, then 99% of the time, it will work on xp. For your 2nd q, if the installer switches are known and you place it in the right svcpack folder, it should get processed. To be safe, use 8.3 file name format.

m2gd - i see that you put the 958470 in sw1. Can I ask you if you are slipstreaming wmp9? Or just the codecs?

Edited by tommyp
m2gd - i see that you put the 958470 in sw1. Can I ask you if you are slipstreaming wmp9? Or just the codecs?

I'm slipstreaming wmp9.

... just wondering, would the trick by M2GD (as posted above) for his 2k work with xp? ...

Kiki- "My fix", it's not my fix as I found it on another post, does work with XP.

Posted (edited)
btw, would a .7z file (in my case, XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.7z as output from running Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20091105 ... i've already asked strel in another thread & just waiting for confirmation if i had it right) be processed correctly if placed in HFSVCPACK folder? thanks again.
For your 2nd q, if the installer switches are known and you place it in the right svcpack folder, it should get processed. To be safe, use 8.3 file name format.
hi strel! just need to confirm if file generated after running the script is with .7z extention (in my case: XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.7z about 42.9mb) which i will run in HFSLIP via svc pack?
You are building an add-on for nLite-RVMI, for HFSLIP you need a switchless installer I think, you can extract it from the add-on.
seen this in _SNMsynth.ini:
; -------  SPECIAL
; -- T13ADDON=YES builds T-13 nLite/RVMI add-on(s) packing the .EXE installer(s) (HFSLIP compatible), so you can extract
; them later.

and from the 1st post in Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20091105 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86, it shows:

[*]Are compatible with HFSLIP when used switchless.


[*]You can use switches to modify the installers default installers/add-ons behavior at run. Don't use them with HFSLIP.

Switches can modify default behavior of nLite/RVMI add-ons also, through repackaging, removing the need to build 2 different add-on(s) sets to be able to run them with another behavior. To achieve this, extract entries_xxxx.ini file, and edit it adding the required switches following the .exe filename, and changing verbosity in the decription item; and then replace it in the package. Add-ons supports .cab .zip .7z and .rar formats.

hi strel! quick Q: wouldn't i need entries_XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.ini if i extract only XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe from the SVCPACK folder inside the compressed XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.7z to HFSVCPACK (of HFSLIP)? i'll ask the same in HFSLIP forum. thanks!
hi tp! just a little clarification (asked the same from strel (as may be seen above), would i still need entries_XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.ini if i extract only XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe from the SVCPACK folder inside the compressed XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.7z (end product of SNMSynth) to HFSVCPACK? correct me if i'm mistaken but my interpretation is i only need the extracted XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe? thanks! Edited by Kiki Burgh

Kiki - If the extracted exe file has one of the hfslip supported switches, then all you need is the exe. I would rename the exe file so it's not a long filename though.

Posted (edited)
For your 2nd q, if the installer switches are known and you place it in the right svcpack folder, it should get processed. To be safe, use 8.3 file name format.
Kiki - If the extracted exe file has one of the hfslip supported switches, then all you need is the exe. I would rename the exe file so it's not a long filename though.
got these in mind tp! :P thanks! Edited by Kiki Burgh
Posted (edited)
For your 2nd q, if the installer switches are known and you place it in the right svcpack folder, it should get processed. To be safe, use 8.3 file name format.
Kiki - If the extracted exe file has one of the hfslip supported switches, then all you need is the exe. I would rename the exe file so it's not a long filename though.
got these in mind tp! :P thanks!
hi tp! i'm glad to say that i've finally succeeded in creating my latest build though i still need to re-run it maybe a coupla times more for a few more adjustments to fully customize it (hehehe ... after being sidelined for quite sometime ... i'm getting the hang of it once again :D) just here to report 1 finding related to an earlier inquiry above --- despite renaming XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe to DNFAIO.exe, it still appears to be processed as is (XPDNF11SP120SP230SP235SP1.exe) & seems ok. pls see pic below (hehehe! that's my customized billboard over there :P)

many thanks to those who've been very supportive: tommyp, Kelsenellenelvian, Mim0, strel, ricktendo64, Sp0iLedBrAt, Shark007, dumpydooby, 0d14r3, stephan_bauer, Geej, My2GirlsDad, halfman, Mr_Smartepants, CODYQX4, fdv, etc.! :thumbup)


Edited by Kiki Burgh
  • 4 weeks later...

New beta is up for some miscellaneous changes/enhancements for XP.

If you are like me and do not want WMP11 but you need the codecs, here's what you do. Create a folder called WMP11. Inside it, place the wmfdist11.exe file (you gotta extract it from the WMP11 installer). There you go, WM11 codecs. So you can remove WMPlayer in its entirety and use a real media player.


I had to reorder a few things to make the script more friendly if using hfcleanup and slipstreaming drivers. Most people don't use hfcleanup. So the wm11 codecs is only a small part. If one wanted the WM11 codecs and not the WMP11 player then this version will do it. Previous versions were not capable of it. I do not believe that you can have WM9 and WM11 codecs at the same time though with this version (and I won't fix that either).

Personally I use hfcleanup, wm11 codecs, slipstreamed drivers/codecs and my resultant ISO is 160 meg. Without codecs and special things I slipstream, the ISO is about 130 meg. I was not able to do this with the latest "official" release.

To all - Please test and tune and try the various cab options. If I don't hear anything then I'll make it a new final.



I get a few file copy errors in txt mode for for example these files:


and some other .ps1xml and some other files although the corresponding packed files and entries in .inf are there, I guess the txt mode doesn't like the long extensions.

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