Would you please quote the info about the issue here? TIA. For dencorso and others who are interested, this is from Comodo Forum, "From what I see on the forum you are not alone who face this type of behavior. Best wait the next update that will be out next week. Again is a small update that will fix the network issue, but who knows, you should try it. If you experience the same issue, return to 6.0." "I too observed the same problem on 3 XP machines. None of them have any other Secuirty or Virtualisation suites installed. Uninstallers/registry cleaners did not help. Besides, reverting back to 6.0.2708 completely eliminates the problem. For now, I suggest to all those who are facing this problem to uninstall CIS6.1, install 6.0 and disable "automatic program updates", wait for a fixed build..." M2GD