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About My2GirlsDad

  • Birthday 11/04/1956

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. I'm happy to report that I was able to use the System Restore operation successfully with Oracle VirtualBox 6.0.4
  2. Thank you for the new version MimO! The update function doesn't work because your old website is used in your script. Just thought you'd like to know. M2GD
  3. For all who are interested again: Comodo issued their new version 6.1.276867.2813 today. From their website: Version 6.1.276867.2813 28 April / 2013 Fixes Firewall slows down internet connection under some conditions Memory leak when firewall blocks the packets Antivirus does not detect some packed samples Windows XP boots very slowly Blank message boxes appear during program updates I just installed it on XP SP3 system and it booted right up as normal. M2GD
  4. Would you please quote the info about the issue here? TIA. For dencorso and others who are interested, this is from Comodo Forum, "From what I see on the forum you are not alone who face this type of behavior. Best wait the next update that will be out next week. Again is a small update that will fix the network issue, but who knows, you should try it. If you experience the same issue, return to 6.0." "I too observed the same problem on 3 XP machines. None of them have any other Secuirty or Virtualisation suites installed. Uninstallers/registry cleaners did not help. Besides, reverting back to 6.0.2708 completely eliminates the problem. For now, I suggest to all those who are facing this problem to uninstall CIS6.1, install 6.0 and disable "automatic program updates", wait for a fixed build..." M2GD
  5. Right you are jaclaz! The latest version of CIS v6.1 has an issue with XP. See the post at the Comodo Forum here. Their recommendation is to reinstall v6.0 in XP. Hope this helps. M2GD
  6. Thanks for the update MimO!!!!!
  7. tomasaz, I been trying to test your new versions of UURollups. I continue to have an issue with v10 when slipstreaming with HFSLIP. The issue is with WMP9 and the error below. I only have the following in HF nothing in the other folders (HFCABS, HFSVCPACK, HFSVCPACK_SW1, and HFSVCPACK_SW2): MPSetup.exe w2ksp51.exe Windows2000-UpdateRollup2-x86-ENU.exe Windows2000-UURollup-v10e-d20130312-x86-ENU.exe I can hit ok and setup finishes and WMP9 is installed. I run unattended installs so would like it error free. I have no issues with v11 as that installs fine. It only happens with v10. Any thoughts? Appreciate your help. M2GD
  8. If you still need to see log file for .net I have one I can send you. I just tested your newest versions of .net framework and UURollup-v11 with no issues and everything is in English. Thank you. A final question. What is the difference between your hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v10_modified_by_tomasz86 and Mimo's hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v11? Which one is the correct one to use? As always I appreciate all the help you give me. M2GD
  9. I'm sorry tomasz86 I missed that one. Going to get it right now. Thanks as always. M2GD
  10. Hi tomasz86, Thanks for the updated HFSLIP package as I had some old updates that needed new versions and some that needed to be deleted. I just installed it with no apparent issues. I was wondering if you had any plans to update your .net package with the newest updates from January or have you shelved that for now? If so, I totally understand, I'm just inquiring. As always I appreciate all the work you put into this project. Regards, M2GD
  11. Thanks, tomasz, I just slipstreamed it with no issues. Appreciate all the time and work you put into this. M2GD
  12. tomasz, Thanks for the new version of the UURollup and all your determination to make it work correctly. I was able to slipstream it without incident. I ran the .NET Framework installer and it passed the Net Verify tool also. Is it possible to slipstream it or do we need to wait until SP5.2? My2GirlsDad
  13. Same with Vista !!!!!
  14. Which folder is the daily versions of UURollup go into when slipstreaming with HFSLIP now that it's a 7z file? Does it still go in HF? My2GirlsDad
  15. But it still shows under A guide to a fully updated Windows 2000 Complete method (easy) section on your website(which by the way looks great!!!!). It is also included in the HFDownloader.txt (URL list). So should it be included or not? Just wondering.. M2GD
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