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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, UCyborg said:

What seems to work best here - go fullscreen, match the video resolution with screen's resolution, keep the mouse off the video / don't move it, rendering controls slows things down. First 20 dropped frames were from rendering controls at the beginning before they disappeared.

I never noticed that we have to be in full screen to have no dropped frames... usually I am not in full screen. I need to test this.

Edited by msfntor


Interesting.  I'm always at full screen.

I once read a post somewhere long LONG ago that NOT being full screen makes you stand out like a sore thumb as far as being "fingerprinted".

The theory being that if you run full screen at a resolution used by BILLIONS of computer users, then you "blend in" with the BILLION.

I don't know if that is technically true or not.  But with a computer with 3 monitors here at work and 5 monitors at home, I really NEVER have a need to NOT be full screen.

But as I write this, I may be mixing "full screen" with "maximized".  :dubbio:

Posted (edited)
On 2/3/2023 at 10:59 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

:buehehe:  :buehehe:   :buehehe:

On 2/3/2023 at 11:15 PM, mina7601 said:

I exploded out of laughter after reading this thrice.

I didn't find it funny, but glad I made you laugh.

On 2/4/2023 at 2:08 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Couldn't find the .css to change the font.

There's no CSS, it's set in the script through the call to the PIXI library. fps-compare-html5.html, line 170.


2 hours ago, msfntor said:

I never noticed that we have to be in full screen to have no dropped frames...

The idea behind is that resizing frames is costly, though on the other hand, larger resolution results in having to decode larger frames. YMMV.

Edited by UCyborg
1 hour ago, UCyborg said:
4 hours ago, msfntor said:

I never noticed that we have to be in full screen to have no dropped frames...

The idea behind is that resizing frames is costly, though on the other hand, larger resolution results in having to decode larger frames. YMMV.

I've tested video in full screen, no difference in dropping frames... another "bad" example (350 dropped frames of 2000, then 900 of 11000): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qOde79QUho  - 30 fps video, UFOs everywhere so... but I love soul music.

Posted (edited)
On 2/5/2023 at 10:42 AM, UCyborg said:

Add this to 360chrome.exe launch parameters:

--user-data-dir="%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\360Chrome\Chrome\User Data"

Though I prefer to add LOCALAPPDATA to user environment variables (only needed on XP which doesn't support it natively: My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables) and set it to: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data

Then I can use --user-data-dir like so:

--user-data-dir="%LOCALAPPDATA%\360Chrome\Chrome\User Data"

So the Target field in shortcut's properties pointing to 360chrome.exe would look something like:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\360Chrome\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="%LOCALAPPDATA%\360Chrome\Chrome\User Data"

The shortcut may be placed on the public desktop / start menu->programs folder, then everyone will have it that way by default, presuming they use the shortcut.

I will give it a try. thanks.

Since I do not have a default account on here, I just did the following.


changed --user-data-dir to..

"%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\360Chrome\User Data"


Edited by verta
  • NotHereToPlayGames changed the title to ArcticFoxie/NotHereToPlayGames -- 360Chrome v13.5.2022 rebuild 3

If you remember I asked about Why 360 chrome  on taskbar I was getting a blank white square I finally figure it out purely by accident now i gave the proper icon

it was in users appdata roaming pinned there it was a blank sq delted it and put in the icon not its fine


I believe Win10 calls those "Jump Lists" and they are managed by Win10's "mui / jump lists" registry keys.  By deleting the white scare icon, I suspect you have also deleted the Win10 registry keys that "track" the mui / jump lists.

At any rate, that's managed by Win10.


That's because a Win10 "Jump List" is like a programs "Recent File" list.  Clearing those lists do not send them to the Recycle Bin because they are all stored in the Windows Registry.

A deleted registry key is not sent to the Recycle Bin just like clearing a program's recent file list is not sent to the Recycle Bin.

  • 1 month later...

I don't recall what the problem was with LNER.

For GWR, the problem is script-related.

My default config has the page "almost" working but 15 of 17 inline scripts are blocked.

Enabling all 15 of the blocked scripts results in a page error.

I suspect that the fix is relatively easy but it will likely either require Proxomitron to filter the incoming javascript before the web browser renders it OR maybe just blocking one or two or so of those 15 inline scripts via uMatrix/uBlock.


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