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About Carmon

  • Birthday 12/28/1985

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  • OS
    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Happy birthday, xper! hope you have a good one
  2. nice great find perfect for what i need
  3. lmao.. well beat Windows ME suppose
  4. I think so yeah not 100% sure though
  5. Not all Emo's Slit there wrist everyone asumes they do typical sterotyping, also wheres 888 Casino thats another worest one that or that smiles one
  6. I downloaded it the other day looks a good game the only think is i can play it on medium setting ( where my PC should! ) so i have to set all on low and looks like somthing out of Half life 1 meh
  7. Hey all Wondering if you can help me , Just Recently Started Uni and Ive got the internet in my Hall but the problem is that its a Novell Network, I can get Windows Messenger to work but some reason i cant get Windows Live Messenger to work, kinda does my head so wondering if anyone can help me to get it to work. Cheers in advance CaRm0n
  8. wouldnt agree with number one but i agree with undeadsoldier wheres Piczo? that site is rubbish
  9. wasnt really much of a Fan of Nod32 i really liked Kaspersky detection was perfect at the moment am trying out Avast like the Boot Scanner but i think thats all i like about it to be honest
  10. Id have to say that perfect disk far the best ive ever used. reccomend it to anyone
  11. i've been playing this games for a while now and i still love it i love the effect and maddness of the tracks
  12. Hey guys anyways i tried logging in my msn today and give the error message... which userally means there service is down or they .dll isnt registered which i tried both but failed to connect but read up that if try different msn addy it will work so i tired out of curiosity i tried it with my old hotmail account and it worked first time no porblems but soon as i tired my current account it fails to connect its really bugging me but i can access hotmail and other stuff with my addy but i cant access msn but only difference i think it could be is the fact that my old account is a @hotmail.com and my current one is @hotmail.co.uk i dunno if that triggers any answers but am lost for them cheers PROBLEM FIX!!!! MSN @ FAULT PROBLEM FIX!!!! MSN @ FAULT
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