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What Your Looking Forward To Playing This Year

Matty No.1

What do you want to play most this year ?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to play most this year ?

    • Doom 3
    • Dues ex 2
    • Enter the Matrix
    • Star wars Galaxies
    • Black and White 2
    • Homeworld 2
    • Eve Online
    • Halflife 2

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Hmm... After watching the HL2-trailers (and I must confess: I'm impressed), I realised that it is going to occupy me a lot in the future...

Then again, Doom3 IS doom, slaughter and brutality... That's great too...

It must be an even between two at current state.. Because I haven't seen anything from the other games...

Anyway.. I'm planning to build a supply hangar outside my window, just to be prepared for the possession of "The Matrix Online!"

next year... next year.. next year.. NEXT YEAR!! AAARGH


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I'm looking forward to playing Hockey!

Its a game...Right? :rolleyes:


(Real meaning of this post: Post #2000! :D )

MSFN Members:  Wow, gamehead, your posts are just a waste of space on this board! :)

gamehead200:  I know! :D

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didnt someone say its only compatilble with DirectX9 Cards only?


Not true, it will work with older cards as well.

It didnt work on my PC because my latest nVidia drivers have blocked the playing of the alpha leak. Last version to work with the leak is 41.09.

For a look at Doom3 actually playing download this movie I previously uploaded (6mb)


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