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Everything posted by tommyp

  1. BudwS - You nailed it. I had doubts about running linux and thought software would not work and I would not be productive. But I tried anyway and was extremely pleased. I opted for debian. The OS started as a commandline and added packages to make a desktop environment of my choice along with various programs I liked. I have equivalent programs that work with my important data files. Libreoffice isn't ms-office, but then again libreoffice doesn't have a ribbon that takes up half my working space. Linux means no phoning home either. What's nice with linux is that you can choose what type of software you want. Do you want stable applications? Bleeding edge applications? Well, I don't like crashes so I opt for stable which have programs that are a bit older. No big deal. Bleeding edge? Well, Win10 seems bleeding edge reading through the threads on this forum. Need a newer software? Run a few commands to compile it. Desktop environment? Pick your own and modify accordingly if you do not like the default settings. Using linux opened up a whole new world of possibilities, things I never dreamed of. And the kicker of it all? The not so computer literate wife prefers linux over windows.
  2. I've already upgraded to debian and am more than satisfied with the result.
  3. I thought the two taskbars were odd too, but right clicking it and deleting it fixed that nuisance (it worked on the different distributions I've tested). What's nice about linux is that you can configure your desktop the way you like.
  4. I've been using debian lately and love it! It can be set-up as lean or as fat as you like. Out of the box it does everything a daily workhorse should do. It took me a little bit of time to learn a new OS, but changing from winxp to win7 also took a bit of time. I've tested other distros too. The 'buntus were a bit bloated and the software seemed buggy. Mint had a great feel to it and was very polished but the software repositories also seemed to have buggy software. I have not found buggy software in the "stable" debian distro & repositories. Overall debian isn't hard to use. The wife uses debian like a champ and she is far from computer literate!! One thing I've learned about installing debian - I've had better luck using the unofficial netinstall wtih the firmware drivers. To each their own though.
  5. tomasz86 - Best of luck porting the slip. As a background, hfslip started as a w2k only project and expanded into xp. One thing I found particularly useful was the hfcleanup. Using hfcleanup, the source can be reduced pretty good thus providing an OS with very little overhead. It worked great for me back in the day. Regarding the wm codecs (and codecs in general), they were a pain. Too many versions and variations of wm codecs. Another oddity was that the slip discovered many msft hotfix errors thanks to the other-than english testers. Testing the slip out now should be much faster with today's machines. Again, best of luck.
  6. I don't remember which version of steady state I found. It was a year or two ago. I just remember that it just didn't work well, or work at all, or allow me to select a partition. Honestly I forgot. The free version of reboot restore worked as advertised and it did a great job at it too.
  7. I found an old version of steady state. It was a traditional half hearted attempt at making something decent. Rebootrestore is one of those freebee programs too, but unlike MSFT's steady state, I found it work very very well. I've tested it out on a few test boxes to see how it works. I was quite surprised how well the free version works. My standard PC setup is a partitioned drive with the "my documents", "cookies" and "favorites" folders located on a different partition. So whenever I reload an OS, I won't lose data. With reboot restore, I was able to select to write protect the C drive while letting me write to the D drive where my data files were. So all in all, nothing of importance was lost after a reboot. If there was a remote event where I had to change somethign on the OS, a right click on the systray icon let me allow the system changes to C. I didn't see a need to run virus scanners or other bloatware because the OS could not be contaminated. The only thing I saw was that there was an additional spash screen when the PC booted (not a big deal). I would entertain using reboot restore if I really had to stick with XP.
  8. If I remember right (it was a long time ago) some (or most) IE6 filenames were registerable (is that a word?) but the IE8 ones with the same filename were not. So if you just swapped the IE8 for the IE6, things never worked right. I don't recall if there was a setup error message or if IE just didn't work right. The only way Tomcat and I figured it was to replace the files after installation and make the necessary registry changes. That was the reason that portion of the script was made out and it worked pretty well for the past number of years. I suppose you could run a science project to see for yourself. XP was good in its day. Win7 is pretty bulletproof though. I only use hfslip to rebuild one xp box I have. I still visit here on occasion and still get a kick out of reading the windows update thread when the same information is on microsoft's site. I've created a new slip for win7 that does the same thing as hfslip, but has better features. It has an automatic hotfix downloader, it slipstreams, it reduces, it slips drivers, applies inf & reg tweaks, etc. It even reduces the "live" winsxs folder to reduce your OS footprint. I saved myself nearly a gig of diskspace after running that part of the new slip. All in all, it's still a big ole batch file but won't release it because of the same reason why I stopped supporting hfslip. I have only shared it with 3 other people that I've met on this forum.
  9. The reason is because during a vanilla installation, the xp setup routines run a regsvr command on the various IE dll's and other binaries. This is all fine and good with IE6. For some reason, MSFT decided that you cannot run a regsvr32 on IE7/IE8 binaries. This is why the script is set up the way it is. The xcopy command used in the script was set in place because the intent for hfslip was to use existing tools that are part of the OS, or in other words a lightweight utility that doesn't need a mess of other stuff for it work. If you're modifying the script, please do not remove support for the HF\WMP folder. I use this folder to slipstream newer WMP codecs but not WMP itself. Good luck.
  10. Nobody complained about makecab since the script was introduced in 2005. However, if the makecab.exe you have uses the same switches as the one that comes with the OS, then place it alongside the script cmd file and call it a day. I haven't tested it, and the script wasn't developed with it, so you could run into errors.
  11. I see said the blind man. I thought I was going to see trustedinstaller when I typed whoami. But all is fine. I can readily delete items from the wim's mounted registry now. In fact, it shaved 20 minutes from my script execution time! This is a great utility! Thanks!
  12. Man, I feel like such a stupid a**. I've tried every combination of commands, and I'm still not getting trustedinstaller. I do not get errors, I still see the same (or similar) "now setting privilege" on the cmd window where I type in the runassystem and/or runfromtoken commands. Can someone help the stupid a** (me) and post step by step on what to do? I had forgot to mention that I'm running admin rights on the machine and admin rights in the cmd box.
  13. Hope this info helps... First I opened a cmd prompt in the runassystem working directory. I typed in net start trustedinstaller and got this The Windows Modules Installer service is starting. The Windows Modules Installer service was started successfully. In that same cmd window, I typed in runassystem64 cmd and got this: Now setting privilege: SeDebugPrivilege Now setting privilege: SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege Now setting privilege: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege Running in session: 1 Host PID: 624 New process created successfully: 2336 A new cmd window pops up. Inside that new window I type in whoami and got this: nt authority\system Basically I was hoping to use this program to alter mounted wim images with a script I've generated. Mounted wim images seem to have trustedinstaller permissions set so when I'm reducing it (1000's of files and folders), the takeown and icacls seems to take so long. Running with trustedinstaller rights will vastly speed things up, but I just can't seem to get there. BTW, thanks for helping me out!
  14. Oh so close... I've test out the latest and tried deleting a few things from the mounted install.wim's registry. Is there a way I can get trustedinstaller rights?
  15. The test runassystemtoken version isn't the same as the runassystem. I can say that I did try the token program out, and quite honestly, I'm not too sure how to use that one for my specific need. In order to test out your program, I'd be more than happy to try out any commands you like, and I can plop the output here.
  16. The runassystem utility looks like it will save tons of time with a little win7 slipstream/reduction program I've been working on. I can't seem to get it to work right. My CMD prompt is always administrator and I'm in a CMD box in the working directory of the utility. I've run an example command on v1.0.0.2: runassystem_x64 regedit The resulting output is: Running in session: 1 Host PID: 872 CreateProcessAsUserW / CreateProcessWithTokenW: A required privilege is not held by the client. Am I supposed to be doing something different? FWIW, I'm running win7/x64.
  17. I've found too many probs of WMV files that just won't play with the old v8 codecs. There's better compatibility with v11 ones. Using If you use a 3rd party media player (i.e. wmp classic), then you can safely do as I suggested above. I've done it that way for years until I got out of xp. Just install it on a vm and try out a few WMV files on that VM too. There is a fine balancing act of WM codecs on XP, it took me a long time to get them just right.
  18. Wow, it's been a while since I replied here. I normally rip WMP out entirely using hfcleanup, but I slipstream the WM11 codecs. This process is kind of odd, and I threw myself a few easter eggs when I wrote the program (along with tomcat). I do not recall this being documented, but here it goes anyway. Download the WMP11 installer and extract it to a temp folder. Next, create a HF\WMP11 folder. Inside that folder, place umdf.exe and wmfdist11.exe that you just extracted from the WMP11 installer. Hotfixes you'd need would be WMP11 ones, do not use any other WindowsMedia versions. Good luck. Your results may vary. Test it in a VM to be sure.
  19. I hate to hijack, but the posts in this thread is something I'm trying to figure out. I haven't the foggiest about VBS scripts. Can someone code me a vbs that creates a semicolon delimited txt file that lists installed and not installed KB#'s and the ProductID#'s (the one that looks like a GUID). Wish list... if there is a way to get superseded updates, maybe add another semicolon with the word superseded on the same line? Wish list part 2.... it would be cool if there's also a semicolon delimited direct download link to the msu file too. Here's an example of the desired output. 2667402;bfe5b177-a086-47a0-b102-097e4fa1f807 TIA!
  20. Fixed names can't be too bad, that line in the script has been there for years! Blame MSFT for force feeding you a new binary & blame MSFT for changing their INF structure after all these years. If WU just wants that file registered, just put it into hfexpert\codecs and call it a day.
  21. I ran into a problem generating a reducer for SQM. I use the -k sqm to generate the xml. The prob is that there are some entries in HKLM\microsoft\windows\currentversion\setup\sysprep\cleanup and \generalize and \specialize of the registry. It seems that these entries are created by the sysprepinformation of the setup manifest xml. Can you explain how to use the new -b option of create so I can delete these entries? Thanks!
  22. justibus - I'm having some probs using a search string of "smartcard". A log file gets created, but the program seems to exit normally without producing an xml file. Previous versions of create seemed to work fine w/that search string, the versions dated dec-4-2011 and dec-6-2011 do not work.
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