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I mention it because by mistake I run a direct shortcut I had made -like I do with all my browsers, to compare performance vis-a-vis my tweaked launchers-. I was surprised it was creating the profile in RAM, as I had instructed it to do with my customized launcher. It shouldn't have. I used whatchanged 1.07 to see changes in my c drive when launching directly again, and I could see the creation of a HKEY_USERS\S-YOURUSERNUMBER\Software\Supermium item, but nothing physical in C. I checked in my RAM drive, and it was there. I delete both the folder in RAM and the registry entry, and launched again. Both the profile in RAM and the registry entry were recreated. So, the settings to do that (including the RAM folder location) are saved somewhere else. Seeing that, I decided to copy my saved extensions/localstate+ settings in the RAM folder, delete the registry item, and launch directly again. I report in the next post what happens: I expect supermium to use the settings in the profile folder. More in a few seconds.

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5 hours ago, dmiranda said:

With your evidently superb hardware, 125 shouldn't be an issue. In fact: why vista (and then its business version) when you could be on windows 11, I wonder.

Who told you that? My pile of garbage hardware is described at "about me" section.

Take my Intel Xeon x3470 (2009), for example. It's a 15 years piece of old junk, but Supermium runs fine on it, even with GPU-pocess totally disabled.


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5 hours ago, dmiranda said:

 In fact: why vista (and then its business version) when you could be on windows 11, I wonder.

Why Vista? I simply like Vista, Why Business? It came preinstalled with my PC. Yes, in France we trouble ourselves with legit Windows versions, probably you didn't know that fact,

Officially, I couldn't - my CPU is in Windows 11 blocklist for being 15 years old. But then again, if I ever upgrade, I'll use the official Ungoogled, not Supermium, there will be no need for it then.

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3 hours ago, dmiranda said:

I mention it because by mistake I run a direct shortcut I had made -like I do with all my browsers, to compare performance vis-a-vis my tweaked launchers-. I was surprised it was creating the profile in RAM, as I had instructed it to do with my customized launcher. It shouldn't have. I used whatchanged 1.07 to see changes in my c drive when launching directly again, and I could see the creation of a HKEY_USERS\S-YOURUSERNUMBER\Software\Supermium item, but nothing physical in C. I checked in my RAM drive, and it was there. I delete both the folder in RAM and the registry entry, and launched again. Both the profile in RAM and the registry entry were recreated. So, the settings to do that (including the RAM folder location) are saved somewhere else. Seeing that, I decided to copy my saved extensions/localstate+ settings in the RAM folder, delete the registry item, and launch directly again. I report in the next post what happens: I expect supermium to use the settings in the profile folder. More in a few seconds.

Chromium browsers simply changed the user folder path somewhere around 90s versions, the launcher needs to be updated to reflect that change.

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Well, it took more than a few secs. As I said in a previous post, supermium leaves chrome processes opened after closing. So that is why the supermium folder was on my RAM profiles folder, locked as being used (which it was). Running from default, supemium creates, in my set up, user data in the temp folder (which I also run from RAM). Running from there (and with my firewall allowing all connections) I could run YT and GM quite well, actually, obviously with no privacy, in the manner D Draker mentions ungoogled would not allow. I don't like that behavior, actually, but again, provided you don't care to share your info with GG and whoever else is looking over GG logs, it may give you access to stuff other browsers couldn't (including supermium prevented from exercising normal chrome spyware functions). It is not problematic for me because I run temp from RAM (so it's gone with all settings at restart). What bothers me is the info stored at HKEY_USERS\S-YOURUSERNUMBER\Software\Supermium, which looks too much like a set  of uids. Articfoxie dealt with that in 360chrome with a tailored set of reg entries. I wonder if that can be replicated in this case. 


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2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

But then again, if I ever upgrade, I'll use the official Ungoogled, not Supermium, there will be no need for it then.


Agreed!  Though I myself don't go quite that far.  Official Ungoogled v114 is currently my preferred Win10 Browser (but 360Chrome remains my DEFAULT even on Win10!).

I'm no longer on XP.  In fact, I "now" hear the XP Crowd differently than I did when I "was" on XP.  My XPS 8700 was released in 2013 but I still have and use much older hardware.

But even the older hardware is now running a tweaked and optimized version of Win10.  A legal version, but Microsoft themselves at times will "distance themselves" from the term "legal" when it comes to apps like nLite, as only one example.

I "now" see myself as holding myself back when it came to my XP Adherence Era.  But "to each their own".

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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5 hours ago, dmiranda said:

I never cared to check your profile. But the way you talk about your hardware (and, specially, about other people's hardware) makes it sound like you are running top notch stuff. More or less the same as with your English: the way you talk about how other people express themselves may make the uninformed think you studied at Harvard, at least the Sorbonne (which for those who know, you obviously didn't). It seems the same is true ref your hardware. I was just making sure.

But you check mine. Oh, that "famous" fixation on higher education ... what about my education?

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I'm no longer on XP.  In fact, I "now" hear the XP Crowd differently than I did when I "was" on XP.  My XPS 8700 was released in 2013 but I still have and use much older hardware.

But even the older hardware is now running a tweaked and optimized version of Win10. 

You lost me, so you do or don't use Supermium?

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5 hours ago, D.Draker said:

Why Vista? I simply like Vista, Why Business? It came preinstalled with my PC. Yes, in France we trouble ourselves with legit Windows versions, probably you didn't know that fact,

Officially, I couldn't - my CPU is in Windows 11 blocklist for being 15 years old. But then again, if I ever upgrade, I'll use the official Ungoogled, not Supermium, there will be no need for it then.

I personally use WinXP because I love it and W7 sucks and my modern hardware is literally getting dust because it has no drivers support for XP 

I will just ignore the other stupid argument about --WHY NOT USE W11-- :thumbdown


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On 1/30/2024 at 7:05 PM, Dixel said:

Everyone, don't worry! @win32will fix the leak! I trust it will happen, I already wrote a new launcher for Supermium. 

I have recently hunted the win32 ghost :rolleyes:


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2 hours ago, Dixel said:

But you check mine. Oh, that "famous" fixation on higher education ... what about my education?

I don't think so, but if you feel I do (or want to) check yours, and it makes you feel good, be my guest ;p

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On 11/15/2023 at 6:06 PM, seven4ever said:

But still lack of Widevine, no progress above 360 Browsers.

Actually, with version 125 121 (typo), when I run it unconstrained, it does get widewine. I haven't tried it yet, but the folder structure and the dll are there.

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