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What Your Looking Forward To Playing This Year

Matty No.1

What do you want to play most this year ?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to play most this year ?

    • Doom 3
    • Dues ex 2
    • Enter the Matrix
    • Star wars Galaxies
    • Black and White 2
    • Homeworld 2
    • Eve Online
    • Halflife 2

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Thanks for the welcome MSNwar.

It's my first Photoshop sig, I had A LOT of help though. I love it. :)

Ravenshield has really sweet graphics, but as a result you need to have a really good system to run it, and FPS still drops greatly during firefights.

Ahh well..I rave about Ravenshield because it's my first game and I have nothing else to compare it to.

<-- Gaming noobie :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
Anyone know the any release times for HL2 or Doom 3?

HL2 is still on schedule for Sept. 30th (despite the rumors of a delay), and Doom III will come out early next year (Yeah right...it was supposed to be out by Christmas 2002 :/ )

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