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What Your Looking Forward To Playing This Year

Matty No.1

What do you want to play most this year ?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to play most this year ?

    • Doom 3
    • Dues ex 2
    • Enter the Matrix
    • Star wars Galaxies
    • Black and White 2
    • Homeworld 2
    • Eve Online
    • Halflife 2

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I have been beta testing for EvE..its a very fun and interesting game, quite complex...but im enjoying it quite alot!

I am also looing foward to Doom3, the alphas i have placyed are amazing, and if thats any idication of what the full version is going to be like, its going to be a winner for sure....

A tie between the 2.



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